A Long Day
Sarah’s pov
It had been a long morning so far. I didn’t even have a chance to get my coffee. Which I really could of used. I was up all night I didn’t sleep well. Connor was doing a double shift last night so the bed was very lonely. I hear my phone buzz and pull it out. It was a text from Connor. “Hey babe Hope you have a great day. I’ll see you later. I love you.” He says “ I will try to have a good day I missed you last night. See you later. Love you too.” I text back with a giant smile on my face. “What’s with that smile on your face?” Maggie says “ Let me guess Connor texted” April says to me. “might have been him” I say “ well he seems to make you happy.” April says. “he makes me the happiest woman alive. He means the world to me. I love him with all my heart.” I say beaming. I was about to step out for a break when I saw an ambulance pull up. . "incoming."I hear Maggie says. I look up and see a woman being wheeled in on a stretcher. "Sarah trauma 2 April go with her.” she says to me “What do we got?” I ask the paramedics. “ Victim complaining of having trouble breathing. . Heart rate 134.” They say to me. : she allergic to anything?” I ask them. “We don’t know we couldn’t get a full history from her.” They say “thanks will take it from here” I say as we transferred the patient and gave them back their stretcher. I hate not having a history to work with. It makes our job that much harder. “alright let’s get her on oxygen and give another dose of epi” I say to April. The epi starts to take effect immediately. The patient’s heart rate slows down to normal. “Hi im Dr Reese do you know what happened? Are you allergic to anything?” I asked the patient. “I think a ate something I was allergic to.” She says. “do you know what you are allergic to.? I ask. “ Walnuts” she says to me. “Alright well you seem to be doing well but I wanna keep you for a while for observation.” I say she thanks me and I walk out back to the football. The day kept getting busier by 4pm I’d seen 2 car crashes 3 broken arms 2 heart attacks and a case of the flu. I felt like I’d been running all over the place I barely had time to eat lunch. I ate on the go which I’m very use to. I was at the football talking to Natalie when I felt someone’s arms wrap around my waist. Then rest their head on my shoulder. “Hi” Connor says to me. “Hi” I says as he tries to kiss my neck. “ hey we’re at work what are you doing?” I ask “I missed you last night and I haven’t seen you all day” he says to me
Connors pov
It has been a long day. I was on the second shift of my double. I work the night shift to cover for a friend. I missed sleeping with Sarah. I haven’t even been able to see her all day. We were both so busy. I decided I would bring her a cup of coffee since I managed to have a small break. I found her over at the football talking with Natalie. I wanted to surprise her so I set the coffee cups down and motioned with my finger to my lips for Nat not to make a sound about me being behind Sarah. I approach her and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. “ Hi” I say to her. “hi” she says to me as I try and kiss her neck. ”hey we’re at work what are you doing?” she asks .”I’ve missed you last night and haven’t seen you all day” I say “I could really use some coffee right about now.” She says to me.I spin her around so she’s facing me. “Well you’re in luck.” I say as I reach over and grab her cup of coffee. “ooh yes coffee” she says as I hand it to her. I laugh at how cute she is. “Dinner after work?” I ask “sounds great can’t wait.” she says to me. Just as I’m about to speak again my pager goes off. “gotta go babe work calls. I’ll see you later.” I say as I give her a quick kiss on the lips and head off.
AN: hey guys here is another story. Sorry it's a bit shorter than the others next week it will be back to normal. Hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to vote and comment. I will update again on Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe sooner idk yet.
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