Flying is like asking to fall to your death
Lian was NOT a good flyer, ask anyone who's ever been in any sort of air craft with her. She wasn't necessarily scared of heights or anything, it was just the possibility of things going wrong, what if they ran out fuel? Or there was turbulence? Engine failure? The list could go on and on, so when she was begged to come on this trip she was reluctant to agree to the pregnant woman who asked her.
"Lia you'll be fine" aria assured her, helping her pack her suitcase. "No, multiple things could lead to an early death, what if I die?" She rambled "ok you're being dramatic now, if anything did happen, there's parachutes AND if you forgot there are 2 kryptonians who can fly you guys to safety" Aria was silently thankful for not having to go on this trip with her. She loved Lian with every fiber of her being but she was a handful when it came to flying and all this stress wasn't good for the baby or her mood swings.
"Everything's going to be fine" aria told her zipping up her suitcase as Damian walked in "dami she wants me to go on that death trap in the sky, where I could fall to my death, do you want your sister to die? Do you?" Lian asked him, the poor guy not knowing what he walked into "you're not going to die Harper, the pilot and crew are trusted, and if you do end up dying, I'll personally kill all of them on your behalf" he sent her a quick smile seeing his wife face palm "good to know what your priorities are Batman" she sent him a pointed look.
"Tell her the plane won't kill her" aria whispered to him motioning to the panicking girl "it won't kill you" he told her bluntly.
"Just in case, before we go I'm updating my will" lian said rushing off, "she already has her will?" Damian asked Aria who just shrugged used to her cousins spontaneity.
"I'd be surprise if she doesn't already have her funeral planned" she whispered back, rubbing her belly feeling the kicks from the baby.
"They're kicking again!" She yelled out into the hallway watching Lian run back in to have a feel.
"Kicking?" She asked putting her hands on the swollen stomach. "More like stabbing but yes" aria told her wincing at a rather sharp jab.
"We have arrived!" Luke announced walking into the apartment with Jon and the speedsters.
Hearing no response Jon called out again "guys? Hello?" He walked around the apartment until he found them "now what's everyone doing in here?" He asked nonchalantly leaning against the door frame.
"Feeling the baby kick" Lian spoke up and Jon flicked a switch or something because he started to get all giddy "oh! I wanna feel!" He rushed over like a child being offered candy and put his hands on his friends stomach.
"Alright, the jet leaves soon so come here and get the information for the mission" Damian spoke up handing them a file.
Yep that's right they aren't going to a fair, well the kids are. Did you think they'd actually let them travel alone? These kids? The ones who managed to take down 2 planes just flying from Gotham to New York!
The fair was a decoy for a mission in that area, in Australia. The royal Easter show, was where the kids would be going and had to look out for these 2 guys who lured children in and kidnapped them into a child trafficking scheme, their main ops was in Australia and this was our shot to bust them once and for all but of course the kids didn't know that... yet.
"Everything in here?" Jon asked earning a nod from Damian. "Alright you guys call if the baby decides to pop out earlier than expected" Lian told them as she picked up her bags and reluctantly left for the airport.
Reaching the landing site they waited for the jet to be fueled before they boarded taking their seats.
Lian and Jon sat together on one side of the jet next to the alcohol while the kids sat on the other side so they wouldn't be able to steal any drinks.
The jet started to set off and this is when Lians inner devil came out "we're gonna die! I'm gonna go to hell, I'm not ready to die!" She whispered to Jon gripping his hand as they began to go faster.
"You're not going to die, oh would you look at that my hand is turning blue" he pointed out nonchalantly. "I'm gonna die! You think I care whether or not your hand goes with me?!" She grumbled back squeezing tighter onto his hand.
Eventually they got up into the air and all the moving and shaking stopped, "oh thank god" she panted out, "forget aria it looks like you just gave birth" Jon told her as she still held onto his hand "I can't feel my hand anymore" he told her motioning to his limp hand that had turned an unnatural blue in her grasp.
"Oh shit sorry!" She spoke quickly releasing it as he began to shake it to get the feeling back into his hand and the blood circulation going.
"Ok are you good now?" He asked her and she nodded "I'm gonna clean myself up before we tell the kids about the mission" she told him and attempted to stand up before wobbling and sitting back down.
Lian looked at him hoping he understood without her having to say it "you want me to walk you there?" She smiled sheepishly "and wait outside" he sighed but nonetheless he helped her up and walked her to the bathroom, standing outside the door as she quickly fixed herself up.
She stepped out "Those airplane toilets freak the hell out of me they're so loud and weird and...ew" she muttered gripping onto Jon's arm as they walked to the kids, sitting down beside them.
"Mom are you ok?" Damon asked seeing his troubled mother "yeah you hate flying" liv added and lian shook her head "no I don't hate flying, I hate the risk of falling to our deaths" earning uneasy looks from the children surrounding.
