Chapter Twenty-Three: "The Storm"
Mark's hand shook as he ate the meaty stew. His muscles were so bruised that it was hard to grip anything. Resting his hand on his leg whenever he could, he tried to hide his pain by telling Sean casually. "If we travel by the Indian trail, we should be able to meet them at Coyote Walk without too much issue. The Pinkertons will be patrolling the main wagon roads now... They know I'm going to be slow and hurting..." Sean glanced up at the sky, his gaze fixed on the dark clouds in the distance when he said dryly. "Did Nathan tell you to take that route?" Mark smirked a little, admitting under his breath. "Hawk-Eye will be watching us there. We shouldn't run into any trouble." Sean turned to look at Mark, telling him seriously. "It's not the Native Americans that worry me there. I've heard of farmers trying to run their cattle down that stretch, Mark... It's not safe for other reasons. That's why the natives use it." Shrugging, Mark told him gently. "That's the route I think we should risk taking. The Pinkertons and bounty hunters will avoid it for those same reasons." Shaking his head, Sean shifted to face him better and blurted out. "And when they cut off the passes that lead off that trail? What then? They'll travel faster by the wagon roads than we will by that route. They'll box us in."
Mark gave Sean a comforting look, before telling him. "I don't have a choice. I'll be lucky if I can mount my horse without passing out... I doubt I'll be able to ride for long distances either. It's all I've got." Sean pouted, eating for to stop himself from saying anything. Mark tried to eat more, until his fingers lost the grip on his spoon. The spoon clattered back into the metal bowl and he quickly tried to brush off the pain by flexing his fingers and mumbling out. "Fingers are cold..." Setting his bowl own, Sean reached for his hand. Cupping his hand in his, Mark bowed his head in shame. Sean's eyes saw right through him. He could feel that he wasn't cold. Without a word though, Sean messaged his hand for a bit before finally whispering to him. "You remind me of this bull I used to have. Stubborn thing. He got barbed wire wrapped around his leg while out in the field. Damn thing walked proudly everywhere he went. Despite all his limping. He just wouldn't let me close enough to him to help. He didn't want anyone to know how much pain he was in... by the time he was in too much pain to move... I couldn't help. I could just end his suffering."
Sean's eyes rose to meet his, his voice full of emotion when he told him firmly. "Don't make me end yours. There is nothing wrong with asking for a little help. We can't do everything on our own." Leaning closer to his shoulder, Mark whispered to him lovingly. "I'm not afraid to ask for help. I just don't you to see me like this. Not after I said that I'd protect you." Rolling his eyes, Sean blushed as he lightly scolded him. "You did protect me. That's why you're hurt. Now shut up and let me care for you before the wolves descend to finish you off." Smirking, Mark rested his head down on Sean's shoulder. Easing Mark back reluctantly, Sean took Mark's bowl from him and fed him. Enjoying how Mark's hands stroked Sean's thighs and his ribs. After feeding him his fill, Sean coaxed Mark into laying back down by the fire. Mark's winces and soft groans made it obvious to Sean that he wasn't ready to go anywhere just yet. Sitting with him until Mark drifted off, Sean got up and made his way over to the others. They'd finished packing and were discussing their own route. When Nate saw him approach, he excused himself and moved away with him.
Crossing his arms, Sean asked Nathan seriously. "I don't like this plan, Nate. We are better off together. You know it. Why are you splitting us up?" Nathan glanced at the others to make sure they couldn't hear them, before truthfully telling him. "Look... Mark is in bad shape. He needs medicine. Medicine that we don't have. Hawk-Eye's tribe is camped out by Coyote Walk. There medicine man can help him... but not if the Pinkertons and every bounty hunter for a hundred miles are chasing him." Sean's jaw dropped a little when he gawked out. "You lied to Mark... You're planning to draw their attention elsewhere. You plan to be a distraction... because you know Mark won't make it otherwise." Nathan sighed heavily, admitting quietly. "He's not bleeding internally, but he's got four cracked ribs that I know of. He's got a high pain tolerance... but if those cracked ribs break on him... it could kill him. I can't set ribs." Sean's breath shuddered. Nathan placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him seriously. "Make him rest as often as he needs. Don't let him put pressure on his ribs. Keep him hydrated and when I get the signal from Hawk-Eye that you've made it to the camp. I'll meet you there."
