It's okay It's okay
Sarahs pov
It was suppose to be a normal day well as normal as any day we have in our line of work. I had the morning off as did Connor. So we decided to go grab breakfast as sunny side. I was starving by the time we pulled up to the restaurant."let me get that for you" connor says as he opens my door. "Thanks" I say as I kiss him. He kisses me back as we walk inside. "Two please" Connor told the hostess. "Right this way" she says to us as she shows us our table close to the kitchen. "Your waiter will be with you shortly" she says to us. "Thanks" I say to her as she walks off. "So how are you feeling this morning?" Connor asks me "tired really tired and achy body but it's all worth it I smile. "That's good. Don't forget that I'm on call tonight so I'll be at the hospital if you need anything." He says to me. "Thanks I'm trying to pick up a shift tonight but Maggie hasn't gotten back to me yet." I say as I look over the menu. "don't you need rest." He says to me. "I'll be fine I promise" I say knowing he's worried about me. "So what will you guys have can I get you started with drinks" the waiter asks. "Um I'll have a coffee decaf" I say "make that two coffees one decaf and one regular and we are ready to order" connor chimes in. "I'll have the waffles and bacon with eggs" I say "and for you" the waiter asks. "I'll have pancakes, bacon and eggs." He says "great I'll put the order in now and it shouldn't be too long." The waiter tells us. "How was last night with the girls, by the time I got home from work you were fast asleep. I didn't wanna wake you." He says to me "glad you didn't wanna wake me. It was good I enjoyed it. It was fun just hanging out with the girls at nats place all night watching movies." I say. "That's good I'm glad you had fun you deserved it." He says "When's your next on call shift?" I ask him "in three days I'm covering for Dr Perro" he says "that's right he's from cardiology if I remember correctly." I ask "yeah but I rarely work with him since we are on different shifts." He says as our food arrives. "this looks amazing I can't wait to dig in." I say. "it smells amazing too" he says. We continue talking while we eat our meal. "Do you smell that" I ask "no I don't smell anything. It must be your hightend senses." He say
"I'll be right back I'm gonna use the bathroom" I say " alright I'm gonna go pay." He says as I get up. As I come back from the bathroom I really smell something burning. "Something isn't right" I say worried "everything okay with you" he asks worried. "I'm fine but I still smell something like it's burning I sense something bad is about to happen. call it mother's intuition." I say "I don't think anything is wrong but I will tell someone you smell something burning" he tells me. I start to head to the door as he heads to get the manager the place erupts in flames "Go to the truck and wait for me please." He said "but what about you?" I asks scared. "I'll be fine just go we need you and nugget to be safe." He says as he brushes a kiss over my lips sending warmth through out my body. "Go I need to help here." he says I give him one last look and I run with the rest of the people.
Connors pov
The restaurant was engulfed in flames from the kitchen. I heard screaming coming from the kitchen. I run to the kitchen opening and see a worker crouched on the floor. "Hey come to me" I tell her "I can't move when the flames started I fell and hurt my ankle." She says "alright can you try and crawl to me." I say. "I'll try" she says. "Good." I say "I can't it hurts to much. I can scoot to you." she says. "That's good any way to get to me is good" I say as she starts to scoot to me "is there anyone else back there." I ask her as she reaches me. "Eddie was back there with me but he could have gone out the back door." She says "let's get you out of here" I say as I help her up.
Sarahs pov
I was waiting by the truck as connor told me to do. I can't lose him we can't lose him. I'm so scared. I heard the sirens of the emergency vehicles coming. I saw truck 81 get out. "Casey you have to help me. Connor is still in there he was helping people he should of been out by now." I say franticly running up to 81. "It will be okay we will get him out" he says to me. "Gear up 81 there are still people inside." I hear him say to his team. "you don't look so good. you feeling okay" Dawson asks me. "we aren't doing so well" I say "why don't you come over to the ambo and take a seat down on the curb." she says to me. So I sit down on the curb. "here drink some water and take some deep breaths for me" Brett says handing me a bottle of water. About five minutes later I see someone walking out. I notice it's connor. I use all my strength to get up and run to him. "Hey it's okay it's okay" he says as I crash into his arms. I just cry into his chest. "It's okay I'm safe." He says as he pulls me back. "We could of lost you today" I say looking at my stomach that is now starting to show. "Nothing is going to take me away from the two of you. I promise." He says kissing me.
AN: hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it. I also have been busy with other story ideas that I'm excited to share with you all. As always feel to vote and comment.
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