17 | In my veins
▷ In my veins - Andrew Belle
«You're in my veins and I cannot get you out»
October 3rd, 2020
ANNE SHIRLEY-CUTHBERT has tried several outfits on by now. There's a pile of already tried-on clothes in her desk chair and on top of her bed that would make Marilla Cuthbert mad. The clock on the wall has just hit one in the afternoon, and she feels as nervous as ever.
It's a good kind of nervous, though.
Her first month back in New York has been great overall. She FaceTimed Gilbert every day; somedays they'd had breakfast together, some others they'd watch a movie together, some other they would just study and enjoy each other's company via a phone screen or discuss some book Anne had been reading for her classes.
Gilbert was not as bookish as he was during his high school years. Clearly, his career in Medicine kept him busy enough, and the free time he had after focusing on his academic duties was reserved for Anne and sometimes for Roy and some other colleagues he'd made in college. Still, he enjoyed talking books over with his girlfriend and double-checking her essays for school (although he kept insisting on the fact that she didn't need him double-checking anything she wrote at all).
Back home in Avonlea, everything seemed to be alright. Jerry's job in that photography study in Charlottetown was giving him enough money to save up for more furniture for that little apartment Ruby and he had in town. Ruby herself, had just entered her last year of college, same as Anne, and although in all her modesty she didn't like to brag, her grades were getting better and better, and the possibility of doing that PhD on Psychology didn't seem as remote as it did when she was younger. Fred, usually hanging out with his guitar, was still working on his debut album with that producer he met at one of Josephine Barry's parties. As for Diana, she told Ruby and Anne about three weeks ago that she did take that pregnancy test, which turned out to be negative.
Everything was alright. Everything was in place.
"Okay, how do I look?"
Anne finally tears her eyes from the mirror. She's wearing a high-waisted, black, denim skirt, a grey top and a sky-blue jumper. On her feet, her signature combat boots.
"Perfect," Stella says, unbothered, flicking through the pages of an art magazine. "Just as perfect as you looked with the other dozen of outfits you've tried on".
One of the best things from being back to New York, apart from feeling productive again, was getting to see Stella and Cole again. Although the tiny dorm room only belonged to Anne and Stella, Cole spent most of his days there, just working on his sketchbook or binge-watching some show with the girls.
Anne rolls her eyes before facing the mirror again, checking her body from every single angle. "Do you like the skirt? It's Gilbert's favorite skirt"
"Oh, so Gilbert wears skirts now" Cole says, his eyes drifting from his notebook to the redhead.
Anne sticks out her tongue. "You guys know what I mean"
"Has she always been this pretentious, Cole?"
"No, definitely not," Cole says with that usual mocking tony he's been using ever since Anne confessed that she, indeed, loved Gilbert. "It's what the dream-like first months of a relationship of pure bliss are causing on her"
"Really funny and mature," Anne says. "You guys are just jealous!"
"Oh, I definitely am," Cole admits with a shrug. "It's not like being a trans boy attracts many suitors"
Anne has to laugh at that. Had Cole said those same exact words months ago, she'd got worried. However, Cole McKenzie was getting more and more comfortable on his own skin, and anyone could tell. There was no need to hide anymore, and those girly clothes he used to wear when he was someone else live now on either Anne's or Stella's closets. He was Cole now, full-time.
"Anyway, I bet he'll be drooling, doesn't matter you wear," Stella says.
"Stella, you should've met them in high school. He was so obsessed with her"
"Infatuated," Anne corrects him, arms crossed over her chest. "Obsessed is an ugly word. And I just want to look pretty, that's it. I haven't seen him in a month, so..."
A month. A month! A month was just four weeks, but it seems to Anne that it was ages ago when they said their goodbyes at the airport. She feels disgustingly cheesy just by thinking of missing someone that much, but she can't help it. It's Gilbert. It's Gilbert and Cole was absolutely right — that's what Gilbert caused on her: disgusting cheesiness, foolish smiles, butterflies flying around her stomach and blushes every now and then.
"How come you've waited this long for seeing each other again? He literally lives no more than three hours away"
"We want to focus on our studies" Anne fixes her hair for the hundredth time in front on the mirror. "That's the most important thing right now and we can easily take care of our relationship while we're doing so"
Cole and Stella exchange a look, as if they were thinking about bringing a dangerous topic and they had to choose the right moment and the right words.
"Talking about studies," Stella says, carefully. "Have you written anything lately?"
"If you have, I volunteer to read it and give you my most sincere opinion," Cole tells her as he draws his eyes away from his sketchbook again.
"No, I haven't," Anne says, then clears her throat. "I think I'm going to leave that aside for a while"
"Leave it aside?"
Stella and Cole share a concerned look.
"I don't know, okay?" Anne sighs. "Maybe it's not my thing. Maybe I should find a more realistic job, like... becoming a professor in college or... something"
Anne's been thinking about it lately. Now that everything was at peace, nothing seemed to trigger her inspiration. To make matters worse, she was about to finish her last year of college and she had no clue what she wanted to do with her life after that. It seems as if her vocation had vanished away with the arrival of stability and happiness.
The seventeen year-old Anne she once was would slap her if she could see her right now. The plan was very clear: move to New York, go to NYU, get your English Majors degree and become a best-selling author.
Thank you, teenager-Anne for setting such easy to fulfil standards.
"Realistic? Anne, writing is your passion"
"Yeah, I know," she says. "I'm just not inspired anymore, I guess"
"Alright, Jo March," Stella says. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes! It's just that... I used to write about stuff that made me sad or angry, like... death or heartbreak, you know? And now that I'm happy, really, really happy, there's really nothing inside of me that I wanna pour out and transform into words"
Cole and Stella are artists. They should know what if feels like, how frustrating it is to stare at a blank page or screen for hours and hours with nothing to say. Well, that's been Anne's life for the past two months or so.
"Tell you what," Cole says. "If I die, will you write my eulogy?"
"That depends," Anne tilts her head. "If I die, will you plant some black roses on my grave?"
With that, the three of them laugh until Anne checks the clock on the wall again and a grin of excitement suddenly appear on her face. It's time.
"Alright, my dear children, I have to go"
"Ah, Prince Charming is waiting at the station! I'm so excited!"
"Why did you lie to us?"
It's past noon when Diana Barry is quietly playing the piano in her "tower" —or so she likes to call that room on the attic—. Then Ruby Gillis's presence storms into the room, snapping her out of her concentration.
"You told Anne and I that you got your period" Ruby says. Diana would've expected her to be mad, but she sounds rather concerned instead. "But you didn't, did you?"
Diana tears his hands away from the piano keys. She looks at Ruby for a few seconds before replying.
"How did you know?"
Ruby's brow softens — her suspicions were true.
"You always get the same pimple on your cheek when you get your period. Always, ever since you first got it in the eighth grade"
Diana lets out an exasperated little laugh. "Have you always been this observant?"
