Make up
It had been a week since Skylar and Liv took up residence in Wayne manor. To say the boys were crumbling without them was an understatement, Henry had tried approaching Liv in every way possible going as far as climbing to her window but ending up having batarangs thrown at him, it wasn't any better when his own twin would guard her to make sure he stayed away.
It broke Liv keeping herself from the one she loved but it wasn't the fact that he had kissed him last week it was the feeling of betrayal that she just couldn't seem to shake, and every time she looked at him she could just picture it in her head.
Henry felt he was beginning to lose her which led up to this point. "Any luck with liv?" He asked Damon who sat beside him in his English class.
"No, it's been a week, we haven't been away from each other that long before, the separation anxiety's starting to kick in" he muttered and Henry raised an eyebrow "starting to?" He motioned to Damon's dull face, his deep eye bags and scruffy hair.
"Well right now I have no one to talk to, I mean my parents are teenagers, my grandparents are basically going through the same thing and Luke's avoiding all of us because he doesn't want to pick a side" he sighed laying his head to rest on his hands.
"You can talk to me" Henry nudged him, "you seriously still wanna be friends with me after what I did? You're relationship is on the line and your concerned about me the guy who jeopardized it in the first place?" Henry put a hand on his shoulder sighing "I'm not excusing what you did, all I'm saying is that, it was a mistake and people make those, you're still my buddy and if you need to talk I'm here."
Damon groaned "why are you such a good guy?" Henry shrugged "my dad raised me that way" sitting up Damon huffed running his hands through his already ruffled hair "I'll fix this I promise."
At The Manor.....
"Please, you have to do something about this, I can't handle the both of them together telling me how boys are vile creatures who betrayed them! They've taken over the cave and Alfred's siding with them!" Bruce pleaded to Damian and Aria who had just reconciled but were yet to turn back into their rightful selves.
"It can't be that bad?" Aria shrugged turning to Damian "I saw Olivia punching a bag with Damon's face on it" he shrugged "and what did you say to her?" Aria asked "I told her to stop imagining it was her brother and if she had the guts she'd women up and do it face to face" his voice tuned out as he realized what he had said and to whom he said it to.
"You should probably find her, she's going to do some damage" Bruce warned, Damian and Aria sighed deep down they were kinda excited they always wanted to have kids that caused drama it was so entertaining to them and for them to be teenagers again they felt involved in the drama which was like the best thing ever.
"I'll get Olivia, you get Damon" Damian told Aria trying to hide his grin, "meet up in a bit and we'll compare notes" she gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before practically skipping away.
Aria was walking outside of the school wondering on how she was going to go up to Damon and talk to him during school. That was until she realized she was still a teenager and could technically blend in.
She took a deep breath rubbing her hands on the jeans she had borrowed from Olivia, hopefully she didn't flip out when she found out and hopefully she didn't stretch them out, no Aria body positivity come on.
She smacked herself in the head for getting back into the habit of talking to herself. Then she did it, she walked into her kids' high school pretending to be a teenager.
She roamed the empty halls looking for any signs of any of her kids til she found one. "Luke!" She called out to the blue eyed boy from across the hall.
He paused and smiled "hi do I know you?" Aria cursed at herself, Luke hadn't seen her since she was turned back into a teenager. "Oh honey it's me, Auntie Ari" she smiled as he looked at her weirdly.
"Oh wait yeah I heard about that, it's crazy how much you look like Liv" he motioned to her "you're even shorter as a teenager" he laughed mocking her until she glared at him "I may look like a teenager but I promise you I can still ground you, and have you scrubbing the batmobile as a punishment" she warned him and he tensed up.
"I'm kidding" she smiled watching him relax before she muttered "or am I" she shook her head she was getting off topic "I need to find Damon and sort this twin stuff out once and for all" she ran her hands through her hair.
"By the way why are you in the halls? Shouldn't you be in class?" She looked accusingly at her godson "oh I was going to the bathroom but my deaged aunt decided to grill me in the halls" he shrugged, she would've told him off for sassing her but she probably was the one who taught him that.
"You're right I'm sorry just point me in the right direction and you can go" Luke lead her down the corridors and she swore she knew where she was headed but she never thought Luke would betray her like this.
She had been there so many times she had memorized her way to the principals office, "Luke!" She scolded as he knocked and called for Irey.
