Wedding of the year
Arias pov
I groaned as I got shook awake. "Aria it's your moms wedding day! Get the fuck up!" Stephanie yells shaking me.
I turn over and stuff my head in my pillow "it's what?" I ask half asleep "the wedding day?" And my head instantly bops up "oh my god! It's the wedding day!" I yell getting up.
>time skip<
Jason's pov
It was 11:00 and me and all my groomsmen were ready just chilling until Roy calls me to the other room. I get up and walk to him and he says "listen jay i completely trust you and they really wanted to do this so....just go with it" Roy tells me before pushing me into another room. I turn around as Roy shuts the door then I turn around and see all the Harper siblings, and Oliver queen stood there surrounding me (Jim, Roy and Will - just go with it) "what's going on?" I ask confused.
"Jason we've known you for a long time and we're trusting you with our baby sister" Jim says.
"Skylar has been there for all of us since the beginning and we have taken care of her since she was born were practically her fathers so take it to heart when we tell you we won't hesitate to break you limb by limb if you ever hurt her" will says menacingly. As I slowly nod.
"If you dare leave her or make her cry I will shoot enough arrows in you that the pit wouldn't be able to bring you back" Oliver threatens.
Then Roy comes in "ok guys that's enough no need to scare your future brother in law/son in law. You've had your fun" Roy said walking to me "listen guys I've been with Skylar for about 20 years if I didn't care or love her I would've moved on or found someone new but I didn't cause I waited for her with the little hope that she'd come back in my life and now she has and I'm ready to give her the world just to see a smile on her face everyday"I tell them as they all walk closer to me "Welcome to the family!" They say clapping my back.
Damian's pov
I was sat with the other groomsmen and was calmly listening to the others talking about how it's finally Jason's time and more nephews and nieces and stuff.
I feel a buzz in my pocket.
"Help it's aria" lian texted
"Is everything ok?" I text back
"No she's being unbearable HELP!" Lian texts back
"Damian! I am fucking PREGNANT come here and help me with YOUR girlfriend! You do not want a pregnant lady to beat your ass" lian texts back
"Ok where are you?" I text
I get up and head for the door "where are you going?" Grayson asks me. "Lians having trouble with aria and has requested my help" I say "the grooms not supposed to see the bride before the wedding" drake says as I send a glare his way while exiting.
I make it to the room lian texted and walk in and there is lian ready and dressed with aria wearing a similar dress. "What's the problem?" I ask walking in. "Dami!" Aria yells walking behind me. "The mad lady is trying to kill me!" She whines hugging my back.
I look at lian "she won't put on her heals and she's a bit tipsy" lian explains. I get her off my back which she somehow got on to "aria honey, put your shoes on so we can go" I say sweetly.
Aria shakes her head then holds it "woah" She says holding her head.
"Lia go get some Advil and lemon juice I'll deal with her" I tell her as she walks off.
When lian returned she saw aria in Damian's lap wearing the shoes and cuddling up to Damian as they both slept peacefully on the sofa/couch.
Lian gently nudged them awake. "Guys we need to get ready to leave for the venue" lian says. As they both wake up aria groans "my head" lian hands her the Advil and lemon juice and she finally becomes sober.
Arias pov
We were at the venue and I was with mom in her dressing room "so mom you nervous?" I ask curiously "nervous? Pfft... no" "mom I can tell your lying dad was right you do that little thing that I do when you want to lie to someone you don't want to" I say gesturing to my lips.
Mom sighs "I'm not nervous as in backing out nervous, I'm nervous as in something always ends up going wrong or ruining kind of way"
"Mom relax, you and dad have waited too long to do this, and Steph has been planning this since forever and made everything to perfection so nothing could get ruined, she's got precautions and precautions for the precautions and back up just in case you never know precautions" I say smiling slightly at Stephs dramaticness.
I look at my mom "you'll be fine and do great now Imma go give dad the talk and I'll see you at the alter" I say walking out as grandpa Ollie walks in.
Skylar's pov
"" I say looking at my adoptive father. "Hi sweetheart" he says teary eyed. "You look beautiful" he says "thank you" I reply. "My little girls all grown up" he says as I give him a hug. "I'll always be your little girl daddy" I slightly cry. "Yeah you will, now don't ruin your make up or Stephanie's gonna kill me" he laughs as I chuckle through my tears.
Then my brothers walk in "Jim, Roy, will" I say as they come and hug me. "You look stunning sky" "you look gorgeous skylie" "you look amazing kylie" my brothers compliment me as I thank them.
"So who's gonna be walking our baby girl down the isle?" Will asks as they all look at me expectantly. "I'll be taking Jason so it can't be me" Roy says as we give him a look "what I'm giving my best friend away to my sister" Roy shrugs. "I was wondering if Ollie would take me seeing as he's the closest thing I've had to a father" I say as Ollie goes teary eyed again "I'd be honoured to" he replies as we hug to which Roy joins then Jim and he drags Will in too.
"Now what's this I hear about you Guys threatening jay?"
Third persons pov
The wedding march began and at the end of the isle stood Roy and Jason. Roy looped his arm around Jason's and walked him down the isle. At the alter Roy paused and said "you got this, I know the bride is a lunatic but you will survive, I managed too" Jason laughed they did a bro hug and Roy said "my little boys all grown up" then he stands on the bridesmaids side as skylar's maid of honour.
