Part 25
"Ah-ha I found you!" I turned an saw Ray standing behind me.
"Where the hell have you been!... and why are you surrounded in balls of paper?" he asked
I was tired and not up for his questions so dodged them, "there something called knocking, maybe do that next time instead of walking into my room and giving me a heart attack."
I turned around and looked at him, his eyebrows lifting questionably at all the paper on the ground. When he looked closer at my face and he saw the tiredness that I was hiding.
"What's wrong?" he asks softly
I shake my head and plastered a fake smile on my face, "nothing just ya know...sitting around balls of paper cause I want to."
He looked at me unconvinced but didn't push on.he took a seat on my neat bed and picked up a piece of crumpled paper and opened it.
"Why are throwing away so much of your drawings?" he asked as he opens another piece of paper.
"I don't like the designs," I replied
"Do you have the outfits done for the music video and photoshoot? You know it's in two weeks right," he said still opening up the crumpled paper on the ground.
"," I mumbled tiredly as my eyes start to droop.
"Pardon?" he asks finally looking up at me.
With all the strength i have left I let the truth out, "I don't have the designs....they are all gone..missing and I told Nisha that I have most of it done."
"Well...shit," I mumbled as a page fell out of Yoona's book.
I picked it up and looked at it, it was a drawing of me in an outfit. The drawing was good but that's not what caught my attention, what caught my attention was how she detailed my face really well.
It wasn't like the photo's of the others in her book, this drawing had the littlest detail that one would find hard to catch. Her drawing of me was almost perfect but it wasn't finished since half of my face isn't finished yet.
I was so busy admiring the photo's not noticing that Yoongi walked into the room.
"Whatcha holding there Chim?" he asked as he looked at the book in my hands.
It was too late to hide the book and the drawing, so instead, I replied in full truth, "it's Yoona's design book, all her drawings of our outfits, makeup, photo positions, everything in detail is in this book for our photo shoot and music video."
There was an awkward moment of silence afterward before Yoongi spoke up again, "why do you have her book?"
"I don't know hyung, that's what I've been asking myself."
"You should give it back Jimin, she needs it."
"What do you mean hyung?" I asked innocently
"I was talking to Taehyung and he said that Yoona has been really upset about losing her sketchbook. He also said that she needs the book in order to get the outfits done and ready before the music video and photo shoot." Yoongi said sternly
I looked at the book in my hands, "I'll give it back.... But piece by piece."
"But why?" Yoongi asked
"Because hyung.... I haven't had my fun in teasing in a long time."
"Stop laughing at my drawings! You know I can't draw and this has to be the best that I've ever done in my life," I said pouting
The girl in front of me continues to laugh her heart out, "T-Tae...what i-is t-this?" Yoona asks as she tries to stop laughing but she fails miserably.
"You said to draw an outfit I would wear and I'm serious this is something I would wear!" I explained why I drew what I drew.
"I didn't ask you why you drew it Taehyung, I asked what did you draw." Yoona states as she sobbers herself.
I looked at my drawing and looked at her, "it's a Gucci shirt with Gucci pants and Gucci shoes and Gucc-"
"Ok Taehyung I get it, the whole outfit is Gucci but...all you did was draw a stick figure with blocks as pants, a square as a shirt and those things on your feet ain't shoes. honey boo," she said pointing the mistakes on my drawing.
"Ok, whatever Mrs.perfect, let's see what you've made."
She turns her paper to show me her drawing, "Omo! That's amazing! Your drawing is way better than Junkookie's!"
As soon as I speak his name the devil walks into the room, "Whose better at me at what?"
I look up to see Jungkook standing near the door of the studio showing off his toned body. If I was gay I would definitely hit on Jungkook but, I'm not. Jin doesn't tolerate Jungkook walking in anywhere without a shirt on, he wants to keep Kook as a pure child but I already know that Kookie is far from that, way too far.
"Get a damn shirt on Jungkook! There is a girl here!" I yelled at him while blocking Yoona's view of Jungkooks abs.
"Oh! I'm sorry noona, I didn't know you were in here with someone." Jungkook stated
"Go put a shirt on before I tell Jin." I glared at Jungkook.
"Okay... okay, I'm going now. I'll be back in a minute." he said and walked out of the room.
I turned and looked down at Yoona who was trying to hold her laugh in. she burst out laughing and I smiled at her cute laughter.
She stands up and looks up at me and burst out laughing again.
"What's so funny?" I asked not getting why she is laughing so hard.
"You are so a daddy and you definitely are sooooo gay for Jungkook!" she laughed even harder.
"W-what? I am so not gay for Kook's!" I said but my face turned red from her calling me daddy.
She laughs, even more, I think she misunderstands the blush for me being gay for Jungkook. I'm blushing because she called me daddy and that somehow kinda turned me on a little.
"See your blushing! You are so gay for Kook's!" she jumped around happily as if she found a million dollars.
I didn't know how to stop her from thinking that I'm gay but apparently my body did. Without thinking my ars went out and grabbed her waist.
Shit..shit...what are you doing Tarhyung!
She looks up at me questioningly, "baby does this daddy in front of you look gay to you?"
She turned red and the next thing that happens was so unexpected.....
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