"Yes," Ruby takes a seat next to her, the piano keys behind their backs. "I know I'm not Anne, but Di... it's been a month. You know what you have to do"
"I can't"
"Yes, you can! Diana, I know you. I know you're organized and love to have everything under perfect control, but even the most organized life can get a bit messy sometimes. It's not wrong to be afraid"
Diana doesn't reply, so Ruby tries to make her laugh.
"If you think about it, at least you're married," Ruby says. "No sins here"
"Ruby! No joking," Diana groans. "I know I'm married but I'm barely on my twenties and I'm not..." she exhales then. "I'm not ready to be a mother"
Ruby takes Diana's hands in hers. "I've done some research and there are a lot of reasons to miss your period!" the blonde says. "Remember when we were sophomores and I missed my period for a whole month because I was so worried about that biology test?"
"I remember" Diana chuckles.
"It could be anything!" Ruby says. "And whatever happens, we'll find a solution. I promise you're not alone"
"Thank you, Rubs," she says. "I'm sorry I lied to you guys. And you're right... I should..." a shaky breath interrupts Diana's words. "I should do it, no- I have to do it"
Ruby smiles faintly, her hand now in Diana's shoulder. "I brought something," she says as she takes out of her purse what Diana has been fearing to buy for a month. It's still inside the pharmacy's bag, but one doesn't have to be really smart to understand what it is.
Diana Barry had not considered that, if the test turned out to be positive, she'd had to tell Fred. She'd had to tell Fred and she had no idea about the words she was going to choose to tell him. They'd always been careful, how could have this happened?
What Diana clearly wasn't expecting is that Fred Wright was conveniently going to walk into the room, catching her and Ruby right in the spot; the raven-haired girl holding the pharmacy bag with both of her hands.
"Di, I made lunch and your aunt- What's that?"
She doesn't even try to hide it as she glances at Ruby, then back to the thing she's holding in her hands.
"It's pregnancy test"
Fred's face turns into a mix of a shocked and terrified grimace.
"I think I'll leave now" Ruby quickly stands up after squeezing Diana's hand.
Once Ruby shuts the door behind her, Diana feels as if the room was very big, and she was very, very tiny. It's not like she's afraid of Fred, not at all. He's just Fred. She just feels ashamed. She feels ashamed because she's been hiding a potential pregnancy for a month and she's lied to one of the people she cares about the most.
This is the kind of thing that she would've lectured Anne or Ruby about, had it been the case. But it turns out that organized, careful, cautious and perfect Diana Barry has made a huge mistake. And she doesn't know how she's going to fix it.
"Please tell me you're not pregnant" is the first thing Fred says.
"Would it be so bad if I was?"
"Well, of course! We're 20"
He raises his voice a bit — not too much, though. Fred Wright is not the kind to get mad easily. He's not like Anne or Gilbert, who would be desperately yelling at each other at this point. The girl standing in front of him would've preferred him to be yelling at her rather that him using this tone of disappointment in his voice.
"You didn't seem to worry about our age when you proposed"
"Are you saying that I shouldn't have proposed?"
"No" she says — the tone in her voice tells Fred she's exhausted. "Of course not, I married you because I wanted to. Marrying you the best thing I've done"
They stay silent for a few seconds that seem like an eternity for the two of them. None of them look at each other until Fred speaks again.
"How long...?"
"Since the day Anne left"
"Since when? That was over a month ago!"
Diana doesn't reply.
"Diana, that was over a month ago! You lied to me"
"No, you lied to me. I can't believe it. I thought we told each other everything"
"We do, but..."
"But? What was your plan, Diana? Keep this a secret and then give me a little surprise when the baby bump would be too noticeable to hide it anymore?"
"No, no, it's not... it's not like that!"
"And do you expect me to be a father now? After you lied to me?"
"I don't expect you to be or do anything"
"Well, I can't be a father, Diana! I can't even be a proper husband to you. You're still studying music and I what I do at Queen's Café can't even be considered a job, so..."
"I- I need time to think. I don't know, I just need-" he exhales. "I'm sorry"
Suddenly she's all alone. Fred's just left. She doesn't even know if he's coming back, and if she's can't even blame him for being mad or needing time to think things through. Ruby's gone too, and she feels pathetic just at the thought of calling her again and dragging the blonde into her own problems. She can't even call Anne; she must be with Gilbert right now and she wouldn't bear the embarrassment of her friend lecturing her about not lying to each other. And then there's Gilbert, who would pass out at the mere thought of Diana keeping stuff away from Fred. And of course, her parents. God, her parents! They just finally accepted Fred a few months ago and a possible pregnancy would only mess things up again.
When aunt Jo asks her about half an hour ago if she's okay, she just mumbles a lame answer before going to bed. Maybe is she sleeps, all her problems would fade away.
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert can't believe her eyes. After twenty minutes of waiting and tapping her feet impatiently at the station, she finally spots him.
Gilbert doesn't notice her at first. His eyes are fixed on his phone screen, probably typing an "I'm here" text addressed to her. Then, he lifts his gaze and finds her across the crowd, waving at him with the widest of smiles.
He strengthens the grip on the weekend bag he's conveniently packed for the occasion and starts walking a bit faster, taking hurried steps to meet her halfway.
His hair is a bit longer —that's the first thing she noticed when they're finally one in front of the other—; curls graciously resting on his forehead. His hazel eyes are bursting with happiness, and he doesn't have to say anything because his crooked smile says it all. He's missed her so much.
"It's you! It's really you!"
He smiles even wider at the fact that she hasn't even touched him. She's just standing there, looking at him as if he'd just fallen out from the sky.
His voice, on the other hand, is as casual as always, as if he'd just seen her the day before.
"I want to hug you, kiss you and ruffle your hair at the same time!" she says.
"How about a kiss first?"
Anne takes a step closer to wrap her hands around his neck, pulling him closer as she desperately stands on her tiptoes to get to his lips.
She can feel him smile into the kiss. It's one of those foolish little grins of his. Then Gilbert lets one of his hands to travel to her back, his open palm pressing against the fabric of her sweater, bringing her close and keeping her steady. His free hand cups her face, drawing soft caresses over her freckled skin.
"Hi" she manages to mumble once they pull away.
His hazel eyes are scanning every single detail on her face, freckle by freckle, and she's about to call out on him for being "a cheesy asshole" when he simply says:
That's when she brings him close to another kiss, and another one, and another one. She kisses his lips, his forehead, his nose, his jaw... as he simply stands there, clearly enjoying himself.
"God, I've missed you" she says between kisses.
"I've missed you too"
"How was the train?" she says as she moves her hands to his chest, one of them punching it lightly in the way she always has done and in the way he absolutely has grown to love.
"It was alright," he pecks her lips then, one more time. "But, hey, as much as I enjoy kissing you, can we please get going? I'm starving"
She lets out a loud laugh, then she nods.
"Of course. I can't wait to show you around. You'll love New York!"
She suddenly feels his arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her close as they walk out the train station together.
Diana's curled up in bed like a ball when aunt Jo calls her from downstairs, saying that there's someone at the door looking for her.
It can't be Fred, of course. He would've simply come up to her room and even that would be impossible. It's been just two hours since their... misunderstanding, and Diana knows his husband too well to know that he needs more time to process everything.
