Why have feelings if you don't know what you feel?
All eyes were on Lian who stood mouth agape eyes not wavering from Jon's, she didn't know how to feel, obviously she had developed some sort of feelings for the kryptonian from them hanging out so often.
She had yet to decide what they were or how to deal with them, it has barely been a year since her last love had died and she felt as if she was betraying him with every step closer she took to Jon.
In an attempt to save her troubled cousin Aria turned to Tim who stood confused behind lian "Timothy Jackson Drake! Why would you let my son play with a katana?!" She scolded him as everyone now turned to look at Tim seemingly breaking out of their previous trance.
"Oh I uh..." he stuttered gesturing to the sleeping child "shush he's asleep" he tried in attempts to save himself from a lecture.
"Besides it was either the katana or let him continue to play with the grenade" he winced as Arias jaw dropped, Damian swore he would've decapitated him right there had he not been holding his child.
"Give me my child right now!" She growled, she had been angsty for the last hour, but who could blame her? Her newborn baby girl was taken for tests and her little boy was playing with a grenade and almost blown apart.
"What type of babysitter are you?" Aria questioned him stroking her sleeping son. "The kind who doesn't know how to deal with children, he's alive isn't he? He's perfectly happy and now he's taking a nap, perfectly normal if I do say so myself" Tim shrugged taking a seat.
"Hey guys" dick walked in wearing his police uniform. "So do I have a niece or nephew?" He excitedly asked scanning the room "niece, they've taken her for tests" Damian told him.
The smile didn't stray from dicks face as he watched Thomas begin to wake up. "Hey baby" aria smiled at him as he slowly got up off her his bright green eyes scanning the room.
"Hiya unca dickie!" He giggled seeing his uncle raising his arms gesturing to be picked up. Dick chuckled pulling him into his arms.
"Hey Tim did you have any trouble then?" Dick asked his younger brother as he put Thomas onto his shoulders.
"No we're good" Tim muttered quietly "trouble?" Lian questioned looking away when Jon's eyes went back to her.
"Pulled him over for having a kid without a car seat" dick shrugged a smile tugging at his lips at the fearful expression on Tim's face.
Before the others could say anything Tim spoke up "don't look at me like that aria! You do it all the time!" He accused her and Damian shot her a look to which she just replied "he let our son play with a grenade!"
"Ok stop arguing like children!" Irey snapped at the 3 Wayne's. "Apart from that we had fun right Tommy?" Tim asked in hopes of getting the toddler on his side.
"Yeah! I'm sorry unca Timmy does ouchie still hurt?" He asked now leaning his head onto Dicks shoulder.
"Yeah how did you get hurt?" Aria questioned her eyes narrowing in on the small patch of blood on the gauze wrapped around his arm.
"Well he wouldn't let go of the grenade, and I uh... needed to distract him and the only shiny thing I saw was Demon's sword so I showed it him and he grabbed it while I grabbed the grenade before it hit the ground" he fumbled over his words stopping to take a deep breath "I put it away and that's when I remembered I gave a sharp blade to a toddler, so when I tried getting it off him he nicked me in the arm" he continued glancing between Damian's proud smirk and Arias sheepish smile.
"My son has continued my legacy of attempting to end Drakes miserable life" Damian muttered proudly.
"Don't give him any ideas!" Tim warily looked at the young toddler who was now playing with dicks hair.
A knock at the door shifted everyone's attention as the door opened to reveal the only white streaked male who could diffuse any awkward situation or potentially leave everyone here with a permanent blush.
"It's like a party in here" he huffed pulling off his jacket throwing it onto a chair before placing a kiss on his daughters forehead.
"Hi dad" she hugged him "so what was it? And where is it?" He asked looking around the room "she's a she not an it" Damian rolled his eyes at him while Jason made a face at Damian.
"Ha! I knew it! Roy owes me 20 bucks!" He did a little victory dance ignoring his daughters laughs and the weirded stares of her friends.
"Papa you're so silly" TJ giggled when Jay went to pick him up. "Well my dear child that is what whiskey does to you" he told him chuckling quietly.
"Seriously dad?" Aria groaned sending a glare to her dad "it's not like he knows what that is" Jason defended himself.
A knock on the door interrupted them once again and Jerry walked back in "um... sorry to interrupt but you're daughters tests are done and we're going to keep her over night but you should be good to take her home either tomorrow or the day after" he told them his voice timid.
"Is she going to be alright?" Aria asked "well I'm not sure about the technical terms but she has some sort of lung deformation which will affect her breathing so she would be needing an inhaler and regular check ups to make sure they don't deteriorate even more, her body's not stable enough nor qualified enough for a lung transplant if you were thinking about that, she'd have to wait at least until her teenage years until her body is strong enough to handle surgery, but someone will be coming later to explain all this to you in more detail" he tried his best to explain feeling empathy towards the young parents.
"Thank you" Damian nodded at him as he left them room, the others not noticing Lian pulling Jon out behind him.
"Hey we need to talk" lian told him once they were far away from the delivery room. "Yeah we do" Jon scratched the back of his neck as they walked to the cafeteria together.
They took a seat in the far corner near the window, they sat in silence for a minute neither of them wanting to talk.
Lian sighed "we.. I uh, I don't know how to start this.." she groaned looking away from him again "it's simple really, I like you, do you like me?" Jon had no idea where this sudden confidence was coming from and it shocked lian too.
"I uh I don't know.." she muttered weakly glancing up to his face momentarily before sighing again "I feel something for you, that much is obvious but I'm not sure what I feel, it's like if I try to come closer to you I feel like.." he continued for her "like you're betraying him?" She nodded laying her head on the table.
"I get what you mean, I thought I was just doing this to look out for you I mean Colin was one of my bestfriends, but it comes to a point where it was more than looking out its the need to know your okay and happy and I feel like I can make you happy, if you let me" lian contemplated over his words.
"I just need a bit of time to gather my thoughts and feelings" she inwardly cringed at the way it sounded but Jon seemed to ignore the tone of her voice, "ok I'll wait, as long as you need me to but just know that I'm here for you whatever you're decision is" he squeezed her hand before getting up leaving her alone with her thoughts.
"Stupid feelings, why do they have to be so complicated? Why can't my brain just tell me I like somebody? It's a simple yes or no question there is no maybes" she muttered to herself leaning back onto the table.
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