Arias pov
We were officially graduating TODAY!!!
I hopped into the shower and when I got out I put on the dress I had picked out days before
I put on my cap and gown and came to the kitchen "morning mom and dad" I say hugging them "oh my baby's all grown up" mom says starting to cry as lian walks in "aww my other baby's growing up too" she says pulling her into the hug.
Truth is lians been puking lately and we're not sure what wrong with her but I have a suspicion I know what it is.
We were all smiling and left for school.
>Time skip<
(In alphabetical surname order)
"Lian Harper" our teacher called lian went up and got her diploma. After a few names "aria Todd" I walked up "don't miss me to much and somebody try to beat my record!" I yell before getting off the stage eventually "Damian Wayne" Damian went up to our teacher took the diploma and nodded his head slightly smiling.
"You may now put your tassels from your right to your left, CONGRATULATIONS Gotham Academy students of 2019!" He says as we all throw our hats up and cheer. I run into Damian's arms and we kiss then hug, then me Irey and lian hug. Lian and I run to my parents and we hug and then I see uncle Roy I nudge "lian" she looks over and I nod my head behind me and a massive smile comes onto her face and she runs and jumps into her fathers awaiting arms "daddy!" They're both crying "my little speedys all grown up" he jokes "I missed you" "I missed you too honey"
After their touching moment she punched him in the gut "You ass! You were gone for three weeks you were about to miss the biggest day of my life! I did something no harper had done before except uncle Jim... I think" lian says laughing as Roy chuckles.
We walk over to them "you two should be proud of yourselves you two are the first Todd and Harper to graduate high school and survive with dipshit as your headteacher." Mom congratulates as we hug each other.
"Wanna celebrate?"dad asks "maybe later or tomorrow, there's a graduation party at the manor in like half an hour" I say sheepishly as they nod. We walk off and lian stops to the side and sits down. I walk up to her concerned "lia you ok?" I ask putting a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know ari, it's probably nothing" she says getting up and we continue our way to the guys. Damian and Colin are talking and we jump onto their backs and kiss their cheeks.
"No more school!" I cheer "you know your going college right?" Damian says "babe you ruin all my fun" I whine and laugh. Dick and Tim walk up to us with Bruce.
"Congratulations" Bruce says with a ghost of a smile as I hug him and he hesitantly hugs back "thanks brucie" I whisper. "I made an accomplishment of being the first Todd to ever finish high school" I say proudly "and I'm the first Harper" lian pipes in "I'm the first Wayne" Damian says as we all look at Bruce "I was abroad and didn't make it back for my graduation, dick didn't graduate, Jason died, Tim skipped ahead and went straight to college" he explained. We all then went home to change quickly before meeting everyone at the manor for a party.
We arrived at the manor and began to party. Everyone in our year was their celebrating and dancing about. I saw lian was sat to the side and walked to her and sat beside her with Irey on her other side "are you sure you ok lia?" I ask concerned. "I don't know I've been puking a lot, I've had less energy, I've been achey, I've been eating weird stuff." She lists off. Irey eyes go wide and looks at me "you don't think she's...." she trails off. I look at lian who's just as shocked "it's possible I mean when you guys were drunk you did...." I say "did he wear a condom?" Irey questions "I don't think so.... maybe, maybe not I was hammered I can't remember" lian replies. "Come with me" I say as I drag her gently by the hand.
I walk into Stephanie's room she has in the manor and walk into her bathroom I look under the sink and find what I'm looking for and pull one out "a pregnancy test? Why does she have a pregnancy test?" Lian questions. "Steph and Tim did the deed and didn't use protection, she got scared she was pregnant and had me stay with her while she took the test luckily she wasn't and luckily Tim didn't find out" I shrug as I take her to my/our room in the manor.
I send her to the bathroom with the test and me and Irey wait on my bed. "What's gonna happen if she is pregnant?" I ask "we're gonna be supportive and calm so she doesn't freak out more than she would" Irey says as I nod and lean on her shoulder.
Lian walks out and is shaking, we run to her and ask "is it? Are you?" "3 minutes til I find out" she says as if her whole world was crashing down on her. We hugged her as we anxiously waited.
