11 | The lady in red
▷ The Lady in Red - Chris de Burgh
«And I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight»
July 7th
JOSEPHINE BARRY has been the one in charge for her niece's wedding. She has been living with her girlfriend of a lifetime, Gertrude, for, well, all of her life. They never got married, though, and Diana and Fred's wedding was the perfect occasion for getting her mansion's west wing all decorated and set up. All of this with the help of the dedicated and most romantic Ruby Gillis, of course.
As Josephine Barry checks every single one of her employees is doing their work, her niece is in her room, surprisingly not freaking out, relaxed and self-assured instead.
Diana Barry looks at her reflection in the mirror. Ruby's done her raven hair in a semi-fishtail updo and her make up, delicate and discreet, highlights every single feature of her face.
Her dress, lacy, with a slightly plunging neckline and a skirt of tulle, suits her dazzling personality, or so Ruby said when they chose it together months ago.
"Oh, my god, Di..." Ruby whispers quietly, staring at the reflection of her friend in the mirror. "You look just like a princess... like a queen"
"You look beyond beautiful too, Ruby"
Ruby herself has chosen a long, chiffon dress. The color? A light shade of pink, obviously!
There's a knock on the door and it's Ruby the one who goes get it, revealing none other than Eliza Barry.
"Diana... you look beautiful" she says, already tearful.
Diana sees her from the reflection in the mirror, instantly standing up.
She wasn't expecting her mother showing up at her wedding. She made it pretty clear when she told her — "I'm not going to support you marrying someone like him, Diana. This is not how we raised you, Diana".
"I... I hope you can forgive us" is all Eliza manages to say, looking at Diana as she stands paralyzed in the middle of the room, admiring every single detail of her own daughter that she thought lost not long ago.
Diana hesitates a bit. She knows that this woman, looking at her now with tearful eyes, is the same woman that went through her phone, the same woman that said she could never support her choices in life... but it's her mom, so she wraps her arms around her figure. She needed her mom, and she's here.
"Mom... you came"
"Your father's down in the hall with your sister"
"Are they?"
Just the thought of her dad and little Minnie May, who wasn't that little these days, makes her heart complete. Minnie May was the only one who'd kept in touch with her, but it seemed to Diana that now they could finally be a family instead.
"Hey! As dramatical as I am, please no crying! It will ruin your make up!" Ruby, who's been silently watching the scene in awe, says.
"But... what changed your mind?"
"Anne came and talked to me"
"She-she did?"
Ruby ends up crying a few tears, trying not to ruin her own make up. "Of course she did!"
"She came home and we talked for hours and hours and she made me see... how much of a wonderful young man Fred is" Eliza says, eyes filled with tears. "And how happy he makes you"
"Oh, Eliza, he makes her super happy! You should see the way he looks at her!"
Diana rolls her eyes, absolutely not surprised at Ruby's oversensitivity.
Now that her family's here, she can finally get married to the man of her dreams. Just one more hour and she'll be married to Fred the Bright.
Considering Jerry is busy picking Marilla and the Lyndes up for the wedding, Anne is the one that's taking care of a very nervous Fred Wright.
She gently knocks the door to his room before coming in.
Fred's facing a full-body oval mirror. He's wearing a suit that the lovely Josephine Barry herself bought him for the occasion.
Anne can't see, of course, but sweat's running down his back because of all the excitement and probably the nervousness as well.
"How's the groom?" she asks, smile wide. She's done her hair and make up but is still wearing regular clothes, not the dress she picked up for the wedding.
"I can't get married" he suddenly says.
Wow, she wasn't expecting that.
"What?!" she gasps, thinking of several discreet ways of murdering Fred Wright and not getting caught.
"It's Gilbert"
"Please, don't tell me you're in love with Gilbert too"
"I'm not" he says, letting out a nervous chuckle. "I mean that I can't get married right now. Not without Gilbert"
Anne checks the time on her phone. The weddings meant to start in about half and hour and Gilbert hasn't shown up yet. That's why she hasn't even had time to get dressed, because she's doing all his work.
