We're here for you
Damian and the newly awoken Aria made their way into the dining area where the team and most of their family were already sat eating.
They took their seats beside eachother with Lian to arias left and Jon to Damian's right.
Damian had made himself a plate and began eating whilst Aria sat there just staring as if she was deep in thought.
"Ari aren't you going to eat?" Lian quietly muttered to her "i just woke up so you know I'm not that hungry" she excused, the table suddenly went silent all eyes laying on her "you? Not hungry? You?" Mason gasped surprised to hear those words for the first time.
"Guys I'm kidding!" She let out a laugh and piled her plate with food, forcing herself to eat it all. Not long after when the others had made their way back to figure out a cure, Aria snuck her way back into her bedroom.
All she did was catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror before she was forcing everything out of her, her fingers went deeper trying to empty her stomach.
When she was satisfied and dizzy, she knew it was enough to last her til the next time, she went back to the cabinet opening up the tape and lathering it back onto her body, tears messily spilled down her face as she tried to perfect herself.
She exited the bathroom once she had deemed herself normal, she came face to face with Lian, who looked at her with worry, the same look she had given her 15 years ago.
"Hey Lia what's up?" Aria causally smiled walking up to her, "don't play this game, you should've come to me" Lian shook her head as her eyes began to fill with tears.
Arias smile fell slightly before she picked it back up "what are you talking about?" Lian shook her head "I heard the puking I know the signs!" Aria stepped away from her knowing what was coming.
"It was food poisoning" Aria muttered and excuse "don't lie to me, this is serious ari! Lift up your shirt" she commanded her, Lian knew and dreaded what she was about to see.
"What? No!" Aria protested stepping away as Lian stood closer, "lift up your shirt! Lift up your fucking shirt!" She yelled tackling her to the ground forcefully pulling it up as Aria struggled away from her.
"Aria..." she stepped back and observed the bruising and the red marks from how tight the tape had been wrapped around her.
Aria couldn't even look her in the eyes, she didn't want to see them same disappointment she saw back when they were 15.
Aria finally looked at Lian who was still stuck on the brushing on her stomach, "I'm sorry I couldn't help it, I know I disappointed you" she cried.
"No honey, I'm not disappointed in you I'm disappointed in myself, last time this happened I blamed myself for not realizing sooner, and it's my fault for not thinking you'd have the same mindset as when you were 15" Lian stood up and gently pulled Aria up with her.
She led her into the bathroom where they stood in front of the mirror, "look in the mirror what do you see?"
"I don't want to look..." she squeezed her eyes shut, "Ari come on, talk to me" Lian rubbed her arms trying to comfort her.
"It's like, I get this feeling like I'm floating out of my body and I look down at myself and I hate what I see, I hate my smile, my face, my legs, arms, the way I act, I-I hate me...." The door slowly opened both girls turning their heads to the raven haired boy.
"Dami...?" Aria carried a heavy breath when Damian burst in and pulled her into a hug. She sobbed as she clung onto him needing his love and the solace only he could give.
Lian joined in she was glad Damian was here, she didn't have the heart to tell him she was going through this again, he took it horribly the last time.
"We can't blame ourselves for our past mistakes but we can make up for them in the present, last time we didn't know how to help, now you have both of us beside you, we hear you we're gonna help you, you just got to let us okay?" He murmured into her ears sighing in relief when he felt her nod and gasp out a quiet "okay"
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