-Lucy's POV-
After the explosion was heard downstairs, everyone ran down. I was one of the last people to get down there.
All the guild members were blocking my way so I had to shove them aside.
There standing were four unfamiliar faces and one familiar one.
"What the hell are you doing here Sting!?" I heard someone yell. I turned to see Rouge. He looked pretty mad.
"Is that anyway to welcome your brother to this pathetic guild?" Sting said. Arms crossed and walking closer.
He was scanning the room looking for something. Better said, Someone.
The four people behind him were also scanning.
Among them were two guys an two girls.
They all were wearing the same thing. Jeans with black combat boots. A shirt that said something but I didn't understand it, and a leather jacket. The only way you could tell them apart is by their hair.
One of the girls had red hair, Not as bright as Erza's though, in a high pony tail. The other girl had light purple hair. It was really wavy. She had it in a messy bun.
The guys had there hair spiked up. The only difference was that one had dirty blond hair and the other had jet black hair.
I was still staring at the people when Levy's dad came down.
" James" said the people. All except Sting.
"There is no need to capture the elemental dragon slayer anymore." Said James.
"Oh but there is. You see we don't follow your orders anymore. We only take orders from Jude, and Jude wants the elemental dragon slayer. Now which of you is the elemental dragon slayer?"
"I am" said a familiar voice. I turned to see Nashi.
They all burst out laughing. "You can't be serious. This pathetic little girl can't possibly be the one we are looking for."
Nashi seemed to get angry. She went to stand in front of them and sat down on the floor. She then closed her eyes. Everyone was staring at her in confusion yet curiosity.
She started saying:
"The heavens that opened the path.
The roaring creatures whom delivered this power.
The flying birds that guard this land.
The gods that gift us.
Come forth and lend me your power.
Chase away and conceal the evil.
Hidden Art: Dance of the Four Concealers."
While she was chanting that, there was different colored lights surrounding her. After she finished, a bright white light came from above. Different colored fire started to circle the white light and she then opened her eyes. When she opened them, a big explosion went off.
I had faith in my little girl. Everyone was cowering back while I and Natsu walked up to her and held hands. We touched the light and us too were engulfed in the light with Nashi.
Seeing us she stopped everything. She looked at us and smiled.
"You know, it's good you stopped me momma and papa because I could have vaporized the bad guys over there." She said.
We turned and the four people that we didn't recognize were on the floor. Trying to get up.
"Where did sting go" I asked.
"Right here my lovely." I turned and he was right next to me. He got a hold of Nashi's arm and mine. He chanted something and then I felt a rush of wind. I closed my eyes through out the whole thing. I opened my eyes. We weren't in the guild anymore.
"Oh look. you brought me the elemental dragon slayer and my useless daughter. Isn't that great." I heard a sarcastic voice.
A figure then came out of the shadows.
I gasped. "Dad?"
This chapter is dedicated to @CrazyMonkey00123 and @NorjaimeUmpa. I still love all of my readers!! comment your opinions my lovelies!! new character ideas? inbox me. The character can be good or evil. Thanks for reading. I'll update soon. Bye!!
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