Her guesses were correct, because it's not Fred the one standing the hall.
"Hi," he simply says. "Ruby told me to check on you. She said you're upset about something and that there's somewhere she needed to go, so... I'm here. I hope you don't mind"
"No, of course not. Come in"
Diana prepares some tea for the two of them. She can tell Jerry's feeling awkward. They've been friends for years but they'd barely hung out just the two of them alone. She wonders if Ruby's told him.
"Did Ruby tell you?" she asks him when she places a cup of tea for him on the table.
"No, but I figured it must be about Fred since he's nowhere to be seen"
Diana presses her lips together into a thin line. "Yes, it's kinda about Fred"
"What happened? Did you accidentally put a finger in his guitar?" Jerry asks with his usual sarcasm. Diana knows what she's doing. He's trying to make her laugh because he thinks he's not great with words and advice. He's a lot like Ruby, if you think about it.
There's a short smile that curves up into the raven-haired girl's face. She can't help but smile at the fact that these two, despite being an unexpected pair at first, are completely made for each other.
"No. It's way worse than that"
Jerry fakes an exaggerated gasp. "Worse than that? I can't think of anything Fred loves more than his guitar"
Me, she thinks. He loves me, more than anything. He trusted me and I lied to him.
Diana, who hasn't touched her tea since she placed the cup on the wooden table, lets out then a choked sob that makes Jerry stand up instantly. She covers her face with both of her hands. No one's ever seen her like this, and she doesn't know if she's ready for Jerry Baynard to see her cry.
"Diana? Diana, I'm so sorry, I'm sure I said something wrong, I-"
"Jerry," she says, wiping her tears away that keep running down her face anyway. "You really don't know?"
"No, Ruby didn't tell me and you don't have to tell me if you don't-"
"I think I might be pregnant"
Jerry's face turns into an unresolved puzzle right now. "Oh," he mouths. "And, well, um- what can I do... for you to make you feel better?"
Diana takes a long, deep breath, then stands up, grabbing Jerry's hand.
"I think-" she says. "I need to go to the bathroom. Could you please... stay on the other side of the door and don't leave? Please, I don't- I don't want to-"
"You don't want to do this alone," he nods. "Of course"
As they both make their way to the upstairs bathroom, Diana laughs for the very first time that day when Jerry asks her if she just has to "pee on it".
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Fred Wright is tucked under the covers of his bed in the Blythe-Lacroix-Wright residence when a loud stomp of the door makes him and his heart jump.
"What the hell?!"
A terrifying and very pissed-off Ruby Gillis has just walked into his room. It's a bit antithetical, seeing her in her flowery pink dress and her overall angelical face combined with those eyes that could literally murder him in the spot.
"Mary let me in"
"I can see that, but it's not the right time," he mumbles as he pulls the blankets over his head. The last thing he wants right now is having Ruby Gillis yelling at him.
"Not the right time? You bet your ass it's the right time. You and I are going to talk, like it or not"
Fred takes a peek out of the blankets. Ruby's standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed over her chest.
"How did you know I was here anyway?"
"Boys are way too easy to read. I knew it, from the moment I saw you walk in, I knew that I'd have to come and slap some sense out of you"
"You came here to slap me?"
"I will if you make me"
Never in their years of friendship Fred Wright would've expected to have the adorable and lovely Ruby Gillis threatening him. Yet here she was, and from this moment on, Fred learns that, for his own good, he should avoid making Ruby angry at all costs.
"You better get out of bed, Fred, if you don't I swear to god I'll slap you and then drag you out of the house all the way to Charlottetown"
He doesn't reply — perhaps he does let out a groan, but that's it. Ruby walks you to his head and literally drags him out of it, forcing him to sit up.
"Ruby, I-" he says. "It's all just so complicated"
"Complicated?" she scoffs. "There's nothing complicated about it. If Diana is pregnant, you'll accept it. End of the story"
"She lied to me!"
"She lied to me too and I'm not whining about it like you are!"
"It's not the same, Rubs, and you know it!"
Ruby exhales an impatient breath — he might be right about that. "Why are you so afraid of?"
"I don't want Diana to be pregnant because I don't want her to have a baby with a loser like me, okay?"
Ruby Gillis, who would've usually reacted out of pity and comprehension, is now the pure personification of anger.
"Of course! Fred Wright and his tragical tale of woe!" Ruby grabs him by the arm and forces him to stand up, facing her. "How long are you going to use the outcast, loser story? You're being so selfish, Fred"
"I'm anything but selfish"
"Are you sure about that? Because you're making this whole thing about you and the one who might have something in the oven is Diana, not you. The one that is home, scared and suffering is Diana. You're making this whole deal about you, and I don't think I have to remind you that making a baby requires two people?" Fred is about to intervene, but she cuts him off. "Take your part of responsibility here, Fred, because I've never seen Diana cry and much less over a stupid boy. So stop being a stupid boy and be a man. You hear me? Man the fuck up"
Ruby blinks twice, suddenly regretting everything she's just said. She's not the one to curse, let alone to yell at her friends. "I'm sorry, I-I went too far, I didn't mean that your problems weren't important I-"
"No..." Fred chuckles faintly. "It's fine, Rubs, I just... didn't know you had that in you"
"Me neither"
They stay silent for a few seconds; she doesn't know how to comfort him and he doesn't know what to say.
"I know I'm not Gilbert" she finally tells him; her voice soother. "But you can talk to me"
"I just don't know what to say," he lowers his head, then looks up, keeping his eyes on every single thing of his room — literally anything except looking at Ruby. "It's not like I've had a great parenting experience to be a good father, you know?"
"Fred" Ruby says, then pauses for a few seconds. "I love you. I love you and I love Diana so much — you guys are my family, please- please fix things. I know you didn't mean anything of what you said but Diana's hurting and she deserves an apology, and I know for a fact that you deserve one too"
"She does deserve an apology. And she also deserves something better than me. What if I turn out to be just like them, like my parents?"
"Fred, look at me," she grabs him by his shoulders. "You're the coolest person I've ever met, I mean it"
"I just got so scared, I don't know what I-"
"Diana's scared too"
"I know. Shit, I know — I'm such an idiot, God"
"You are," Ruby says. "But you still are one of the best people I know. And I'm pretty sure that... if you become a father, you'll be the best father in the world, despite not having a great parenting experience. You're a good person, Fred. One of the best I know"
"You mean it?"
"Of course I mean it!" she says, playfully punching his arm. "Your sense of humor sucks, but you'd be a cool dad, of that I'm sure. And I'd be the coolest aunt, duh"
Fred quickly pulls her into a hug. That was Fred Wright, always the hugger. They embrace each other briefly. It only lasts for a few seconds, accompanied by a friendly pat on the back, but it's enough to make Fred understand that, despite all the prior yelling, she's not mad at him.
"You know," he says, squeezing her back. "You might not be Gilbert, but you're a tough one, Gillis. I got pretty scared there for a second"
She laughs, not saying anything.
