Chapter Twenty-Four: "In My Arms"
Dragging his feet a little, Sean shyly moved over to Mark. Staying reclined on the bedroll, Mark told him sweetly. "Have a seat. I'll heat up your stew." Sipping his coffee, Sean settled himself down. Upon lowering his cup, he mumbled out to Mark. "Why bother? The stuff is probably burned to hell..." Chuckling, Mark carefully pulled the container closer and wedged it into the embers, replying casually. "I saved a good share of it. I'm just glad you didn't burn the coffee. That would be much harder to get down and keep down." Blushing, Sean exhaled out softly. "Ya... Sorry. I thought I could stay up..." Mark stroked a hand down Sean's back, telling him warmly. "I'm sure you could. But we've been riding hard the last few days." Looking at Mark over his shoulder, Sean said a little ashamed. "You and the others don't seem as... tired as I've been." Rolling his eyes, Mark laid back on the bedroll and told him gently. "Well... I suspect that Nathan has been running most of his life. When it comes to me and my deputies... We're the law. It's hard to sleep easy when you have to be on guard all the time. We are... used to it."
Sean sipped more of his coffee, humming in understanding. Mark let his hand drift across Sean's side, hesitating when he saw Sean wince. Lightly tugging up Sean's shirt to reveal his hip, Mark asked him with concern. "How did you get this bruise?" Sean absently rubbed the spot, admitting openly. "Got it when we fell off the horse. Doesn't hurt too much but the center is tender." Mark's warm hand covered the bruise gently. Sean inhaled slowly with a calmed expression that made Mark smile. Biting his lip, Sean mumbled out. "The bruise is nothing compared to the rising rash that I've got up my thighs." Mark let his hand ease toward the front of Sean's pants, his voice a low purr when he said. "Ya? Want me to take a look?" Snapping his legs shut, Sean giggled out. "Not now. I don't need to tempt you into hurting yourself more." Snorting, Mark pulled his hand back, before teasing back. "Being alone with you is a temptation. Especially, since I almost died again... Gets me thinking about everything that I've been too scared to do. How ashamed I've been of myself for so long... Seems so pointless now. Wasting my chances."
Sean adjusted to lay on his stomach beside Mark, holding his warm cup of coffee in his hands to warm them as he said sweetly. "I don't believe your chances were wasted. They seem to bring me closer to you. Otherwise... I never would have seen you as anything other than the Sheriff or a cowboy." Smirking, Mark lazily looked at Sean. Letting his hand rise to stroke his knuckles along Sean's cheek. Sean didn't move, letting Mark do stroke his cheek over and over. When Mark let his hand rest on Sean's shoulder, Sean finally looked at him with fragile blue eyes and asked with worry. "Are you really ok? Cause if you're in pain, I can try riding out alone to-" Mark covered his mouth with his hand, before smiling and whispering to him. "I'm fine. I just need to rest." A roar of thunder echoed through the cave, causing Sean to jump and the horses to stagger around. Sitting up, Mark told Sean seriously. "Calm the horses before they bolt." Mark took Sean's cup of coffee, watching him quickly get up to approach the horses. The horses snorted and pawed the ground, but Sean pulled their heads close to him. Turning them away from the flash of lightning that lit up the entrance of the cave.
Sean spoke softly to them, trying to keep his voice calm and soothing over the rumble of thunder. Easing up to his feet, Mark carefully pulled two cloths from his bag and tossed one to Sean as he told him. "Wrap that around your horse's face. I'll do mine." Sean nodded, he understood this trick and often did it with his cows. Draping the cloth over his horse's face, he attached it to the bridal and whispered to his horse lovingly. "Easy now. Come on. Lay down. You're ok." Gently guiding his horse's head down, the horse eased down to lay down. The horses snorted and nickered to each other with every boom of thunder, but not being able to see the flash kept them relatively calm. Mark eased his horse down beside Sean's, allowing them to comfort each other. Patting his horse's neck, he told Sean in relief. "That should keep them calm through the worst of it." Sean hugged his horse's neck, petting her slowly to help ease her distress. Mark settled back down on his bedroll, removing the stew pot and telling Sean. "They should be alright now. Come and eat." Settling back over with Mark, Sean eased the pot closer to Mark, telling him seriously. "You should eat. You need the strength to heal."
Putting the pot before Sean, Mark told him just as seriously. "I did eat last night. You haven't. I need you strong enough to help me. So eat." Sean peeked into the pot, asking suspiciously. "I thought I burned it..." Sean's eyes rose to meet his, suddenly gawking out. "Oh, Mark... you didn't. Tell me you didn't." Chuckling, Mark shrugged out. "It wasn't all burnt. Besides, I liked the ashy taste. Added extra flavor." Shaking his head, Sean blurted out. "Mark... You don't get the nutrients you need from burned food." Waving a hand at him, Mark grumbling out. "Ah, you don't know that. Besides, I liked it." Sean huffed, muttering out under his breath. "What are you saying? That my burned food is better than when I try?" Mark lifted his leg to nudge Sean in the side with his knee. When Sean looked at him, Mark told him in a beautiful voice. "Your cooking tastes good even when burnt." Sean stared at him a long moment and Mark's heart skipped. Raising a hand, Mark curled his finger around the coral snake choker around Sean's neck and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss.
