How am I supposed to help if you dont tell me whats wrong?
"Alright so what's the game plan? How are we getting back to normal?" Aria questioned looking around the room.
"Seriously! A room filled with some of the smartest people in the world and none of you know how to fix this, and don't tell me you need more blood samples because I swear if you poke me with another needle I'll find something way bigger and shove it up your-" Damian cut off Aria's rant "I think what she means is we have responsibilities and the quicker we can get back to them the better" he stated calmly.
"No I don't mean that I meant what I said, it's gonna be big, huge!" She warned using her arms to demonstrate what she'd do if she wasn't back to her old body soon.
"No more needles jeez we got it!" Tim raised his hands in surrender. "It's kinda nice to have you like this, you're my little baby again" Jason cooed over the pout on his daughters face.
"Daddy stop it!" She whined as he pinched her cheeks slapping his hands away.
"I can't help it, Masons grown up and a pain in the ass now!" He joked smirking as said teenager complained "uncalled for!"
"Just get us back to our regular selves!" She said rolling her eyes and walking away.
"Jeez what's stuck up her ass" mason grumbled to himself earning a smack on the head from his father.
The next day...
Aria woke up to the 8th day of her being in her teenage body. She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to hold back.
She just about figured out what age she was since she had just received and finished her period and she was pretty sure she got it just before she turned 16, I know kind of a late bloomer, but it was worth it to be the sexy, gorgeous mother she is now or at least she was.
She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, turning back to look at Damian quietly sleeping on the couch.
There she stood in the bathroom glancing at herself in the mirror. Her eyes trailed over her body, she lifted her hand tracing some curves and edges, she frowned when she touched her stomach, her fingers pinching slightly at the skin her frown deepening as her eyes trailed down to her legs, her plump legs.
A knock at the door broke Aria from her own judgment, "I'll be a minute" she called out cursing herself for her voice cracking.
"Are you okay?" Damian yelled through the door "I'm fine, girl stuff you know" she cleared her throat sorting through the drawers trying to find the one thing that'd put her mind at ease.
She sighed in relief quietly before layering it onto her skin, she quickly fixed herself and opened the door with a smile on her face.
"Honestly you have no patience" she scoffed as she watched him step into the bathroom.
Aria swallowed deeply, her blood running cold at the thought of anyone finding out her deepest shame.
Damian soon exited the bathroom and frowned seeing the look on her face "hey what's wrong?" He put a hand on her shoulder "nothing" she shrugged him off.
"Come on, it's not nothing if somethings bothering you just tell me what it is and I can fix it" he encouraged her "I'm fine" she muttered turning from him "how am I supposed to help if you don't tell me what's wrong? Aria we might be mad at each other but I'm always gonna be here for you" he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles staring into her eyes.
Aria breathed out heavily before wrapping her arms around his middle "tell me what's wrong baby" he cooed in her ear.
"I just need you to hold me for a second" she whispered, feeling relieved and relaxed in his comforting hold.
Damian just stood there holding her, he didn't know what happened or what was wrong but he knew he had to be there for her.
A couple minutes later she pulled back "feel better?" He asked kissing her forehead "a little, thanks Dami" she smiled at him as he pulled her over to the bed, both sitting at the edge not saying anything.
A couple more minutes later Damian spoke up "I'm sorry" arias head perked up slightly to face him.
"For ignoring you, it's just that these villains take me away from spending time with you and the kids and I thought if I got them locked up again it would be a little longer until they break out and I'd get more time with you until I have to go back to doing my job" he sighed putting his head in his hands.
"That's actually really sweet" she groaned "it makes me sound like a narcissistic bitch who needs attention all the time" she choked out a laugh "look you do your crime fighting and if you let the kids help you're doing 2 in 1, honestly they just miss their dad and I miss spending time with you, eating with you, waking up beside you. I've been thinking about going back in.." she bit her lip watching his head shoot up.
"Really? Are you sure? I mean the kids.." Aria cut him off "the kids would be asleep before we go out, Alfred just needs to have the baby monitor with him, and I've actually been thinking about this for a while, besides since I've been out of the game I have gained a few extra pounds that I'd like to drop" she smiled sheepishly at the end.
