Past Holds Tight
Chapter 8
Damien's POV:
After a few hours, we reached the end of the long tunnel. Sunlight flooded my vision, nearly blinding me. I cringed and covered my eyes as we all stepped into the daylight of the broken city streets. The damage was tremendous, crumpled buildings tossed down like paper wads. Tar streets lay cracked and rubbled, while cars lay scattered like children's toys. The water that once ran through city pipes now rushed down the crumbled sidewalk, some still gushing from wrecked fire hydrants. No sign of human life was seen, even though trash and other possessions littered the once great city streets. I heard a soft sigh, an glanced over to see my sister picking up a soaked rag doll. "You ok, Lilah?" I asked. She turned to me, her soft brown eyes watering slightly. "Bubba, what if we never see Maki again?" A tear slid down her tan cheek. I sighed, walking over and kneeling by her side. I wrapped my arms around her body as it began to shake with sobs. Melody came over, rubbing her back and cooing. Benson stood protectively over us all, while Holly watched the scene from a distance. "Delilah, we'll find her. Everything's going to turn out just fine." I said, giving her an affectionate squeeze. She nodded, clutching the doll to her chest as her face stayed buried in mine. She pulled away, wiping her eyes and thanking me. It was then that I heard the soft plods of running feet fading away. I turned to see Holly sprinting down the street, her back to us. We took off, Delilah leading, running after her. I called her name, but she was so much faster that us. "What the Hell is she doing?!" I heard Benson growl.
We chased her down eight city blocks, before she disappeared into a slightly crumbled apartment building. We all filed in, Benson checking behind us to make sure we weren't followed. Inside the building was a desk, and elevator shaft that had dropped it's elevator, and a open door leading to a staircase. The others stopped there, looking at the ruins of the office, but I ran straight to the stairs, following the sound of plodding feet. I followed the sound to the fourth floor, sprinting down the hall, and stopping a little ways away from Holly. The room read 67J, the door painted a light blue. Water stains tainted the once beautiful wood, leading to a rusty doorknob. I was panting, but kept my eyes locked on Holly. "What were you thinking?! There could have been Arethians in the city! You could have gotten us all killed!" I yelled, my voice holding utter frustration. Her eyes never met mine, not even when the others came panting behind me. Holly reached her small fingers out, gripping the rusty doorknob. She turned it, then gave the door a rough push, causing it to slide open. Inside was a normal looking apartment, with a stained white couch, a kitchen island, an a large screen TV. She stepped in, running her hand along the fabric of the couch a she past it. Her eyes darted to three doors that lined the wall. She quickly turned and walked to the middle one. She pushed the door open, and stopped in the doorway. I walked up behind her, examining the black painted room. Inside was a large bed covered in girls' clothes and blue sheets. A stand with a mirror stood close to it, makeup scattered across the top. A full length mirror leaned against the white stand, dust covering the glass. Clothes, shoes, and hair pins covered the blue carpet. Holly suddenly turned on her heels, pulling the door to the right open. It looked like an adult males room, boxer and socks covering the green carpet, leading the a bare futon. The walls were painted beige, but water stains lined them. After another minute of silence, Holly turned again the last door, pushing the pearly door beads away, and stepping into a light-pink painted room, which appeared to be the room of a little girl. Clothes hung neatly in the open closet, a mixed tiaras and frilly dresses. The carpet was a light purple shade, covered in glitter. The bed held bright pink sheets and a hanging veil that sprawled across the mattress. Holly slowly stepped into the middle of there room, stopping at a small stuffed rabbit laying face-down on the carpet. She fell to her knees, hesitantly gripping the toy. I noticed her shoulders hunched, gently shaking. a soft sob cut the air, and she squeezed the rabbit to her chest. a soft whimper formed a name through the thick air, "Yuumi..." Holly heaved in a shaky breath, attempting to calm herself. I walk to her, kneeling by her side. Tears glistened as they rolled down her cheeks. Her eyes squeezed shut, in a failed attempt to dam the tears. Her plump lips quivered slightly. I wrapped my arms around her shaky body, pulling her into my