Strong Spirit, Broken Man
Chapter 14
Damien's POV:
I watched, helpless as they executed the woman I loved right in from of me. She didn't scream, she didn't beg, she just gave in. All was lost, as my body sunk into shock. Holly's lifeless body tumbled to the floor, shrieks of horror sounding from the crowd.
That scene replayed in my mind as we returned to the cell. I leaned against the concrete wall, separated from the other Rebels. In my own, lost in a state of shock. The sound of her laugh, the smell of her skin, the smile that stole my heart. I would never see them again, not in this lifetime. How could they? Taking the life of a young woman, someone so precious. My vision became blurry. What were these monsters after? What has Earth done to them? A tear spilled from my eyes, rolling hotly down my cheek. I don't understand any of this. The cell door swung open, Xavier appearing in the doorway. "Aw, what's the matter, Damien? Miss the concubine already?" I snapped, jerking in the binds that pinned me to the floor. "Bastard!" I screeched. He laughed, baring his teeth. "What the Hell do you even want with Earth?!" I screamed, more tears rolling down my face. He calmed to a chuckled, then locked eyes with me. "You don't always need a reason, but, what the Hell. Humans know of the vast supply of resources stored inside this worthless planet. We want them, so, get the hand to crack, and the resources are ours." He chuckled a once more, before turning and leaving, slamming the door behind him. A deep anger swelled, and I let out a ripping scream of frustration. "They love of my life died because you fuckers want rocks?!" I roared, yanking with all my might against the shackles. Pure despair sank into my heart, causing me to sob. I wanted to feel her arms around me, wanted her lips on mine, longed to feel her sweet singing in my ear. I cried out in sorrow, my body shaking uncontrollably. Wailing her song, screaming her name, and feeling a bitter chill. I wanted to die, end me life, be with her once more. But I couldn't even do that.
Delilah's POV:
We were all shaken up, and now separated from my brother. Put into a lot full of millions of humans, we stayed in one of the few vacant spots. Melody sobbed, Benson broke down, and I was left to watch. Holly was dead, and I'm sure Damien was next. A small hand gripped the sleeve of my torn shirt, "Excuse me, ma'am. Were you a Rebel?" I turned, catching the eyes of a little girl. Her blonde hair pooled onto her shoulders, and her blue eyes wide with curiosity. I nodded, and she leapt in my arm, shaking it rapidly, "Then you knew my big sister! You knew big sister!" She yelled, a small tear rolled down her cheek. "Yuumi! Get off that woman and get over here!" A rough voice hollered. I gasped, "Y-Yuumi...?" The girl locked eyes with me again, and nodded. "That's my name, ma'am." A young man came over, taking her wrist. "I'm sorry, my little sister is just a little jumpy." My eyes widened, "Andrew?" He cocked a brow, standing in place. "Yes. How do you know my name?" He questioned. A tear slipped from my eyes, "You two are... Holly's siblings...." His eyes widened, his jaw falling. "How did you... What....?" Speechless at me knowledge, his lips began to quiver. "Holly spoke of you guys often. When the Rebel station was invaded, she lead us to your apartment to live." I said. Andrew seemed to be in shock, so I added, "She was a brave woman, kind, beautiful, and a good cook." His face softened, "Yeah, she was." A loud siren sounded, informing us it was time to return to the cells. Melody, Benson, and I trudged through the crowd, back to our own room. As soon as the door closed, all was silent, except for Melody's sniffling. A high pitched giggle startled us all, sounding from the corner of the room. We all jerked towards it, then stood in shock. There, sitting comfortably on the concrete floor, was a phantom. Her blonde hair trailed down her back, blue eyes cut through the dim light, illuminating her beautiful facial structure. Light, happy, small, free, "Holly...." Her white smile appeared, shining and pure. She seemed unscathed, as thought she hadn't been but through Hell. Melody squealed, jumping forward and tackling her. Holly laughed, wrapping her arms around Melody. "How the Hell are you alive?! I mean, this is great, but how...?" Benson questioned. Mischief glittered in her eyes, "A girl never reveals her tricks. Lets just say I have ways, even with the dead." She stood, pulling Melody up with her, Holly's eyes searching the room. "Where's Damien?" She asked softly, looking right at me. "They separated us after your.... execution..." I paused, "And we had the pleasure of meeting your siblings today." I added. She smiled, "I'm glad their ok. Now, I have a duty I must perform. I'll see you after." she said calmly. Her light feet plodded softly to the door, taking the handle, pushing it open, and leaving without another word.
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