"Really? I couldn't tell because all I see is my sexy, beautiful, strong, amazing wife" he smirked at the blush on her face.
"Stooooppp I'm 15 and you're 16 right now, you used to be scared to wrap your arm around me at this age" she laughed as he scratched the back of his head "your dad held a gun to my head every time I tried to! What was I supposed to do?!" He cracked a smile.
Before it dropped again "I treated you like shit the last month, why didn't you leave sooner? I've messed up way more than once, I don't know how you manage to stick around when I do shit like that, I mean everyday you brought me dinner and you'd bring me coffee in the morning. I'd wake up to a blanket around me and lunch in a bag because you knew I wouldn't be coming up, god I am a shit husband" he shook his head disappointed with himself.
"Well Dami I'll be honest I had thought about it" all emotions fell from Damian's face as he watched his wife his heart beat getting faster at the thought of losing her.
"But then I remembered that I made a promise I'd never leave the dumb shit I married, there's also the fact that I love you and we have kids and you're not that bad looking oh and the sex is great" she laughed.
"So you aren't leaving me?" He asked his voice insecure "what part of I love you, you dumb shit do you not understand?" He finally let out a smile and hugged her pulling her down to the bed and laying on top of her.
"So are we okay?" He asked again "Damian we're fine and about to have the best make up sex ever" she giggled as he began kissing down her neck.
(Guys they're married so it's not too young or anything even if it is)
Damian frowned in thought as Aria laid sleeping beside him and not on his chest like she usually did. She probably got used to sleeping without him while he was busy with work. His mind kept going back to the 'exercise' they had just done or should've done.
Every time he tried to put his hands on her she'd start squirming and when he tried shifting her onto his lap she kept rolling off him.
It could be because of their teenaged bodies even if Aria was the one who started things and through every minute he asked her if she was okay or If she was uncomfortable and she told him she wasn't but he could clearly see it in her eyes that she was the second he laid his hands on her so of course they stopped and decided to wait.
What about the thing that happened earlier? Something was definitely wrong with her and she wouldn't tell him, she always tells him when something upsets her, even if it was just a stupid bee buzzing in her office resulting in the multiple bullet holes in the wall.
His eyes trailed over the girl laying beside him wearing his shirt which was the only thing that she managed to get off before they stopped.
She opened her eyes slowly trailing them up his face, her hands gently rubbed his bruised eye frowning when she caught him wince "I'm sorry" she whispered quietly.
Damian held her hand kissing her palm "it's okay, you're already forgiven" he smiled at her watching her close her eyes and fall asleep.
Some time later...
Lian couldn't help but laugh at the situation they were put in, She knew all about their fight and what led up to it considering that both Damian and Aria called her as soon as it happened to complain about the other.
Lian knew that them aging back was what they needed for them to realize why they fell in love in the first place, cheesy I know but she knew what the gun did and that the likelihood of it going off would be highest in the hands of Mason, poor guy almost got beat up.
She was walking up to the young couples room to see how far along her plan had gotten.
She quietly knocked, and when they didn't answer she cracked the door open and peaked in.
Damian laid awake with Aria asleep beside him. "Hey! You might be married but you're teens! You haven't lost your virginity yet!" She quietly scolded once she saw his bare chest and Aria wearing his shirt.
"Relax nothing happened" he rolled his eyes at her dramatics. "But something was gonna happen?" She teased wiggling her eyebrows at him.
"In Aria's words we were going to have have the best make up sex ever, I almost get her shirt off and she decides she no longer wants to and then pushes me away, of course we stopped but the way it all happened, it makes me feel like there's something wrong something that she isn't telling me" he explained the situation to Lian who stood there thinking and observing the sleeping girl.
"It's probably just being in a different body, she's still just getting used to it you know, don't push her it'll happen on it's own" Lian advised, deep down praying she didn't relapse. She soon left after telling him to wake her up and to come to the kitchen for dinner.
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