Seriously, she thinks. How does he even manage to get away from everything?!
"Just wait" she says. "He'll show up, right?"
For a moment, thinking with all her egocentrism, she wonders if he's not coming because of her. Perhaps Gilbert's so disgusted at the mere thought of catching a glimpse of her at the wedding that he said "Fuck it, I don't care that my brother's getting married".
"What if he doesn't?"
"Just- just call him!" Anne says, scanning the room in the search of Fred's phone.
"He's not answering"
Great, just great.
"And you don't know where he is?!"
"Gilbert's phone is dead and you don't know where he is?!"
Anne's both annoyed and scared. He could literally be anywhere. He could be in London, he could be in Avonlea, he could be kidnapped or involved in a car accident.
Clearly, he could be anywhere but not where he should be, in Charlottetown.
"I have an idea" Fred says, an invisible lightbulb of inspiration above his head. "We'll wait"
"Fred, it can't wait! Most of your guests are here"
"We can do it all backwards"
"What? How?"
Fred starts pacing from one side of the room to the other and Anne can't tell if it's excitement of anxiety.
"Party first. Wedding later"
"That makes no sense. Diana's going to kill you!"
Four hours later
20:33 p.m.
"Fred, it's been four hours. Some people have even left and Jerry's improvised stand out comedy is not going to keep them here, that's for sure"
Diana Barry, wearing her bride dress, fixes her hair nervously. They're watching a very confused crowd of people from behind a curtain that spectated them from a stage.
"But Gilly's not here. Last time I checked he was in London and now-"
"He's probably on the plane right now" Diana says. "Look, I don't mind waiting two more hours, days or even years to marry you. But there's so many people here that came for us so you have to at least... go up there and say something"
Fred studies the crowd — people are starting to get very confused, even tired of waiting.
"You're right" he gulps. "Wish me luck, I love you"
"I love you too"
He pecks her lip quickly, poking her nose before drawing the curtain aside.
Fred walks up to to the stage that Josephine, Gertrude and Ruby have been decorating for two days straight. It's covered with colorful flowers and two huge speakers to each side.
"Uh, hello, my lovely guests! If you're here today that means that you are very dear to both Diana and I.
I wanted to thank all of you people for being here with us today and especially for waiting for the... actual wedding process to happen" he awkwardly says. "I'm afraid it's going to take a few more hours for... us to get married, but that's no problem! Here's what we're going to do: you're all going to eat, drink, and dance until... until it's time, yeah"
The guests don't seem to mind the change of plans so they start to eat as a dozen of waiters fill the room with trays of appetizers and drinks.
"If I can have your attention for... a few words, first of all, I'd like to personally thank again the beautiful and dedicated Miss Josephine Barry. Thank you for making us believe that... that love always wins. And for making this wedding possible"
The mentioned Josephine Barry, watching him from the other side of the stage, gives him the wink of an eye.
"I would also like to thank my two new sisters — Ruby Gillis and Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. Thank you for... being the family I never thought I'd have. You're both so damn caring, intelligent, funny and beautiful that I wish I could marry you guys too. Sorry, Di!"
The audience laughs, and so does a sparkling with joy Diana. Ruby claps excitedly after wiping a few tears away. Anne, on the other hand, rolls her eyes yet is unable to hide a smile.
"A huge thank you for Mr. Sebastian Lacroix and Miss Mary Hanford for being the kindest and selfless people I know. Thank you for offering a home when I needed it the most.
And to the funny, sarcastic, caring, Jerry Baynard-Cuthbert. I'm glad to know you got my back, J"
Jerry, one of Fred's best men (and now the only one, considering Gilbert's not here yet), gives him a thumbs up from below the stage.
At the mention of Jerry, Anne can't help but wonder about Gilbert.
Fuck Gilbert, where are you?
Anne gets out of the little crowd and goes to find her phone.
That's it. I'm texting him, even if he blocks me. I don't care.
where are you?
please gilbert, I know you don't want to talk to me but please just send an emoji or something or even a "." if you're okay
No answer. Fuck.