Irey walked out and looked between us two "oh hah! What are you doing here?" She asked Aria who was glaring at Luke. "Dad and Lian said I had to take you straight to her if you decided to come here same with uncle Damian" he shrugged before Irey told him to get to class and he grumbled about still needing to pee.
"Okay now why are you here?" She turned to the teenager "to talk to Damon and sort this drama out because Bruce is losing his shit" irey awed.
"That's cute he doesn't like seeing his family separated" Aria agreed "yeah that and mom and liv have taken over the cave and won't let him in" the bell then rang signaling that it was lunch.
She looked towards Irey with a pout and puppy eyes, "fine" irey sighed "but I want you out by the end of Lunch" she told her as she smiled nodding "thank you okay I'll see you later for drinks at mine yeah?" She didn't wait for a reply as she ran off to the cafeteria. She grabbed a tray and bought some lunch, the only good thing about Gotham academy was the lunch ladies they unlike popular belief actually did make good food and their faces when they saw her looked like they had seen a ghost. Nonetheless they gave her the turkey sandwich and her juice and she made her way to the table her son was sat at.
Eyes landed on her as she made her way to the table everyone was steering clear from and when she placed her tray down and sat beside him it's almost sounded like they gasped.
Damon looked oddly at the girl who sat next to him, if you asked Aria he acted just like Damian did when someone he didn't know came anywhere near him back when they were younger.
"Hi honey" she smiled at him watching as his eyes bugged out of his head. "Mom?!" He whisper yelled "what? You can't be here.." he looked around seeing if anyone had noticed but clearly they had as everyone turned their heads as soon as he turned to check.
"I can and I am" she told him taking a bite out of her sandwich. "Now eat your food so we can talk" she nudged him.
She watched him eat in silence until a familiar red head made his way into the seat in front of them.
His smile dropped at the sight of Aria "oh sorry I thought you were liv and they'd made up" he sent her a sheepish smile.
"Don't worry hon' I'm here to sort all that out" she told him and he looked at her warily. "How is she doing? I've been trying to talk to her but all I got was cuts, swearing and bruises" he looked so concerned and hurt it made Aria want to squish his cheeks until he smiled.
"She's with my mom and they've taken over the bat cave and probably having joyrides with the batmobile so I'd say she's fine" she told him continuing at the sight of his fallen face "but I think she's just trying to deflect the pain of being without you" she held his hand comfortingly.
"Thanks Aria" he smiled at her, "now tell me what happened" just as she asked the bell rang again signaling the end of lunch "why are they so frequent?" She groaned quietly.
"Get to class I'll find you at your free period" she told Damon motioning to Henry to stay with her.
"You're coming with me and telling me word for word what happened. Henry followed her out of the cafeteria, "im just going to go to the bathroom I'll be quick" she told him to stay put as she ran to the bathroom.
Just as she was washing her hands a group of girls walked in, "hi are you new here?" The blonde one asked Aria.
"I guess yeah" Aria responded not really wanting to talk. "I'm Emilia nice to meet you" she smiled at her "you too" Aria tried walking past but Emilia blocked her path. "So uh how do you know Damon?" She fluttered her eyes as smiled innocently as if she hadn't just been talking to the mother of the mentioned boy.
"Just a friend" Aria tried being polite for once choosing to ignore the teenage drama.
"Are you sure cause you were getting pretty close to him" Emilia started leaning in closer, "if you considered talking to be so intimate then yeah" she rolled her eyes sarcastically at the girl in front of her who scoffed "watch your tone with me" Aria almost laughed smirking "how about you quit the queen bitch thing and just say what you want to say, you want me to stay away from Damon, why? Because you think he's yours but news flash hon the kids gay! G-A-Y you know he'll never go for you but it makes you feel that much better thinking you can scare off any girl who comes in to close contact with him, am I close?" She tilted her head a smirk resting at the corner of her lips.
Emilia growled pushing Aria "I'm gonna pretend you didn't do that and be the bigger person and walk away" she nudged passed her and just out the door.
"You are pretty big aren't you? Not as person but you know as a person" she laughed with her friends, seriously after all that she makes a fat joke?
"Haha fucking hilarious, how's it feel jumping on the gay ones I doubt your in it for the love it's probably the money right?" Aria couldn't help the rage that came into her once they brought up her weight.
