Parents evening
The last big task to do on the list before Damian and Aria came back, safe to say it was relatively easy looking after her kids, except for the whole laundry and missing child part.
She was actually looking forward to being on the other side of the parents evening experience, would her children bribe her like she and Aria used to do to their parents? Would they plan in advance to get off easy?, or would they face it head first?
Safe to say she wasn't too worried considering one of her best friends was the Principal. "Alright kiddos, please tell me I am going to hear good news tonight" she turned to her two children "that depends on how you define good news" Liv asked.
"I define it as good grades, and no behavioral issues..." lian sassed "right well that's Damon..." Liv patted her twins shoulder "what about you?" Lian asked "I'd rethink your definition" was all Liv said before she left "we're meeting up with our friends, I'll most likely be grounded after today so yeah... we'll be back in time for parents evening, k bye" she left with her twin.
Liv and Damon drove over to Nora and Henry's place, perks of having a busy dad was that their apartment was always empty.
"Hey" Liv greeted her boyfriend at the door, stopping to kiss earning a groan from Damon "no need to have a full on make out every time you see each other" the couple pulled apart walking into the fairly large apartment.
"Where's Luke?" Nora asked seeing as he was the only one left, only to have him open the window and fly in "sorry I had to stop at my great Grammys house, she baked us a pie" he said excitedly. "This is why we kept you around Lukey now give us the goods" Nora says taking the pie from him ushering him inside. "Haha you're so funny" he let out sarcastically.
Taking a seat around the coffee table they went around the room "we should do something, it's been a while since we've all done something together" Henry says finishing off the rest of his pie.
"So good" Nora moaned savoring every last bite of the rhubarb pie. "We could go to the movies?" Luke suggested "zombies: the return of the living' just came out" Damon added agreeing with the young kryptonian.
"Well you guys go ahead, sadly I won't be able to come with" Liv sighed dramatically"why not?" Henry asked cluelessly.
"It's that time of the year..." Nora said understandingly further confusing the 3 boys "I always get bad reports on parents evenings due to behavior and the fights which often results in a grounding" Liv explained.
"But isn't your mom and dad on their honeymoon?" Henry asked "yes.. but our bio mom is taking care of us, and mom left her a note and called to remind her that she has to go with us..." Damon says.
"No but you guys go ahead, I don't wanna stop you from going out, I'll probably go to grandpa Jays, him and grandpa Roy said they'd teach me how to knock out a guy in one swift maneuver" she giggled excitedly.
"You scare me sometimes..." Henry says nervously "aww babe that's so nice" she pecked his cheek quickly.
"It is nearly 4pm shouldn't you guys get going?" Nora says "we should..." they bid goodbye to them for now, seeing as they would be meeting them in a few hours.
Standing outside with the twins Lian waited anxiously for her friends "what is taking them so long?" She asked "they're on their way calm down mama" Damon soothed.
"We're here" Jon yelled walking up to Lian the two sharing a fist bump "your worse than Bart when it comes to being on time" she insulted earning a dramatic gasp and hand on his heart from Jon "and I thought we were friends...."
"Well I'm Damian's best friend" lian smirked, she loved getting him all riled up "now wait a damn minute" lian interrupted "ooh, easy on the language their Jonny, don't need the Boy Scout cursing, now do we?" She fluttered her eyes lashes at him. "How many times do I have to tell you? My dad wanted me to be a Boy Scout, you didn't complain when you were eating the cookies" he accused.
Before a fight could happen Bart cut in "don't start anything you two, Damian and Aria aren't here to break it up and I can't do it myself, so knock it off" he walked up to them their kids all mingling with each other for a second before walking in.
"Hi Mrs Abby!"Jon says sending the older a woman a charming smile, "Jonathan my dear, nice to see you haven't changed a bit" she sent him a smile handing him his sons grades "and do my eyes deceive me, is that Miss Harper..." Lian smiled kindly at the older woman "hi Mrs Abby.." the woman sent her a sympathetic smile "I heard about Mr.Wilkes and I give my condolences, he was a good person and student" lian sent her a smile nodding taking her kids grades.
