Living in queen manor
Living with grandpa Ollie in queen manor meant I was staying in star city AWAY from DAMIAN! And yeah I probably could get a bus to Gotham but I ain't sitting on a bus for an hour and a half just to be there for an hour and a half and then spend an hour and a half coming back! On top of that running around in secret getting weird foods for lian cause of her cravings Kinda took most of my day.
So we went to the next best thing face time.
I was currently calling him. "I miss you" I say into the laptop. "I miss you too beloved" he says.
"How's lian doing?" He asks. "She's fine, her cravings have become extreme, yesterday she made me get her pickles in Nutella and today she had marmite on fish! Grandpa Ollie puked just looking at it, everyone's getting suspicious I think she needs to tell everyone" I say laughing as he chuckles. "So what are you doing? I was planning on training" I say getting up to walk to my closet. "I was going to train too" he says watching my movement. I pick out a sports bra and leggings.
"Wanna train together via cam" I say beginning to undress. "Y-Yeah sure"he stutters with a slight blush. I put on the bra then take off my shorts to put on the leggings, when I'm done I look at Damian who's face is red "you alright there love?" I ask smirking. "Why wouldn't I be beloved?" "Oh, cause you got a bit of drool there" I say pointing to the corner of my mouth.
"Ha ha" he says sarcastically wiping his mouth "I was just thinking how lucky I am to have such a hot,sexy girlfriend" He Says seductively as I blush.
"Shut up" I say turning away. I grab the laptop and walk down to the "arrow cave" which was like the batcave.
I saw grandpa Ollie "hey grandpa Ollie mind if I train?" I ask "sure sweetheart and who are you talking to?" He asks.
"Thanks and I was talking to Damian, we're trying to deal with long distance even if it's one and a half hours away and only for a week"
"Why don't you go ahead and start while I have a quick chat with Damian" grandpa says as I hesitantly give him my laptop and walk off.
Third persons pov
"So Damian how are you?" Oliver asks "I'm fine, how are you?" Damian replies politely "great" Oliver says sarcastically. "Um is there a reaso-" Oliver cuts Damian off "what are your intentions with my granddaughter?"He says bluntly.
"I uh... love her sir and I want to make her happy" Damian says sincerely. "And how would you do that?" Oliver says skeptically. "I would do anything for her to be happy even if it meant not being with her as long as she's happy and smiling I am too, she's my everything" Damian answers as Oliver nods and smiles "ok kid I approve" "I'm not a kid I'm nearly 18, soon to be adult" Damian replies.
"Ari you can come take your boyfriend now!" Oliver yells as aria walks in takes the laptop and leaves to carry on training after the long break she's had for school and tests.
Arias pov
I walk up to lians room and knock on the door softly "lia it's me ari can I come in?" "Yeah come on in ari" she says as I walk in. Lians small baby bump was beginning to show so she started wearing baggy clothes well mostly sweatshirts.
"Lian everyone's getting suspicious, I think it's time we tell them" lian sighs and nods "yeah you're right but I need everyone here so when?" She asks "uh... after my parents come back from their honeymoon, we're all having dinner at the manor both our families so just invite Colin and it's all Gucci. Now don't worry we're all gonna be there to support you so add the speedy twins too, we got your back lia always have always will."
Oliver's pov
Arias been acting strange lately and so has lian. All the weird food she's been getting. I did hear Roy telling me how they've lost their virginity I mean could she... be pregnant? Is aria pregnant?! That would explain the smell of puke in the morning....
>Time skip to a week later at Wayne manor<
Arias pov
We arrived at the manor at 5 and waited for the others to arrive. After Colin, Irey and Bart arrived we led them to Damian room. I knocked a little tune on the door and a muffled "come in" was heard. We all entered and the speedsters were shocked "so this is what your room looks like" Bart says as Irey flicks his forehead.
I walk over and plop into Damian's bed "so hows this gonna go?" I ask. "Well, dinner will be served at 7pm so we need to stall until then, after dinner everyone is to be seated in the living room where you would call their attention and lian to announce the news while we be supportive in the background and stand by her side" Damian says casually.