"Who do you think you are?" Emilia stepped up to her "Lia sharpe" Aria often went by her other persona she and Lian had created whenever they didn't want anyone to figure them out. Lians being Rianna Dott. Arias smirk grew deeper as she saw the anger on Emilia's face and if anything it would edge Aria on. Not to mention the crowd that started to form around them.
"Just stay away from him and we won't have a problem" Emilia threatened pointing a manicured finger at Aria who laughed "not a chance" she could see the blonde girl in front of her was beginning to spiral with all the eyes on her she knew that she would be brash trying to maintain her social standards.
Just as she predicted the girl had launched herself at Aria mostly scratching and pulling at her arms and hair. Aria felt pity for the girl "that's not how you fight" she pushed the girl back landing a punch to her face causing her to fall to the floor crying holding the side of her face "it want even that hard stop crying" Arms began to pull her back and she turned and noticed Henry had gotten between them "Emilia again? Why are you doing this to yourself, you know he's gay just leave him be" he told her, "I've been nice up until now, you pull something like this again and you're done here" he looked her dead in the eye not a glare not a smile but he knew he had gotten the message across.
"Come on" before Henry could guide himself and Aria away a teacher had caught them. "You you and you principals office now!" She yelled watching as the crowd quickly dispersed.
Arias pov
"Fuck!" I cursed slamming my head into my hands "no cursing! Detention!" I groaned again before realizing I won't be here tomorrow, ha!
Somehow I was back at Ireys office but this time I was actually ashamed with what happened, considering it was one of best friends who were about to scold me for fighting with someone the same age as my son.
Irey didn't even look surprised when she saw me walk into her office. She just asked what happened and asked for a number to call to come and pick me up.
Next thing you know I'm sat outside the principals office waiting for my dad to come. Not long after he finally came followed by Bart who was looking at Henry questionably but looked like he found out the cause of his behavior.
"Aria what did you do?" Dad asked me almost amused at how long it had been since we were in this position. "Daddy it wasn't my fault, she tried to catfight me and you know what you say about cat fights, if selena punches that means you punch, so I uh did" I smiled and he shook his head.
"Why are you even here? Where's Damian doesn't he normally keep you of trouble?" Bart asked he was clearly enjoying this way more than he should.
"We split up" I told him "obviously" dad said sarcastically. "I went for Damon he went for liv" I explained "and did you get to Damon?" Dad asked already knowing the answer "I got to Henry instead but I spent the rest of the time defending my son from a psychotic bitch" I yelled the last bit making sure Emilia heard from down the corridor where she sat holding an ice pack to her face.
She glared at me and I sent her the finger. "Aria leave it, let's get you home" dad pulled me with him "oh and Henry didn't do anything except break up the fight" I told Bart trying to keep the boy out of trouble.
"Should we get Damon?" Dad asked and I shook my head "his AP classes are in the afternoon he hates missing them" I shook my head at least one thing about him is normal.
"I'll talk to him when I get home, I feel like this has been blown way out of proportion" I sent a final glare towards the teenaged witch as we passed her ok our way out.
Dad dropped me off at the manor but was too scared to come in and face mom, coward.
I quickly found Damian coming out of Livs room, he smiled making his way to me as I rushed into his arms "you have no idea the day I had" I wrapped my arms around his neck and told him all the drama I got sucked into.
"How about you baby how was your day?" I asked him "I talked liv into talking with Damon atleast for an explanation."I smiled thankful that she agreed, I didn't know how much longer I could go seeing them so distant with each other.
"I talked to Henry and he told me what happened and all I need is Damon's input and I've got a solid case" I told him as he put me down.
"Next time they fight I want to have Damon, i'd like to have fights with annoying teenagers and not get in trouble for it" Damian whispered into my ear placing a kiss just behind it.
"Oh and it was the same girl Lia was talking about that was crushing on Damon and she... she commented on my weight.." she told him whispering the last bit but he heard it was impossible not to without how close he was holding onto her. "She did what?" He growled letting go of his wife and making his way to the door "Dami what are you gonna do huh? Go up to her as a stranger and yell for no reason besides I already broke her nose I think that's enough damage" I gripped onto his arm stopping him ever so slightly.