"My- my brother, he couldn't make it right now, for, um, whatever reasons. But I wanted to thank him anyway. Thank you, Gilbert Blythe, Gilly, for being the brother I never knew I needed until I found you"
This time, Fred looks up to say his following words, emotion taking over his eyes.
"Also, a huge thank you for John Blythe. May you rest in peace, wherever you are"
After that, he straightens his posture and his smile gets the most sincere since he's started this improvised speech.
"And last but not least... I don't think I could ever express with words how thankful I am for my beautiful, smart, incredible... Diana. Di. Thank you for staying with me and choosing me over the difficulties and the darkness. Thank you for bringing so much light into my life. You truly are the love of my life and you've given me everything. Everything. I hope I can give that to you too. I love you, Di"
Trying her best not to cry, Diana looks at him from the other side of his stage. She can't believe she's going to marry him, Fred Wright. And most of all, she can't believe her family's finally accepted him — better late than never, right?
Now everybody, just dance, drink and "enjoy!"
Anne, who just came back to the first row of the crowd, is still clapping and brushing a tear away when she hears a familiar voice behind her.
It's been so long since she last heard his voice.
"It was a lovely speech, don't you think?"
She turns around to find a brown-haired boy, looking at her with her best smile.
"Hi, Anne"
She doesn't hesitate when she leans in for a quick hug that doesn't last more than two seconds.
"I didn't know you'd come"
"It's Di's wedding. I had to"
"How are you?"
"I'm alright. How about you?" he says with a friendly smile. "Did you confess your feelings to Blythe already?"
Charlie takes a look around as he talks, as if he was looking for "Blythe".
But he's still nowhere to be seen.
"I'm sorry?"
"Anne, I know you're crazy for him"
"Look, I'm your ex, but I'm also your friend and I'll always be. I'll always want the best for you, even though that doesn't include me anymore. I don't know what's holding you back, but you have my blessing, okay? Go for him"
Go to him? That's what I've been trying! For a year! But he's nowhere to be seen and even if he was, he wouldn't even look at me for more than two seconds!
That's just what she wants to tell him or every single person, like Josie or Tillie, who looks at her with that sympathetic smile that says "You're in love with Gilbert Blythe, do something already!".
Charlie leans in and kisses her cheek softly before going away to meet some friends. "Be selfish for once in your life"
"And now, a special request for a special someone out there by an anonymous guest" Josephine Barry's lips say against the microphone.
I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes
I have been blind
Lady in red.
Lady in red.
Anne Shirley Cuthbert's eyes scan the room. It's a very intimate wedding, there are no more than fifty guests and are black dresses, teal, golden, pink, mauve dresses...
but she's the only one wearing red.
And this song...
It's from 1986. It's an old one.
Almost as if it had been chosen by...
"Lady in red?"
There's a voice behind her calling a certain "lady in red" that can't be anyone else but her.
It still sends shivers down her spine.
And as she turns around, realization hits her,
of course,
it had to be him.
As a result of fate or who knows what, there he was, standing in between the little crowd of people and the floral ornaments, wearing the same old suit he wore to his father's funeral.
He looks exactly the same as he did months ago, except for two little details that make the difference:
1. He's wearing a red tie this time — it matches the red in her dress.
2. His eyes don't look as puffy or exhausted as they did last time she saw him. Now they're not as dark. They're perhaps a bit greener or with even more specks of honey as she thought she remembered.
Although he saw her as soon as he walked into the room, he decides now to take a detailed look at her.
She's wearing a long, elegant red gown with a quote pronounced V-neck that shows her cleavage. The thin straps, hold her bust delicately, and the color, so bright, goes perfect with her vibrant red hair.
He takes in every single detail in her,
every freckle, exactly as he remembered;
her lips, red too, just like she always wore them whenever they went to a party in the good old days;
her hair, wavy and reaching down to her waist, just the length he used to like so much when he watched her in class all those times;
her eyes, the exact shade of blue — it used to be his favorite color.
