Time traveller
Bart didn't expect to be called in to the mountain at 12am on a random Wednesday, but when another time traveller from the future decides to pop out of nowhere specifically requesting for him, he kinda had to show.
As soon as he stepped through the zeta beam he made his way into the debriefing room, right where he had landed laid the same time machine, this one was different, it was bigger, stronger, served more purpose.
No one was here, he looked around until he heard shouts, quickly speeding towards them he didn't expect to find his old best friend arm wrestling her Uncle.
"Rhea?" He breathed out, all eyes stopped to stare at the girl, this girl who was currently beating the Mason Todd, was the small fragile baby that was asleep at home?
"Bart" her eyes widened once she took in his older appearance, he was taller, bulkier and not to mention the slight beard he had grown, he wasn't much different to when they were 15, he still had the same smile, the wrinkle in his eyes, and the dark auburn hair she missed.
She quickly slammed Masons hand down on to the table before she jumped into Barts arms. "Oh my god, you're old, I thought you'd be old but not, not this old" she giggled in his ear as he observed her.
She looked stronger since he had last seen her, her green eyes had gone brighter, the lasting effects of the pit, her breathing wasn't ragged and she wasn't panting like she would've after she had been hugged.
"What are you doing here?" Her eyes instantly flood with sadness, "I'm here to fix things" collective groans went around the room, "why? I thought I fixed things?" Was the future still the same?
"No you did, something else happens and I'm here to stop it" she looked determined, prepared, overall ready to kill. Unlike the others Bart knew her, he could see the fear, hurt, and sadness in her eyes.
Clearing his throat Bart turned her around, "guys, this is Rhea, the one who's currently a baby" the younger girl rolled her eyes at him but nonetheless smiled at her family members. She wanted to know what they were like before they all went psycho, and started the killing sprees.
"I'm Rhea, you obviously know me, mom, dad, bubba, Sissy, hey how you doin" she waved to her family, "the future isn't in a life or death situation, it will be just not yet, I'm here to fix one small detail won't be much difference, it would save so many lives so just don't mind me" she waved goodbye loading her gun as she walked away.
"Hey hey, no, where are you going with a gun?" Henry asked as he speeded in front of her. "To kill the clown, where else?" She asked him as if he was dumb.
"We don't kill" Damian told her in his deep Batman voice, something he tried copying from his father. He and Aria had finally been restored to their normal selves after weeks of being in their young bodies.
"Not yet" was all she said before she decked Henry and ran for it.
She managed to override the zeta beam system as she ran through it. As soon as her feet hit the floor of the batcave she ran to get on a motorcycle determined not to stray from her mission, she was going to protect her family no matter the cost.
"Hey you guys back already" She could hear the voice of her Papa Jay, ignoring him she quickly hurried her leg barely over before he began to shoot at her, "don't shoot that's Rhea!" Olivia yelled out as they landed in the cave.
"She's from the future" Damon panted as he ran up to Jason, Rhea barely spared them a second glance as she drove off.
"Bart you know her, how do we stop her?" Bart was confused, how was she here? No one in their right mind would've let her come here, there was no way HE would've let her come here, what had gone wrong?
It suddenly clicked in his head, the only thing that would throw her rationality out the window, without another word he sped out of the cave, if he knew her she'd be a couple feet away from the clown planning his death in the upmost detail.
Just as he thought, he found her laying across a rooftop, a sniper in hand. "Where'd you get that?" He asked hoping to reduce the tension and stray her from her mission. "Believe it or not, I found it up here, I was gonna use my gun but you know how I am about messes" he sat beside her.
"Someone died, didn't they?" He asked her quietly, he knew she wouldn't hurt him but he also knew he was pushing his luck. "Not someone, almost everyone" she muttered back, Barts eyes widened, "the camps? Is joker the new blue beetle?" He asked fearful of the future to come.
"No" she shook her head her eyes never straying from her target, "there's no camps or inhibitor collars or anything, joker killed one of us and then made the rest of them psycho, imagine each member of the batfamily as a psychotic clown, went on murder sprees itching to scratch the blood thirst and seize their laughter" her eyes were hollow as she thought back to it, her grip tightened against the trigger.
"I can't, I can't let them go through that, too many people have died, he needs to die" he could see her shoulders begin to shake. "You don't have to do this. We can find a permanent solution that doesn't involve killing him, despite everything he's done it still makes us as bad as him" he tried to reason.
"Bart you have to understand why I'm doing this" she frowned waiting for the green haired monster to come into view. "He killed him" she grit out.
"I understand why, I just don't want you to do it" she groaned blindly swatting at him, "don't, I'm not letting you guilt me into giving up, this is my family we're talking about" he shrugged dangling his legs off the side of the building, "you once told me I was your family too"and with that he proceeded to jump of the building.
Rhea's eyes rolled at his dramatics but still she grabbed her grappling hook swinging down after to catch him, they rolled onto another building. "You still do that? You're a grown man now!" She scolded him flicking his head.
"I'm sorry" he genuinely apologized and she turned to see why, he distracted her and the joker has gotten away. She glared at him, "I don't like you" she grumbled, she couldn't be mean to him, something in her refused to hurt her best friend she had just reunited with.
"I love you too" he grinned pulling her beside him seemingly forgotten her murder attempt. He led her back to the cave, the group of bats following behind them in the shadows.
They eventually made their way back to the mountain, Rhea instantly dozing off as her head touched the couch. She could finally have a moments rest knowing whole heartedly that Bart would protect her while she laid vulnerable.
Lian, Damian, Aria, Jon and Irey all stood together in one corner trying to figure out what to do, while their children and Mason were staring at the speedster who was stroking the hair of the girl from the future, Bart hadn't left her side since the second he saw her and she wouldn't talk to anyone without him beside her, she was still wary around some of them even if they were her family.
Damian could tell she'd already been revived in the pit, she was strong and unlike his baby girl asleep at the manor, her breathing was controlled and soft and she didn't have to wear a mask as she slept.
The group of heroes made their way back to the girl on the couch, Bart gently nudged her awake as she slowly sat up. "Are they done talking? I thought it would take longer" she mumbled crossing her legs on the couch.
"Why did you try and kill the joker?" Damian asked her, "better question, why haven't any of you killed him yet?" Rhea shot back a question of her own.
"What did you mean 'not yet' when he said we don't kill?" Aria asked, "why does 'we don't kill' count as a justifiable reason to keep that life taking clown alive?" Jason smiled, he had one family member who agreed with him.
"I like her" he muttered "I like you too papa Jay" she winked at him as the others stared at her confused.
"Okay tell us this, if there's no camps and joker isn't the next blue beetle, what went wrong in the future that you had to come back to fix things?" Jon asked he had overheard their conversation on the roof top.
"A lot actually, probably starting with the deaths of mom and dad" she shrugged pointing to the two leaders.
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