Another Tear
-3rd person POV-
"Hi my darling. I missed you so so much!!" The blond figure that appeared from the light said.
"I missed you too Zeref. At last my two children are reunited. Or should I say three. Hello Laxus. You may not be my full son but in a way you are. Therefore I will treat you like one."
"Mom!!" Zeref and Lucy yelled in unison and ran towards Layla.
Laxus then walked up to Layla. "Nice to have a mother like you Lay-. I mean mom." He then smiled and joined on the family hug.
Makrov could not stand it anymore and joined the hug. Soon enough the whole guild was caught up in the hug.
After several minutes of bonding, a scream was heard.
Everyone broke the hug and looked around confused. Until they saw a familiar blond on the ground with a golden arrow stabbed through her right shoulder.
-Natsu's POV-
"Lucy!!" after seeing that she was the source of the scream I ran to her quickly.
"Lucy?! Are you ok?!"
She looked up to me and smiled.
"I'm fine Natsu. Don't worry about me. She then slowly began to fade.
"Lucy?....Lucy!!? What's going on?!" I started to panic I didn't know what was happening but the love of my life was disappearing right before my eyes. I then looked down at my hand. It was also disappearing. "Seriously what's going on."
I look around and I wasn't outside the hotel anymore. I was in the middle of a forest. It was really cold. I looked down and saw that Lucy was still in my hands. I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding. She was shivering. I took off my scarf and put it around her. She seemed to have stopped shivering.
"Damn. How in the world was I supposed to get back? At least I still have Lucy with me."
I then picked her up bridal style and began looking for a shelter.
-Back to where the others where-
-Zeref's POV-
After I saw Lucy was screaming, I tried to run to her. But for some unknown reason I couldn't move. I looked around and I saw that I wasn't the only one.
After a few seconds I saw Natsu and Luciana disappear. After they completely disappear, I was able to move again.
"This happened quicker than I thought." My mom whispered loudly.
At the moment I was enraged with myself because I couldn't so anything.
"What do you mean earlier than you thought!!!!?" I screamed.
"Zeref Fero Heartfilia. Is that any way to talk to your mother?"
"I'm sorry mom, but seriously. What happened?" I asked calming down.
"Ok let me start from the begging. So you know how Natsu and Lucy got new magic right? well to be more precise... Phoenix magic. That is one of the three most powerful magics including itself, dragon slayer magic, and celestial magic. Now that Lucy possesses all three, she is a target. There are many dark guilds and individuals that can use Lucy's magic to power many dark creations. There is currently on dark guild that I'm sure can get close to getting her. They are called 'poison fruit'." My mom stopped talking due to the outburst of laughters from everyone. To be honest I was laughing too.
"Mom-my. I-I'm sor-ry. It's just that th-at" I just couldn't finish. Laughter kept on taking over. My mom on the other hand was quite serious.
"I know it's a ridiculous name and I shaint to continue into you all quiet down." My mom said.
I had finally stopped laughing. Everyone was starting to quiet down. Except for a certain transformation mage that awoke from her slumber at one point during my mom's explanation.
"Umm Lissana sweetie. I helped you when you were injured, but with my magic I can make you be in the worst pain in the world. A pain I which you feel like someone tore off your arms and legs and placed them in a blender with you still feeling the pain of them being shredded. A pain in which you feel your special parts that make you a woman being-"
My mom was cut off by a scared white haired Mage agreeing that she will shut up.
"Ok well that's what is thought. Now leg me continue. Laxus. You know that Ivan is not your real father right?"
"Yeah. I could have figured that much."
"Well your real father is my husband's brother, James Berry. He had a daughter but she was lost at the age of five, when she stepped into a dimension portal. He has been figuring out a way to find her. One day after my husband was possessed and taken in by satan his brother went to him for help. Laxus's mom was left alone with little baby which was you Laxus. After she found out she was pregnant, she tried killing herself many times. At one point she succeeded. That's when I used up most of my magic to practically put you inside of me like if I was your mother. After birth, Makrov took you in and went with the story of Ivan. A way that he came across was to collect powerful mages and suppress them to make a 'realm hand portal'. With that he can travel with ease between any realm. His target are any celestial wizards, dragon slayers, and Phoenix magic users. So some of you are targets. In a way I'm glad that Natsu marked my daughter because the arrow that hit lust was a territorial arrow. They were sent somewhere away from here, but since dragon slayers have 'soul mates'. No matter where they are. If they are marked, they are transported together. Luckily. I think that together they can find their way back just fine. As for the rest of you, prepare. There is great darkness lurking this way and the princes of the dragons needs to be protected."
"Who's the princess?" levy asked.
"Oh the princess is..."
Sorry for the sudden cliff hanger. As you can see I am not really a big fan of doing author's notes but this time I will. Just to dedicate this chapter to my recent followers @gabby4eve and @ScarletSins21
I am going to try and update as soon as possible because I have a lot of ideas. And don't worry I won't do many author's notes. Well unless I want to dedicate a chapter to any new followers. .
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