"Thank you, Rubs, I mean it," Fred says as he withdraws from the hug. "I don't know what would become of us without you"
"Oh," she raises her eyebrows as if she had just remembered something. "You're not getting rid of me that easily. You and I have somewhere to go before you go and apologize to Diana"
"Can't we just stop for a hot dog? Please?"
Telling Anne he'd rather walk than getting a cab is the biggest mistake Gilbert's ever made. They've been walking around New York for what it feels like an eternity (although it's just been twenty-five minutes).
"Just wait, you have to meet Stella first"
"But I'm starving! And they do say New York's hot dogs are the best!"
"Shirley, come on. I'll do anything you ask me to, but please, please, let's grab some food"
She laughs. "No"
Bickering and kissing each other in every corner of New York, they finally get to the dorms. Anne bumps into a few classmates that inevitably smile at the sight of the couple and their fingers interlocked together. She exchanges some hi's and hey's until they get to her room, where a very anxious Stella Maynard is waiting for them.
"Hey!" she grins.
"This is my boyfriend, Gilbert"
She shakes his hand enthusiastically — She knee, from the moment she saw that polaroid in Anne's album, that he was very important for the redhead, and Stella Maynard was always eager to meet new friends.
"Hi. Gilbert Blythe"
"Oh, my god! The Gilbert Blythe! It's such a pleasure"
"The pleasure is all mine, and I'm also looking forward to meeting Cole. I haven't seen him since high school"
"He's in class right now. But, hey, lovebirds, you got any plans for tonight?"
"Nothing in particular," Anne shrugs. "I'd thought of taking him to the Modern Art Museum and Central Park this afternoon, but that's it"
"Excellent, cause Cole and I wanted to go to this karaoke club! Why don't you guys come with us?"
"Sure!" Anne nods excitedly.
Stella writes the address for them before getting her art supplies and her tote bag.
"Well, I'll get to class," she tells them. "See you guys tonight"
"Hey, what about your classes today?" Gilbert eyes her girlfriend. "Didn't you have classes in the afternoon?"
"Oh, I might be skipping them"
Gilbert fakes a gasp. "What? My Shirley is skipping classes? This is a scandal. I might have to share this information with Marilla Cuthbert"
"Don't you dare"
"Hmm... I think I might be able to keep my mouth shut..." he says, his arm sneaking around her waist, bringing her closer for a kiss. "If... we please grab some food now..." he kisses her lips one more, softly. "My beautiful, lovely and torturer of a girlfriend? Please?"
She laughs. "Yeah, of course. Greasy pizza place?"
"Oh, God," he says, holding her for a tight hug, followed by a long prolongated kiss on her lips. "I've missed you and our pizza dates"
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drblythe my views @ Central Park
itscxrdelia infatuated my ass YOU'RE OBSESSED WITH ME SIR
stellatheartist i'm so happy i followed you this content is A SERVE
8:02 p.m.
"I can now confirm that New York's hotdogs are the best hotdogs all around the world"
Gilbert hasn't stopped eating since lunch time. Not only he's tried a not-so-fancy pizza place, but he's enjoyed two 1-dollar hotdogs while Anne was simply lying on the grass in Central Park. He snapped a few pictures of her —not that she's going to complain about that— and now they're making their way to the pub where they're supposed to meet Anne's friends.
"You can't say that! You haven't travelled the world to say such a statement"
"Ah, always taking stuff so literally"
She gives him the classic roll of her eyes, making him give her one of those goofy smiles in return, his hazel eyes crinkled at the sight of her. Her eyes then go back to the GPS in her phone, leading her to the meeting point.
"Alright, here it is. Cole and Stella must be inside"
"Doesn't it bring back so many memories?" Gilbert says, eyes fixed on the brick wall of the bar. It doesn't look any fancy, but the dusty windows and the old bricks make him travel back in time.
"You know, that time when we went to the karaoke once, the night you met Fred?"
"Yeah... I remember that"
She smiles to herself as she relives the memory. It's been so long and yet she remembers that night so vividly. It was the night after they'd officially become friends. The first party as friends; the first Prairie Fire; the first time he hugged her; the first time he held her hand, to guide her through the crowd of the club. She can easily feel now the butterflies she felt the moment he interlocked his fingers with hers and guided her to the bar. And now here they are. New York. The first trip together as an official couple — Anne can only think of the many more to come.
"I asked you to sing with me and you said no," he shoves his hands into his pockets, looking at her now. "Would your answer be different if I asked now?"
She tilts her head, crossing her arms and trying to keep a serious expression on her face.
"Try me," she tells him as they get inside.
"Fancy a song, Shirley?"
"I think I do, Blythe"
She clings onto his arm to walk together, then they stare at each other for a while, until they irremediably start laughing, soon interrupted by Anne's friends calling them from the distance.
"Guys! We're here"
Stella and Cole are already waiting for them in a table in the corner of the bar. They're both waving at them.
"Gilbert! Hello," Cole extends his hand as soon as the couple are there, which Gilbert friendly shakes.
"Hey, it's been so long," Gilbert offers him one of his polite smiles; the kind of smile that he always wore for people he didn't know that much. "I'm glad to see you're doing well. Anne talks non-stop about you"
"I can say the same about you"
After that and a few rounds of drinks, Anne decides it's time for Gilbert and her to finally sing their duet. Apparently, it's settled that they're going to sing "There's a light that never goes out", but when she asks the barman to play it for them, her face instantly drops.
"What do you mean you don't have any songs from The Smiths?!" she says with a high-pitched voice.
"This is an outrage," Gilbert whispers, both of his hands planted on her shoulders. He's trying his best not to laugh at how dramatic his girlfriend can be sometimes.
"We have The Vaccines," the man behind the bar shrugs. "It's kinda the same thing"
"Kinda the same thing?" Anne looks back at Gilbert, offended. "Did you know that Morrissey-"
"We'll take it," Gilbert says, accepting the couple of microphones the barman offers them. "Thank you!"
After they walk to the little stage in the middle of the bar and Anne's complained about how The Smiths and The Vaccines are not similar at all, they end up singing what Anne would've called a lame version of "Post Break-Up Sex".
They sit around the table with Cole and Stella, talking about this and that. Gilbert learns a lot about their degrees and how hard it is to stay creative during three years of studying art; Anne keeps whining about how no other band holds the vis dramatica —Cole jokes about how only Anne would've used that kind of word— The Smiths have and Gilbert just sits and listens, enjoying the night and the burning liquor running down his throat.
8:30 p.m.
Diana knows, just by the way he knocks on her bedroom door, that Fred Wright is the one standing at the other side of the door.
She gets out of bed —Jerry left a while ago— and opens it, not knowing what to expect.
Her eyes widen at the sigh of indeed, Fred Wright, holding a baby-sized T-shirt that reads "Little Rockstar".
"Well, don't you like it?" he smiles widely, at her first, then at the T-shirt he and Ruby have bought just an hour ago.
"I-I love it," she says, then clears her throat. "It's really cute"
"I'm so sorry, Diana," Fred says. "I don't know why I got so scared and I've been an asshole but I just want you to know that I'm-"
"I'm not pregnant"
"What? Y-you're not?"
