Auction Night
Sarah's Pov
Hey don't forget that tonight is the auction for charity. I expect everyone to be there since we are not on shift and bring your friends ." Maggie says from behind the football. I walk up to her and April while I'm checking out a patients chart. "So who are you going to bid on tonight bet I can guess. " April says "I'm not binding on anyone tonight." I say "What come on its all part of the fun. When do we ever get to bid on hot men? " She says to me " that's true but its not my style plus I'm kind of seeing someone." I say shyly. " seeing someone who you never told us come on spill the beans who is it. Who are you seeing? It is someone in the hospital. I need to know" April says in a despite voice. "not telling out of respect of my guy. we will tell when we are ready." I say firmly "come on I gotta know please." April says "Leave the poor girl alone will you she has the right not to tell." Maggie says. "thanks Mags" I say as Natalie walks up. "so who you bidding on let me guess Will." April says. " huh what are you talking about? Nat says confused. "she's talking about the auction tonight." I say. " ah yes the auction. Yes Will is who I'm bidding on. No surprise there since we are dating." Nat says. I look at my watch and realized my shift ended 5 minutes ago. "Well I'm now off shift and heading home to get ready for tonight. I'll see you guys to night at the hall." I say as I walk off to the locker room to change out and grab my things.
At the auction
I brought my good friend and roommate Ellie with me tonight. She's wearing a navy blue floor length dress. I'm wearing a deep purple dress that falls to just below the knees. I normally don't like wearing dresses but we had to dress fancy tonight plus its my boyfriends favorite dress. Thought I'd surprise him by wearing it. "you look nice" nat says as I walk into the hall. "thanks. So you ready for tonight?" I ask " no I'm afraid that someone will out bid me on Will. I can only spend so much." She says "just know that no matter what happens he loves you and nothing can change that." I say knowing from experience as nat walks off. No one knows that Connor and I are dating. We have been keeping it a secret since up until a week ago he was my boss. I still work in the ED but now since I've graduated I'm working under a new boss which I nice its less stress on both of us. We plan to tell everyone soon but not sure when. He says I can bid on him if I want or any other guy tonight we aren't that serious yet but I love him to death. I can't imagine my life without him. The action is about to start and I make my way up to the middle of the room."Alright lets get this started remember people be generous this is for charity to help the less fortunate." Maggie says. Ethan was auctioned off to a blond girl for $1,300 Will as auctioned off to Nat for $1,500. Ellie bought Noah for S900. " Connors up next" Ellie says to me. "I know " I say excitedly "you're not going to get jealous if someone outbids you. Are you? She asks " no ill be fine. I say lying through my teeth. "alright next up is Connor Rhodes " Maggie says as Connor steps out. Bidding will start at $600." $600 a blond says. "Do I hear$ 700" Maggie says. "$700 someone yells. "Do I hear $800." she says "$800 a burnet says. "Do I hear $900" she says. "$900 I yell out." I get some odd looks from my coworkers but I don't care. "$1,000 someone else yells. I have a S1,000 can I get $1,500" Maggie says. $2,000 someone yells out. "$2,500 I yell out. "Do I hear $3,000?" Maggie says as I see that Connor can't keep his eyes off me. The bidding keeps going up and up and it becomes a bidding war with a skinny blond and me for a bit but I'm running out of money. It's now up to $5,175. "$6,000 he's all mine honey so back off you have no chance with him anyway he looks like he's more into me than he would be you." The Blond yells out as she give me a look. She then turns and faces Connor . We could have a lot of fun on our date hot stuff." She says to Connor making him blush. It just be dinner dear. He says with annoyance. She's making me uncomfortable making me doubt my relationship with Connor. I could only go to $5,800 and that was pushing my limits. I just couldn't lose Connor. I see Connor lean over and whisper something into Maggie's ear and she now has a huge smile on her face. "I've got $6,000 do I have $6,500? Maggie asks. "Help me I can't lose him" I say turning to Ellie she gives me a look that says go ahead. "$8,000 I yell out shocking myself and everyone else. I'd figure out some way to get the money and pay her back. "$9,000 the blond yells but Maggie yells back "sold for $8,000 to the beautiful curly haired brunet." "what that's not fair I bid more than she did" the blond argues. " I make the rules around here sold for $8,00. Connor go collect your date." She says. I rush up to the front of the room to meet Connor. As I'm doing so he's walking towards me. I see he's walking really fast towards me. I don't even get to start talking before he kisses me. I'm a little shocked by this since we were hadn't figured out when to tell people about us but at that moment I didn't care. Everything just seemed to melt always. "You know what that dress does to me" he says as he pulls away from the kiss. "Exactly, that's why I wore it." I say all flirty like. "Her, Her that frizzy little girl you chose her over me." the blond says in a jealous voice as she walks up to us. I turn toward her while still holding onto Connor. "listen honey, back off he's my man not yours go find someone else. I say gaining my confidence back and truing back to Connor. "Man I love you." He says to me as he rests his forehead on mine. "I Love you too." I say with a smile. He kisses me one more time before we walk off to pay for him. "How did you have that much money?" he asks holding me around my waist. " I don't I'm borrowing a little from my amazing roommate and best friend." I say "Ellie must really care about you to lend money to you." He says "she's the best she knows how much I love you. And that I couldn't lose you." I say. "You will never lose me Sar. You mean the world to me." He says kissing me again. After we pay we go stand in the back corner. Connor couldn't keep his hands off me. I'm now leaning against him with his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms over his. "Let's get out of here. And go to your place. That dress is getting me to." He whispers in my ear. I blush at the sounds of his words in my ear. "You took the words right out of my mouth. I say as I turn around and kiss him. I quickly take his hand leading him out the side door as we disappear into the night.
AN: hey guys hope you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it. Please feel free to vote and comment. I will try and update Wednesday.
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