Then one by one the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the isle.
First Damian and aria(aria is best woman)
Dick and zatanna
Tim and Stephanie
Colin and lian
Jim and kori
Then as they stood at their respective sides and waited for the bride to walk down the isle. Skylar and Oliver came in to view and slowly made their way down the isle "don't let me fall daddy" she said gripping onto her adoptive fathers arm tightly "I won't" he said smiling.
Jason's jaw dropped as he saw his bride walk down the isle he thought she looked beautiful. "Close your mouth dad" his daughter whispers as Jason smiles back at her. "It's not my fault your mothers gorgeous" he replies.
Skylar and Oliver stopped when they reached Jason he placed a kiss on his daughters cheek before handing her to Jason.
Alfred Who was asked to officiate their wedding was stood their at the alter "We are gathered here today to join and celebrate and witness the union of Jason Peter-" people laughed "-Todd And Skylar Elizabeth Jackson Harper"Alfred pauses.
"These two have been in love since the day they had met as soon as I met miss Skylar I knew her and master Jason would be the together for a long time and when I had been asked to perform the ceremony I was deeply honoured. Now as much as I want no interruptions I'm obliged to say that if there are any objections speak now or forever hold your peace-"
"I OBJECT!" Someone yells from the crowd as everyone gasps as the owner of the voice stands up.
"Dipshit?!" Jason, Skylar, Roy, dick, Jim, will, aria, and many others says at once.
He gets up from his seat and immediately goes towards Skylar. "Skylar please don't do this! I love you! Your ruining your life, you could be happy with me" he yells as Bruce and Oliver get up and push him back.
"Listen dipshit I told you and have been telling you since high school NO! There is no us and will never be a US! I love Jason with all my heart and here you are ruining our special day! And you treated my family like shit even my daughter and niece plus You don't even know me!" Skylar yells
"Skylar I know you! I love you!" Dwight repeats again.
"Listen here! You-"Jason begins but gets interrupted by aria "Listen here dipshit, dimwit, Dwight, dumbass whichever you prefer, today is my mom and dads big day and I have not waited 18 years of my life for it to happen and get ruined by a obsessive guy who thinks he would stand a chance with my mother so back off bitch! And get lost! My mom loves my dad and that's how it's gonna be for the rest of their lives and that's how it was supposed to be all those years ago so before we beat you up and kick you out! I suggest you leave NOW!" Aria yells walking closer giving him a punch to the jaw as he stumbles back and falls.
The bodyguard then take him away and aria turns around and smiles sweetly at her parents who smirk proudly at their daughter "now, should we continue" she says walking back to her place.
"Of course, seeing as their no other objections I've been told you've wrote your own vows" Alfred says as the two lovers nod smiling.
"Master Todd if you may begin" Alfred says
"Skylar the day I met you something inside me clicked and I knew you were special. I didn't know whether it was the way your eyes sparkled when you'd get excited by food or the smile you had whenever I brought you ice cream or just any day I gave you any type of food or maybe it was the way you just sat there and with one look understand everything that was going on with me or maybe that time you saved me from falling into that tub full of you know what, or getting rid of that girl in high school. You turned my life around. I knew I had to have you and when I did I loved you then when you told me you were pregnant I somehow loved you even more than I did before.When I lost you I felt that my life was over but I had aria to take care of, so I continued living like you would have wanted me to trying to be the person she needed me to be. So when I got you back in my life I knew I had to do something to make you mine forever cause I don't wanna lose you again. So now that we're finally taking this step in our lives I promised to continue loving you, caring for you, being there for you whenever wherever you need me, I promise to never let you cook and if you do I'd pretend it wasn't poison, I'd let you pick the movies on movie night, I promise to accept all your flaws not that you have any because to me your perfect cause I'm addicted to you like green arrow to his arrows, red hood to his guns, aria to food, and me to you" Jason said as aria glared when he mentioned her.
"Skylar if you please" Alfred says
"I don't know if I could top that, did you get help writing that? It's too sweet and cheesy to be you. Anyways I'll try, Jason the moment I laid my eyes on you I thought damn he's cute, when I realised you were my brothers best friend I thought damn this is so cliche, but it didn't matter cause I knew I had to have you, you make me smile when my worlds crashing down, you make me feel like, I'm a queen,
You make feel loved and special, from the day you took that bullet for me to the day I scared that dog for you or saved you from that tub of you know what. I will always be by your side as your shoulder to cry on or the support you need or just some to listen and hold you in your darkest moments because I love you Jason peter *que laughs* Todd and I always will and nothing will come between us" Skylar finished smiling.
"May we have the rings"Alfred says as Damian and I hand the rings.
"Do you Jason Peter Todd take Skylar Elizabeth Jackson Harper as your beloved wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish in sickness and in health til death shall you may or may not part"
Jason nods "I do" he slips the ring on skylar's finger. "Do you Skylar Elizabeth Jackson Harper take Jason Peter Todd as you beloved husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish in sickness and in health til death shall you may or may not part"
Skylar nods "I do" slipping the ring onto Jason's finger. "By the power vested in me, you may now kiss the bride" Alfred says as Jason pulls Skylar close into a sweet loving kiss full of love and passion while everyone cheers in the background.
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