chapter 4
Hey hey this is another update poggers!
-----Nobodys pov---
Tommy slowly started to wake up for some reason he felt so cold even though his room was warm and the windows where shut.
But tommy didn't wake up for no reason he woke up because he had a horrible nightmare this happened for a week straight.
These nightmares would weaken tommy and make him not want to fall asleep but he wants to.
After tommy had some time to catch up with his thoughts he slowly got and put his soft covers over his shoulders.
When he started to walk he felt like he was in the antarctic.
Tommy slowly walked downstairs and started to feel light headed.
"Tommy you okay you don't look so we'll" quackity said walking over to tommy.
Tommy slowly looked down at quackity and nodded.
The young blonde walked over to the fireplace to warm up a bit.
5 minutes later
"Hey toms ready to train?"technoblade said.
Tommy got up and nodded and then technoblade and tommy walked into the backyard with quackity tubbo shlatt phil and wil following behind.
Everyone sat down in the field and started to talk about their day and some peacefully wanted for technoblade and tommy to get ready for their training.
After a couple of minutes went by techno and tommy where finally ready.
Hey kid like ptsd and scared tommy?
Tommy and technoblade where both on the other side of the field and everyone was watching waiting for the training.
Tommy took and deep breathe and waited for technoblade to strike first.
Surprisingly techno actually made the first strike.
Tommy blocked technoblade sword and started to push back technoblade hopefully to gain some ground.
During-fight tommy just was taken back abit to his first memories with his first family.
Ay ptsd time.
Tommy saw his past self with his family playing in the field with the bees and birds everyone was smiling.
That's when tommy saw further in the memories that his family was brutally killed infront of him he was forced to watch his family die.
That's when he remembered that his first older brother and him use to sword fight with sticks.
But not always where sticks fun he was hit with sticks at the orphanage and beat meaninglessly and thrown out in the cold and he'd go without food for days.
And then he would go to these facilities to get tested on but tommy remembered this one vivid one where he had to sword fight and he had to gain ground but the something happened he tried to remember but then he snapped back into reality.
Tommy didn't notice that he was zoned out while fighting technoblade.
Technoblade started to go back into sword fighting and so did tommy.
The blonde did another block but looked behind tommy to see someone from the past.
It looked like one of the Dr who would do tests on him but tommy saw one thing in particular he saw a needle with a green substance inside.
Tommy knew what exactly was it was and backed up.
Technoblade looked at tommy confused and wondered why he was backing away.
Tommy dumped into wilbur.
Wilbur saw tommy flinch when he bumped into him.
Tommy covered his mouth and tried not to try.
Then that voice came back.
"I told you that you where useless you can't even do a simple sword fight with your brother.."
"No no not true that's not true they care about me very much i-i" tommy whispered to himself and feel down on his knees and and he saw looking at his hands.
There was blood on his hands and grass from tommy's perspective but from everyone else everything looked fine.
Tommy looked around seeing shadow people whispering in his ears.
"Make it stop please someone make it stop" tommy said to himself.
Wilbur philza and technoblade where trying to comfort tommy down while everyone else was making sure nobody else was hurt and seeing if they where being watched or stalked.
After a couple of minutes tommy finally calmed down and fell asleep.
Jshlatt carried tommy inside while everyone else was helping clean up.
After everyone cleaned up they saw tommy laying down on Jshlatt they where big peacefully asleep on the couch.
Philza technoblade and wilbur sat down next to the sleeping boys and fell asleep and so did quackity and tubbo.
They all just wished that it'd be more peaceful like this.
To be continued...
I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and I hope you have a good day goodbye my minecraft gamers ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖
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