"I took the test. It's in the upper bathroom bin-"
"I believe you, Di. I don't need to see it"
"Are you disappointed?"
"No," Fred says. "I mean, part of me thought... that you would be, and I kinda... after giving it a lot of thought I kinda liked the idea"
"You were right before," she says, very calmly. "We're 20"
"Yes, we're young," Fred says. "But I wouldn't mind going on that adventure for you, had it been the case"
She smiles faintly at the T-shirt. It truly could have been an adventure, stepping into parenthood with Fred.
"Will you please forgive me for being so childish and insensitive?"
She looks up to him, knowing that they have a long talk ahead. But they'll work it out.
"Only if you forgive me your lying to you"
9:34 p.m.
Gilbert closes the door behind them with a quick kick of his foot. Anne's kissing him hard, almost desperately and greedy. Once, twice, until Gilbert realizes that I'll probably never be enough. They've gone back to her dorm, Stella and Cole stayed at the bar because apparently some cute guy had approached Cole, asking him for his number. And now there here, just Gilbert and Anne, hands twisted into each other's hair.
His arms are all around her, feeling the rush and wanting her closer and closer. She's giggling along, perhaps because of the fact that none of them are really sober.
"So, you're sure Stellas's not coming any time soon?" He says, kissing her neck and pressing her back against the now closed door.
"I may have asked her a tiny favor... of staying until a bit later than usual at the karaoke"
"Oh, I see," he smiles as he draws a path of sloppy kisses from her ear to her cleavage. "So you have everything perfectly planned out, hm?"
"I wasn't expecting any less"
She laughs as his lips crashes against hers mouth, teeth colliding.
"I've missed you, you have no idea how much," she tells him, hands desperately grasping at the hem of his sweater underneath his denim jacket.
"Believe me, I've missed you more"
She quickly takes off his jacket, not breaking off the kiss. "Let's get these off, shall we?"
"Shit, Shirley," he says. "Ever since that last day of yours at home I haven't stopped thinking about this"
"Me neither," and as she talks, she's already taken off his sweater and his basic T-shirt underneath.
"Great minds think alike, eh?"
He's about to help her out of her clothes when her phone starts ringing.
"You should get that" he says, lips brushing.
"It can wait"
"I can wait too," he says, hands resting on her hips. "I'm not going anywhere"
Anne does pick up the phone, but she doesn't even have time to ask or reply. There's already someone, on the other side of the line, rambling and speaking in a rush.
"Shirley?" Gilbert asks as soon as he notices her face go pale.
"Shi- Anne? Anne, what's wrong"
She seems to be in pure shock. Gilbert believes the person must have hung up, by Anne simply keeps the phone to her ear, holding it with both hands.
"Anne, Anne, talk to me, please. Anne, Shirley, what's wrong? Anne, please. Look at me, say something. Anything"
"The hospital," she says. "We need to get to the hospital"
10:23 p.m.
If there's something Anne Shirley-Cuthbert has grown to hate more and more over the years, it's hospitals. The constant coming and going of doctors and nurses, the smell of disinfectant, the dull white paint on the walls, the worried faces... It's making her sick.
Stella Maynard had been waiting for them at the hospital's cafeteria. She was the one to call Anne. Her usual grin is gone and her vibrant black eyes are not so vibrant at all. She's sitting alone in one of the tables, the weight of her head resting on her palm.
"Anne," she says.
"I- I don't understand, what-"
"He's in the ICU," Stella says. Anne should've suspected that the state in which Stella called would involve something serious. But knowing that Cole is in the ICU makes a whole heavy weight drop down to her stomach. "The doctors told me he suffers from a subdural hematoma"
"What's that?" Anne asks.
"It's a severe internal brain bruise," Gilbert explains from behind. "Some arterial vessels in his brain are broken and it can lead to... irreversible brain damage"
It can lead to something even worse, but Gilbert decides it's not the right moment to share such information, so h decides to keep it from himself, at least for now.
"I don't understand, he- he was with you! He was alright when we left"
"They don't know what happened, I... they found him- someone found in some dark alley, I don't know," Stella's voice cracks by the end of the sentence. "I just don't know. I don't know"
"But how...?"
Anne feels as if everything that's happening is not really happening to her. Just hours ago Cole was fine, how could this happen?
"I don't know," Stella repeats for the hundredth time. "I left him with this guy at the club and... then... then I got the call. I was his emergency contact, you know?" Stella doesn't fight back the tear that rolls down her cheek. "I was his emergency contact"
"Wait, Stella," Gilbert says, stepping forward. "They didn't rob him, whoever did this, did they?"
"N-no, his wallet is intact"
"Of course." Realization hits him. "Fuck"
"A hate crime," Anne says, finally realizing it too. They found Cole, beaten up to death, but his wallet and his phone were untouched. It makes sense.
"I need to see him"
"Anne," Stella says. "It's bad. It's really bad, I saw him and-"
"I want to see him anyway," the redhead says with fake determination. "I'll go find his doctor"
And before they can convince her otherwise, she's disappeared.
For about half an hour, Gilbert and Stella stay at the cafeteria. They don't talk much, just when the girl asks him some medical questions that he doesn't even want to answer. It's not the kind of negativity that one needs in these occasions, Gilbert knows that.
Gilbert's paying for Stella's third cup of tea that day when he spots Anne at the cafeteria's entrance. She's simply standing there, her eyes drained from life. Gilbert instantly knows what it is; she's seen something she wasn't prepared to see.
"I'll check on her," he tells Stella before running to the door.
He places a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it with the usual tenderness and affection. She doesn't seem to acknowledge his presence at first.
She looks at him then.
"It's my fault," she says with a barely audible voice. "It's my fault. I told him to do it"
Gilbert assumes she must mean "the cute guy" thing. Anne had repeatedly told Cole to give his number to a random stranger, because, why not? He deserves a romantic life too. And now, after Stella had left him on his own, this happened.
"Look at me," he tells her, and when she does look at him, it surprises him that she's not crying. She's plainly shocked, as if reality had slapped right on the face. "It's not your fault. Shirley, okay?". He cups her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "Why don't you call Cole's family? I'll go look for his doctors and see what they can tell me, okay?"
He kisses the top of her head, and even though she doesn't say a thing, —just a nod, and that's it— he knows she appreciates it.
11:04 p.m.
Anne's waiting for him at the hospital's hall, sitting in a waiting room. Gilbert comes back moments later, and by the look on his face when he's talking towards her, Anne instantly knows he doesn't bring good news.
"Just say it," she says.
"They..." he begins to say. "He's been put under an induced coma"
"No- what?" she breathes out. "What does that mean?"
"It's a medically induced coma. That means he's going to completely lose the respiratory drive and... require mechanical ventilation. A machine will help him breathe and the doctors will keep his brain functioning with the convenient drugs"
"This is insane," Anne murmurs. "This can't be happening"
Anne starts pacing and walking around in circles, mentally telling herself that this can't be happening. She's already been through this. With his father, when he died a few days after that tragic car accident, then Matthew. It can't be happening again. She couldn't another person she cared about.
