Untold Truth
-Levy's POV-
I was walking to the park with my best friend and her daughter. Well not only her. The knuckle head Gageel also came with Natsu.
They were walking right next us all protective. Giving glares to any guys that smile or say hi to us. Like seriously, they can't even look or stare at us without receiving some type of bad judgement.
I was so happy to have my best friend back and I enjoyed welcoming her new daughter. She is too kawaii!!
"Mommy! Daddy! can we get ice cream?!" asked little Nashi to Lu-chan and Natsu.
"Of course sweety. Come on. Gageel you should get your girl ice cream too." Responded Natsu.
"Do you want I've cream?" asked Gageel. I just nodded.
He nodded and left with Nashi and Natsu.
"Finally I get to talk to you Lu-chan like we used to."
"Except for the fact that your little body now holds a new life."
"Oh look Lu-chan is getting poetic. Save it for your book Lu-chan."
We both shared a laugh that was just great. I hadn't laughed with her like this in a long time.
We were talking, when we saw the guys and Nashi heading the way in which we were.
I was waving at them. I then felt an excruciating pain. Oh shit. The baby.
I looked up to see a very concerned Lu-chan.
"Levy what's wrong?!" she half yelled, half said.
I really couldn't make anything out. "The baby." I said softy with all the strength I had left. Being the dragon slayer she is, she heard.
"Natsu! Gageel! we have to get her to the hospital. I think the baby is coming early!" that guys were already next to me. I was lifted by my boyfriend and then he started running.
-unknown POV-
I arrived at Magnolia. It was actually a really beautiful town. I was using a lacrima to track down the girl that looked like Tzoalli.
I then saw her. She was with the blond from when I first saw her. She looks just like Tzoalli. I then saw her grab her stomach in pain and looked like she was experiencing a terrible feeling.
I saw her mouth something. The blond looked like she was about to have a panic attack.
"Natsu! Gageel! we have to get her to the hospital. I think the baby is coming early!" The blond yelled.
A tall man. No. The tall man from the lacrima vision picked the blunette up and ran off. Shortly the blond and two pinkettes ran after them. Being my curious self, I followed them.
I thought they would take her to a hospital, but no. They took her to...
'Fairy tail'?
What the hell. My baby girl is a bout to give birth!! wait I'm not even sure it's her. Still she looks like her.
I watched as they took her in. Screams were then heard. I claimed up to the window that I heard the screams from. I saw the blond receiving the child with a red head and another bluenette.
The bluenette looked like she was in pain.
I then saw the scar my Tzoalli got when she was five on her thigh. This is Tzoalli!! I started to tear up. This is unbelievable.
After several hours of pain, Tzoalli finally calmed down and was holing a little girl. The blond then came in holding a baby boy?
That is it. I am going to face my daughter. I climbed down and headed towards the front. This is it. Finally Tzoalli. You will once again be with me.
-Lucy's POV-
This is beautiful. We all thought that she was only having a girl. This is the miracles and mysteries of life.
Levy seemed happy. She was holding both children. The boy in her left arm and the girl in her right arm.
Gageel was sitting next to her. He seemed happy. Wow this is unexpected from a hard core metal dragon slayer.
I was staring at the new family when I felt a strong presence. I excused myself from them and headed down. Everything seemed normal.
"What's wrong Luce?"
"Natsu. I know you felt that too. Right?"
"Yeah. Lets check outside."
Me and Natsu headed out. We went out and saw nothing strange.
Then saw a man in front of us. Wow he literally just appeared and asked for Tzoalli. Tzoalli?
Natsu seemed to have panicked. He held my hand and said to give us a minute while we check inside.
He dragged me inside to the masters office. He didn't even knock. We just entered. In the masters office there were: the master, Laxus, and MiraJane.
He came in shouting. "Tzoalli's father found her and he is here."
They all stood there wide eyed.
"Wait. I don't know what your talking about. Who's Tzoalli?"
The master spoked up. "Levy's real name is Tzoalli. When she was nine she landed here in fairy tail. Literally she was on the roof when Laxus and Mira found her. They brought her down and asked her what her name was. She said she didn't remember so I named her levy. She liked the name so she went along with it. Soon I found missing posters looking for a girl named 'Tzoalli'. The picture was Levy's. I was kind of selfish then because she looked happy here. So I didn't turn her in. Now that her father is here she will have to learn the truth. I just hope she doesn't hate me." Master finished.
"I will tell her for you guys if you want. I am her best friend anyways." I said.
They all seemed to calm down more.
"Yes thank you, my child." Said master.
"Ok I'll be right back."
I let go of Natsu's hand and headed towards the infirmary. When I was about to open the door Wendy opened it worried.
"What's wrong Wendy?"
"It's levy. She's going to die if we don't do anything. Her body wasn't really meant to hold two babies."
Oh crap. I ran to Levy's bed while Wendy went to tell the others. Then I saw the man from outside come in.
"Step aside. I will save my daughter." Said the man.
He started chanting something.
Lots of the guild members started coming in. Gageel was holding the babies in the corner, crying.
The man was still chanting and after he finished, a big chain appeared over levy. It then showed that it shattered. Levy began to glow a purplish color and then a gray. After everything dimmed down, she woke up. She looked up confused.
"Lu-chan. What happened? oh wait hey dad. What are you doing here?"
Everyone was shocked.
"Tzoalli!!" he yelled and hugged his daughter.
She then broke the hug, still confused.
"Um Lu-chan?"
"Yes Levy."
"It's Tzoalli, silly, who are all these people? I only remember my dad, Master Makrov, you and Gageel. Well not to mention my twins."
"Lev.. I mean Tzoalli. You really don't remember anyone else?"
"No. Why? should I? All I remember is you guys and that I am the poison Metal Phoenix magic holder."
We were all shocked.
Can this day get any worse.
An explosion was then heard. Down in the first floor.
Great. Just great. Spoke too soon.
How was that for a chapter my lovelies? don't be shy. Comment your opinions. Still seeking new characters by the way. This chapter is dedicated to @LevysTwinForLife.
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