She Said No
Sarah's pov
"I so need this girls night" April says as we pull up to the bar. "you always say that" Maggie says "hey it was a ruff shift. We all need it." I say as we walk in. The were at the best bar in town. The bar was Molly's. "hey I'll go order what do you all want" I ask them "um we will both do a beer." Maggie says. " Beer it is coming right up. Go grab us a table" I say. I walk up to the bar while they get a table. It was packed in the bar tonight. "hey Dawson can I get three beers please" I say to her. While I wait for the beers there was a guy at the bar who kept staring at me. "hey pretty thing let me get those for you." He says "thanks but I've got it" I say a little creeped out. "here you go Sarah" Dawson says as she hands me the beers. "thanks" I say as I head to my table. "took you long enough" April says "hey not my fault the bar is so crowded. So you will never guess what happened up at the bar" I say "what" Maggie asks "this guy at the bar offered to buy the drinks for me." I say "did you let him" Maggie asks "no" I say "well was he at least cute. "no he was kinda creepy." I say "so what's with the guy Colin" April asks "well he and I are taking things slow. We both work crazy hours. So seeing each other outside of our work is hard but we are managing it. We actually have plans this weekend to do a get away since we both don't work. He's taking me up to his cabin." I say smiling at the thought of being with him this whole weekend was great. "so when will we get to meet him." Maggie asks. "Well" I smile knowing they already met. See we both work at the same hospital and under regulations we can't date each other. So to keep it safe If people ask who I'm dating I always say Colin even though it's connor Rhodes from cardiology. We fell in love the moment we met. We knew it was going to be hard but we didn't care. We had to try. "So can we meet him" Maggie says. "when the time is right" I say. "deal" April says "so when do you find out what department you get assigned to" Maggie asks. But I don't hear her I'm staring at the door. Because connor just walked in. "Earth to Sarah... Sarah..." Maggie says. "Sarah..."April says as she's waving a hand in front of me. "um sorry. Um next week. I'm excited." I say "creepy guy alert" April's says. "hey pretty thing. Need another drink" the creep says walking up to my table. He smells like a thousand drinks got dumped on him. "I'm good" I say "ah come on let me buy you a round. Or better yet how bout a date." He slurs leaning towards me. "no thanks" I say pushing him away. "Just one drink" he says "my Friend here said no" Maggie says. "well I say yes" he slurs trying to grab me. "get away or I'll call the cops." I say "if you take the drink I'll leave."he says "I said no" I scream. At this point people are staring "just one" he says "she said no" Connor says as he punched the drunk man in the face knocking him on the floor. "police are on there way" Dawson says. "thanks Gabby I say" once the police arrive they take the drunk man into custody. "mind if I join you lady's" connor asks "please we'd love the company" April says
Connors pov
"how was your day ladies" I ask as i takes a seat next to sarah. "it was busy as usual" Maggie says. "how was yours" April says "it was good busy as always. Just can't wait to have the weekend off." I say with a smile. "oh what's happening this weekend." Maggie asks. "just a small get away" I say as I secretly grab Sarah's hand. "What are you up to this weekend Sarah I ask putting her on the spot. She instantly gets nervous. As I run my thumb over her hand. "um the boyfriend and I are going to his cabin." She says squeezing my hand. "Nice I hope you have fun" I say "oh I plan on it" she says with a smile. What about you ladies. "Maggie and I are gonna help Natalie with the babies room. Get it all set before he gets here." April says. "well that sounds like fun." I say. "Hey I need another beer anyone else need a refill." Maggie asks. "I do I'll come with you Sarah you need anything" April says. "Nope I'm good thanks" she says. As soon as they get up I release Sarah's hand from mine. I lean towards her once they were out of site. "we meeting up tonight" I ask. "yeah definitely. When I leave say you will take me home since it's on your way home." she says. "Will do. Hey I missed you today" I say "I missed you too"she quickly say before the girls hear her as they come back to the table.
Sarahs pov
Once the girls get back we talk a little while longer. "It's getting late I should be going. I'm gonna go grab taxi I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say "Oh no need for a taxi I'll drive you home. It's on my way to my place." He says to me. "You sure." I say even though I know what he's up to. I just play along so the girls won't get suspicious of us. "Yeah it's no problem at all." He says. Once outside the bar he take me by the hand, pulls me to the side where no one can see us and he kisses me. "I had a hard time resisting doing that in there." He says "Well we aren't in there any more" I say leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss him back. "Come let's get you home." He says "My place or yours." I ask him with a smile. "I like yours better it's cozier" he says. "Perfect" I say kissing him as we head off to his car then to my place.
AN: hope you all enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it. I'm thinking the next story I post will be one with sarahs daughter Tay. I'm in process of writing it now. Any other storylines you might want please let me know. As always feel free to vote and comment.
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