"Shirley, come on, we need to get you home now. You need to get some rest"
"I can't leave him like that Gil... look what they did to his face... God... I-"
"It's not your fault. The only thing you did was encourage him to live his life the way he wanted to, being himself"
"Why are you talking about him as if he was already dead?"
That's when she finally tears up. And Gilbert feels as if something inside him is breaking completely. It physically hurts him to see her like this.
"That... subdural hematoma is worse than you explained before. He's not going to wake up, is he?"
Of course, he should've known that Anne was way too smart to let that go.
"We can't possibly know that. Maybe with the correct treatments... It's soon to say," Gilbert says after a pause. "It's going to be a long process"
"It's not fair. It's not fair!" Anne yells, her hands rubbing her own temple. "I fucking hate this, fuck, fuck!"
"Shirley, please," he delicately takes her hands off her temple, holds both of them close to his lips and kisses each one of them, trying to comfort her. "Don't blame yourself. You did what you thought was correct, and I know for a fact that you always find a way to make things right"
Then, a metaphorical lightbulb suddenly lights up above Anne's head. Just light that, an idea pops up in her brain, and then she knows what she has to do.
"Say that again"
"Huh?" he asks, clearly confused.
"The last part"
"That you... always find a way to make things right?"
"Exactly. Gilbert Blythe, I'm about to find whoever did this to him and write an article to expose their intolerant behavior and everyone will know-"
"You heard me"
Gilbert blinks, clearly confused, before he fully understands what she's implying. It takes her by surprise how she grabs his hand around her wrist and drags her out of the hospital, out to the parking lot. Fortunately, there's no one there.
"Anne," he says. The fact that he's calling her Anne alarms her, and her face suddenly turns into a confused (perhaps a bit annoyed as well) grimace. "What are you talking about?!"
"I'm writing something, of course! For the school's paper. They can't get away with this!"
"No, you're not"
"You're not writing anything"
Anne scoffs, raising her eyebrows in pure disbelief.
"Excuse me? Are you trying to silence me?"
"No," he says, more serious. "Look, Shirley, I know what you're trying to do here, but writing an article is not going to help Cole at all"
"But it will help people like him!"
"You could get in trouble"
"So?" he raises his voice then, and she hates it, she absolutely hates it. "So you could get hurt! Look what they did to him, Anne! They've beaten him to death! He's- he almost didn't make it to the hospital and we don't even know if he's going to survive this! Have you even considered how I would feel if it was you in that bed?"
"And why is this about you?!"
"It's not about me, it's about you! For fuck's same, stop being so stubborn!"
"Me?" she scowls, her face almost flushed at how angry she is at him right now. "Stubborn? Perhaps it's you the one acting like a self-centered ass"
"Seriously, Anne? You're calling me self-centered? Deep inside, you perfectly know I'm right"
"You're not right! You always think you're right but you're not!"
"Can't you understand the point I'm trying to make here? It's not that hard! Is that how thick your skull is, Shirley?"
"You're being a jerk right now!"
"I'm being a jerk? Well, you're being a child!"
"Oh, so now you think I'm not mature enough to make my own decisions? You're going to call me a child is that so, Gilbert?"
"Anne, that's not what I meant and you know it! You're just being irresponsible and I need you to-"
Anne scoffs. "Irresponsible? Well, Gilbert, turns out I'm not a little girl for you to take care of"
"I know that! I know you're perfectly mature to make your own decisions but what you're trying to do here is not going to change anything! I'm just trying to warn you-"
"I don't need you or anyone else to warn me," she says, fists clenched to her sides. "I'm my own person. I can't believe you're doing this to me right now"
"I'm not doing anything! You're the one who's acting all hysterical!"
Anne holds intense eye contact with him for a few seconds, noticing how his jaw clenches. Her gaze drops as she takes two, perhaps three, steps backwards.
"You know how much I hate that word"
That's the last thing she says as she eventually turns around, leaving him standing there. She hears how he calls for her name repeatedly, but she blocks it as she bursts out of the hospital.
"Damn it!"
11:35 p.m.
Fred's lying in bed working on a musical sheet when Diana comes back from the bathroom. She's wearing one of her many blue pajamas, her hair tied into a fishtail braid.
"I just got my period"
"Oh," Fred mouths; lips shaped like an o. "That's good, I guess?"
She gets in bed, trying to sneak a glimpse at whatever he's writing. Right before she can read anything, he folds the paper and keeps it in the night table.
"Hey! Why can't I read it?"
"I'm afraid that's top-secret... for now"
"I guess I owe you the right to keep a secret... for now"
He smiles, leaning in to kiss her forehead and tuck the sheets around her body. "Are we good?"
"Yeah... we are. I have a question, though"
"What did Ruby ever say to you? She texted saying that she visited you at Gilbert's but she didn't say what you guys talked about"
"Talk about?" Fred says incredulously. "Believe me, Di, we didn't talk at all. All she did was yell at me for being an inconsiderate piece of shit"
"I don't think I can imagine Ruby like that," Diana chuckles, although she can actually sort of imagine her blonde friend grabbing her husband by the shoulders and shaking some sense out of him, which reminds her... "Wanna know something funny? Jerry stayed at the other side of the door while I peed"
It isn't even that funny, but both of them start laughing uncontrollably. Diana ends up shushing him, knowing that aunt Jo is asleep not far away. Then she reaches to turn off the lights, and leans her head on Fred's arm, getting ready to sleep.
"Are you sure you don't regret ever marrying me?" he asks her.
"No, never"
"Then, can I ask you something?" he asks, and she just nods, expectating. "Some day... when we're not as young and as stupid, would you want to make some babies?"
"Of course. Someday"
Neither of them can notice in the dark, but both of them smile to themselves.
"Good night, Alfred"
"Are you calling me by my full name because we just made an oath of becoming parents someday?"
"That's exactly what I did"
"Guess I'll have to call you sweetheart and sing the classic "Honey, I'm home!" every day after I leave the studio"
She laughs, then closes his eyes. As soon as Fred can tell she's finally asleep by her quiet snores, he extends his arm to turn on his night lamp and grab the piece of paper with scribbled words he's been working on lately.
2:34 a.m.
Gilbert is there when Anne arrives at her dorm past 2 a.m.; Stella must have given him her key. He's just sitting by the edge of her bed, silently checking his phone.
"Hi," she says, with a voice that doesn't sound like her at all.
"Hi," he says back, now looking at her from the bed. "I've been calling you"
"My phone died"
She wonders if he's going to lecture her about her phone, but he doesn't. She also wonders how long he's been there for. They stay silent for a while, and for a long time it's not a comfortable one. Neither of them know what to say.
"I just came back from the hospital," Anne looks down at her boots. "His doctors talked about lots of medical stuff that I couldn't understand, maybe... maybe you could've"
"Yeah," he rests his chin on his hands as he continues to look at her. "Maybe"
"We should talk"
"Yeah, I agree"
"Are you-," she keeps her gaze down, fidgeting with her hands. "Are you mad at me?"
"Are you mad at me?" he asks her.