Shaking his head, Sean growled out to him. "Nate, there is a storm coming. We can't take the Indian trail. It is known for flash floods!" Nathan nodded, reluctantly telling him. "I know. But it will lead you directly to Coyote Walk. Try to push through before the storm hits." Sean bowed his head, feeling desperate for any other way. Nathan's hand squeezed his shoulder, telling him confidently. "You're a farmer. You know the signs of a flash flood. If anyone can get him through, it's you." Sighing, Sean nodded but didn't feel as confident about it. That night, Sean slept restlessly. Dreading the days to come. He watched Nathan ride off with Bob and Wade feeling more vulnerable the farther they got. He couldn't help blaming himself for Mark's condition that led to this. Packing their stuff up on his own, he let Mark sleep for as long as he could. He wanted to stay here longer, but the sight of the dark clouds on the horizon made him too nervous to wait. He didn't see an end to the clouds. Which meant a big storm. The strong chill to the air, prompted Sean to wake Mark just before noon, telling him anxiously. "Mark, we've got to go. Can you get up?" Mark moved sluggishly but Sean helped him. Mark's hiss when he mounted had Sean tensing uncomfortably, but he had to try and make the trip easier on him.
Quickly mounting up, Sean took the reins of Mark's horse and led him down the mountain side toward the rough looking Indian trail in the gully. Mark held the horn of his western saddle, wincing and groaning as his horse moved over rough uneven terrain. Sean couldn't help sneaking glances back to make sure he was sitting upright and not laying on his ribs. Sean had to keep the pace slow, because anything faster had Mark begging to get off his horse. Although, every hour or so, Sean had to stop the horses to let Mark off anyway. Allowing him to lay on his back in the dirt for a little while. The strain on his muscles bothering him too much to continue. During one of such breaks, Sean tapped his heel anxiously over the ground. The sky had darkened but not because of the late hour. The chill in the air had grown and a breeze now tugged at their cloths. The horses shifted restlessly, sensing it too. The storm was rolling in fast now. From the ground, Mark asked a bit weakly. "How far are we trying to ride tonight, Sean? Because... I don't think I can go much farther."
Glancing around, Sean told him as confidently as he could. "There should be some suitable caves farther ahead. If we hurry, we might beat the rain." Mark hummed to himself, and Sean could tell that he didn't believe him. Sean hated lying but he really didn't know. He'd never left Iron Hills. All he knew was what he'd been told about this place. Helping Mark up and back onto his horse, Mark cried out now. His voice echoing in the gully. Patting Mark's leg, Sean pleaded with him. "Just a little farther. Hold on." Mark gritted his teeth with a stiff nod. Rushing to mount back up, Sean continued onward. They didn't beat the rain. It started light at first and grew into heavy cold drops that chilled Sean to his core in the wind. Adjusting his cowboy hat to see better, Sean found a decent enough cave higher up the gully wall and called out. "We'll stop there." The horses happily stomped their way inside, shaking the rain from themselves. Pulling Mark down, he let Mark lay down and began to set up camp. They had barely done a day's ride, but slow progress was still progress.
Retreating to the far back of the cave where it was much warmer, Sean got everything set up before working on dinner. Nestled beside the fire in a blanket stark naked, Mark groaned out. "I hate being cold and wet..." Smirking, Sean retrieved Mark a dry shirt and asked teasingly. "You don't hate the pain?" Accepting the shirt, Mark still just laid there when he replied. "I've gone through pain before... That doesn't bother me as much as not being able to get warm." Dropping to his knees, Sean peeling the blanket back to chest Mark's ribs. The bruises scattered over his torso made him look like a spotted animal. Sliding a light hand over his chest, Sean told him sweetly. "Is the blanket too heavy? Are you not warming up because it hurts?" Taking his wrist, Mark kissed Sean's hand and told him warmly. "It's fine. I'm just... talking. Distracts me." Easing down next to him, Sean tucked Mark in better and purred to him playfully. "Don't talk. Sleep." Mark shook his head, his voice low now when he told him. "I can't. I'm worried about you." Running a hand through Mark's hair, Sean leaned closer to whisper soothingly to him. "And I'm more worried about you. So, close your eyes. Listen to the rain... and relax."
