Sarah's Pov
I was just getting ready to leave work. I was at the football saying goodbye to Nat and Maggie. When I got a phone call from Herman at Molly's. I thought it was odd that he was calling me. Everyone I knew that knew about Molly's I thought was here working. "hello" I say "hey Sarah sorry to bother you at work" Herman says to me. "nah it's no just getting off work. What can I do for you? I ask him. "well I don't know if you know but connor is here and he's had a bit too much to drink. I was wondering if you can come get him. Take him home and sober him up." He asks me. "sure I'll be there in a little bit" I say. I hang up and slam my fist down on the counter top. I'm so angry at connor he should be at work. "what's wrong everything okay? Natalie asks me. "just got a call saying connor is drunk at Molly's. I have to go get him." I say "he's usually not like this is everything okay with you guys." She asks. "he's been acting up and kinda pushy lately since he lost his patient Mrs Anderson and the husband was furious with him for not doing more to save his wife." Ah Well hope everything works out. I'm here if you need me. I'll let you go collect him." She say to me as she walks off to the lounge. Just as I turn to leave I hear Mrs Goodwin call my name. Great, just what I don't have time for. "yes what can I do for you?" I ask "have you seen Connor he seemed to have left shift early we don't know where he went." She says. "Yeah he apparently got drunk at Molly's. I got a call from Herman I'm picking him up now." I say. "tell him to get his act together." She says "will do" I say I walk off to my car. It take me about 20 mins to get to Molly's from work. I brace myself for the worst before I head in. "He's over at the far end of the bar." Gabby says to me. "ummm thanks." I say to her. I head over to where he's sitting. "Really connor you leave mid don't do that. You have patience to take care of." I say with an angry voice. He doesn't even hear what I say. "Hey what you do.. doing here. Herman buddy me pl...please He says slurring his words and shaking his glass. "I came to pick you up." I say "st...stay let's have a drink. Otis my friend a dr...drink for the pr...pretty la..lady here. He says slurring. Otis isn't working tonight and I don't need a drink you don't need any more either" I say while trying to get the glass out of his hands. "she needs a drink someone get her a drink" he says loudly "connor what's going on with you? Does it have anything to do with the Anderson case? I ask "so what If it does I needed to clear my head from work. So I left. Now sit pr.. pretty la..lady. Ha..have a drink." He says. "Connor I said no. Come on baby please." He began me. "No means no get that through your head." I say. "You shouldn't of said no ." He yells at me. I'm starting to get a little scared. "You're starting to scare me. You're drunk connor let me take you home." I say "I'm fine here."he says "No let's go." I say as I try and pull him off the stool but he pushes me away. "I'm not going anywhere with you not until you agree to have some drinks with me." He slurs. "I said no connor." I say to him. "Nobody tells me no. You understand that" he says as he slaps me across the face and I stumble backwards. "hey let me look at that" Gabby says as she rushes over to me. "I'll be fine." I say to her. "The bruise is already starting to form. Let me get you some ice." She says " connor realized what he did and is now apologizing to me. "I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to hit you. Please forgive me please I won't ever do this again. I'm sorry I'm so so sorry." He says to me "here keep this on I'll get Severide to drive him home." She says handing me the ice. "Thanks but if you can just have Severide help get him to my car that would be great. I'll take it from there." I say "you sure. He won't mind." she says "yeah I'll be fine he and I need to have a chat before we head off anyways. I promise I'll be okay." I say. Severide helps me get connor into the car. I thought he would resist but he come willingly. "thanks Severide" I say "no problem" he says as he walks back inside. I head over to the drives side and get it. "talk to me please, calmly and no hitting. I say as I turn to him. "I failed" is all he said to me. "failed how? I ask. "My patients, my friends and you. The list goes on." You haven't failed anyone. You hear me. Just because you lost that patient doesn't mean you failed. There was nothing more anyone could have done. You know that. So please stop beating yourself up for it." I say taking his hand in mine. "I still failed you. I shouldn't of hit you. I don't expect you to forgive me." He says sadly. "That's right you shouldn't have hit me. But that's not failing me. I still love you. I'm going to help you through this pain and hurt you are going through. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I say to him giving his had a squeeze. "I love you too. Thank you for everything you've done and are going to do to help me through." He says squeezing my hand back. "come lets go home." I say as I pull out of the parking lot knowing it's going to be a tough few days ahead but I can handle anything that comes our way.
AN: hey guys hope you enjoyed this story its a bit different than I normally write. I got the idea from @ChicagoMedForever so thank you. I have another story in the works so hopefully i can get that finished and up by next Wednesday if not them by next Friday.
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