"Relax, no ones falling to their deaths because there are parachutes under each seat, besides Luke and I can fly so we'd catch anyone who would fall not that we're going to" he spoke up cutting himself off "what were we talking about? The mission!" He exclaimed.
"Mission?" "What mission?" "Who said we're going on a mission?" The teenagers began protesting.
"Quiet!" Lian instantly shushed their complaints, her cool and collected nature returning to her as she collected her thoughts and eased her nerves.
"We have a mission at the fair" Jon told them "child trafficking, they nab the children at the fair and sell them at their base of operations in Sydney where they're then shipped off to the highest bidder so.."
Lian continued for him "So you guys are all going undercover, you'll be looking out for the traffickers near the petting zoo, they seemingly lure them in with a mysterious creature and then take them, so on the look out for them, once spotted we tail them to their hideout" Jon told them looking at lian who finished off "then we go in guns blaring and we take them down and get the kids to safety and then we spend the rest of the week at the rides and stuff" she concluded turning to the children.
"So is everyone clear on what we are doing?" The adults asked as the teenagers groaned in return.
"Good... oh and we got an inside guy helping us out" Jon added earning confused looks from everyone.
Later after they land...
Lians pov
We were heading up to the hotel that aria had booked for the trip and I went up to the front desk while the other stayed with the bags and luggage.
"Hi I've got a booking under Harper" I told the lady and she began typing on the computer "3 sets of 2 bed rooms?" She asked, as in 2 people in 1 room? That's not gonna be enough "Are you sure that's what it says?" I asked her again and she looked closer shaking her head "no sorry, 1 rooms with 2 beds and 1 with 3 beds then the 3rd room has 1 king sized bed" she told me "is there any chance I could get another single bed room?" I asked and she shook her head "sorry we're fully booked with the Easter show" and I nodded taking the keys thanking her.
Turning to where the other were stood I walked to them "Damon,Luke, Henry, here is your key cards room 208, Olivia, Nora, 209" I handed them there keys and they began making their way up and I noticed Jon missing.
Turning around I see him putting the luggage onto a cart for them to bring up to our rooms
"Hey we're uh roommates" I told him "we are?" He asked "yeah, aria and Damian didn't change the room booking so we'll have to share the bed or something" I told him, be chill about this lian, don't need to make it a big deal, you're a grown woman not some teenage girl.
"Ok" he spoke quietly before we began waking up to our room, we stepping inside and started planning out the mission, how we were supposed to get there and what was going to happen etc.
"Hey I'm gonna get a quick shower before we get going" I told him grabbing my things before heading into the shower.
I stepped out 15 minutes later and got dressed waiting for my hair to dry before I put my suit on.
"Hey how long are you going to take?" He whined as he slumped onto the floor "I'm sorry, I forgot my blowdryer so I have to let it air dry" I told him and he sat up, "I got an idea" he walked over "close your eyes" he told me and I raised an eyebrow "why?" I asked him "do you trust me?" I nodded "then just do it" he responded and I complied feeling wind blowing my hair back and then I realized he was blowing my hair dry.
Eventually he stopped and I opened my eyes to see his face close to mine "hi" I whispered and he smiled saying "hey" we stared at each other for a bit longer before we moved away clearing my throat "we should get changed" I told him and he nodded stepping back. That was weird... but I'm not complaining.
At the fair...
"You guys know what you're doing right?" Lian confirmed before they all split up going in there own ways.
Nora and Luke were going to follow after the children and purposely get taken so we could find their base, each of them having a tracker on.
The others would be knocking out one of the drivers so I could swap uniforms and get into the truck with them.
The plan was in motion just as planned, there was a man and woman who were holding holding a green frog with bag wings, showing kids who looked mildly freaked out and amazed at the creature, that's gonna boost his ego.
Olivia, Damon and Henry had located the truck and one of the drivers was knocked out, putting her in the truck I pulled on her costumes and took her bandana mask thing and covered the lower part of my face, walking back up to her partner I signaled to where Nora and Luke were 'innocently' stood and he nodded calling them over to see the weird creature.
"Hey if you think he's cool, we got a better one round back, come and see" he urged them and can I just say, their acting skills are on point, forget vigilantes they could be actors.
I pretended to knock them out and I put them in the back of the truck where Jon was hiding, the other 3 following close behind us.
Third persons pov
The truck had left and the remaining 3 were now stuck in a car driving casually behind them as to not draw any attention.
"This is so slow..." Damon whined from behind the drivers seat. "Exactly if they're gonna kidnap kids, you'd think they'd wanna be in a hurry" Olivia added "I'm hungry" Henry grumbled from the back seat.
"Do you think they'd noticed if we detoured to McDonald's for a second?" Olivia asked her own stomach rumbling too.
"Let's find out" Damon pulled into the service station going through the drive thru before getting back on the highway.
"I can't see them anymore" he began panicking "straight ahead and take a left" Henry spoke nonchalantly munching on his fries.
