Why Me
Sarah's pov
"Hey babe can you please take me out to the hammock. I'd walk myself but I'm feeling very weak." I say "yeah sure babe wrap your arms around my neck and I'll carry you out there." He says to me as he picks me up and carries me outside. It's a nice day around mid 70s with a slight breeze out but I'm so cold. Connor gently puts me down in the hammock and I curl up. I figured fresh air might do me some good. Connor sits next to me in a comfy lounge chair. We aren't even outside for 5 mins when he notices I'm shivering. "babe you're shivering are you cold?" He asks concerned. "I am cold." I say "then we should go inside if you're cold." He says. He starts to pick me up but I stop him. "Nnnoooo I wanna stay outside. I hate being couped up inside not being able to do what I love or go to work anymore." I say angry. "alright we can stay outside if you let me get you a blanket please." He says to me "blanket sounds nice" I say trying not to cry. " All be right back with it." He says as he bends down to kiss me. Then walks into the house to get it.
Connors pov
I walk into the house to get Sarah's favorite blanket. She takes it everywhere since she's been sick. It's almost like a security blanket for her. I spot the blanket on the couch and pick it up. I also grabb her meds and some waters for us to drink. Then head back outside. " As I'm walking outside I hear Sarah crying. I pull up a different chair so I'm more at her eye level and place the blanket on her. I straddle the chair so I'm facing her. "babe what's wrong?" I say rubbing circles on her back. "I....I hate this I hate be....being sick and not knowing wh....what's w..wrong." she says crying. "Everything hurts." "I know baby. Here it's time to take some of your meds." I say handing her the meds. "They make me tired. I don't like that part." She sobs. "I know, but they'll make you feel better. I promise." I say rubbing her back. I gently keep rubbing it till she falls asleep. Once she's asleep I get up, place a kiss on her forehead and head back to my comfy chair. I hated seeing her in so much pain. I wish I could take the pain for her. I must of fallen asleep myself because my phone ringing woke me up. "Hello" I quietly answer. "Hey Connor Its Maggie." She say. Hey Maggie" I whisper. "How's our girl doing." Maggie asks. She's in a lot of pain today. She's currently sleeping on her hammock." I say trying not to wake her up. "Do you think she'd be up for visitors later the gang and I here were thinking we'd stop by after shift." She say. "that be great. I think Sarah would love that." I say as I look at my love who looks so peaceful. "gotta go incoming." Maggie says. "see ya. That's for checking in. I'll tell her you guys are coming by later." I say then hang up.
Sarah's pov
I thought I had heard Connor on the phone but I was way to tired to find out so I went back to sleep. I hated being sick. I just got out of the hospital less than 2 weeks ago. They still can't figure out what's wrong. It's frustrating. I start to stir awake. I moan in paint as I shift. "hey babe how was your nap?" Connor asks getting up to kiss me. "it was good. I'm getting hungry. I wanna try and eat something. See if I can keep it down this time. Maybe it will give me some energy." I say "alright we can get you some food. What sounds good to you?" He asks. "The left over lou malnati's pizza please" I say with a fake smile.
Connors pov
"ill go get it be right back" I say as I go to get the pizza. I walk back out and see her looking sad. "babe what's wrong? I ask handing her the pizza. " I just miss being normal. I can't even go out to hang with friends. It's no fun." She says with tears. "Well what if I tell you the team wanted to come by after work. They wanted to see how you are doing." I say as I go and sit by her. "I'd love that. Can you help me up I wanna sit with you in the chair and eat?" she asks "sure sweetheart" I say as I help her into the chair with me. After she finishes two squares of pizza she cuddles up with me until our friends get here.
AN: hope you all enjoy this chapter. please feel free to vote and comment. I will try and do another update Thursday if not then it will be over the weekend.
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