Your world not mine
Sarah's pov
Connor and I were supposed to go to this charity ball his family put on. It was a big deal with the Rhode's family. I was dreading tonight. I was feeling very stressed. I didn't have a dress or at least one I felt comfortable in that felt fancy enough. I didn't wanna go but I felt I had to for Connor. I felt like we had to go because he's a Rhode's. He would be at my door in exactly an hour. I slowly made my way to my bedroom to get ready. But that never happened the moment I step inside my bedroom I collapsed on my bed crying. I felt like I didn't fit into his world. That I was lower class then him. Why would he love a girl from Chicago with very little money and no class? I love him but I can't do this to him anymore he deserves someone better than me.I ball my eyes out even more. To the point I have trouble breathing. My phone dings a little while later. It's connor. It says "leaving now be there soon. Love you." I pick it up look at it and drop it back on the bed. I don't even bother responding. I curl up into a ball even tighter. I just want this night to go away. About 15 minutes later there's a knock on my door. I don't bother moving. Until there is more knocking. "Sarah you in there." I hear connor calls out. "coming" I yell as I slowly got up off the bed. I quickly checked myself in the mirror. Great I look like a total mess. Even more reasons for him to not love me. I wiped the tears out of my eyes and opened the door. "Sarah what's wrong everything okay?" He asks concerned. "I can't do this" I say trying not to cry again. "Darling what can't you do?" He asks me as he steps inside and closes the door behind him. "your world" I say as I turn away from him. "what about my world?" He say with concern. "don't you see it." I say "see what I don't understand what's happening here." He says. He tries to reach for me but I move. "Connor I don't fit in your world, your fancy world." I say as I turn and face him. "Yes you do you do that world is not me." He says to me. I try and turn away again but he stops me. I can't look him in the eyes. I wanna be with him. I still love him. But I just don't fit into his world. "hey,hey look at me please. Please look at me." he says tilting my chin up with his hand. "You are my world, not fancy parties, expensive tastes or extravagant things. You are." He says to me. "I can't, you belong with them." I cry "no you are wrong. I belong with you. Not them." He says pulling me into a hug. I try and back away but he pulls me in tighter. "Connor you deserve some one better that me. You deserve a girl with class and money. That's not me." I say as he lets me pull away. "no, no I deserve you. I couldn't care less about all that fancy stuff. I love you for who you are." He says. "You deserve more" I cry "no I deserve you and only you." He says with his hands on my shoulders. I wipe away the tears. "I look like a mess while you lok amazing in your perfect suit you have on. Why would you want me?" I say. "No you look beautiful" he says as he gives me a kiss. "Let's forget this whole charity ball and stay in tonight. It will be just us. No interruptions." He says "but there your family. You should go without me."I sadly say. "your my family too." He says as he wipes the tears from my face with his thumb. "But they're expecting you tonight." I say "I'll call and tell Clair we can't make. That you are more important than some ball. What do I have to do to prove to you that you belong with me. That I love you for you." He says "show me I belong with you I don't need fancy things every day now yes a fancy date night every so often is okay but do fancy for you not your family. I still love you. Don't ever leave me." I say.
Connors pov
"Hey Sar come here. I will never leave you I promise. You are my one and only world. Life would be nothing without you." I say as I pull her into me and hug her tight. "Great now I've ruined your suit." She says to me. "It's just a suit honey its okay." I say as I kiss the top of her head. I feel her start to relax in my arms. We just stay in this position for a while as I stroke her hair. She's finally somewhat calmed down when I bring her over to the couch. "hey you rest on me while I call Clair." I tell her. She curls up in my lap as I pull out my phone. "hey we are not... No, no something came up....yes more important than the ball... yes this is way more important... Just trust me it is.... I'll tell you more about it later if I can....yeah no she's fine.... I'm fine too.... Not now Clair.... Just tell everyone I'm sorry and that something came up.... "I know Dad won't be Happy but he'll get over it pretty fast....I will, thanks for semi understanding.... Okay bye." I say as I hang up the phone. "She didn't sound too pleased." Sarah said as she curled up tighter to me. "Yeah but she'll understand later. Right now you are my main concern" I say as I stroke her hair. "I want you to know that I will always love you know matter what." I say to her. "I love you too." She says as she leans up and kisses me. The rest of the night is spent on the couch chatting about life and love until she fell asleep in my arms.
AN: Hey guys. Hope you like this chapter. I had lots of fun writing it. I will try and do another update this weekend most likely Sunday. Please feel free to vote and comment.
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