Mark's hand gripped Sean's tightly, reluctantly closing his eyes when he whispered out. "I don't want to listen to the rain. I need to know you're here." Smirking, Sean hummed slow songs that he knew until Mark began to snore. Without anyone else around, Sean stayed up for hours. He kept the fire warm and helped to dry their saddles and clothes just to keep busy. The last thing he tried doing was brushing the horses. They didn't need it, but it helped to dry them, and they didn't seem to mind. In the middle of brushing his hand slowed though. The horse was so warm that it felt good to lean on them as he brushed them. His every blink slower and slower, until he was jerking to stay awake. He told himself it was just little naps lasting a few seconds. He could allow that. He hardly felt like he was asleep at all. Until he jerked to arms wrapping around his waist. Straightening up, he started to brush the horse absently, while Mark's deep beautiful voice purred into his ear. "You're sleeping on your feet like your horse. Come along." Sean shook his head, sleepily whining out. "I'm awake... Just brushing... Got to finish..."
Against his ear, Mark purred to him like a small child. "Ya. I know. The horse is finished and so are you." Sean hummed, enjoying the warmth surrounding him. His hands absently reaching for Mark as he told him groggily. "You should be resting... Go lay down." Mark chuckled, prompting Sean to smile as he sighed out. "I love to hear you laugh..." Mark kissed his cheek, whispering to him playfully. "Your turn to listen to the rain and relax." Patting Mark's arm, Sean started to drift away as he breathlessly mumbled out. "Ok... but don't wonder off..." Smirking, Mark undressed Sean a little to make him more comfortable. Then stared at the pot of burned food. Shaking his head, he said to himself. "Oh, Sean... What I'm I going to do with you." Smirking, Mark scrapped the burned food on his plate and ate it. It was better than nothing and he refused to waste it. Leaving the best bits for Sean in a little covered soup container for when he awoke. The rain was still coming down hard and Mark made the decision that he didn't want to ride in it. So, he let himself relax by the fire. Watching Sean giggle in his sleep.
Mark napped on and off, until Sean finally woke up hours later with a loud yawn. Stretching, Sean suddenly jerked upright and snapped out. "The food! I forget-!" Mark smirked, poking the fire with a stick as he rested on his side. As Sean calmed down, Mark asked him curiously. "I've got coffee heating up. Want some?" Blushing, Sean sat back on his socked heels, mumbling out. "I feel asleep... Didn't I?" Smiling, Mark teased out. "Happens when you're tired. Coffee?" Sean nodded, scooting closer to Mark when he asked. "How are you feeling? You shouldn't be moving around so much." Rolling his eyes, Mark poured Sean a cup of coffee and told him gently. "I've been moving slow and resting as you ordered. But you don't have to neglect yourself for my sake." Unable to keep it from him, Sean blurted out. "I have too. You need a doctor to look at you... I have to get you there quickly before..." Mark sipped his own cup of coffee, before informing him. "I had a feeling. How bad is it? Really..." Sean swallowed, answering shortly. "Cracked ribs..."
Snorting a little, Mark told Sean calmly. "Just cracked? Not broken?" Sean opened his mouth to rush out the risks, but Mark raised a hand to stop him. Meeting Sean's worried eyes, Mark sweetly retorted. "Cracked doesn't mean broken. Cracked ribs can heal. I just have to relax. Which you are forcing me to do. Yes, there is risks. There are always risks. But I'd tell you if it got really bad. For now... let's just stay here a day or two and... enjoy this. I need the rest but so do you. We've been running all over and we need this." Sean pointed to the cave entrance, but Mark told him flatly. "You wanna ride blindly in the rain in a flash flood area? Or do you want to snuggle up by this warm fire with me where it is warm?" Sean dropped his hand with flushed cheeks. He didn't have to answer that. Sipping his coffee, Sean tried to hide his smile when he mumbled out into the cup. "I guess another day or two would be good for your health." Flashing him a bright grin, Mark beckoned him closer with his index finger. To Be Continued...
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