Match making doesnt always work out how you want it to
It started like most great things - in a bar. Lian and Jon were 'coincidentally' sent on a last minute mission to scope out a bar for a potential drug dealer goes my the name Marco Davis, who was according to Jason 'not worthy of living' due to the vast amount of bodies and blood on his hands. But like the 'good' people they are, they couldn't just let Jason blow his brains out so they sent the two in to take him to jail.
What they didn't know was that this was all a set up strategically planned by one of their best friends with the assistance of her husband.
Lian walked into the bar her body clad in a sparkly mid thigh dress that hugged her curves, with a pair of matching black heels. She spotted Jon in the corner in a T-shirt and jeans, walking over she took a seat beside him.
"Sorry I took so long, Damian wouldn't let me leave because I was wearing something too revealing and he didn't want anyone seeing his sister in that way because he doesn't want to break his no kill rule" she told him scooping his drink from him and taking a sip.
"He acts more like my dad than my brother/brother in law well actually cousin in law it's confusing" she waved off.
"Well I can see why you look gorgeous" Jon blurted out not realizing what he had actually said, lian blushed at the compliment quickly brushing off the affect it had on her "right? I can be a mom and still be sexy at the same time" she nudged his shoulder.
"Why are you so dressed up anyway?" He asked her as she ordered another drink, "I had a date with my couch, Netflix, and a shit ton of ice cream so I thought if I dressed up I could lure him in we can get over with this quicker and I can go back to that" she explained and Jon frowned slightly at the thought of her being with that wretched excuse of a man.
"Are you sure? What if he tried something?" Jon asked watching her fiddle with her glass "I'm a highly trained assassin, I'm pretty sure I can take him down" she smiled chugging her drink before walking away.
Walking back to him a few seconds later "which one is he?" She asked with a sheepish smile earning a laugh from Jon.
"The one in the back left corner I think, he has a gun and I've been listening to his conversations about this new shipment next week" he subtly pointed to a man wearing a gold chain over a white shirt and black blazer, surrounded by girls and guards.
"You got to be kidding me" lian muttered to herself but Jon heard her with his super-hearing. "Lure him out into the alley, I'll be there for back up" he assured her.
She nodded walking off, shrugging a seductive smile onto her face she walked over to him slowly and suggestively, biting her lip when they made eye contact and within an instant he was standing up as she walked past him swaying her hips leading him to the dance floor.
Jon watched from afar as the criminal got closer to her, his filthy hands touching her. He clenched his jaw and crushed the glass in his hands tearing his eyes away from the scene he walked outside ready for her to bring him out so he could beat him up.
"You wanna take this to my place" he whispered in her ear as he pressed himself into her back. Lian bit back a grimace "love to" she held his hand leading him out the back entrance where he was slammed into a wall.
"And here I thought you wanted a good time Marissa" Marco gritted out and lian rolled her eyes at the fake name she gave him.
"Change of plans" she smirked at him and within an instant guns were cocked in their directions and about 10 men had walked out into the open.
Lian groaned "seriously why is everything against me relaxing?!" This earned a chuckled from the man pressed against the wall "I can make you relax" Jon bashed him into the wall again hearing a successful crack of his ribs "don't talk to her" he growled at him.
"Kill them" Marco instructed the armed men who cocked their guns and began firing at Jon and Lian.
She yelled out as Jon stood in front of her, not wanting him to get hurt "Jonny no!" Jon being bullet proof and all had an easy time deflecting the bullets off his body, "actually on sending thought keep standing there" she told him cursing at herself for not remembering that he was Superman's son.
Lian struggled to dodge them wearing her 6 inch heels. She eventually took her shoes off sighing in relief "god bless" then used her heels as weapons running towards 3 of the men stabbing them with the back of her heel sending a quick blow to their heads.
She watched Jon knock out another 4, leaving two who were protecting their leader. They both slowly walked towards the two, "ah sugar honey biscuit lemon pie" Lian hissed as she stood on a piece of glass being barefoot. Jon sent her a weird look to which she rolled her eyes "I'm trying to quit cussing, TJs picking up some words."
Pulling the glass from her foot she shrugged it off as the adrenaline rushing through her numbed the pain enough for her to bring them down allowing Jon to finish them off while she called the police to come pick them up.
Jon watched as Lian leant against a wall for support while she tended to her foot. "C'mon let's get you home and clean that up" he picked her up bridal style both of them ignoring the heat rushing to their cheeks while he flew to her apartment.
Opening the window he gently put her in before sliding in himself, he set her down on the couch moving some of the pre organized snacks on the coffee table away so she could rest her foot on it.
He looked around for a first aid kid, "kitchen bottom left drawer" she told him trying to reach forward to grab her snacks.
Jon walked back in the room with a towel setting it under her foot to stop any of the blood from dripping onto the floor and he took off the make shift bandage they put on.
Jon saw the yearning in her eyes as she looked lovingly at the sight in front of her, sighing he handed her the bag of chips seeing a smile light up her face.
