Lians pregnancy
Lians pregnancy flew by and she was ready to pop any day now. She decided to keep the gender a surprise so she wouldn't be upset if it wasn't what she expected it to be or something like that.
I'm currently sat next to her talking baby names while Damian and Colin are playing video games.
"So I was thinking Arian for a boy" "for the last time I'm not naming him Arian who in this god damn world is called Arian?"
"I think he should be called Damon" Damian cuts in. "No- actually that's not bad" Colin says as lian nods.
"well what about a girl?" I ask "whatever it is I know we'll love him or her and whatever we decide to name them" lian says rubbing her belly.
"Now I'm in the mood for.... chicken and maple syrup" lian says "your allergic to maple syrup lian!" I say as she scoffs and gets up "fine I'll have chocolate instead and if I get more fat it's on you". We all begin to head to the kitchen before *drip* and *groan* we all turn back to see water leaking down lians leg and her groaning and holding her stomach "it's happening! this shit is happening!" I yell running to her.
"Damian get the bag! Colin help me get her to the car!" I command.
We arrive at the hospital "my sisters in labour" I tell the lady at the front desk. "Sorry no rooms available your gonna have to wait" she says obnoxiously. I turn my head around slowly glaring "fuck no! My sister NEEDS a room NOW! Now your gonna go and get us a room or we're gonna have a problem got it bitch!" I practically growl as she quickly gets up and says "Follow me"
A few minutes later lians in a room and we're just with her until they kick us out, not that I'd let them.
"Has anyone called my dad?" Lian asks "yeah I called him a few minutes ago" I respond while rubbing her shoulders. "Your gonna be fine" I could tell she was getting anxious. "What if something goes wrong or... or..." I cut her off "relax as if I'd let anything mess up my niece or nephew coming into this world and plus your a teen who's super healthy and fit and the doctor said your in the best condition to have a kid so calm down and get ready to pop out a baby" I say and she nods and breathes in and out.
After a few minutes uncle Roy arrives with mom and dad and grandpa Ollie. We reluctantly leave lian and Colin stays with her.
After many hours lian had given birth based on the constant swearing coming from the delivery room.
When the doctors came outside they looked horrified and quickly left, soon after we walked inside and I rush to lian "aww where's my niece or nephew?" I ask looking around "your nephew is right there and your niece is over there." She replied smirking as I begin to squeal "twins! You had TWINS?!?!?!" I start to jump before I freeze, recompose myself and smile awkwardly at everyone.
"Sorry just got excited" I say quietly as I walk over to the girl and calmly pick her up. "Aww she's precious" i whisper trying to hold in the tears.
Colin hands Damian the baby boy, on Damian's face is a ghost of a smile at the bundle of joy in his arms.
"So which ones older?" I ask softly not looking up from the baby. "Damon's older than Olivia by 5 minutes" lian says smirking as Damian looks at her smiling "Damon?" He asks "yeah thought he should be named after his godfather don't ya think?" She says still smirking as he smirks back.
"Is that why you didn't let me name him Arian?" I question. "Yeah.... THATS why" she replies unconvincingly. "So what's their full names?" I ask. "Damon Oliver Wilkes and Olivia Ariana Wilkes" Colin answered "you named her Ariana?" I say smiling at them "after her god mother" Colin answered "I'm god mother?!" I squeal again but stop as Olivia begins to stir in my arms. I hand her over to lian who looks at her daughter admiringly and I quietly take a picture of the cute mother daughter moment, Damian hand Damon back to Colin and I also take a picture of Damon grabbing Colin's nose.
One by one everyone got a chance to hold the twins. Oliver was happy about the fact that they both had his name Oliver and Olivia.
Apparently lian and Colin didn't think of that Whilst thinking of names for them. We all left to go home while they kept lian In over night seeing it was midnight anyway.
I made it to the manor where I was staying that weekend. I headed to Damian's room alongside Damian. When he shut the door I could still see the smile he had on his face. "They did it"
I whisper "they've finally got the family they wanted" I smile back at him happy "they deserve it more than anyone" he replied sitting next to me as I lay my head on this shoulder. "We're god parents" he says as I hmm in response. "Yeah we are" I sigh contently as we go to sleep. Life couldn't be more perfect
(Third persons POV) 14 years later....
Damian was Working in his office as CEO of Wayne enterprises. Until his personal secretary walks in. "Hey babe" aria says placing a kiss on her husbands face. "Good afternoon beloved. How's our little robin?" He asks placing a hand on her still growing stomach "he's fine just missing his daddy" she replies sitting in his lap. "You shouldn't be working, stress isn't good for the baby" Damian says looking at his pregnant wife "dami I told you I'm not gonna stop working until I'm at least 7 months and right now I'm just about 4 so quit whining plus I've got you to relieve my stress" she says planting a small kiss on his lips.
Damian answers the call "Damian Wayne speaking" he answers.
"Ah, yes Mr Wayne there seems to have been an issue today with your child" principal Iris says.
"Which child?" Aria Asked. If it was Damon it meant he was getting praised or something if it was Olivia, that was a whole different story.
"It's Olivia Mrs Wayne" Iris says.
They both groan.
"Ok Irey I'm coming" aria answers.
"Thanks aria have a nice day"
End call
"Times like these I really miss lian and Colin" Aria whispers As Damian hugs her. "Me too ari me too"
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