Welcome back
Jason's pov
It's been 2 weeks since skylar's been back and it's great having her around again. It was awkward at first but she's settled back into her old life again. I love the look on her face every time she hears about how me and Roy screwed up while raising our daughter.
It was Monday morning and my alarm went off to get up. I turn it off and turn around to see skylar awake. "Morning babe" she says in a raspy morning voice. "Morning" I say give her a kiss then getting up and getting ready as she follows soon after. We head into the kitchen and I begin to cook.
"I could help ya know" she says whilst she watches me. "No chance love, last time you set the kitchen on fire" I replied smirking.
Roy came into the kitchen with aria and lian who have. Surprisingly been behaving-ish, they sat down "Mornin uncle jay aunt sky" "morning" we said. "Morning mom" *aria yawns* "morning dad" "morning"
After breakfast the girls were just doing there own things cause they had a few minutes before they left. Me and Roy stopped them just as they were about to leave "remember to not get kicked out again!" We said together. "We know dad!" They replied together.
"Again?" Skylar asked. "Oh yeah you don't know...hehe long story" Roy began.
"So....nobody knows how he got up there?" She asked amazed with a hint of pride on her face.
We nodded in response. "They won't tell us they're the only ones that know"
Skylar's pov
Jason and Roy has gone out for a job. I got a call by the school later around lunch saying I needed to talk to the principal about something that happened with aria. My motherly instincts kicked in and I rushed to school, I got out of my car and walked inside.
I went to the main office and the receptionist directed me to the principals office, outside sat aria and lian who had a black eye along with another girl who looked familiar.
"Ari, lian honey you guys ok?" I said inspecting lians eye. "Yeah we're fine" aria responded as someone stepped out of the office.
"Who are you?" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned around "dipshit?" I say shocked aria snickered at the name I called him. "Skylar?" He says equally shocked. "What happened here?" I demanded. "Haven't seen you in a while" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you gonna answer me or do I have to ask again?! What.happened.here?"I said annoyed and slightly pissed.
"Miss Todd got into a fight alongside miss harper and miss jones" he said glaring at aria.
"Who told you this?" I asked sternly. "Miss jones did?" He said confused.
"Aria what happened?" I ask softly. "Finally someone who asks me for the truth, you see lian went to get a drink Britney tripped her and lian asked what her problem was and Britney was bitching about saying some random shit about Lia's mom which caused a fight and I ain't gon sit there and watch my bestie/cousin get in trouble or hurt by this witch so after she was punched I stood in front of lian and then Britney attacked me, for once I did nothin but he just Happens to walk in when I got there and him being him misread the whole thing and didn't even ask me what happened!"
I looked at aria and then lian then glared at everyone else "Skylar I don't see how this involves you" he said calmly. "Of course this involves me dipshit! That's my daughter and my fucking niece right there! And you know for a fact that you mess with my family or anyone I care about then you mess with me! I get what happened between us and Jason but get over it, stop being a whiny bitch over something that happened ages ago and don't be bringing my kid into this or my niece" I say gritting my teeth. "She's y-your kid?"he stutters. "Of course she is, now stop asking dumbass questions cause we're not gonna be wasting our time here now come on girls we're going home" I say walking out bumping into someone, I looked and it was Tiffany "Skylar?" She asked "Not now bitch!" I say walking out.
We walked to the car and sat inside "sorry girls you had to see that" I apologise. "Are you kidding? That was fucking amazing!"lian said as Aria added "yeah mom dad always does it secretly this was way better cause nobody's done that before, well except....Damian"
"Speaking of him have you heard from him?" I asked. "No, I've been trying to call but no answer I was planning on going there today to check on him" aria said.
"Ok honey, I'll go there now and alfreds keeps this healing salve there which gets rid of black eyes in days" I say staring to drive.
Arias pov
We finally arrive. Mom takes lian to Alfred for her eye while I go find Damian. "Damian are you down here?" I say going into the batcave.
"Aria what're you doing here?" Dad asks.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Uh...Training" he replied hesitantly.
"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asked.
"Oh yeah...no got into a fight well, I didn't lian did but then I stepped in and got caught then mom was called in and yeah she said a few things to principal "dipshit" and then we left. She's with lian and Alfred right now putting some salve on for her black eye" i explained.
"Is lian ok?" Uncle Roy asked. "She's fine, a bit moody... the girl insulted her mom so she's a bit pissed now" I whispered for some reason. Roy nodded.
"Anyway where's dami?" I ask looking around. "He's on his way back from a mission" dad says. I nod and sit down as lian and mom come down.
Roy hugs lian and checks over her. I hear the batmobile rush in and Bruce rushes out carrying A limp Damian. My heart clenches as I look at his pale body.
He gets taken into the medical bay "poison....gun" was all Bruce said before backing off whilst Alfred did his thing"
2 Hours later.....
I was sat next to Damian holding his hand rubbing his knuckles with my thumb as a single tear fell down my cheek.
Mom came and wiped it away. "You ok?" She asked softly as I stayed quiet as I wasn't that close to her yet. "You know this happened to me one, your dad had come back beaten and bruised, he could barely walk, he was barely conscious then he passed out and my heart stopped. He was out for 2 days, I didn't lose hope cause I'd knew I'd always be there for him like he was always there for me and always will be just like Damian will be for you" she told me as a tear rolled down her cheek as I hugged her and cried as she comforted me. I later fell asleep and woke up to my hand being squeezed. I look up to see Damian smiling "dami!" I squealed Hugging him before planting a passionate kiss on his chapped lips.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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