Car Accident
No One's Pov
Will was working on a patient when his phone went off. "Hey Will, I need you to alert Maggie. There's been an accident involving one of your own. Its pretty bad, 3 car pileup." Jay says over the phone. "jay who is it?" Will asks concerned. "I'm sorry man Its Sarah we just loaded her into ambo 61. She's 10 minutes out." Jay says. "Thanks Jay" Will says. "Has anyone seen Reese her shift started an hour ago and she's not here yet. I've called her and it goes straight to voicemail. It's not like her to be late." Maggie asks. Will step up to the football where Maggie is. "About Sarah, She's been in an accident. Jay just called me she'll be here soon." Will says. "Do me a favor her boyfriends gonna wanna know she's been in an accident so page Doctor Rhodes for me. If he says he's busy tell him it's Sarah." Maggie says "Wait what her boyfriends Rhodes" Will asks confused. "yes now go before she gets here." Maggie says. "Doctor Rhodes Maggie needs you at the football right way." Will says over the pager phone to Connor. "not now tell her I'm busy. I've got loads of patients to see for rounds." Connor says. "No can do she told me to tell you Sarah." Will says "um okay, be right down" Connor says Connor rushes down to Maggie from the cardiology floor. "Maggie what's going on? Where's Sarah?" Connor says running up to Maggie. Just as Maggie was about to speak Connor sees Sarah being wheeled in on the stretcher.
"Oh gosh Sarah baby. Wh.... What happened." I ask in shock. As Irun over to her. "She was in a car accident. Driver ran a red light and hit twocars one was hers. Leg was crushed on impact she also seems to have broken ribsand some major bleeding going on. She lost consciousness on scene." Shay says "Trauma 3 maggie yells to the paramedics. They bring her to trauma 3 andtransfer her to the bed. "Sarah honey can you her me. Sarah baby, honey? " Iask in fear. "let us work on her you're in no condition to help." Ethan says. "Pleaseyou have to do all you can to save her. I can't lose her." I say with tears."we will. Not let us work" he says as they continue working on her. "She'scrashing let's get her upstairs to surgery" Ethan says. " who's doing thesurgery? " I ask "Doctor Norman. Will be performing surgery." He tells me. I don'teven have time to kiss her goodbye. She was whisked away so fast. I feel soheartbroken. I just stand there in disbelief not able to move. My bodyfeeling completely numb.
After surgery
I was sitting in Sarah's ICU room. It was very quite otherthan the beeping of the machines. She looks so frail lying in bed. She hadgotten out of surgery 3 hours ago. They say she did really well in surgery. Shestill hasn't woken up yet. I was getting tired. I'd been up all night with adouble shift. I didn't mean to fall asleep I wanted to be awake when she wokeup but I couldn't help but drift off. I'm awoken when I hear Sarah start tostir. "hmmm what's going on. Why am I in the hospital?" Sarah asks. "Heysweetheart, How do you feel? Do you remember what happened?" I ask getting upto kiss her. "I remember I was on my way to work but don't remember the rest."She says to me. "you were in a car accident guy ran a red light." I say."no wonder I feel like j got hit by a bus." She says trying to make ajoke. "I'm just glad you made it through surgery. You came in pretty beatenup." I say holding her hand. "Is it hot in here or is it just me.She asks. I get up to see what her temperature is.. "Babe are you feelingokay." I ask. "I'm very hot I don't feel so good. I'm also in a lotof pain." She says in tears. "You have a fever I'm gonna get Doctor Normanto get you something to reduce the fever. I'll be right back." I saygiving her a kiss on the forehead. She looked really bad so pale andworn out. I walk out of the room to get the doctor. I wasn't gone long maybe 5minutes. Within those 5 minutes she took a turn for the worse. I was talkingwith the doctor when I heard alarms going off. I saw a bunch ofnurses rush into Sarah's room. I rush back in to see them frantically working onher. "Her stats are dropping." One of the nurses says. I rush over toher side. The machines just keep beeping louder and louder. "We are losingher." The doctor says. I see Sarah start to close her eyes "No noSarah baby come back to me please baby you gotta hang on. Keep fighting. Wewill get through this." I cry. Her stats are dropping even further"No come on baby. Baby honey please. Don't give up." I say with tearsstreaming down my face. They were able to get her semi stable. " Lookslike she's bleeding internally again. Something must have shifted aftersurgery. We gotta reopen her up. we gotta move now." Doctor Norman says."Save her she's the love of my life." I say I quickly lean into her. "I love you" I say to her as I kiss her. "love you shemanages to say with all her strength as they wheel her up to surgery
AN: hey guys sorry i wasn't able to update over the weekend. I had to work a wedding. But i was able to write a little more today and upload this story. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to vote and comment. I will update again on Thursday.
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