chest. I could feel her burying her face into my shirt, her sobs frowning louder. Delilah and Melody huddled around us, while Benson lingered in the doorway. "I want Yuumi... and Andrew..." Holly whimpered softly, her shoulders hesitating as the names slipped her lips. Delilah tilted her head in confusion, "Who are they?" Holly pulled away from my chest, thanking me and rubbing her eyes. "Their *sniffle* my older brother and little sister." She answered, her tone rung with a childish slang. Melody gave a soft gasp of surprise. Holly stood, composing herself. "Is Maki your sister?" She asked Delilah. "Yes, mine and Damien's." Delilah said, standing sync with Melody. Holly shot me a confused glance, "We're siblings." I said, remaining crouched, holding the toy rabbit. She formed a silent 'Oh'. Then, Holly began to walk towards the door, but stopped. "It will be night soon. I can find the generator for this floor in the basement of the building. That a'way, we can stay here for the night." We all agreed, and Holly left the apartment. Melody and Benson took over the couch, taking short naps before we went to search for food. Delilah went to explore the building, and I was left to look around the apartment. I assumed this was Holly's home, so a retreated to the room that appeared to be hers, the first room we had looked at. I walked across the carpet, stopping in front of the mirror stand. It was then that I first noticed the small tin box slid under the stand, just out of sight. I wasn't normally a nosey person, but I was curious about Holly. So I grabbed the cold box, taking it over to the bed, and sitting down. Rust lined the edges, suggesting that it was very old. Dents covered the green-stained tin, and small finger prints smeared the metal. I noted the padlock attached to the clasp of the box, preventing any entrance. I sighed, but jumped as I heard someone audibly clear their throat, the door clicking shut after. I looked up, seeing Holly standing on the carpet. She gave a seductive chuckle, shaking her head, and plodding to claim the spot next to me on the bed. "I think you'll need this." She cooed, pulling a small skeleton key from under the pillow. She pressed the silver object into my opened palm. I smiled, leaned over, and kissed her cheek, but lingered next to her ear. "Are you sure?" I whispered.
I noted the slight shudder she gave, then nodded. I slipped the key into the padlock, turning it firmly. I felt the click of the latch releasing, causing the lock to fall into my lap. I pushed the lid of the box open, slowly revealing it's contents. Inside was a small gold box, an envelope, and a stack of pictures. I reached for the pictures, first, flipping through them. Most of them were Holly and, I assumed, her siblings. I stopped at one, examining the photo. It was Holly, wrapped in the arms on a tall man. I looked at her, "Is that your lover?" She gave a weak smile, "No, that's my Mom and Papa." I cocked a brow, looking at the picture again. I then noticed Holly's eyes were brown in the picture, but the man dawn crystal blue eyes. I set the picture down, reaching for the envelope. I opened the seal, inside was a letter addressed to a Andrew Connerson. It was marked with the government seal, and addressed to six years ago. I skimmed the letter, noticing quickly that it was an approval letter for a legal guardian. One sentence stuck out the most, though. It read, 'We send our deepest apologies regarding the loss of your parents, and grant you legal guardianship over Ms. Yuumi Connerson and/or Ms. Holly Connerson until the age of 18 or emancipation.' I turned to Holly, noticing her gaze had turned to the carpet. She was quiet, so I slipped the letter back into the envelope. I replaced it to its spot, then reached for the gold box. I could feel the soft jingle of something inside. I opened it, revealing a silver chain with a jeweled pendant. Engraved into the pendant was the initials J.M.R. A small hand reached into the box, gathering the necklace and running it through her hands. Holly traced the jewels that lined the round edges. "It was my mothers. The engraving stands for Jewel Marie Renge." She said quietly. I gave a weak smile, taking the necklace from her and returning it to the box. I set the gold box back into place, shutting the lid and clicking the padlock back on. I then set the tin box aside, and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her into my chest. She didn't cry, but wrapped her fingers in my shirt. "Damien..?" She whispered. "Hmm?" "I... I don't know what your doing to me... but don't stop... ok?" She whispered, reaching up to place her lips on my neck.
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