Against Regulations
Sarah’s pov
I was working a busy shift. It was about 3pm. I had lots still to do and lots to do tonight. I had a ton of studying to do. Which I was not looking forward to at all. I hated studying. It would take me forever to memorize something. I would get so frustrated over it."what you got planned for tonight" Maggie asks. "urg studying. Lots of it." I say "we should do a girls night." April says. Did you not hear I have studying to do." I say. "forget the studying. Come on please we all need it." She say pleading with me. "Not going to happen." I say I looked up from the football where I am imputing patient data into a computer while chatting with April and Maggie when I see connor walking the halls. I quickly get up and run after him. "Connor wait up." I yell after him. "Yeah Reese what's up?" He asks me as I catch up to him. "You still willing to help me study." I ask him. "Yeah sure I'd love to. How bout I meet you at 6. Your place again. That work for you." He says with a smile. "Yeah that's great. See you then thanks again" I say with a smile. "no problem see you then." He say as he walks off. I then walk back to the computer and continue working. "What was that all about?" Maggie asks. "oh nothing um Connors coming over to help me study tonight." I say trying to hide my enormous smile. "Yeah sure will see how much studying actually gets done." April comments.i give April the look. "What I'm just sayin" she say. "he's got a girlfriend April" I say " nope broke up two weeks ago" Maggie interjects. As I hear what she said my smile grows bigger. "Um hm studying right." April says as she walks laughing. The day goes by extremely slow. It's finally 5:15 just enough time for me to get home and ready for Connor to come over. I changed into skinny jeans and a baggie charcoal grey shirt. One that hangs off one shoulder. I quickly put my hair into messy bun just as there was a knock at the door. Coming I yell hoping he heard me. I open the door to Connor holding food. "pizza and beer what every good study session needs." He says as he walks in. "You're a life saver. I didn't have time to eat a proper lunch today. I'm starving." I say to him. "same here" he say. We head over to the couch and place the pizza on the coffee table. "You ready for this?" He asks. "no I keep freezing up. Lately." I say discuraged. We dive right into the food and he opens my text book. Okay first question. What is angina?" He asks " I got this one it's Chest pain from lack of oxygen" I say "correct" he says with a smile. Next question what is heart failure?" He asks. "A condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs" I say. Okay this is a true or false. A patient can have heart failure without being aware of it. True or false?"he asks me. "Hum tricky but I think its true." I say as I take more bites of my pizza. " Good job" he says. "Thanks I say with a smile. "You're doing good so far. Okay next question. Name three types of heat failure?" He asks me. I sit there thinking for a while thinking. So long he starts humming the theme to Jepardy. "Cut that out." I laugh as I throw my pillow at him in a flirty way. I hit him right in the face. He tried to grab the pillow but he was to late. "Left sided heart failure, Congestive heart failure, and Myocardial heart failure." I say. "Close you got two out of three. It's right sided heart failure not myocardial heart failure." He says as he eats his pizza. "You ready for another? He asks "I guess so."I say discuraged. "no don't get yourself down. You've only missed one so far. Next question.What are common signs and symptoms of heart failure?" He says "Shortness of breath, trouble breathing, fatigue, swelling" I say "correct smarty pants" he say flirty like as he throws the pillow back at me. We continue studying for another good hour. Flirting back and forth. My shirt is now hanging off my shoulder even more now. I didn't care one bit. Neither did Connor I kept noticing him staring at my bare skin. "Study break I need another beer. You need anything. I say as I get up to go to the fridge. "Another beer would be great" he says as he gets up to follow me. I'm in the kitchen when he surprises me as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Connor what are you doing?" I ask. " That shirt your wearing is driving me nuts. I can't stop staring." He says as he nibbles on my neck. " We need to get back to studying." I say as I turn around in his arms. "Studying you have that down pat. Plus I have other ideas the the rest of the night." He says as he kisses me. "Connor we can't it's against regulations." I say. "but it's what you want? Right? You've been flirting all night."he says. "yes it's what I want." I say. "then who cares about regulations. He says kissing me harder. He's now managed to pin me up against the fridge. I moan in excitement. I kiss him back. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist I catch him by surprise as he almost falls backwards. "bedrooms that way" I say as I nod in the direction as I tangle my hands in his hair. He supports me as he heads off in the direction of my room. He gently lowers me on the bed while kissing me and the rest of the night is history.
AN: hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update Thursday. As always please feel free to vote and comment. I love hearing what you think.
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