Getting Close
-Lucy's POV-
It's been four months since the encounter with team Natsu. I've moved in to an apartment of three rooms with Gageel and Wendy. Me and Sting really have gotten close. We've been going on missions and are once again team DS with the addition of Sting and Rouge. We've been getting ready for the grand magic games and apparently we are sending two teams.
Today they will be announcing the five individuals in each team. Personally I don't want to go because I'm pretty sure that they will most likely figure out who I am. Oh well.
I was still thinking when I heard a knock on my window. I was going to go open it but I already knew who it was and even though I say no he will still come in.
"What do you want sting!?" I shouted.
"Hey Blondie. Lets go to the guild. They will be announcing the participants of the grand magic games today." He poked his head into the room.
"What do you mean meh?! This is quite important."
" Layla Celwin. I will drag you out of this room no matter the costs if you don't get up and come with me."
"That's it. I'm coming in."
Sting then came into my room. Once I saw he was speaking for real. I got up and ran downstairs. Wendy and Gageel were already at the guild so I could run any where. When I reached downstairs I noticed that no one was following anymore. I tip toed to the laundry area to hide. Once I got in there, two hands got me and put me in a lock in which I couldn't move my hands.
"Now, now Blondie. We are going to the guild." The person whispered to my ear. Damn it Sting. Why did he have to scare me. I just wanted to annoy him so...
Hearing my answer he seemed to turn as red as a tomato. It was hilarious. We both tried exiting the laundry place. I tripped and since he tried catching me he fell too. He was then hovering on top of me. Both his hands next to me head, above my shoulders.
Wow he was beautiful. I never really noticed it this way. He then turned back to the shade of a tomato once he notices the position we were in. Seeing him blush just made me want to laugh.
"You are so cute when you blush Sting"
He turned away quickly and got up. He then helped me up. I was walking out of the kitchen while he was just standing there.
"So lets go to the guild now Blondie."
I then felt his arms go around my waist and pull me close to his body. I wasn't nervous, but relaxed. I leaned my head back so it was on his chest.
"Hey Blondie. I like you." He said in a calm soothing voice.
How was I supposed to respond. Well I do like him but I don't know if I should tell him.
I turned to face him and put my arms around his neck.
"I like you too Sting-kun."
What happened next was unexpected. He pulled me in and gave me a peck on the lips. He then face me with happiness in his eyes. "So we should go the guild Blondie."
"What if I say 'meh' again?"
"I'll kiss you until you can't breath" he said with a smirk on his face."
"Hmm ok."
"Ok what?"
He smiled. "You asked for it."
We were then sharing a kiss for what seamed forever until I heard a knock on the front door. I looked in the little mirror we have in the kitchen and saw the my hair was messed up and I was blushing. I tried fixing my hair and calming myself but it didn't work. I went to the door and opened it.
"Luc- I mean Layla!! We are going to participate in the grand magic games!!" a blue haired girl said and threw herself at me. Wow has she changed. This girl is now almost my height and she finally has curves where she always wanted them. She smiles brighter than ever now.
"That's good Tina-chan." I gave her a smile and messed with her hair. She then looked over my shoulder and saw Sting turning away trying to hide his blush.
"Hmm... what's going on here?" asked Wendy with a smirk while raising an eyebrow.
"Um nothing. So who are the participants again" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Oh yeah they are you, me, Gageel, Rouge, and Sting." Thank goodness she changed the topic.
"And what about the other saber tooth team?" I asked.
"Umm... it was Yukino, Minerva, Rufus, Orga, and Fero. We actually leave next week. Something about preliminary rounds or something like that so we should pack Layla-chan."
"Uh yeah let's go. Sting you should pack as well. See you another time." He then waved an left. Wait was it just me or was he blushing and smiling like an idiot. Nope it was real.
"Um Lucy? we should go pack."
"Oh right. By the way where's Gageel?"
"He went out with Levy again."
"Oh my god they are just to kawaii!! I know that soon that might be thing to blow our covers but oh we'll it's for love." I said dramatically.
"Okay Sherry the second. Lets pack." She said and we went to our rooms to get ready laughing like real sisters.
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