"Now let's see..." she looked at Damon's mostly As with a few Bs, "ok that's good, now let's see Livs" she looked to see mostly Bs a few As and 1 C-. "Ok that's not too bad, atleast you're passing, but you need to get you're history grade from a C to atleast a B" she told her earning a groan from her daughter "but Mr Anderson hates me.." she whined
"He's still the history teacher? That man needs to get a life... why would he hate you?" She asked slightly amused by the similarities they shared "he says I argue too much with him, if he stopped giving me reasons to argue then maybe I wouldn't" she sighed out.
"Alright, you are so my kid" lian lets out a smile gracing her face "you know Aria and I we used to piss Mr Anderson off to no ends, he almost quit twice!" She loved the way the twins would listen intently to every word she would say when they talked about their childhood.
"Hey" she said to Jon as they both stood in the line for the history teacher "been good so far?" He asked her "it's actually super weird being on this end, no seriously though, Aria and I had the best grades but the worst reports, remember the rainbow sprinklers?" She laughed talking to him.
"Rainbow sprinklers?" Damon asked "it was parents evening and you know that obsessive principal I told you about? The one that's in love with Nana Sky, he tried framing Damian, Aria and I for stupid stuff, and left the evidence in our lockers, I mean come on we're not dumb enough to leave it in there... he tried getting us expelled, didn't work out... then Aria was like if we're expelled then it won't matter if we did this, she set the sprinklers off and it like shot out rainbow colored water" she explained all the kids watching her amazed.
"You got any food?" She turned to Jon who pulled out a snack bar from his coat "great thanks, I need energy to argue with Mr Anderson" she smirked at the look Jon was sending her "what's with the look? You are such a dad.." she pointed out before taking a seat infront of Mr Anderson.
"Hello Nigel.." she smiled smugly watching her old teachers face morph into one of annoyance "if it isn't Ms.Harper, I assume they are your delinquents" he gestures to Liv and Damon.
"Delinquents? I'll have you know my kids are well behaved.." this made him laugh, "these 2? The one who's barely there, and the one who always talks back..." he sneered condescendingly.
"I have AP science at the same time, I've told you I was allowed to take both classes, even if I'm not there I still get my assignments done and my required grades.." Damon explained rolling his eyes "watch that attitude" he snapped at the younger boy.
"And as for Olivia, she never misses a chance to argue or talk back" Liv now rolled her eyes "maybe if you don't give me a reason to..." she retorted. "Maybe you should learn how to respect your elders young lady"
"Respect goes both ways buddy" she sassed before lian cut in "ok hold up, what's happening?" He rolled his eyes "as clueless as ever Ms. Harper" biting back a response she points at Damon "he has a reason and permission to not be present for your class, besides he gets good grades anyway" she then turned to Olivia "as for her, you do know that their Biological Dad died recently right? so if their behavior reflects that, then maybe you should be a bit more open minded, you stuck up narcissist" Lian sent a harsh glare his way daring him to speak another word.
"Maybe it's not their fault, every kids behavior is determined by their parents and Olivia and Damon clearly show your lack of engagement and concern for their education, maybe you should consider getting the help you need" he spoke making Lian snap.
"Bitch what did you say?" She growled out "ok now is a good time to go..." Jon held Lian by her shoulders directing her away from the obnoxious asshole.
"Calm down Lia, ok don't let him get to you, whatever he said was just to get in your head..." Jon tried to soothe her.
"Mama? Are you ok?" Damon asked "yes I'm fine, how many more left?" She asked breathing out and looking at the sheet of paper.
They left to see the other teachers, Jon couldn't help but to keep an eye on her, he felt a need to look out and protect her for his best friends sake.
"You ok dad?" Luke asked his dad "I'm fine kid, let's go see coach..." they walked off, Jon's eyes not leaving Lian until they sat down.
Finally they went to Irey who was their principal "hey Irey" she sat down in front of her "what's wrong?" Irey asked seeing the look on her old friends face.
