Jason's pov
I wake up as the alarms go off I get ready and walk to my bedroom door. I see Roy across the hall stepping out of his room. He motions to the room next to mine with his hand. I nod. We stretch before going in thinking about the dangers. We walk in seeing the two girls asleep on opposite sides of the room both of us go to one girl each then we decide to try the calm approach. "Aria time to get up" I say nicely.
Roy then tries "Lian wake up honey" as he shakes his daughter awake, she wakes up then they both give me a sympathetic look. Why did she get her stubbornness from me. "Baby girl it's time to wake up now" I say shaking her shoulders. "Fuck off daddy" she mumbles in her sleep. Roy and lian begin to laugh. I sigh then go to the bathroom and come back with a gun "if you don't wake up I will shoot you" I say sternly. She pulls the finger at me, that's when I shoot. She screams then wakes up "daddy! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! YOU ALWAYS COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT SLEEP IS SO WHY YOU TRYING TO RUIN MINE" she rants then huffs. "Good Morning aria" I say she nods then we leave for them to get ready for school.
Roy's pov
"How long you think they gonna last?" I ask as I begin to make coffee. " I dunno man they been kicked out of every school in Gotham this is their last option and if it wasn't for Bruce they wouldn't even be in this school." Jason replies making breakfast.
The girls walk in "morning dad, uncle jay" my daughter says smiling, when she's like this it's hard to think they've done half the things they have, I mean how does the principal get stuck on the flag pole.
"Hey uncle Roy, hey dad" aria says. "Hey" me and Jason say in unison.
Aria pov
We walked in to the kitchen. We greeted our dads and now we were eating breakfast that dad made. It was quiet until dad and uncle Roy brought up school. "We want you guys to listen CAREFULLY this is the LAST school in the country that will accept you please try and not get kicked out or expelled like the last 6 schools." Uncle roy said. "I mean how the fuck does the principal get stuck on a flagpole" dad asked. Me and lia smirked at each other. "But seriously behave Bruce got you into this school" uncle Roy said.
I grabbed my drawing book and put it in my back pack. "Jay it's your turn to drop them" Roy said to dad.
We got into dads mustang then drove to school. We stepped out and saw our bestfriend Damian. We ran to hug him well at least I did. Then I looked at noticed she was looking at Colin and then I smirked and said "lian come hear Colin hasn't seen you in ages" Colin started blushing and so did lian. That's when she walked over and said "H-hi Colin" Colin replied "hey lian long time no see" "yeah been moving schools a lot" she replied. "Speaking of which I heard your dad was the one who got us in here" I say to Damian. "Yeah this was the only school left they said no first but then father persuaded them into to letting you guys in" he said.
" where is the reception we need our schedules" lian says. "Let's see how long we last" I say.
>time skip<
I don't even know how I ended up here. Seriously I'm sat in the principals office. He walks in "miss Todd I presume" he asks "yes sir" "are you related to Jason Todd?" I look up at him "he's my dad" the principal looked surprised then said "your drawings disrupted the entire school during assembly" "that wasn't my fault my book got passed around people liked my art not my fault" I say trying to defend myself. "It was Your property you broke the rules" he grabbed my book and said "think about this the next time you decide to show your art." He then held my book over a tub of acid "please sir that books really special to me" he looked at me then dropped my book. I clenched my fist and walked out. I saw lian and damian waiting for me. "What happened" Damian asked.
Damian's pov
"What happened?" I asked. "He took my book and threw it into a tub of acid" she said angrily. Her book... that book meant everything to her it's one of the reasons we met and also connected. I feel bad for her. Maybe cause I like her no... that can't be it were best friends I can't ruin our friendship over feelings . I walked up to her as she grabbed her bag from her locker. "Hey it's ok" I say trying to calm her down so she doesn't hurt anyone. But then Brittany came, she wears too much make up and always tries to get me to go out with her I went to go get my bag from my locker across the hall and then Brittany began talking "Hey isn't your dad Jason Todd, I heard he died or something well either way I want you to stay away from Damian or else we're gonna have a problem" "listen here blondie, I don't give two fucks who you are and what you want but let me tell you something im not in the mood to talk to some stuck up bitch who thinks she's so popular cause she wears so much make up and sticks her body out to be honest you look like a slut. So leave me alone before I do something I might not regret." Aria said. "HOW DARE YOU?!" Brittany pulled arias hair that's when she snapped "that's it" Aria says then went and punched her square in the face. I ran and grabbed her off of Brittany before she did something worse. Aria stands up "THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE WHO THINKS THEY CAN BOSS ME AROUND" she says to the crowd that formed around us. She grabbed her bag then the crowd moved out of the way for us to pass through.
Arias pov
We walked out Damian said bye and left for he limo and dad was waiting leaning against the mustang. Everyone saw my dad then me " hey dad" I say. "Where's lian?" I ask. "Jade is here so they went to go see her" dad replies. I got in the car. "How was school?" He asks. " shitty" I reply "look baby girl I know I'm your dad and you probably learned those from me but you gotta stop swearing and what happened at school" he says. I explain the whole story and he says "they did WHAT?!??" "Yeah..." I looked down at my phone and get a text from Damian 'did you ever open that present I got you?'
'No sorry I forgot'
'Open it nows the right time'
When we reached home I ran to my room and grabbed the wrapped gift I was about to open it when I heard a tap on my window it was Damian I let him in and I opened the gift it was a black and red book with my name engraved in it. "It's beautiful thanks dami" I hugged him. He stiffens then relaxes and hugs back "your welcome to-aria"
That's when lian walked in and flopped on her bed "what happened?" I ask. "Saw mom said hi kinda caught up then she left" lian says. I can't believe it her mom just pops into her life then abandons her again and again and uncle Roy just wants lian to know her mom. Ugh why is life so mean to good people I mean the bad people deserve something bad to happen to them that's when an Idea pops in my head. "I know that look" lian begins "your planning something aren't you" I smirk. " He wrecked my book now I'm gonna wreck his"
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