Lots of grief and sadness and colins dead and everyones crying
Running into the cave barely able to carry an unconscious lian I yelled "help!" Catching everyone's attention Damian ran over and took her from my arms carrying her over to the medbay.
"What happened?" Roy asked "I-I don't know, one minute we're talking then she starts shaking a-and she um she grabbed her head, then blacked out on me" I stuttered trying to get my breathing right.
"Someone call Dr.Leslie!" Dad yelled out. I staggered to a wall before sliding down and taking my head in my hands.
Arms quickly wrapped around me "hey, it's gonna be fine, she'll be ok" it was Damian trying to reassure me. I look into his emerald eyes shaking my head "it's my fault, it's all my fault" now it was his turn to shake his head "no it's not, you couldn't have known this would happen"
"I should've seen it! I'm her sister, her best friend! How could I not see she was struggling?! If I paid attention I could've been there for her! Instead I just... I made her feel like she couldn't come to me, I put all this work onto her... she doesn't deserve it, none of this..." I cried into his chest as he held me. Shaking my head and quickly wiping my tears I stood up lightly tapping my cheeks "snap out of it! You don't cry!" Regaining my composure I stand up and clear my throat waiting for any updates on lian.
An hour later Dr Leslie walked out "she's stable for now" we all walked towards her "but what happened to her?" Mom asked.
"Lian had a stroke, she had popped a blood vessel due to all the stress and high blood sugar which explains the headache, dizziness and her collapse" my hand went up to my mouth "will she be okay?"
"She will be yes, I'll be seeing to her regularly to give her treatment and I highly suggest not to overwhelm her it may cause a relapse" she said before leaving.
Quietly walking into the room after uncle Roy had stepped out Damian and I had stepped in, his hand not leaving mine.
Walking up to the bed seeing her lifeless body hooked up to all these machines, made my heart sink. I take a seat next to her bed taking a hold of her left hand while Damian held her right.
"You're gonna be fine, lia I promise" I whisper to her pushing some of hair out of her face "You need to wake up soon"
Damian chuckles lightly "I mean who else is gonna make fun of me for having a heart?" He tried to joke but I can hear the heartache and worry.
Walking out of the room reluctantly, Letting the others check on her. We walk up to the manor and head straight to the twins rooms, completely forgetting about them with everything that went on.
Knocking softly on the door I hear a faint come in. "Hey" I call softly as Damian and I walk in taking a seat on the bed. Damon and Olivia sit down next to us with Damon to my left and Olivia to Damian's right.
"How are you feeling?" Damian asks putting his arm around Olivia "fine I guess" she mumbles. Damon looks at us "I mean why wouldn't we?"
Sighing "despite not growing up with him, he was still your father, it's ok to be sad that he's gone, and with your mom in the state that she's in... I thought you'd be upset"
"I mean it's not like he was there for us" Olivia snapped "he left us!" Damon added both standing up letting their anger out, sharing a look before tears welled up into their eyes.
"He left to protect you" Damian tried to reason, "he came back for you guys" I tried to calm them down.
"Then why isn't he here?!" Tears flowing there faces "why did he have to die?!" Standing up we wrapped them both in our arms holding them close "why did he leave us again?" Olivia sobbed into Damian's chest. "We didn't even get to say goodbye" Damon sobbed into my shoulder.
"Shush, baby it's gonna be ok, whatever happened to Colin was an accident, he didn't deserve what happened to him, he loved you two, so so much, he was proud of you both" i said tears threatening my eyes again before I quickly pushed them back down.
Pulling away we sat in silence Damian spoke "we know how you're feeling, trust us he was our best friend, even like a brother to us, we never got to say goodbye either, the only thing we can do now is remember him, remember the smart, funny clever dork he was" tears began to pool his eyes before he quickly blinked them away.
Walking out of their room once we knew they fell asleep we went to our own room in the manor. Not saying a word we showered and changed into our pajamas before clicking into bed.
Damian wasn't the best when it came to emotions, he didn't like to feel, he thought it made him look weak over the years I figure out that he'd either put and emotionless face on to hide his feelings or he would joke around which was extremely rare even for Damian. Sadly I felt like I knew what was going to happen.
Lying down side by side Damian turns his back facing me I see his shoulders begin to shake "Dami?" Sitting up and turning him to face me I see the tears he's been holding in and that's when the sobs come out only letting his walls down when we're alone.
"H-he can't be...." he whispered as he hugs my h waist and buried his head into my shoulder my hands stroking his hair.
"I know honey, I know" my own tears begin to fall "no he's not dead ari," he quickly picks his head up shaking his head "he's not dead! He's just hiding again isn't he? Like last time right? That's what's happening isn't it?" He wipes his tears.
"Dami, he's not hiding this time, I really wish he was, that he was alive, but we saw the footage..." he shakes his head again "that's what he wants us to believe, he isn't dead! Ok Colin isn't dead" he repeated. I look at him teary eyed, he began pacing around our room "he's not dead" he kept on repeating.
"Damian! He's dead! And there's nothing we can do about it!" I cry breaking down he shouts "I refuse to believe that!"
He drops to his knees "I can't lose him, not again..." he whispers crying, I walk up to him in the middle of the room and gently get onto my knees in front of him letting him cling on to me "he was our brother and he's gone, he wouldn't want us crying, he'd want us to go out have an ice cream, or kidnap a duck" he let out a shaky breath "he was such a dork, even if it was really bad he'd somehow get us out and make us forget, what am I gonna do without him?" He looked at me.
"We live for him, we remember and honor him, even if it means kidnapping a duck" a small smile graces our lips as we slowly get back into bed, holding each other remembering stories about the good times we shared with Colin.
"You know he told me a couple weeks ago that if Liv was ever going to get married, he wanted us both to walk her down the isle, the dad who help create her and protect her and the dad who raised and loved her, giving their little girl to the guy who would do both" he chuckled quietly his tears beginning to settle down.
"When he found out lian was pregnant he was scared he wasn't going to be a good father, he told me, how can he love someone when the person who was supposed to love him wasn't there? I told him it doesn't matter how far you are from someone if you believe that they love you and you love them then you don't need to see them or hear it all you need to do is feel it in your heart and you'll know" I let out a quick breath "you know what he said next, he told me if he was ever far away then he wanted me to take care of you, make sure you weren't being a grinch, or big headed" I let out a small laugh.
"On the day they left the twins to us he told me to always stay with you, that because he was going I was the one who had to protect and look out for you, to love you as much as I could and make sure you were okay, he loved you dami, he always will, you were more than friends or partners you were brothers".
Eventually we fell asleep only to receive an interesting surprise the next morning.
Feeling the sun rays thought the curtains I turn over to cuddle into Damian only to find a small lump in the bed, eyes still closed I feel around and feel feathers? Feeling around I feel a beak and I let out a groan, he didn't please say he didn't! "QUACK!" I snap my eyes open and shoot up seeing a duck on my bed.
"Damian!" I yell out before turning to the duck "I'm gonna name you Colin"
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