Three minutes was up we slowly made it to the bathroom and lian stopped and hugged me and whispered "I can't look" I told Irey to check and her eyes widened and said "i-its p-positive"
I look at lian who bursts out crying and rambling "what am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell my dad? What about college? What am I gonna tell Colin? Would he even want a kid with me?!" She cried into my arms as we hugged.
"Shh.. honey your ok, your dad would support you, you weren't planning on college anyways, take a deep breath and when you tell Colin and he says he doesn't, not that he's going to, screw him cause you have us and always will, we'll be there for you" I say as she looks at me and gives me a weak smile.
She gets up and Irey speed cleans her up. "So when are you gonna tell him?" Irey asks. "Not tonight, I'll let him celebrate tonight we all need it" lian says as we walk downstairs.
We all continue to party and then we were all sat together our little group and then one of the waiter brought a tray of drinks me and Irey instantly looked at lian and then I nodded to Irey who winked back.
"To friends and being the first of our families to graduate high school the first time" as we were about to toast Irey chugged her drink and swapped her glass with lians using her speed so it wasn't obvious, Bart however saw and raised and eyebrow as we all made zipped lips motions and he slowly nodded.
Later on that night me and Damian were dancing and lian was sat awkwardly with Colin which didn't go unnoticed by Damian "what's up between them?" Damian asks as I look at them warily "you can't tell anyone promise?" I ask seriously. "Promise" He nods "you know after parents evening a couple weeks ago we caught lian and Colin you know...." I trail off as he nods making a disgusted face "Well.... ever since lia's been feeling sick especially in the morning, she says she's been all achey and moody and stuff so we got her to take a test and turns out she's.... pregnant" I say looking at Damian to see his eyes wide and a shocked expression. "She's... p-pregnant?!.... with.... Colin's.... kid?" He asks as I nod "now she's a bit confused on what to do, obviously she's gonna keep it but she's worried about what Colin's gonna do, she's scared he might leave her or something, she's gonna tell him tomorrow" I say nervously biting my lip. "And we're gonna be there to support her and lian is like a sister to me and Colin is my.... best friend and I will beat his ass if he leaves her also do not tell anybody I said any of that" he says as I smirk at him "aww you do have a soft side" I say kissing his cheek.
We then see Bart and Irey come over "Bart knows and I'm assuming you just told Damian cause your really chill right now" Irey says as I nod.
"So how do you think it's gonna go down?" Bart asks as I say "no matter what happens we support lian and Colin no matter what their choice is but if he hurts my baby girl then I'm gonna beat his ass" I say seriously.
"We can't take sides it wouldn't be fair cause we'd all be on lia's side" Damian says as we nod. "Ok nobody mention this until tomorrow we don't need word getting out about her being you know...." I say as we all agree.
"Just one question didn't she not have a glass of champagne earlier?" Damian questions "no, I actually drank mine then switched our glasses really quick so none of you noticed except Bart cause he's just as fast as me" Irey explains as Damian nods.
>Time skip to next day to when lians going to tell Colin<
Me,Damian and lian were at the park where Colin and lian planned to meet. Lian fumbled with the hem of her dress nervously as she waited for Colin. "Relax lian it's going to be fine" Damian reassured her as I nodded agreeing "thanks guys" she says hugging us.
The speedsters arrived and said they saw Colin at the park entrance. We all ran and hid nearby with me and Damian in the tree above them and Bart and Irey in the bushes surrounding them.
Colin arrived "hey lian" "h-hi" she replied nervously. "So what did you want to talk about?" Colin asked "um... I.. uh" lian mumbled. "Is something bothering you? Babe you need to tell me so I can help" Colin said concerned.
Lian nodded taking a deep breath "so.... you remember a couple of weeks ago after parents evening we went to that underground party to celebrate and got really drunk and did IT well.... the thing is we didn't use protection and now I'm... pregnant" lian said as tears began falling from her face. Colin stood frozen unaware of what to do. "Colin say something" lian said. "Y-your p-pregnant?! With my child?" He asked credulously. Lian nodded through the tears unable to speak.
Colin stared at her then a smile broke onto his face as he cupped lians face "I'm going to be a dad" he whispers while wiping lians tears "I'm going to be a dad!" He says louder hugging lian then kissing her lian hugs back relieved.
I silently climb down the tree and join the hug "told you he'd be happy" I say wrapping my arms around them. Damian then joins the hug wrapping his arms around me and then Bart joins and lastly Irey.
"So can I be godmother?"
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