Its You... (Part 1)
Sarah's pov
I was at a friend's place for a week. She lives up north in a cabin with her husband. It was a great get away from work. It's so peaceful out here. I really needed it. I've been so stressed lately. It was match day coming up and I was so nervous on where I would get placed. I really wanted to stay in the ER. But everyone wants that position and there are only 2 spots available. I never thought I'd love the ER as much as I do. But it's amazing. Plus I've met some pretty amazing people too. The're like family to me. "Sarah you ready to head home to set up for the party." Erica asks as she walks up to me. Pulling me out of a daze. "yeah let's go check out" I say to her. We check out and load our stuff into the car. "So how do you like living out here" I ask Erica as we start driving. "oh I love it. It's amazing the weather is perfect and the cabin lifestyle is perfect. Keith even learned how to clean the fish we catch so I can cook it." She says to me. Wow sounds like fun." I say "so how are you and Joey doing? She asks. "ah Joey. Well he and I broke up. It just wasn't working." I say "oh that's to bad he was cute. Is there anyone else in the picture." She ask. "No I'm kinda waiting for the right person to come along. But so far not going so well. And with the past of guys I've dated. It's not looking good." I say "Well good luck with that. It will happen just gotta wait. Good things come to those who wait. Trust me look at Keith and I." She says. With a smile. "That is true. He was right in front of you the whole time and it took you so long to realize you were perfect for each other. But it all worked out in the end. Maybe that will happen with me." I say with a smile. "Maybe you never know." She says as we pull into the driveway. Once home we put things away and start to set up things for the party. "Hey you should wear your new outfit to the party. There might be some new guys you haven't met. One of them could be the one." She laughs. "I've met most of your friends. Remember. And how well did that work out." I say with a laugh. "yes but my husband has a few people coming over you've never met. Theres one guy he's a total cutie. I can't think of his name but he's some kind of professional. I don't remember what he works as." She says. "well what good does that do me then." I laugh. "Hey at least I'm looking out for you." She says with a laugh. "that you are, that you are" I say patting her shoulder. The party was starting soon so I went up to change. "Wow you look amazing. The guys will be all over you tonight." Erica says as I walk down the stairs. "Yeah if you say so" I say to her. "I do say so you gotta give yourself more credit. You are beautiful inside and outside." She says. "well thanks" I say it was about 20 mins into the party. It was so nice to see people I haven't seen in a while. I was talking to Jill when Erica called me over. "Hey come here I want you to meet a really good friend of my husband. He just arrived. This is con.... she starts to says to me as I walk up to her but I cut her words off. "Connor...." I say in shock. "Sarah wow you look beautiful. what are you doing here." He asks suprised. "you two know each other" Erica and Keith say as one. "we work together at the ER" connor says. "well kinda he's a trauma surgeon and I'm a 4th year med student." I chime in with. "How do you know Erica?" Connor asks in a curious voice. "well she and I are long time best friends. We grew up together on the same street when we were kids. We girl's gotta stick together." I say with a smile. "That's really great. What brought you up here?" He asks. "I desperately needed a break with match day coming up. Pressure was getting to me." I say "trust me you will do great where ever you get matched with. I know it." He says flashing me a smile that makes me go weak at the knees. "well come on in make yourself at home. Beer is in the fridge" Keith says as he and connor head off. "hey so he's cute" Erica says. "we work together. It would never work." I say. "but I did see how his smile made you feel. That's gotta be something plus remember the guy right under your noise and you not knowing. I'll do some recon and see what Keith says." She says. "no please don't..." I say but she's already gone off.
Connors pov
"So you and Sarah a couple?" Keith asks "what gave you that idea." I ask with a laugh. "well for starters the way you keep looking in her direction at her and that smile you gave her when you arrived made her weak in the knees" he says. " Nah we are just friends but between you and me. I have a huge crush on her. She's so cute." I say "hey I'll be right back the wife wants me for something. Go talk to Sarah. I'll find you later." Keith tells me as he walks off. I look around for Sarah and find her alone by the food. "anything good to eat here" I ask as I come up behind her making her jump a bit. "hey" she says a little off guard. "sorry if I scared you." I say with a little laugh. "nah it's fine I'm easy to scare. I get lost in my own thoughts and that's all it takes. Not much to scare me it kinda happens a lot. Sorry I'm rambling" she say embarrassed. "nah I don't mind your ramblings actually kinda cute." I say "if you say so but I don't think so" she says "well I do. So how long you staying here? I ask her. Well a week total so I have 4 days left. Then I head back." she says "wow a whole week off you're lucky." I say "yeah I saved up my days off. How do you know Keith?" She asks "Keith and I went to college together. We were roommates for 3 years. He told me I had to come check out this cabin of his he keeps talking about. So I finally decided I needed a break from life. So I came" I say "a break from life every thing okay" she asks me. "yeah nothing major I just broke up with my girlfriend. So how are you and Joey" I ask "ah you haven't heard. He and I broke up." She says. " I'm sorry" I say "don't be. I knew it wasn't meant to be. I just felt this strong feeling that he wasn't going to be the one.. we just weren't working out." She say. "yeah I know what you mean. Same with Robin and I. I just felt this pull that the girl I'm suppose to marry is still out there waiting for me." I say with a smile. My heart feels like it's racing a mile a minute. "well with my track record of guys I'm not so sure my luck is that good." She says. "can't be as bad as mine." I say "you wanna bet" she says with a laugh. "how bout we say they were equally bad." I says laughing. "deal" she says "so where do you want to get matched." I ask "I'd love to stay in the ED but there's only two spots. It's so competitive for them. I doubt I'll get one." I say "hey you gotta believe in yourself. From my experience working with you. You are a shoe in for one of the spots." I say as I nudge her shoulder. "Thanks." "So you do anything fun so far up here on your trip." I ask.
Sarah's pov
"well I tried fishing for the first time I loved it except for the getting out of the boat I kinda fell in the water." I say "I would of loved to have seen that." He says with a flirty voice. "what to get it on video to show everyone back at work. No way mister." I say with a flirty voice. "Hey what you doing tomorrow. I know this is last minute but I was thinking we could go fishing." He say with a smile. "What so you can see me fall in the water again no way." I say "Come on I'll even by you dinner after words we can call it a date" he says. "a date" I say curiously. "yeah the whole shebang I'll pick you up, pay for dinner and drop you back off. I'll even help you in the boat so you don't fall, " He says with his incredible laugh. "Very funny. I can get in the boat myself." I say flirty like. "so that a yes" he asks with a smile. "That's a yes" I say "then I'll pick you up say 2 pm for fishing then dinner." He says "sounds perfect" I say excuse me I'm gonna go see if Keith needs help with the grill." He says "sure I'll talk to you later" I say with a smile. "so you two looked pretty cozy chatting" Erica says as she walks up to me. "Yeah I even have a date with him tomorrow" I say smiling. "a date awe that's great." She says. "yeah I'm excited" I say "you should be you deserve it" she says. The rest of the part went great it was getting late by the time every was leaving. "Thanks for coming man." Keith says to connor. Yeah I had fun. And I'll see you tomorrow" connor says turning towards me. "Yeah can't wait bye." I say back. "bye" he says giving me a hug then leaving. The hug may have lasted a little two long but I didn't care one bit. It felt so right.
AN: Hey all. So this story was longer than I usually write but hey more for you to read. I also plan on doing a part two to this story it will be the date they have. Not sure when it will be up. I'm hoping next week by Friday but again not sure. As always feel free to vote and comment.
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