First Christmas (re-uploaded)
Sarahs pov
"Hey we going to get the tree today." Connor asks me. "Yeah I'm so excited. I'm off in 10 I just have to discharge this patient first. Then I'll be all set." I say "cool I'm gonna go change out and I'll meet you back here in 10 " he says to me. "Great see you soon. Hey Maggie do you have the papers for my patient to sign." I ask "yeah there around her somewhere. Just give me a sec. Urg I like my ED clean people." She says frustrated. "You looking for theses" Nat says holding up my paperwork work. " Yes! Where did you find them." She says "they were in the printer still." She says "ah yeah I forgot. Here you go" Maggie says handing them to me. "Thanks" I say as I head off to my patients room. "Alright Abby here I have two perscriptions for you to pick up. I want you to get lots of rest. No over doing it. Promise." I tell her "I promise I will take it easy" she says "okay then just sign theses papers and you are free to go. The nurse will take you out." I say as the nurse walks in. "Thanks April" I say as I walk back to the football to meet connor. "Hey go change out I'll wait here" he says as I walk up to him.
Connors pov
I had just told Sarah to go change out. We just finished a long day of work in the ED. Now we are off to go get our first Christmas tree together. "So what are your plans tonight. Do you guys wanna go to Molly's Tonight" Eithan says. "Sound fun but Sarah and I have plans." I say "ah well have fun." He says walking off. "Plans what kind of plans" Maggie asks. "We are picking out a tree. Then I'm taking her out for a walk along the river with hot Coco and giving her this gift. Which is a suprise for her. I say showing the gift. "wow she will love it." She says "thanks." I say say as I quickly put the gift back in my bag as Sarah approaches me. "Have a good night you two." Maggie saws with a smile. "Thanks mags" Sarah says as we walk to the car. "How far away is the tree lot" she asks me "not that far about 10 mins or so." I say "cool can't wait I wanna get a big one at least 8 or 9 feet tall" she says "wow I'm not sure that will fit in our cozy place but I know a 7 foot will we can see about an 8 foot but no promises." I tell her. Once we arrive at the tree lot she gets a huge smile on her face. Christmas is our favorite time of the year. "Let's look at these over here Sarah they are about the hight we want." I tell her "oh I like this one." She says "look at the back it's got a big whole" I say ""ah yeah no good" she says "how bout this one" I say "it's to small" she says "okay how bout this one" I say pointing out the perfect tree. "It's perfect can we get it" she says smiling at me "yes hunny we can get it." I say "excuse me sir we will take this one" I tell him "alright I'll ring you up over here and ill put it on top of your car." He says. "So now that we have our tree can we go home and decorate it." She says "not yet tree needs to sit for a few days to acclimate. Plus I was thinking we could do the river walk and drink hot coco" I say "sounds perfect I could always go for hot coco" she says leaning into me for a kiss. It doesn't take us long to get downtown to the river walk. "It's so pretty down here with all the lights." she says. "It sure is. You cold." I ask "not with you next to me." She says all flirty like cuddling next to me. "Two hot cocos please" I tell the lady "sure it will be right up" she says as I pay. "Thanks for the coco babe. It's perfect" she says. " You're welcome" I say
Sarah's pov
"So how was work" I ask "it was good I did 4 surgeries today two of them were emergency ones." He says "ah yeah I did work on some of them from the big accident" I say "so how was work for you" he asks me "it was busy but really good I got to work with the new girl Elizabeth. She's really good at what she does." I say "yeah I worked with her the other day she's amazing" he says "yeah she is amazing" I say
Connors pov
"Speaking of amazing. You're amazing" I say "oh really" she says kissing me "yeah and I have something for you" I say as I pull out the box from my coat pocket. "Connor I thought we weren't exchanging gifts till Christmas." She says "I know just open it." I say handing it to her. "Aww it's perfect connor I love it. Forever and always written in the shape of a heart." She says as she starts to tear up. "Here let me help put it on you." I say as I take the necklace from her. She turns around and pulls up her hair for me as I clasped the necklace. I then lean in and kiss her. I see her start to shiver. "It's getting cold. Let's go home and snuggle by the fireplace." I say "sounds like a perfect way to end the night." She says as we head back to my car to head home.
AN: hey sorry I haven't updated in a while I was sick then got sick again. I finally have a little energy to post a story tonight. Hope you all enjoyed this story. As always feel free to vote and comment. I will try and post sometime next week depending on how I'm feeling.
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