"I love you and I know you wanna defend me but I handled it okay, isn't that progress? She talked about my weight and I punched her; I didn't cry or do anything too drastic" I looked at him hopefully and he cupped my cheeks "you're beautiful I don't care what anyone says, you're my zahra jameela" he kissed my head.
"Beautiful flower" I smiled at the meaning "I'm so proud of you" he whispered into my hair line.
"I love you so much" I hugged him and he picked me up "I love you" Damian kissed my neck "let's go to our room" I whispered in his ear kissing down his jaw gently.
After our little love fest Damian and I got dressed when we heard the front door open and Damon announced he was here. I quickly brushed out my hair and took my time with it, sex hair is not the best hair.
"Damon honey come on talk to me" I pulled him into his room and sat him down. He sighed my poor baby had bags under his eyes and his hair was sticking up in every direction he looked so broken. I pulled him into me and he instantly broke down, tears began flowing from his eyes, as he sobbed.
"It's okay" i shushed him and he shook his head against my neck, "no it's not, I messed up so bad and I hurt the one person I love more than anyone and now I can't even get her to look at me never mind talking and I ruined Henry's relationship and it's all my fault" my neck was starting to get wet with all his tears.
"You need to tell me what happened but first you need to calm down" i helped him breathe for a second used to the routine back when my dad used to get them from his nightmares.
"I-I-I.." he blubbered and I shushed him "calm now breathe in and out" he slowly got his rhythm of breathing back.
"Okay now speak slowly so you don't work yourself up again" he nodded he breathed out and clenched his hands before beginning.
"We came back from a mission and we were celebrating, I was a bit down cause I almost messed it all up" his eyes never moved from the carpet under him, almost as if he was reliving everything.
"I was alone in my room disappointed in my self then Henry came in, it's like he guessed what was going on and started complimenting my leadership skills and how they couldn't have done it without me. He was being a good friend" his breathing started to pick up again so I rubbed the back of his hand in comfort.
"He sat with me while I complained about everything and he just listened, not once did he tell me to shut up or interrupt, I told him I was high maintenance or something like that and he laughed and said we'll find someone who'll like maintaining me. I don't know I just looked at him and I had no clue what came over me but the next thing I know is that I'm kissing him, he obviously pushed me away" he sighed but all I could do was try and comfort him until he got through it.
"It wasn't mean though, he told me I shouldn't have done that and that he loves Livie. I said I was sorry and he said not to worry about it but he was going to have to tell liv about it because they don't keep things from eachother, but I told him to wait and to let me tell her because it was my fault. Then I thought why jeopardize their relationship and provide unnecessary hurt so I decided against it until Lagaan that 2 faced shrimpy told her because he likes her" he ran his hands through his hair again.
"I only wanted to protect her but I hurt her instead and we've separated our whole group, no one's talking to Henry and I, the girls because they stuck together and Luke doesn't want to pick a side so he's avoiding all of us, and then Henry's obviously heart broken but he's still talking to me like I'm his friends even if I caused all this!" He lent back into me and I took that as a sign that it was done.
"It hurts, she's my other half and I haven't been away from her this long, I'm freaking out mom, I'm shakey and nervous and always on edge" he stood up "and what's with that weird tingly feeling? It's just weird" he yelled out pointing to himself.
"Well when you were younger we used to put you in separate cribs but you cried until you were next to each other, you're separation anxiety is interesting" he shook his head.
"How do I get her to talk to me? I need to say sorry or atleast fix everyone else because I feel worse knowing they all got dragged down with me" his voice cracked, unbeknownst to him Liv was on the other side of the door he heart clenched hearing him cry and how much of a toll this had taken on him.
She pushed open the door and before he could say anything she pulled him to a hug, both their bodies instantly relaxing at the touch of the other.
"I'm sorry it's all my fault I didn't mean to it all just happened, I'll make it up to you I promise" she shook her head at him. "It's fine, I'm sorry I hurt you too, I know how you get if we're away and I purposely made you feel that way I'm sorry" they both started sprouting apologies to eachother while hugging not noticing the discreet fist bump Damian and Aria shared.
"So who's going to deal with my parents?" I whispered to Damian who muttered back "I've had enough teenage drama for one day" I groaned knowing I had to do this on my own luckily I had another partner in crime.
"I'm ditching you for my side chick then" I kissed his cheek before running to call Lian knowing she could smack some sense into her father.
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