Jon carefully cleaned the cut before attempting to stitch it up, Lian hissed "it's like you've never stitched someone up before" he looked at her as if it was obvious "I'm kryptonian, we don't really get a lot of injuries"
Her mouth formed an O as if she just remembered that bit of information. "I keep forgetting that" she sent him a smile as he laughed it off "I guess I'm just that human"
Finishing up the stitching he wrapped her foot up and tied it telling her to lay off it for the next few days. Just as he was about to head out the door she called out to him "Jon?" He turned back to her "you know if you're not busy or anything, Because you have Luke to go home too and all, do you wanna hang for a bit? We can watch Shameless or Dance Moms, I know you love that show" she persuaded, cheering triumphantly when he agreed and took his shoes off sitting beside her on the couch.
"Luke's at a sleepover with your twins" he told and she thought back to when Liv and Damon were telling her this. "Oh yeah"
"You just wanted someone to fetch your ice cream for you, didn't you?" He smirked changing the subject he knew she hated how forgetful she could get. She looked at him in faux hurt "why I would never, this is just me an innocent lady wanting to spend some time with her close friend" she paused for a second "but if you did happen to get the ice cream from the freezer that would be great" she sent him a cheesy smile.
He stood up walking away muttering how she was the least innocent person he knew, he could hear her giggle at the accusation but they both know it was true, she might not be as blunt as Aria when it came to things but she always had a way of insinuating and getting everyone flustered.
Lian left to go change returning wearing a large shirt and leggings, Jon observed her and the familiar clothing "is that my shirt?" He asked her and she looked at it "no I got it from, well stole it from Aria who got it from Damian" she told him.
"But I remember giving it to Damian because he got blood all over the other one" he told as she huffed "ok it may be your shirt but don't get too interested you aren't getting it back and neither are they" she pointed her finger at him as he raised his hands in surrender.
It had been around 6 hours since they began binging and neither one of them had left the couch scared to miss anything on the show they were watching.
Suddenly there was a tapping, Jon picked it up with his enhanced hearing unable to pin point where it was coming from, he carefully nudged Lian giving her the 'signal' to let her know that something was going on.
A crash was heard and within an instant they were both on high alert, a gas filled the room and they both fell to the ground, darkness surrounding them.
They woke up a few hours later tied back to back in chairs, their hands were tied but they could still talk.
"Hey, you awake?" Jon nudged his head with Lians, hearing a groan from her "what the fuck happened?" She laid her head back onto his shoulder.
"Oh you know just got kidnapped" he shrugged but was restricted. "So what are you waiting for, snap the ropes, break the cuffs and let's go" she told him and he let out a sigh "I would but the thing is there's a trip wire connected to the chairs we're in, if we move the chairs it's gonna snap the wire and then that gonna pull that lever over there and our skulls will be broken with that slab of what I think is cement resulting in our deaths"
Lian looked around the room trying to figure a way out "okay so don't move the chairs, risky but doable" she carefully removed her bracelet managing to pull out the pin using it to un cuff herself gently removing them, turning in her seat she began opening the ropes binding Jon's hand slowly making sure she didn't tug to hard.
Once Jon was free she spoke quietly as if speaking loud would possibly get them killed "I want you to hover over your seat slow and gentle in your seating position, do NOT move the chair" she instructed as he did that getting himself free and slowly reaching out for lian who gripped onto him as he flew them away from the danger, accidentally hitting the chair in their rushed escape the slab of cement fell to where they had previously been sat, crushing the chairs on impact.
"That could've been us" she whispered embracing her friend after the near death experience.
Footsteps were heard and the door slammed open at the guards who came when they heard the noise.
"Hey! They're alive! Get them!" One of them yelled as the two hero's began to fight.
Lian rushed forward quick and smooth sending quick blows knocking them out being mindful of her injured foot.
One of the henchmen seemed to notice her tenderness and aimed for her foot earning a groan from the girl. "You son of a bitch!" She growled, that asshole! She didn't even bother about her language she wanted him down.
Lunging for him she kicked and punched until he was deeply knocked out with probably a concussion. She smiled to herself bitch deserved that! Her victory was short lived when she felt a knife slice her arm, slowly turning around she came to face to face with a tall lanky guy, he was shifting from one foot to another, he held a knife in one hand and in his other was a gun. His hands were trembling you could tell he'd never shot anyone before.
"You don't wanna do that" she told him but he pulled the trigger and she narrowly missed it "Dude!" She yelled "he shot her again this time nicking her thigh and she let out a quiet groan.
She picked up a knife from the floor and flung it at him landing straight in his shoulder pining him to the wall behind him. She grabbed another knife spinning it in her hand walking closer to him.
She could see the fear in his eyes "what's the matter? Scared? You should be" she taunted him grazing the knife on his neck.
"You're going to far" Jon whispered coming up behind her. "Did you see what the asshole did to me?"she asked him "yeah I did and as much as I want you too, you know that's not your decision to make, you don't want another body on your hands" he told her and she suddenly felt guilty for pushing it too far. She almost killed another one, yet he managed to stop her.
