Christmas Windows
Sarahs pov
"Hey Tay sweetheart time to get up Connor will be here soon." I say. "Mommy I'm still tired." She says to me. "well then I guess you'll miss out on the Christmas window displays downtown." I say as I turn to leave. "Wait Mommy I'm not tired I'll get dressed." She says " thats what I thought. I put your clothes over on your art table. Dress warm it's cold out. It may even snow later. I go make your breakfast. Come to the kitchen when you're done" I say "okay mommy I will" she says with a smile. I leave her to get dressed while I make her breakfast. About 10 mins later tay comes running down the hall. I love hearing her pitter patter of her feet on the floor. "all ready Mommy" she tells me. "I see that. Come eat I got you your cereal out for you and a banana." I say. halfway through breakfast the door bell rings. "Its connor. I get it I get it." Tay says excitedly getting up from the table. "Ah wait finish your breakfast please."I say "but Connors here" she says. " Fine get the door then you have to finish your breakfast please." I say as I follow her to the door. "Morning Connor" she says as she opens the door and practically nocks him over with a bear hug. "hey monkey morning." Connor says hugging Tay back. "Go finish your breakfast so we can leave" I tell her. "connor will you come sit with me while I finish eating." Tay asks "sure monkey" I say "yay" she says excitedly "morning Sar" he says as he leans in to kiss me. "morning" I say kissing him back. "what's for breakfast?" I ask Tay "fruit loops and banana" she says. "coffee?" I ask. "to go would be good" he says. I pack up to coffees to go and finish getting Tay ready. About 15 mins later we are ready to go.
Connors pov
We just left Sarah's place and are heading to the train. Its so nice that the train stop is right out side her apartment complex. "when's the train coming?" Tay asks "soon sweetie about 5 minutes or so." I say "Mommy can we sit on the top level please." She says to Sarah. " I don't see why not." Sarah says. "yay connor we get to sit up on the top." She says excitedly. "I heard monkey that's really cool." I say. The train starts to arrive. "I see the train look here it comes" Tay says. "yes monkey it's coming please stay by me and Mommy. We want you to stay safe." I say. Tay takes my hand as we board the train. "Remember I wanna sit up top" she says with a smile "I remember sweetheart. Let's head up the stairs over there." I tell her. "This is so cool Mommy I can see out the window. We are so high up." She says. "that we are monkey." Sarah says. The train makes a few stops before we reach Union station. Tay looks so excited to see the windows all decorated. Truth is so am I. Sarah and I both did this as kids. The decorating of windows for Christmas in Chicago has been going on since 1897. We would also go to Marshall Fields and see Santa. Now days instead of Marshall Fields it's Macy's, but it's still as magical as ever. "Come on guys let's go." Tays says as she drags us by the hands to start our adventure. "We are sweetie." I say "Mommy Mommy look at this window. It's Pinocchio. I see Pinocchio" she says excitedly.