He doesn't seem to notice, however, how her legs are barely holding her still.
"You're here" she says, although it comes out more like a whisper.
"Yes. Hi. It's really good to see you"
Nonchalant attitude and hands shoved in the pockets of his black suit, there he is, standing right in front of her.
For a moment she seems to forget that they're surrounded by people, and he does too.
For a moment, it's only the two of them.
Anne's speechless — her brain looks now like a giant blackboard with a very complex equation waiting to be solved.
There's a hundred questions she wants to ask him and she's trying to come up with the one to ask first when he speaks again:
"You're welcome. For the song, I mean. Seeing you in that dress, I couldn't help myself" he says. "It seemed convenient"
"But- but what are you doing-"
"It's my best friend's wedding. What are you doing here?"
"It's my best friend's wedding"
Casually and quietly, he laughs — it's been years, years since she last heard him laugh like that. It's more of a chuckle, actually, but the sound of it creates magic inside of her.
However, the magic within disappears with a flutter of her heart as she looks at him, utterly confused.
"I thought you were mad at me"
"Unless you wanna engage in a linguistic debate, that's past tense"
Anne's only response is to blink twice, still a bit disoriented — his words are not actually hitting her.
Past tense?
"May I have this dance, Miss?" he asks, seeing that she hasn't answered yet.
Anne just nods, as if she was entranced in some sort of daydream.
This can't be real. This is a dream. This has happened before. You're dreaming, Anne.
He reaches for her hands, placing both of them on his shoulders. They swing slowly around the room.
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, it's just you and me
It's where I want to be
Yes, it's definitely a dream, Anne thinks. A very realistic, long and detailed one, but still a dream. Because there's no possible way that they're dancing around this kind of ball room, locking gazes, together.
His hands are on her waist as they dance together, to the music Gilbert's seem to chosen. He seems relaxed, relieved as he lets a crooked smile playing on his lips.
It's definitely a dream.
He takes the lead in a soft yet not subtle way, clearly he's been taught to dance like this or he just owns this talent as many others. He's a good dancer, he's always been. Everything about this reminds her of the way they danced together at prom.
"What are we doing?" she asks, looking up to him.
"We're dancing"
Since this is a dream, she thinks, I'll allow myself to have a good time. She gently rests her head on his chest as she listens to the beat of his heart, perhaps way too rushed compared to the slow pace of their dance.
"It's all true though" he whispers. "The lyrics, I mean... I'll never forget the way you look tonight"
She looks up to him, giving him a short smile before placing her head on his chest again, her hair caressing his chin.
Anne decides then that it's time to wake up. She's going to regret this in the morning when she wakes up and painfully realizes that there's no way that Gilbert's ever gonna dance with her like this again, not in real life, not at the actual wedding.
So, to avoid future suffering, she separates a bit from him and pinches her arm.
Then she pinches it again, and again.
This is not a dream.
She takes a few steps backwards, eyes wide at the realization that she's awake, that she hasn't dreamt about Fred and Diana's wedding.
It is actually July 7th, Fred and Diana are getting married, Gilbert arrived four hours late and they've been dancing to Lady in red, swinging to the slow beat, chest after chest.
"I'm sorry, uh..." she says. "I'll go tell Fred that you're here-"
She's about to turn around, to find a way of escape from everything she's feeling right now when he says:
"Wait, don't go"
His voice, softer than she remembered, makes her knees go weak.
"Let's just have this dance and worry about everything later"
Worry about everything later?
What does that even mean?!
As if you could simply summarize all that's happened between us in a such a simple word as "everything"!
She's about to go away and look for Fred or Diana, to tell them they can actually proceed to get married now.
But she can't leave him now, not when he's acting like that.
"You- you..." she says — not angry, not mad, just out of breath. "You!"
"You... ugh!"
"What's wrong?"
Whats wrong?! Anne place both of her hands on her hips, giving her a tilted look with her head, narrowed eyes.
"You... I can't even be mad at you. You just love making an entrance, don't you?!"
