Trying out an exosuit
I wake up in my bed at home. I feel alert and awake, like I've been awake all day, but I haven't. I get off my bed and walk downstairs.
"Ahhh, your awake, get dressed" Dad says, I am dress-wait, how am I in my sleeping clothes? I was dressed when I fell asleep, weird. I walk back up to my room and put my clothes on, then head back downstairs. I follow dad out the door and see a massive suit as tall as my house. It has 2 heavy machine guns on each wrist, and two energy cannons on the shoulders. It's a silvery black color with a ton of detail. It looks like a smaller version of the jaegers from pacific rim, with more guns on it. Next to it, I see a simpler version, with wire and clamp ports on it. My dad beckons me to get in the smaller suit.
"This serves as a smaller suit that you use to clamp into the bigger robot, it can fly and fight, it's used as an escape suit, not front line attack, it's to weak." Dad explains
He ushers me to get into the mini suit, I walk over to the silvery gray, thing.
"Press that red button" Dad says. I see a small dim red button the size of a dime on a small control panel at the wrist of the suit.
"Once you press that button, stand still, the suit will automatically conform to your body." He warns me. I press the button and do as he said, stand still. The suit turns on and looks at me, like a person's already inside it. A reddish orange scanning beam comes out of the forehead, scanning me. The scanner turns off, the suit then breaks up into hundred of pieces that shoot at me like rockets, but when they hit me, instead of hurting, the just kind of grip on. They all hit in a matter of seconds, now I'm inside the suit. A HUD displays a camera of what's behind me, am infra red reading of objects I can see, also a screen for if I want to play music, awesome.
"Now you should see the red button on, if you press it again, the suit will automatically go back to sentry mode, so don't press that. But you should see another button next to it, press that." He says, rubbing his hands together like an evil genius. So I press the button.
Immediately, the suits rocket boots fire up and I lift off the ground. I have no control over the suit as it flies towards the robot. The chest opens up on the big robot, revealing a small compartment that the suit fits perfectly into. I automatically fly right into the compartment. The chest closes, now it's total darkness, for a few seconds.
All of the sudden, I can see normally, but my body, is the robot. I try walking, the robot walks like I would normally, I can feel stuff through the robot, I am the robot. Controlling everything is like how I control my arms and legs, without moving levers or pressing buttons, my brain chip must be doing this.
"Now try flying" whoa, a small video screen of my dad pops up at the bottom left of my vision, he's standing in a highly computerized room, with a small Bluetooth speaker on his head. The voice is like, inside my head.
"Ok" I reply. Using the rocket boots is like using your arm, you just, do it. I fly higher in the ship, almost to the center.
"Now fly to the hangars" Dad tells me, I look in the direction of the hangars, turn the thrusters on, and fly. Rockets come out of my palms and heels, it's awesome and easy to control. The artificial gravity is weak here, since I'm toward the center. I fly faster than the hyper train, about 2500 miles per hour, I reach the hangar in seconds.
"Now fly out of the hangar" I do as he says and fly into space, it's amazing, all of the ships lighting up. "Now a red dot should appear in your vision" as he says it a small red speck appears, it doesn't obscure anything. "Fly to that dot, once you see the planet, land on it" I turn the thrusters on full speed, about 500,000 miles per hour. I zip past the colony ships, the the twin ships, Forward unto Dawn, and Forward Unto Dusk. Now I can see how massive the Spirit of Fire really is with the tiny Pelicans and frigate flying to and from the small hangars. I continue on the path to the dot for about two hours, 60,000 miles away. The planet is large, bigger than Jupiter and covered in white rock. When I land I see that the surface is flat, perfect for training.
"I'm going to turn on an ability called 'Fist Of Havoc'" Dad explains, as I watch him Pflip a switch, I feel as if I grew another arm. I immediately know what it is. "Try it out" he says with a grin. I fly high above the ground, and fly back to the ground at full speed. I smash into the ground feet then fist. I create a massive shockwave that makes the ground spike up around me, which would totally kill anything within a few mile of the impact. Holy shit, that was awesome. I love this exosuit.
"Now try the guns" he says without taking the huge grin off of his face. To my left is one of thousands of rocks jutting out of the surface, I aim my energy cannon, and fire. The charred pieces of rock fly at least 100 yards in all directions, imagine if that was an Exiled.
"Feel free to toy around, I'll be here watching you're awesomeness." Dad says, I swear that grin won't go away. I love pthis exosuit, it's awesome. I continue blowing stuff up with my energy cannons and machine guns.
"Will, incoming Exiled Ketch. I called off the frigates, go take it out." Dad excitedly commands. If this thing could grin, it would be ear to ear.
I bump the thrusters up to full gear. The Ketch is about 5,000 miles away, that should take about 30 seconds.
"Your suit is made of a virtually indestructible material composed of titanium, vibranium, and iridium. You can fly right through the hull of their ship, like an asteroid." Dad explains, again, I wish I could grin. I fly at a relatively slow speed of 7000 miles per hour. The guns on the ship immediately target me, they miss. I slam into the side of the ship, I see the small chambers zip pass as I fly through the ship. I come out the other side, looking over my shoulder to see what damage I caused. The ship is breaking in two, small explosions erupt out of the tannish surface. After about a minute, the whole ship explodes.
"The fastest way to get back here is with my new invention, the particle warper. It basically teleports you right into any ship you choose." He says.
"Ok, uhh... Teleport me to the Mayflower." I reply. Dad presses some buttons, all of the sudden, I'm in a chamber at the Mayflower. "How do I get this off?" I ask.
"Just imagine your doing it, like its a body part" he replies
"That sounded so freiking wrong" I reply. I do as he says and boom! The suit opens up and I return to my normal body in the minisuit. I'm near the hangars and hyper train station. So I fly out an airlock into the hangar. I fly across the bay to where the hyper train enters. I wait at the terminal for a few minutes, then the train comes. The doors open and I step in. I do the normal process of strapping in. The ride is quick as usual. I unstrap from the seat, get out, and step out of the station.
"How do I get out of this suit?" I ask.
"The red button" he answers. I look at my wrist and press the button. The suit splits off of me and flies in the direction of my house. Well, I should probably start running back home.
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