Amy was finishing one of her classwork assignments when she received a phone call from her aunt Beth.
"Hey Aunt Beth, how are you?"
"I wanted to know if you would like to go shopping with me, I want to buy a dress for dinner night with your brother and his fiancee on Saturday.Are you free?"
"Sure, sounds fun. "
"Great, can I pick you up in one hour?"
"Sure, I'll be ready."
Amy and her aunt visited the mall and entered into a shop looking at the dresses in the racks. She turned her sight to her niece telling her to take a look as well.
"Feel free to look around for something you like and I'll buy it for you."
"That's not necessary Aunt Beth. " she answered shyly.
"I'm serious, pick something for yourself as well. "
"Thank you. "
"You're welcome, i had no daughters to go shopping with them.This my chance to experience it." she said hugging her niece.
"I remember going shopping with my mom when i was younger, it was one of my favorite memories with her." Amy said taking out a black dress from one of the racks.
"Maddie loved you dearly, she was thrilled when she found out she was having a girl.So was your father, in fact he was hoping for a daughter when your mom told him she was pregnant."
"He told you that?"
"Your mom told me. Why don't we go afterwards for some coffee and i shall tell you more about them?"
"I would love that. " Amy said hugging her.
Her aunt payed at the cashier two dresses, one for her and one for her niece, and walked with Amy to a coffee shop inside the mall and got inside sitting down. They ordered two slices of chocolate cake and with a cup of coffee for Aunt Beth and Chai Tea for Amy.
"Can you tell more about my parents?" Amy asked.
"What do you want to know?"
"Tell me more when they found out about my mom being pregnant." she answered biting her cake.
"I don't know if you knew, but it was your dad the one who picked your name. One of his favorite books was Little Women, and named you after his favorite March sister. Amy, the youngest one."
Amy felt jealous of her aunt and her brother for getting to know more about her parents. She would have wished to share more time with them, and share more remembrances with them.Her aunt noticed she was feeling somehow uncomfortable and decided to change the topic.
"How are you feeling about Sean's wedding?" Aunt Beth asked while drinking her coffee.
"I'm happy for him, can't believe he's getting married."
"Neither do I, wonder where they will live. Has he told you anything?"
"No, he hasn't." she answered after a short pause.
In that moment realized something she didn't think about before: when Sean got married she would not be able to live with him anymore. He would live with Ms. Reynolds like any other married couple and she was not going to be a third wheel in their lives. Whether she didn't like it or not she would have to move.
"Amy, is everything okay?" Aunt Beth asked.
"Yes, I'm good." she answered trying to sound calmed.
"Sweetie, I'm your aunt. Anything that you need please feel free to trust me and ask me for help.Never forget that." she said grabbing Amy's hand with hers.
"Thank you Aunt Beth. I appreciate your words. I really do. "
"No problem love. I enjoy sharing time with you."
Their conversation lasted one more hour before Beth took Amy home with Sean.Amy felt relieved after her talk with her aunt, as she was used to rely on Sean but now she had to find a way to be more independent.
Paige would try to skype with her father at least twice a week, she never thought she would miss him. She always thought she would feel better away from him,and ironically it was the opposite now that she was away from him. Their relationship improved considerably, as they would both share more with each other than when they lived together on the same house.
"So, tell me how has UCLA treated you this week?" Michael asked.
"I have been busy, but I'm getting used to everything. "
"You're a smart girl, I know you'll do great. Have you been to parties?"
"No, i don't have time to party. "
"Please don't push yourself too much, you might get sick. Not everything on life is studying, be sure to have some fun as well. Of course, moderately and safely. Paige, i need to ask your help with something."
"Sure, what is it?" She said placing her hands on her face.
"Which shirt do you prefer?" Michael asked lifting two button up shirts for her to see. One was red, the other one black.
"Are you having a job interview?"
"No, I'll have a date tomorrow night. " he answered in a low voice.
"With whom? Who is she? You haven't told me anything about dating a woman." she asked curiously.
"That's because I don't know her personally. I created an account in a blind date site. I'll meet her tomorrow. "
"Are you sure that is a good idea? People lie on those sites. "
"I know i might see a dude tomorrow, but i decided to give it a try since i'm rusty on the dating area and its not easy for me to meet new people. If it doesn't work at least i can laugh after it. "
"Just be careful please. And you have to tell me how it ended. "
"I'll be careful.Now, mind me help me choose a shirt?"
"The black one. Black combines with everything. "
They said goodbye and as she was saving an essay on her laptop Jessica came inside the room and opened her closet .
"Get dressed, Alpha Epsilon Pi are having a house at their house. And since they are a sorority that means fraternities will go as well. "
Paige was about to decline when she remembered what her father said, and he was right. She couldn't just be studying and needed to have fun as well.She decided to wear a black lace blouse with dark jeans and black heels. Paige compared her outfit with Jessica's, who was wearing a strapless red dress, making feel jealous on the confidence she had to wear skimpier clothes. They both walked to the fraternity house and as they entered Paige noticed it was full of people dancing. She turned to speak to Jessica but when she turned she was nowhere to be seen. Paige looked around finding someone to talk with, but didn't know who to approach. The odor of cigarettes reached her nose and it made her feel dizzy and she decided to go out to have some fresh air. She was close to the door when she accidentally bumped into a guy and dropped the red cup on his hand .
"I'm so sorry." she apologized.
"Don't worry, it was empty and i was about to get a new one. Want to come to the kitchen with me?"
He was tall with brown hair combed backwards making her think of James Dean. He had light brown eyes and a strong chin. He looked like a model, making Paige find him attractive.
"Sure. " she said not knowing what else to say.
He served himself some whisky on a red cup and turned to her.
"What can i get you?"
"I'm fine, thanks. "
"I'm not trying to get you wasted. I was just being polite. "
"It's not that I don't trust you, I don't drink. "
"Sure. " He said drinking from his cup and chuckling.
"Whatever, not as if I care about your opinion of me. " She said walking away.
She noticed there was a door on the back, and when she opened it lead to a swimming pool. She closed the door and sat on one of the chairs. It was quieter and much better than being inside with all that crowd and the noise. In those moments she felt lonely without her friends. The door was open again and she saw the same guy.
"I'm sorry, I was a douche a moment ago. Can we start all over again?" He said sitting next to her.
"It's fine. It's my first college party and this is new for me. Is it that obvious?"
"Sort of. But chill, college years are supposed to be the best years. There is no rulebook that tells you how to live them. By the way, i'm Dylan Carter." he said extending his hand to her.
"Paige Stewart. "she said shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you Paige.Tell me, what's your degree?"
Even though her first impression of him was not the best, Dylan seemed to be a nice guy.She saw a friend on him, and hoped not to be wrong. Seeing him under the deem lights of the pool showed his face features better, and she felt her cheeks blushing hoping he wouldn't notice it. She just met him, was it possible for her to feel attracted to someone she just met? She shooked that idea of her head, she needed to know more to establish a verdict about it.
"Business Administration, what about you?"
"Economics. Who knows, maybe we could work together someday.We could be partners. " He smiled.
Paige had no idea if he was serious or not, but decided not to overthink about. It. Their conversation naturally flowed and enjoyed. Paige didn't even care what was happening inside the house, her focus was on him only.
N/A: time for introducing new cast! What are your thoughts?
Jake T. Austin as Dylan Carter
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