Its gonna be okay
I feel like there hasn't really been much of Aria and Lians bond being shown so I thought I'd make this chapter about them.
It had been 4hours since she found out, 4 hours 27 minutes and 13 seconds since she found out. Lian sat there motionless trying to comprehend everything that happened today.
(Earlier that day....)
"Aria, I don't understand why your stressing out! I mean it's not like you haven't been married before!" Lian exclaimed into the phone. "Yeah I know lia but its gonna be official this time and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be having another wedding anytime soon" Aria joked into the phone.
"Everything gonna be fine" she reassured her cousin "thanks lian, have you finished the file yet?" A look of confusion spread across lians face "the what?" She asked "the file? You know the one for the business deal for WE? You said you'd do it" lian groaned "I'm so sorry I forgot!" She rushed out "it's fine I'll sort it out, oh and remember that Damon has football today and Liv has Art so they're gonna be home late today" Aria reminded her "okay?" Aria sighed "you forgot didn't you?" Lian stammered "of course not! The-the kids...uh"
"Are staying at yours for the weekend?" Aria supplied "right" lian agreed. "Ok But where are you?" Lian looked around her apartment "why?" that's when realization struck her "the meeting!" She yelled before rushing up and out the door. "It's in 20 minutes! Do you think you'll make it?" Lian huffed whilst scaling rooftops "I'm gonna try" ending the call when she saw Wayne Enterprises coming into her line of view.
She ran inside and pushed the elevator button, tapping her foot she groaned before deciding to take the stairs. Running into Damian's office she panted out "I know I'm Sorry! I forgot that we had a meeting..." taking deep breaths she tried to calm herself.
Aria and Damian shared a glance between themselves before silently agreeing "maybe it's best if you just sit here and calm yourself down, you look really stressed, the meeting isn't that important, so it's not necessary for you to be there. So just stay here and sort yourself out"
Sighing defeated she nodded taking a seat as they both left.
Lians pov
What is wrong with me? I keep on letting everyone down! It's fine, Aria says it's fine but I can see the disappointment in her eyes, she's trying to spare my feelings... they all are!
I'm a horrible mom, I can't even remember basic things about my kids! I'm a horrible worker, I keep forgetting things.... I don't know what's happening to me...
Pulling at my hair and lacing my hands on my lap I notice my leggings are wet... that's when I notice the tears flowing down my face. I try to make it stop, but I couldn't. It's like a river was just flowing out my eyes and that's when the sobs came out.
Why am I crying? I'm an assassin, I don't 'do' emotions, they make you weak, they'll think I won't be able to handle it, they can't see me like this... no one can.
Breathing out a shaky breath I shake my hands and try to get my mojo back. Wiping the tears away and fixing my hair. I leave a small note on the desk before climbing out the window.
(Couple hours later)
Walking into the cave for patrol I see everyone already there. "Hey" I hesitantly say as I look at the looks sent my way.
"What's up?" I look at aria and Damian but they won't look at me in the eyes. "What's going on? Why are you looking at me like that?" I look at anyone, trying to see any indication.
Dad speaks up "lia honey there's something we have to tell you..." the tone in his voice held so much grief and pain my heart began to race.
"What happened? They look between themselves before Aria speaks up walking towards me "I'm so sorry" tears began to pour from her eyes.
"Aria what's going on? Why are they looking at me like that?" She just hugs me before quietly whispering in my ear "it's your mother... she was murdered, they found her body..." I froze hearing the words coming out of her mouth, pushing the tears down I breathed out. "H-how?"
Aria gave me a look of sympathy "on her way back to the league, someone betrayed them, a clean slit to the throat there was nothing they could've done, she was already gone." Dad spoke up anger laced with pain and grief.
"And... there was someone else with her... lian honey I'm so sorry" she held me once again. "Who?" I whispered as Damian was the one to speak up this time "Colin" he said regrettably.
That's when my knees began to buckle and I fall to the ground, bringing Aria with me. Tears began brimming my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall, I couldn't. Nodding I stood up, and silently walked out the cave.
Arias pov
My heart breaks for her, her mom, the one who helped her and risked everything for her was gone.
Colin... he was like a brother to me, he loved lia and she loved him, I can't believe we won't hear his jokes anymore, or his weird theories about space and stories or his dramatic schemes as he tried to play Cupid. It just doesn't feel real. But some how it is.
I stay there on the ground holding lia before she stands up, all she does is nod before walking away silently.
I look back at everyone before beginning to walk after her only to get stopped by uncle Roy "give her some time to process things" he says with a tear falling from his eyes.
I turn to Damian and hug him tightly tears pouring from my eyes as well as his "he's gone" he whispers still unable to comprehend that one of his best and closest friends was gone so soon after they just got him back.
(Later on a rooftop)
Walking closer I notice the shadow of a figure sitting on the edge of the building leaning back on to her hands with her legs dangling off the edge of the building was lian.
Cautiously I approach her "hey" she doesn't respond just continuing to stare out into the city. "Lia?" She looks at me and that's when I see the tears pooling her eyes before she breaks down.
Lians pov
I try to keep my emotions contained but I don't understand how I can. I hear footsteps coming towards me "hey" arias voice rung out. I kept looking forward my body numb, I'm not sure whether it was the cold or the pain I was feeling.
"Lia?" I look at her tears threatening to spill until I couldn't hold it in anymore. I began to shake and tears began to flow down my face, my hands shaking as loud sobs leave my body.
Aria quickly rushed to pull me into her arms leaning my head into her chest I hugged my knees as she began to cradle my fragile self into her comfort.
"Shhh... it's gonna be okay.. everything will be alright" she strokes my hair but I can't help but have a rush of anger flow through me.
"It's gonna be okay? It's gonna be okay?!" I stand up "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE ARI!" Tears flowing beginning to pace back and forth
"HOW CAN I DO THIS ALONE?... without him..." I sank to the floor again "you're not alone, you have us you have me"
"Aria your an amazing mother, and business woman, I'm not cut out for this, I'm a terrible mother, I mess up at work, I can't handle this life, before I knew I didn't have to do it alone and if we did mess up we'd get through it together but now... he's... he's gone... what am I supposed to do?"
She stand up walking to me taking my face into her hands "now you listen to me Lian Harper! You are the most strong, amazing, selfless person I know! Your a great mother, you left your kids, for 14 years just to protect them! If that's not a great person I don't know what is!"
I look into her green eyes "I keep messing up, I-I keep forgetting" I pull my hair in frustration.
Groaning I fall to the ground holding my head in pain. Aria wraps her arms around me once more "you know I'll never leave you right?" She whispers as the the pain and throbbing in my head increases "yeah Aria, I love you" she sends me a small smile wiping away my tears "your my sister of course I love you..." that's the last thing I heard before the ringing got to much for me to handle and my body shut down. Last thing I remember seeing was her concerned face before it all went black.
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