Rule no.2
Arias pov
It was 11pm meaning dad and uncle Roy were out on their nightly activities. We would join them but they won't let us cause we got exams coming up and they want us to prepare so no patrol until then. Me and lian put on all black outfits :
We were dressed and went to meet up with Damian a block away from school. "Hey dami you ready?" I asked he nodded. We shook into school through a window we left open. We got inside and I grabbed my bag and pulled out sixty packs of sticky notes and split it between us then we split and began our project.
When we were done and satisfied with the result we left to go home before our dads returned as soon as we stepped through our window we heard a noise and ran to our beds pretending to be asleep our dads came in and kissed our foreheads and left. As soon as the coast was clear we got up changed and went to bed.
The next morning we woke up and got ready for school I came down in my shirt jeans and leather jacket and lian in a top and jeans. Uncle Roy took us to school we met Damian and we entered the school and everyone was admiring our work of art that we did last night.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
We got to class and sat down. We had music and it was my first class cause I never made it that far in a school day cause I either got sent home or with principal dimwit. The teacher miss miller came up to me and gave me a paper which had lyrics to a song and told me to sing it.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
When I finished everyone looked at me "what!" Damian blinked a couple of times "your voice it's amazing" I blushed at his words "thanks Damian." Miss miller came up to me and asked. "We're having a show case where students would do a solo or a duet and perform and you'll be graded on this" she told me I nodded and then she said to pick partners and all and a guy came up to me and asked Id I wanted to be partners I said yes. We spent 2 days practising a song until one night I found him talking to some other girl telling her the exact same thing he told me and then realised he's using girls to get grades. I was majorly pissed so I decided not to get physical but to get public. I called Bart Damian and lian who helped me set him up I even got Tim and dick to help me. Damian was playing drums, Bart on guitar and lian on piano. We were talking backstage where they were setting things up "you guys ready?" I asked they nodded. I got called on stage.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Instead of Andre she says Damian, lian, Bart.
As I sung Ryder tried walking off stage and then dick and Tim stood there blocking his way and holding him on stage and when the song finished everyone was cheering. Miss miller came up to me "Aria great work A+, Ryder you get and F and detention" Ryder left angrily. "Bye Ryder" I said sweetly. I turned around and hugged Damian and then lian then Bart. We walked back home and I told dad what happened he was proud I didn't fight the guy, he thinks it's cause he's a good role model but I don't wanna hurt his feelings so I won't tell him that's not it.
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