"Oh" he says. "Yeah, I kinda do"
"You... are unbelievable"
"I was just-"
She takes a few steps closer towards him and for a moment Gilbert fears she's going to slap him. He asks himself what's he could've possibly do to make her go this... mad or surprised.
Was the dancing too much? Wasn't it a good way to be casual around each other again?
"No, seriously! You truly are unbelievable. You can't just walk in here like... that... Fred was about to postpone the wedding!"
"I was caught up on a rainstorm"
Anne incredulously furrows her eyebrows.
"A rainstorm?"
"It was raining in London"
Oh, so that's the reason why he was late.
"That's..." she says. "Not the point. I should go look for Fred. He's been waiting for you"
She turns around but he calls out her name again, this time grabbing her wrist and making her turn around and look at him.
It's funny, Anne thinks. It's been years and somehow he still makes her blood boil — in both a good and a bad way.
"I'm sorry"
"It's okay, Gilbert" she says. "You were just four hours late"
"No, you don't understand. Not for the entrance or for being late. Well, for that too. I mean, I'm- I'm sorry for everything, I know you must be mad at me and you have every right to but I don't understand-"
"Mad at you? I'm not mad at you. It's fine"
He goes after her, taking a hold of her arm again and getting for of them out of the crowd. Lucky for them, neither of their friends are watching them.
"No, it's not. Look, I regret so many things. I know it's been over a year but I have to tell you this. Could you please listen to me?"
"Well, yes, of course"
"I really am sorry, Anne. For everything, but most specifically for the way I treated you at my father's funeral. I know this is just an excuse but it wasn't me — I was so angry, so broken, and I was also so mad at you at the time that... I sort of exploded. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have kis-... I shouldn't have done what I did. It was stupid. What we had before that was amazing and I tore it all down just because of my stupid selfishness. I wish I could go back to the start, in which I was not as stupid and as selfish"
She doesn't reply, so he takes it as a silent invitation to continue.
Whilst he waited for his delayed flight and even during the flight itself, he had the chance to rehearse everything he wanted to tell her. He just wanted to dance with her first. It was impulsive, and he knew it was. But seeing her like that, could he ever had resisted himself? Obviously not.
"I... I was inconsiderate. I never stopped to think how you must've been feeling. It was selfish of me. I just hope you can forgive me for... the distance I've put between all of this time. I never wanted any of that for us. Never"
"Are you seriously apologizing to me right now? You were never selfish. I was"
"No, I was selfish!"
"Okay, fine, we were both selfish. It's okay. Everything that happened... I understand"
"You do?"
"I know what it's like to be irrationally angry. Trust me. You don't have to apologize anymore. I'm not mad at you. I was never mad at you and if someone has to apologize here then it's me"
"You know, my dad told me once you were a good friend. He told me to keep you close, and instead... I ignored you for a year, I pushed you away when all I needed was-"
"No it's not! Will you please listen to me? God, let me talk"
"Fine, sorry"
"Everything I said that night... when I said that we were never friends... It wasn't true, you know? Of course we were friends, the best of friends. You were always there for me, you even came to my father's funeral when we weren't talking to each other. God damn it, Shirley, you even took a plane to get there!"
She blinks twice. The nickname has slipped out of his tongue and he hasn't even noticed.
"Gilbert, you've hated me for over a year. You can't come back and say all this stuff"
"I know, I know this is a bit- rushed, but look at me"
She looks at him.
"I regret so many things... and if I still know you that well I know that you do too"
"Of course I regret so many things! But you've ghosted me for a year, you can't show up here and- and play that song and... You just can't come here and make me hopeful about having you back in my life and then pull out something like what you did when we last saw each other! I could've sworn that for a moment, back then, when we hugged and all... I thought we'd shared a moment, and then you basically told me to fuck off. I know it was the anger and the pain talking for you but you can't just come here, play an 80s song and act like you've suddenly forgotten about everything!"
"I haven't forgotten!" he says, raising his voice way too much.
"Don't yell at me!"