"Yeah but how am I gonna say it? I can't just be like 'guys guess what? I got drunk and now I'm preggers and shit' seriously?! What would my dad think? What would he do?" Lian huffs massaging her temple as Colin rubs her arms.
"Lian calm down stress isn't good for the baby plus we got you covered, your dad won't be doing anything he loves you too much" Irey says. "How do you know so much about babies?" I ask Irey. "Oh my aunt iris is pregnant with his parents" she says casually shrugging pointing at Bart like it's a normal thing.
We continued talking until we were called down for dinner. Lian put different foods in her plate so I did the same so it didn't look weird and I saw grandpa Ollie giving me a weird look. After eating we all sat on the side anxiety building up as we got ready.
I gave lian a look who nodded as I have a reassuring smile back. "Excuse me everyone can I have your attention please" I say as everyone turns their head to me.
"Umm... we have something to tell you, I know it's hard to hear but please be open minded about it" I say.
"Your pregnant" grandpa Ollie says as I look at him wide eyed so does everyone else. "What?!" Both my parents yell. "Ariana Marie Talia Todd you're fucking pregnant!" Dad yells as lia sneaks off. "What? No! I'm NOT pregnant!" I yell back.
"Then what's with all the weird food and baggy clothing and your fighting skills and puking" grandpa Ollie says "well for starters that wasn't for me and I was cleaning the puke not puking it and lastly I know I'm a bit rusty in training I didn't know I was that bad" i explain.
"If your not pregnant then who is?" Grandpa Ollie asks "lian is" i says turning around to see her gone "and now she's gone, probably afraid she'd get the same reaction, you need to chill out seriously, she's already stressed and now your making it worse ok get over it she's pregnant there's nothing you can do about it now except he supportive or so help me I will kick all your asses rusty or not. Now if you'll excuse me I need to find my sister and let her know that I'm there for her" I say walking with Damian.
We walk around till we reach the roof "memories up here" I say and look at Damian who smiles lightly and grips my hand.
We spot lian sat on a thin blanket looking at the sky we gesture to everyone else to stay back as we go towards her, we sit on each side of her. "Are they mad?"she asks "not after what I said they shouldn't be" I reply "what did you say?" She asks "something along the lines of 'I'll kick your ass if you say anything to my sister' " Damian chuckles and lian rests her head on his shoulder.
"On the bright side everyone heard my full name, so I'm not totally embarrassed or anything" I say sarcastically. "Why are you named after my mother?" Damian asks and I shrug.
"You know we're always gonna be there for you lian" I Say side hugging her. "Yeah your our little sister" Damian says "im only a few months younger" lians chuckles. "Honey I practically raised you in those few months" i sass as she laughs.
Her laughter faded and she becomes serious "what if I'm not a good mom? I mean I got no mother figure in my life well except aunt Skylar but she's just recent, i mean I grew up without one and to be honest dad and uncle jay are shit at raising children right I mean look how fucked up we are, Literally I'm fucking pregnant!" Lian says beginning to cry as we hold her.
Colin walks over and bends down in front of her "lian babe, your an Amazing friend, amazing daughter, Amazing sister, amazing lover and I know your going to be an amazing mom. I agree our upbringing wasn't the best and we have parent issues but at least we know what not to do, so that's a start so let's figure out the rest together" He Says extending his hand which lian takes and He pulls her into a hug. "Awww" the speedsters say.
We all then have a group hug. "So can I be godmother?" "Aria!" "Fine fine"
We walked inside and uncle Roy immediately hugged his daughter "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I love you no matter why you know that right?" He says "So your not mad?" Lian Asks. "I was before but I've accepted the fact that I love you more and nothing can change that, I'm gonna be a grandpa!" He beamed.
"I think I'm also owed an apology" I say raising my hand. "Sorry honey" mom says and dad says "sorry for telling everyone your full name" dad grumbled and I look at grandpa Ollie "sorry for accusing you of being pregnant and a sloppy fighter" "damn right you should be" I say smirking.
"Now there's just one thing left" I say "what?" Everyone says as lian says "let me guess...." and we both simultaneously say "can I be godmother?"
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