"Fine," he nods, lips pressed into a thin line.
Silence reigns over them again. If neither of them is mad at each other, then what's wrong?
"I know what you're thinking," Anne suddenly says.
He looks at her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"You might not be mad at me but you surely are regretting this whole thing, aren't you?" she says as she starts pacing around the tiny room. "You're thinking that I'm extremely overdramatic and the fact that we love each other doesn't make up the fact that I'm a brat. We've gone past the perpetual bliss of the first months being a couple and I know that you're regretting everything"
She would've expected any sort of outcome, but she would've never expected him to laugh. It's not even a loud laugh, just a soft chuckle that confused her even more.
"Did you just laugh at me? Seriously?
"Perpetual bliss"
"Look, Gilbert," frustrated, she shakes her head. "Just say it already"
"Say what?"
"That you're breaking up with me"
"Yeah, right," he says as he stands up. "I'm not breaking up with you"
"You're not?"
"But I've ruined everything"
"You ruined nothing. Perhaps I'm the one who ruined it"
"I yelled at you. Are you sure you're not mad at me?"
"Well, yeah, I was at the moment. But I'm not anymore. You've been yelling at me for since the day I met you. It's nothing new"
"That's nothing I should be proud of"
He lets out a long, prolonged sigh as he walks to her. Soon, one of his hands is holding hers and the other one is cupping her face, forcing her to look at him.
"Shirley," he whispers, his thumb tracing patterns around her cheek. "I love you"
"Well, I love you too, but what if that's not enough?" she says. "Gilbert, I can't promise you that I won't get mad like that again. I can't promise you that"
"I don't want you to promise me anything, that would be unrealistic"
"I agree, but what if it gets worse next time?"
"Look, Anne, we both made mistakes today. I shouldn't have told you what you can or cannot do and you shouldn't have yelled at me like that. But it's okay, people have their differences sometimes. We might be a lot alike but this was bound to happen one day. It can't always be all rainbows and butterflies like it's been until now," Gilbert says, then blinks twice. "Wait, y-you don't wanna break up, do you?"
"No, no, of course I don't! But I don't know..." she says, and soon his face turns into a relieved expression. "Sorry, my head is spinning, I just- sometimes I think you deserve something better than me"
"Better than you? I don't think I could ever possibly find a weirdo that's any better than you, that enjoys whisky and hot sauce as her go-to alcoholic drink," he murmurs, and the fact that he brings back something that's so uniquely theirs makes her laugh faintly under her breath. "Or someone that has this beautiful shade of red in her hair..." as he says so, he lets one of his hands get lost in her hair, caressing the back of her neck. "Or someone who has this fervent passion for words and writing that would even go off at her own boyfriend for it," he pokes the tip of her nose as she just stares at him in awe. "Even if I travelled the whole world I would never find anyone better than you. And even if I did, I wouldn't want her. She wouldn't be as perfectly designed for me as you are"
"You've been reading some of the romance novels I have my night table, haven't you?"
"Maybe," his lips twist into a teasing smile. "But let me get to my point here. Couples fight all the time, Shirley. And family, and friends. But that doesn't mean they stop loving each other, right? You're not only my girlfriend. You're my best friend and part of my family. I'm not giving up on you, on us that easily, just because of an argument. Besides, a really smart person told me once that we should fix our stuff by talking to each other. Ring a bell?"
She finally smiles then, giving him a toothy grin.
"See? We're talking. And now I guess we should apologize to each other"
"I'm sorry I stormed out like that," she traces a caress in his hand with her thumb. "I'm an asshole and I didn't stop to even consider that you might be scared for me. It was completely reasonable, now that I think about it"
"Well, I'm sorry for being so selfish. I was just so scared and I couldn't even bear the thought of losing you. I'm sorry I said you were hysterical. Not only you weren't, but that's also a horrible word and I can promise you I'll never use it ever again"
"I know you didn't mean it, and I'm still sorry. We're in a relationship and I should've thought about you. I'm the one who's been selfish, not you"
"I guess we're both a bit selfish, always so similar you and I. But we're gonna work this out, okay? There's no need to break up. We're just two people who love each other too much but are too stubborn and strong-minded sometimes. We just need to find-"
"Balance," she says, her words overlapping with his.
"Exactly. See? You're getting it"
She chuckles, dropping his hands to punch his chest playfully.
"Gimme a hug?"
She doesn't say a word. Instead, she just wraps her arms around him, resting her hair on his chest. His answer comes silently as he wraps his arms around her as well, placing his chin on top of her head, leaving a kiss there.
"Fine. This isn't the way I expected your visit to turn out, by the way"
"Well, me neither," he says, grabbing her hand and guiding her to her bed, both sitting now on the edge. "But Cole's the one who matters now, alright? And we'll do everything we can and more to help him. You'll see"
"Thank you, Gilbert"
He stares at her for a few seconds, a soft smile playing on his lips. Then she grabs his shoulders with a loose grip and brings his lips to meet hers. They pull away for a brief moment, eyes scanning each other's faces. No words are spoken as he leans in for another kiss, feeling her body relax and her hands dropping to his chest.
"Now come here"
He takes her hand and helps her lie in bed with him. They stare at the ceiling — everything is quiet.
"You know," he says. "I'm actually glad we argued"
"You are?" she tilts her head to look at him as he talks.
"Yes, because it only made me realize how you always stand up for what you think it's right. It reminded me that's one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you. Always so fiery, so outspoken and so brave. That's just the way you are, and I love it"
"Well, if you think about it that way... it made me realize how you always fight and stand up for the people you care about"
"Sometimes it's scary to see to what degree we're alike, don't you think?"
"That's true," she says, staring at his side profile with a loving gaze. "Hey, what time is it?"
"Past 2 in the morning, Shirley," he turns his head to look at her, his curls resting on her pillow. "What are you plotting now?"
"Are you hungry?"
"Oh, yeah. Very"
"There's this 24-hour burger place around the corner"
"I like the way you're thinking"
They both smile.
"I love you, Gilbert Blythe" she says. "You have no idea"
"I think I might get an idea, Shirley". He kisses her nose. "I love you more" he says. "And by the way, you're pretty sexy when you're angry"
"You won't ever stop, do you?"
Hand in hand, after a settled truce and more reassured than ever about their relationship, they leave the dorms. As Anne said, there's a fast-food burger place just around the corner, with the floor tiles so dirty that would scandalize Marilla Cuthbert.
Gilbert's inside, ordering the food. Anne, however, stays outside. Apparently, she's missed a lot of stuff. Diana is telling her that she lied about the pregnancy test. Anne's about to text her a reply, telling her how glad she is that now everything seems to be alright back home but how terrible things are in New York, but then-
then she inevitably overhears a conversation. Right in the alley that leads to the back of a building, that's when she hears it.
"She was lucky to be a chick, wouldn't have gotten away with it had she been a faggot after all"
She shouldn't. She definitely shouldn't be sneaking into an alley to overhear a conversation between people who obviously seem dangerous. If Marilla, or even Gilbert, who's not that far away, could see her right now, they'd kill her right in the spot.