Sarah's pov
"Yes it is Pinocchio. He's dancing." I say "let's go to the next window and see what's there." Connor says "okay" she says. " She's so excited I'm so glad we are keeping this tradition going. Thanks for coming with us." I say to Connor. " It was my tradition too so I'm happy I get to continue it with you and Tay." He says as he leans into kiss me. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder watching Tay enjoy the excitement of Christmas. "Look look this window has frosty. He's my favorite" Tay says with a smile. "he's mine too" Connor says "really he is" she says with suprise. "sure is" he says to her. "did you wanna go grab some lunch then go back to looking at the windows I ask connor. "yeah I think that's a good idea" he says. "hey monkey you ready for some lunch." I ask her. "yep I'm hungry." She says. "great theres this diner over there we could eat at. Nat says it's really good. She and will eat there a lot." I say "yeah Dr Downy loves that place too. Let's go." Connor says "how many" the hostess asks us. "Three with a kids menu please." I say. "right this way" she says. About 10 minutes later our waiter arrives with our drinks. "what are we having today folks" he asks "three grill cheeses with tomato soup please." I say "coming right up." He says "so how are you enjoying this so far monkey connor asks. "I love it." She says. "well connor and I have one more suprise. After we look at all the windows we are going to see Santa at Macy's." I say "Santa. I get to see Santa. Yay" she says with a smile. "yep what are you going to ask for" connor says. "humm I want more art stuff for my table and some games." She says. "Well that sounds good." I say. "Alright folks here is your food." The waiter says. We are just about to leave when we run I'm to will and Nat. "hey it's so good to see you. What are you guys up to? Nat asks "seeing the window displays and Santa." I say. "That's so cool well you guys have fun. We will see you at work tomorrow." She says. "yeah good seeing you guy" connor says as we exit. " Mommy this window has Pinocchio playing in the snow." Tay says "oh and this one has Pinocchio In Santa's workshop. Look Mommy look." She says with a smile as she has her face pressed up against the glass. "We got a few more windows before we head to see Santa." I say. We finish up looking at the windows and head into the store to find Santa. "Where is Santa?" Tay asks "well monkey I think he's in his workshop up on the fifth floor." Connor says. We head up to the fifth floor and stand in line. "You excited" connor asks Tay "yes I am I can't wait to see him." She says. The line is a mile long to see the big man in red. It seems like forever to see him. I just hope that Tay can wait that long. About an hour and a half later we reach the front of the line."I see him I see Santa." Tay says as she pulls on my arm. "You're up next" I say as she walks up to sit on Santa's lap. "so little one. Have you been good this year?" Santa asks Tay. "I've been very good" she tells him. "Well that's good. What do you want for Christmas." Santa asks Tay. "I want art stuff like paints and coloring stuff and some new games." She says. "I'll see what I can do" he says with a smile. We take the picture and head out of Santa's workshop. "that was so fun" Tay says. On our way out of the workshop Tay spots this stuffed puppet animal dog. "Mommy Mommy I have to have this dog please." She begs "it's to close to Christmas sweetie" I say "please Mommy it's all I ever wanted. It's only $20 please" she begs again "how about this. This can be one of my present to you" connor says. "Really thank you Connor. I love you." She says hugging him. "I love you too monkey" he says hugging her back. We buy the dog and head back to the street to the train station. It was getting dark out by the time we left.
Connors pov
"so what are you going to name your dog."I ask her. "I was thinking Spot since he has spots all over him." She says. "well Spot sounds like a great name." I say. As we reach the station Tay is starting to yawn. "You tired monkey I ask her "yeah I am" she says Mommy can you pick me up" she ask. "sure sweetheart I can" she says as she picks her up. We waited around for 20 mins before the train pulled in. "Did you enjoy yourself today." I ask Sarah "I did. How bout you" she asks me "I had a blast any day I get to see you and Tay is a good day." I say leaning in to kiss her. I see Sarah struggling to hold Tay. "here let me hold her give you a break" I say. "thanks" she says as I carefully take Tay in my arms. "Here come the train" she says. We board the train and take our seat. Tay who is clutching her new stuffed dog starts to stir in my arms. So I gently rock her "shhhh go back to sleep" I say as I kiss the top of her forehead. "You're so sweet with her." Sarah says as she leans her head against my shoulder. I carefully wrap my arm around her. "This is the best Christmas so far. Thank you. I love you." She says. "I love you too" I say as I close my eyes and kiss her forehead. Its a perfect way to end the night the three of us, my arm wrapped around Sarah and Tay in my lap fast asleep.
AN: I had a little energy to write and post this story. so a little bit of a back story to this one shot. As a child I grew up just outside of Chicago for a few years and every Christmas we would take the train into downtown sit on the top level and go see the window displays. The display theme I really remember most was Pinocchio. We would also go up to Marshall Fields and see Santa. That was also the year I bought Spot the stuffed dog. To which I still have this day 20 some odd years later. I hope you enjoyed this story. As always feel free to vote and comment. I will try and update next week depending on how I'm feeling.
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