"How'd you know?" Olivia asked now sat in the passenger seat. "Twin tuition" the Wayne's sent him a look "yeah you got me, her Snapchat locations on" he shrugged as Damon took a left turn, finally seeing the truck again.
"Hurry up and eat, we're almost there" he rushed sipping on his coke.
"Nora's gonna notice, it's like she can smell it or something" Olivia pointed out used to her friends accusations revolving food, from past experience Nora actually called the police on her once, of course it was only dick, and he couldn't really do much based on the accusation of 'my friend got food without me' or 'she said donuts but there was no donuts' which didn't sit well with the female speedster.
"We're here" they pulled up to a forest trail which surrounded a small warehouse.
Lian tried to keep her breathing steady as they stopped the truck, luckily her uncle Jay had taught both her and aria German as they grew up or she would have had no clue what they were talking about.
Stepping out the truck they both headed to the back where the 2 teens pretended to still be knocked out.
The man dragged Nora out the car and it took everything in lian to not punch him in the face, the younger girl being somewhat like a daughter to her but then she remembered that she had speed healing.
She pulled out Luke but not as harshly despite knowing it wouldn't hurt him as much.
"Tie them up" he told me and She began wrapping rope around the their wrists pushing them down into chairs.
They began to 'wake up' and looked around frantically, as the man began to laugh and the others came out "2 teenagers" he told his partners.
"Girl would sell for a lot, no?" He laughed looking at Nora, "and boy could be used as muscle" another replied.
They pulled them into a separate room
That was done up and fancy, it had a lot of cushioned chairs, it looked like an auction room which made her sick.
As soon they began to bet "going for 10K, do I have 15? 15, 20? 40? Yes 50!" He began and soon as it began Nora was sold the wealthy man standing up to claim her but before they knew it Beast boy, turned from a frog to a lion and began clawing at the men. Nora phased out of the ropes and punched the auctioneer in the face sending him down. Luke broke out of his and started doing the same.
All the wealthy douches started escaping only to be blocked off by Damon, Henry and Olivia, who managed to tie them up. Whilst Jon and Lian went after the people behind this whole operation.
Lians pov
It wasn't long until they were begging for mercy, I had my legs around his neck in a choke hold "where is it?" I asked again squeezing tighter, his face going paler by the second.
"Lia" Jon whispered "I got it" I snapped back as I asked his again "tell me!" And just like that he began spilling everything about all they had and where it was stored.
Satisfied I released him, knocking him out and leaving him on the ground, just as I was about to go I turned around and kicked him in the nuts "that's what you get for... well everything you've ever done!" I know I could've said something way cooler.
"Hey bb thanks for the help" Jon thanked doing a bro shake thing with him, "dude I've been with these people for 2 weeks, I'm ready to get some real food that's not bugs and worms" he sighed in relief.
"Did you get food without me... again?!" Nora yelled as the 3 stood frozen in fear "nor, you know we would've gotten you some if you were with us" Damon tried to reason.
"Henry Bartholomew Allen, how could you?!" Henry winced hearing his full name "I'm sorry I'm your twin don't kill me!" He yelled speeding off his sister tailing him.
"Well atleast my funeral plan won't go to waste" I shrugged.
Back at the hotel we were on a call with Damian and aria giving them a mission report.
"... it's done, they're taken away but they're rich so they won't really be gone for too long" I told them and they nodded.
"We'll scare them later" aria muttered "so no baby yet?" Jon asked and she shook her head "nope just stabs in the stomach" she rubbed her belly.
I wonder what it would've been like if I had another kid, I doubt I would have one now because well the last time I had one I was a teenager and with Colin, and I have neither right now.
"So does this mean we can go to the fair now?" Liv asked cheering when they got the go ahead all the kids running to get their things.
"Hey lia you go ahead I'll meet you guys down there" Jon told me and I left the room.
Arias pov
"You sneaky little witch!" Jon accused pointing at me "me? what could I have possibly done?" I asked feigning innocence putting a hand to my chest.
"You know exactly what you did!" He shook his head at me "no seriously, what did I do?" I tend to be the cause of a lot of things so he had to specify.
"The rooms!" He exclaimed "what was wrong with the rooms?" I'm sure I booked them right? "You singled us out, you put us in a room with one bed, you purposefully forgot!" He accused as I thought back to it... oh.
"Huh, even when I don't try I still end up matchmaking it's like I default thing" I laugh "funny isn't it?" I asked him "no it's not" he groaned "dude, it's gonna be like a sleepover, just chill" he nodded "yep chill"
"Oh btw lian can't sleep in empty arms, so she may be cuddling you" his eyes widen "wait, what-" I cut the call off before he can say anymore.
"I must say beloved, you are far more conniving than I thought you were" Damian came up behind me wrapping me in his arms.
"What can I say? It's in my blood"
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