"Ok, but can you catch me?" She asked before falling into his arms weak from the blood loss. He picked her up coming face to face with the guy pinned to the wall punching him in the stomach "that's what you get" he spat before knocking him out.
Jon flew to the nearest zeta tube heading to the mountain. Rushing past the heroes gathered there he rushed her to the med bay, "what happened?" Dick asked as he watched him lay her on the bed.
"Mission fight blood loss" he panted out rushing to get a bag of blood and a IV drip inserting it into her arm.
Dick helped clean the girl whom he considered a sister up, stitching up her wounds leaving her in the t shirt and her leggings turned shorts while she rested, Jon sat beside her holding her hand.
Aria rushed to the cave upon hearing the news, she ran to the med bay everyone parting ways for the pregnant woman. Outside the room stood Damon and Olivia in their suits talking to Luke.
"How is she? What happened?" She asked the kids "she's stable now, passed out from blood loss" Damon told her "dad stitched her up and stuff and they're just waiting for her to wake up" Luke added "it was a mission gone wrong but successful" Liv finished off.
Aria peered into the room watching as her 2 friends laid asleep, probably tired from the day they had quickly snapping a picture of the two.
There wasn't supposed to be a mission, it was a decoy for them to hang out and become closer how could there be a mix up... Damian!
She went over to her husband and pulled him aside "who assigned them on an actual mission?" She crossed her arms as they both thought, "Grayson" Damian informed her to which she stalked over to the mentioned man "Richard John Grayson get your ass over here" she yelled pulling him by his ear.
"Ow ow ow!" He whined rubbing his ear when she let go. "Why did you send them on an actual mission! We said lie to them!" She accused him.
"No you didn't! Bart said that you needed them on a mission that's it" he clarified as the woman stalked off again, she was moody because she was pregnant and her emotions got the better of her and because she hated when things interfere with her match making.
"Bartholomew Allen!" She yanked his ear over to the 2 bat brothers. "What? What?!" He whimpered holding his ear "we told you not to tell him to send them on an actual mission" she whisper yelled.
"I did I told him to send them on one but nothing serious, if there was no action they'd know it was a set up and go their separate ways" he explained.
"Nothing serious? This guy was a crime lord, one who tried upstaging my dad and now she's here passed out from blood loss and thats because of nothing serious?" She questioned in disbelief.
"Aria if you haven't realized they're heroes it's their job to stop the bad guy, they've dealt with much worse and on the bright side that guy's behind bars!" He exclaimed before the others told them Lian had woken up.
The 2 Wayne's and the Allen stepped into the room watching their dazed friends take in their surroundings.
"Hey honey, how you feeling?" Aria asked rubbing her hand up and down lians arm. "It's like you married her instead of me" Damian muttered to himself not intending for his wife to hear "ew gross, we're cousins besides you're just jealous" Aria smacked his arm "yeh your pissy because you know she loves me more than you and I'm good, but jonnys tired from carrying me everywhere" she joked patting the kryptonian on the head.
"No I'm not. I mean.. ugh" he groans lifting his head in annoyance. "What happened?" Damian asked "we found the guy Marco Davis, Lian "persuaded" him to come outside with her, I slammed him to a wall, his buddies came out and we took them down" Jon began.
"I took my heels off because those things are death traps, and started stabbing people with them, then I stepped on some glass being barefoot and stuff" Lian continued explaining.
"So I took her home and fixed her up, we binged for like 6 hours before we got kidnapped" Jon continued, lian quickly adding "speaking of I need a new place to live"
"Then we woke up, almost got our skulls bashed and took down a couple more people then came here" he concluded.
"The stupid people didn't even let us finish the season! Before they decided to raid my home and knock us out" Lian whined.
"The ice creams probably all melted by now" and if it didn't look like it before, it definitely looked like it now, she looked like she was on the verge of crying. "Not my ice cream" she sniffled.
"I got blood on my shirt!" She continued to groan "that's going to be hard to get out!" Aria inspected the shirt "is that mine?" To which Damian shook his head "you mean mine!" To which Jon shook his head "technically it's mine!"
The friends continued to laugh and talk when Jon pulled Aria to the side "I know what you did" to which she gave him an innocent smile "and what exactly did I do?" He shook his head at her antics "you know I got super hearing right? I hear everything you said about the whole fake mission thing" an embarrassed blush came across her face "oh.... that" she trailed off.
"I appreciate your guys' efforts, and I think I'm getting through to her" he smiled to himself.
"Really?" She barely kept in her squeal "yeah I mean she invited me over to stay and binge movies AND she shared her ice cream with me, she doesn't share food with anyone EVER, and she listened to me and didn't kill anyone, I call that progress" he couldn't help but feel pride when she had listened to what he said and restrained herself from killing that guy.
"So.. would you say that you like her? Properly like like her?" She asked hopeful, Jon looked back to where she was sat laughing at something her daughter said "yeah I do"
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