He realizes that he might have yelled at her. They both look at each other, with the same intensity as they always have, trying to catch a breath.
"Okay, fine, uh- I'm sorry, okay?" Gilbert says, his voice softening. "It's just that it's been so long I've actually forgotten how to function properly when it comes to you and I just saw you and that song was the only thing that popped into my tiny stupid brain. Let me try again"
Anne buries her face in her hands, trying not to ruin her make up.
"It's fine" she says, breaking eye contact with him.
It's not like she doesn't want to see him, or talk to him or dance with him... that's all she's ever wanted. But she can't risk her hopes like that again.
"Anne, please"
"Don't you 'please' me! Don't you think I want things to go back the way they were before? Don't you think I've missed you enough?"
"I know you've missed me because I've missed you too. I know you've missed me because of the way you treated me at the funeral. Of course I know you want things to be like they used to, and so do I, but let's be honest here, Anne"
He pauses for a second, then says:
"Things will never go back to the way they used to be"
"Exactly" she says, looking back at him.
"So what do we do? Do we stop trying? Do we give up? That's it?"
She bites her lips and studies his gaze. It seems like he's hopeful too.
"I don't know"
He takes a step forward, one of his hands brave enough to be placed on her arm. His touch makes her heart jump a little, butterflies flying around her stomach.
"Do you want to give up?"
"No, of course I don't. Do you?"
"No, I don't wanna give up either"
"So that's it? You forgive me, just like that?"
"I think I forgave you months ago, actually"
"Yes, really. I'm tired of losing important people. You're important. I should've known better. The thing is, could you ever forgive me?"
Anne looks at him — she doesn't need to forgive him. She's never been mad at him in the first place. She's been wanting to be with him again, even just as friends, for such a long time and she's fantasized about them meeting again, even dreamed about bumping into him... that she never had the chance to think how their first conversation after this whole time would be.
Now this is it — for some strange reason, he's finally forgiven her. He's finally back, and even though she's scared of what him being back in her life would bring, she can't help but welcome him (metaphorically, at least) with open arms.
"So, to make things clear. You're really willing to forget about everything that happened between us?"
"Let's not forget. Let's learn about what happened between us" he says, his hand squeezing her bare arm. "Deal?"
"Friends?" they both say at once, reaching their hands to each other at the same time.
Funny how despite being apart, the synchronization remains.
"I guess the question answers itself" he says as they shake hands.
She gives him a timid smile, and so does he — both looking at each other now as old friends finally reunited, two souls finally together, a bit awkward but still the same look of complicity, perhaps a look of mischief that brings back memories of alcoholic drinks in the mist of a club downtown.
There's no way I'm sending those letters after having him back a friend. No possible way, nope, never!
"I just have one more question" she suddenly says.
"Why now?"
He closes his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall behind his back and taking a deep breath — eyes still locked with hers (oh, how she's missed this!)
"I just sort of had an epiphany, I guess. I've been thinking a lot lately, about... stuff. But when I got Diana and Fred's wedding invitation, it hit me. These two are getting married, Ruby and Jerry moved in together, Bash and Mary are having a baby and... We're getting older, Anne, and I've been thinking a lot about that lately. I just knew that I had some unfinished business here"
Unfinished business.
Her heart starts beating uncontrollably, every sense of security she's been feeling in the last five minutes is now gone. Are her cheeks as red as her dress? She wishes they weren't, but she knows they are.
"And you thought about me?" she whispers.
"And I thought about you"
There's a silence, a silence that's a mix of awkwardness and intensity, a long gazing contest between each other that says more than words could until Anne speaks again, taking a step closer towards him.
"Well" she says, hitting his chest in a playful way that makes him feel they're seventeen again, still a bit afraid of crossing any boundaries yet wishing to touch him in the smallest possible way. "Guess we have a lot of catch up to do"
He blinks twice, then a missed heartbeat, a breath captured in his throat and finally, what seems to be the hint of sly, playful smile.
"Guess we do"
Please do tell me your opinion about their reunion, even if you didn't like it!
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