"Hey? Got lost?"
One of them has noticed her, and now she knows that there's three of them, all looking at her.
"No," she says, with a determination and courage that she doesn't really know where they're coming from. "No, I'm not lost. I've definitely found those who've almost killed my friend"
"We stopped when we found out she was a chick"
"He's not a chick!" she takes a few determined, rushes steps, and soon she's facing the three of them, who seem bigger than they probably are in the darkness of the alley. "There's no she! He's a boy and his name is Cole!"
"Don't go all hysterical, Red"
"Don't you call me that!" she yells, pointing an accusatory finger against the chest of the one who's doing all the talking. He can't be much older than her, perhaps 25 or 26. "Why do men always call us hysterical when we're just being empowered? And so what if it had been a girl? What? I don't deserve to be punched because I'm a girl?"
None of them say anything, they just stare at her as if she's just said the stupidest of things, which only makes her lose her temper more. It seems to her that all the irrational anger she's been dealing with since she knew about Cole is about to leave her body right now.
"Come on, say it! Do you think I'm weak because I'm a girl? Because I'm pretty sure I can take all of you. Come on!"
"Look, just go away"
"Come on, punch me! Punch me!"
They don't punch her, but the one that talk does push her so hard that she falls backwards into the ground.
"What the hell is going on here?"
Of course, her knight in shining armor had to come. Gilbert. Gilbert, carrying a paper bag with food. Gilbert, suddenly leaving the bag on the floor and running to her. Gilbert, helping her stand up.
"Shirley? Are you hurt?"
She simply nods, taking his hand as she stands up. The look on Gilbert's face, she doesn't recognize it. He leaves her side before she can even notice, and then he's grabbing one of those bullies by the neck of his shirt.
"Look at me, you better run," Gilbert says, eyes dark. "You better run for your life because if you stay here for just one more second I swear to God I'll beat you to death. Have I made myself clear?"
"Well, seems like Dr. Blythe has found his favorite nurse"
Who would've thought, that soon-doctor-to-be Gilbert Blythe would be sitting in the toilet of her girlfriend's dorm's bathroom.
"Oh, shut up" she says. "That sounds kinky as fuck"
He hasn't been injured that hard, just a bit of blood in his jaw and cheekbones. It was a good punch, or so Gilbert had said as they made their way back home. One of them had punched him before Gilbert or Anne had the chance to do anything else. As Anne ran to help him, the three of them were already out of sight.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Just so we're clear: I'm not buying a slutty nurse outfit"
He laughs. "It was worth the try"
She bites her lip as she cleans his injured jaw. "Does it hurt?"
"A bit, but it'll heal soon," he says. "Shit, it's the first time I get violent with someone and I didn't even get to punch them"
"Violence is pointless"
"I got scared tonight, you know" he whispers. "When I saw you in the ground I-" , he pauses, then speaks again. "I don't ever wanna lose you, Shirley"
"You'll never lose me," she whispers back. "Like it or not, you've stuck with me for good"
"I like how that sounds" he pecks her lips softly.
After a well deserved burger over a comfortable silence, they're all alone in the middle of her room. Stella had insisted in staying at the hospital with Cole while his family were on their way.
"Can we go to bed now, please? I'm really, really tired," she asks him after kissing his jaw and his cheek.
"Of course"
They change into their pajamas and get in bed. It's been a long day for both of them. Yesterday, Gilbert wasn't even in New York, and now it's almost 4 a.m. and every thing they had planned for this lovely weekend together has crumbled down. Cole is in the ICU, barely alive, and Gilbert's hurt too — minimally, but still hurt.
It's when they turn the lights off and he pulls her close to a tight embrace under the blankets when she finally starts crying. And it's relieving, it's cathartic, as she would've said in another occasion. She's suddenly not angry anymore — she's just devastated because she's very likely to lose someone she loves dearly again. And she's not ready for that. Who's ever ready for something like that?
He shushes, tracing soft kisses over her forehead as they lie together, playing with her hair in an attempt to calm her down.
"Hey, Shirley. It's okay. Everything will be alright, you'll see. Cole will be okay. You'll get through this. You're strong"
"But I don't want to be strong, I don't want to get through anything else" she says, her voice cracking. "I don't want to lose a friend at age twenty, that's... that's sick, Gil. It's unfair"
"I know it's unfair. But whatever happens, you know I'm here, right? I'll always be"
"He asked me to write his eulogy if he died before I did. He'll get better, right? He has to"
Gilbert lets go of her arms and turns the light in night table on. He gets out of bed, gets her laptop from her desk and brings it to her. She just stares at him, blinking in confusion.
"Shirley, look at me. You won't write an eulogy, I promise. But I guess you do have an article to write"
"You think I should to it after all?"
Tenderly, he wipes off her last tears away with the back of his hand.
"I know you haven't forgotten about it. You're free do to it or not, but now I completely understand your point. It could help people like Cole and I know you still want to do it"
"I'll write it," she smiles. "Only if you double-check it afterwards"
"Oh, my, is the Anne Cordelia Shirley-Cuthbert asking me, a humble peasant, proof-read her writing?!"
"You're an ass, you know," she says, although she's thankful. In the end, no one will get her to laugh at times like these like Gilbert Blythe does.
"I think you're more than familiar with it by now to know that my ass is, indeed, very nice"
She throws a pillow to him, which ends right on his face, making him let out an "Ow!" groan.
"Remind me to buy you a pick-up lines book for Christmas," she sniffs, her voice nasal because of the precious crying. "This is getting out of hands now"
"Can I get an extra heart too?"
"And extra heart?"
"Yeah, Shirley, because you completely stole mine the day we met"
She starts laughing, knowing that what he's just said has definitely been inspired by their friend, Fred Wright. "You're the worst, Gilbert Blythe, the absolute worst"
"Well, I, the-absolute-worst Gilbert Blythe will definitely double check your article. I know for a fact that your overuse of adjectives can be a bit pedantic sometimes"
"You suck"
"If I were you, I wouldn't go there, knowing how good I am with words and terrible pick up lines"
She shots him a glare and he raises his hands as a sign of peace. "Alright, let's get to it"
She places her laptop on her lap, opens a new document and takes a deep breath. This is it. Gilbert leans his chin on her shoulder, eyes flickering between her face and the screen in front of her.
"Gilbert," she says. "I'll publish it anonymously, using a nom de plume, okay?"
"Nom de plume," Gilbert repeats with his worst French pronunciation. "Sounds alright to me"
Wow! Almost 12k words!
This chapter was an emotional rollercoaster! But in the end, we all knew that Anne and Gil would work it out <3
I had planned this whole Cole and hate crime idea since I introduced his character in Staring. I wanted to add this plot because it's extremely important and sadly, it's a horrible reality that I wanted to tell in this story. Hope you liked it! And hope you're eager to find out what's going to happen to Cole. Remember that every plot that I add has a reason :)
Three chapters+epilogue left! Wow!
What do you think it's going to happen next?
Did you expect the Diana not being pregnant thing?
What was your favorite part of this chapter?
I'll be reading you!
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