"That shithead Anderson, you know what he's like... the asshole degrades my children, then criticized my parenting, then dissed us all together" she groaned "if he wasn't a teacher, I would shove my fist so far into his face..." Irey sighed "it's not the first time he's done this... meaning I can fire him for disorderly conduct... or something" Lian watched Irey stand up "watch this" she winked walking to Mr Anderson who was discussing how Bart also ruined his children's education.
"Proof or it didn't happen" Bart retorted resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at the older man.
"Henrys failing History" Mr Anderson repeated "he knows his history, I taught him" Bart responded "well your wrong!" He exclaimed
"Well- oh hey Irey" Bart sent a smile to his cousin "Miss West" Anderson turned to his boss.
"A word Nigel..." she demanded, rather than asking, Nora turned to her dad "what's Aunt Irey gonna do?"
"I have no idea, if you haven't realized yet she's very unpredictable, I mean she became a principal..." he shrugged off watching intently at the interaction between the two.
He caught Lians eyes who was smirking at the two motioning to her asking what's going on she only responded by dragging her thumb on her neck signaling he's getting the cut.
"She's firing him.." he realized, "whooo" Henry cheered quietly. They watched Mr Anderson stomp over to the table hastily gathering his things before angrily leaving.
"What happened? Did you run out of reasons to argue your way out of this one?" Liv asked smiling sarcastically. He sent her a glare "don't start you brat" he growled before leaving.
"Now that he's fired, I can beat him now right...?" She asked standing up to follow after him only to get picked up by Bart "oh no you don't.." lian struggled "come on Bart! He's an asshole! One punch? Please?" She begged and Bart agreed releasing her.
"Dude!" Jon exclaimed rushing to stop Lian "we're supposed to make sure she doesn't get into any fights with the staff!" He told the speedster "but he's fired..." Bart whined, you honestly couldn't tell that they were all 30 year old adults "well let's make sure she doesn't kill him then" he told him both of them rushing after her.
Ignoring everyone behind her Lian raced over to her old teacher prepared to give him a lesson of her own "hey Nigel!" She yelled watching him turn around near his car "hey I'm talking to you!" She yelled as he continued to ignore her.
Jon and Bart watched from the side at her attempts to get her teachers attention.
Running up to him he finally stopped "what? What could you possibly want from me? You know what? You got me fired, so I should be taking my anger out on you instead!" he yelled and pushed her back with each word, finally allowing Lian to have a reason to beat him up.
Jon took a step forward to stick up for Lian only to have Bart push him back, seeming to know what was about to go down.
She landed a hard blow to his stomach, before landing swift blows to his pressure points successfully knocking him out.
Breathing out she shook her hands "that felt great" She turned around to see Bart, Jon, Irey and the kids watching her wide eyed.
"Oh..." she looked sheepish at them "that was awesome" Her kids cheered. "I've waited 15 years to do that..." she was still breathing heavily coming down from her adrenaline rush.
"Ok let's get some food, I'm hungry" she announced the speedsters instantly following at the mention of food.
Couple hours later....
They all found themselves in a diner having fries and milkshakes. Her phone rang "hey Tim what's up" there was shuffling on the side before he spoke "just wanted to make sure you were alive" she furrowed her eyebrows "why wouldn't I be?" She could hear laughing "normally Aria ends up almost blowing a fuse with all the pelt up anger or something when it comes to these things" he replied allowing Lian to laugh "no pelt up anger, or blown fuses, it's all been let out" she smiled proudly hearing Tim's concern "what did you do?" She put Tim on speaker "tell him what I did" causing a round of laughter to spread around the group "she got Anderson sacked, then beat the ever living shit out of him... it was great" Liv spoke sipping from her milkshake.
"You did what?!" Tim yelled "asshole deserved it, and... he was fired and made the first move, if anything it was all in self defense" Lian defended herself.
"Tim!" They could hear Stephanie's voice on the other side "I'll call you later bye" he hung up making her shrug in return.
"Well that was interesting..." she smiled at the others as they continued to enjoy themselves for the first time in a long time.
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