Promise me
Connor's Pov
I was scheduled to do a surgery at 11 am. i decided to go to grab coffee with Sarah beforehand. "hey babe how's work so far. You look a little stressed. Everything okay?" I ask her. " its Joey he's been trying to talk to me all morning. I told Goodwin so she's keeping an eye on him. It's just I feel like he's following me around every corner. Even in here." She says. I take a look around the room. "Well that's good that Goodwin is looped in. but babe he's not here. If you ever feel unsafe just let anyone of us know we will keep you safe." I say to her as I grab her hand in mine. "Thanks honey you know how much I hate this." She says. "I know but it will be okay I promise. " I say rubbing my thumb over her hand. "What time is surgery ?" she asks me. " 11am but I need to head up earlier to scrub up and what not. " I say to her "I was wonder....." she starts to say as her pager went off. " gotta go save a life" she says as she leans down to kiss me. After I finished my coffee I decided to go up early and review the case I would be doing. The surgery would only take 2 hours 3 at the most. After surgery I tried calling Sarah but she wasn't answering . for some reason I got this weird feeling in me something wasn't right. I then decided to call down to the ED. Again no one picked up which was odd. I figured I'd just go down and see what was going on. I was on my way down to the ED when I heard yelling. "Stay away from us. Get back I mean it." I hear a man say as I stepped off the elevator. The instant I rounded the corner I saw police. I knew something was wrong. I saw Maggie standing by one of the officers she looked in distress. I tried running up to her. "Where's my wife where's my wife where's Sarah." I yell as I'm being held back by two officers. "sir calm down you can't go in there." One of the officers says to me. "Please tell me what's going on. What's happened to my wife." I demand. "Are you Connor Rhodes? She kept asking for a Connor." the officer asks. "Yes. That's me I'm her husband what's going on." I say concerned. "There's been an incident with a man name Joey he's holding her hostage in one of the patients rooms with a patient in the room. He said something about you making a mistake marring her. "Yeah he's had a thing for here ever since he asked her out 5 years ago. She told him no back then but he's just been so persistent lately. He wouldn't give up no matter what we do. We were even going to get a restraining order on him after our shift today. I saw Joey holding Sarah with a knife to her throat. "Let her go" I scream. "If I can't have her no one can." Joey yells. I see Sarah has been crying. "Babe it's going to be okay" I say holding back tears. " how's the patient in the room?" I quickly ask Maggie never taking my eyes off Sarah. "he's stable for now . Joey doesn't know he's awake" Maggie whispers in my ear so Joey can't hear. "sweetheart you're doing great." I say to her. "You are mine, not his" Joey says as he yanks on Sarah. "aaaaaahh" she scream out in pain. I can see she's in a lot of pain. I already see bruises starting to form all over her body along with a few cuts he must have made before I go there. Sarah looked so frail. "Connor, I love you." She says as she cries out. " I love you too" I said as tears escaped my eyes. "shut up" Joey says. "is there anything you can do." I say as I turn to the officer. "we are doing everything we can." The officer says. "There's nothing that can be done. Like I said she's mine. If I can't have her no one can." Joey says. "I am not yours and never will be." Sarah spat. Joey moved the knife and made a slit on her arm then placed the knife back to her throat. Sarah screamed out in pain as the blood trickles down her arm. "Shut up. You let us leave and no one gets hurt." Joey says. " I'm not going anywhere" Sarah says. "oh yes you are" Joey says as he presses the knife harder into her throat. "you know what will happen if you don't" Joey says. I cringe at what is happening. I can't lose my wife. We planned on starting a family soon. I keep trying to plead with Joey to let Sarah go but it's not working. i was taking another attempt at pleading with Joey when I saw the patient start to stir behind them. I worried that something else might happen now that the patient is awake. It could jeopardize Sarah's safety. "Connor....." she cries. " yeah babe I'm Right here." I say to her through the glass door. "Promise me you'll be happy. " she says " What... What are you saying Sarah." I say concerned. " just promise me promise me you will be happy again." She says "don't do this Sarah we will get you out." I cry "promise me" she cries "Shut up don't make me hurt you again" Joey says "I promise" I cry. "You're mi.... " Joey starts to say. I see the patient quietly get up out of bed. There was a metal try on the stand. The patient grabbed the tray and wacked Joey in the back of the head. He collapse to the floor instantly. I didn't even think twice as I rushed in to help Sarah and kiss her. "Sarah babe you're okay." I says as she curls up in my arms and I stroke her hair. I check all her cuts to make sure she's okay. The only one that needs stitches is the last cut he made on her arm. "Let's get that stitched up" I tell her I'm about to move but she holds on to me. "I love you Connor" she says to me as she leans up and kisses me. "I love you too Sarah" I say as I pick her up and take her to get stitches.
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