Mark loved the taste of coffee on Sean's tongue and did his best to coax it into his mouth. Sean moaned into his mouth, leaning toward him more, until Mark was on his back. Smirking into the kiss, Mark breathlessly whispered out. "You plan to ride me?" Sean nipped Mark's lip, chuckling out so adorably. "I'm considering it. After all... You couldn't stop me in your condition." Mark gripped Sean's belt, coaxing him to swing his leg over his waist. Sean obeyed. Swinging his leg over and sitting down on Mark's lap. Sean leaned forward to brace his hands on either side of Mark's head, bringing his lips closer to his when he said so lovingly. "You were right... You knew what they were going to do to men that feel the way we do. I didn't think such a thing would scare them so much... but it made me realize that this world is so fragile. And I don't want to lose you, before I have you..." Mark stroked his hands up Sean's arms, asking with a raised eyebrow. "Have me in what way?" Sean licked his lips nervously, before telling him in a shaky voice. "In every way. I'd... I'd marry you. If I could..."
Mark smiled, his hands cupping Sean's face when he whispered back to him. "Marriage is just piece of paper. If you want me... I'll let you have me." Sean smiled, his lips finding his in a tender kiss. When their lips parted, Mark eased Sean over onto his side. Once he was down, Mark kissed Sean's throat. Running his hands down Sean's side to tug up his shirt. Sean inhaled sharply as Mark's hand moved up his skin to thumb his nipples. Playfully biting Sean's neck, Mark started to chuckle when a soft growl broke through the soft rumbling, rushing rain, and crackling of the fire. Lifting his head, he watched Sean cover his face in his hands and muffle out embarrassed. "I guess I am a little hungry." Laying back down, Mark patted Sean's ass and chuckled out. "Eat. Before I eat you." Blushing a bright red, Sean got up and scooted away from him to eat. While he ate, they listened to the sounds of thunder and heavy rain. Outside sounded so wild and yet, the cave was warm and the crackling wood calming in contrast. Sipping his coffee, he eventually told Sean. "I hope Nate and the others beat the storm. I'd hate to be caught up in the valley in a rattling tent."
Sean nodded, finishing off the last of the pot. After setting the pot and spoon aside, Sean hiccupped. Smirking, Mark passed him his coffee, telling him smugly. "You ate too fast." Taking the cup, Sean hiccupped violently before taking a slow long swig. Just when Mark thought he had cured it, Sean hiccupped again and groaned from how it hurt. Sitting up, Mark spread his legs and beckoned Sean to sit between them. Sean nestled back against him, and Mark searched for a spot to tap along his back. Sean shivered, his hands prying up his shirt over his shoulders to expose his entire back to Mark. Mark ran his hands along Sean's back, frowning a little at the light bruises that he saw. Sean hiccupped again, then told Mark over his shoulder. "Everything ok?" Mark stroked his hands along Sean's back, loving how Sean arched his back like a cat to his touch, while telling him. "Just admiring your bruises. People are going to think I beat you..." Sean rolled his eyes, hiccupping again before retorting. "I never take my shirt off. They'll never see them." Wrapping his arms around Sean, Mark kissed Sean's neck and purred out. "You should pull that shirt back on."
Sean defiantly tossed his shirt aside, teasing back. "But it's my excuse to get warm with you." Gripping Sean's shoulders, Mark pulled him down and onto his stomach on the bedroll. Laying behind Sean, Mark kissed a line down between his shoulder blades, teasing playfully back. "Boy, you are trouble... I've seen wild mares that don't tease the stallions as much you do you." A giggle left Sean, before he stated over his shoulder. "The mares run from the stallions... you don't see me running. But if you are afraid of getting hurt..." Sean started to rise on all fours, but Mark grabbed his sides and shoved him back down easily. Laying over his back, Mark lightly bit his ear and in a deep purr said. "I don't plan to get hurt. But I don't plan on you getting away either. You wanna get warm... I'll help you." Sean moaned a little as Mark slipped his hand around Sean's side to mess with his belt. Bowing his head on his crossed arms, Sean lifted his hips enough for Mark to wedge his hand under him better. Unbuckling Sean's belt, Mark worked his hand under the fabric and through the thick warm hair between Sean's spreading legs.
A deep moan left Sean, his back muscles flexing as Mark found his soft flesh among the thick curls. Licking Sean's ear, Mark whispered to him playfully. "I think I cured your hiccups." Sean laughed shakily as light moans threatened to cut him off. Sean's body squirmed beneath him like lapping waves on the shore with every gentle caress of Mark's hand. The shuddering sounds Sean made gave Mark goosebumps. He could feel Sean's cock pulsing in his hand, forcing him to grip a little tighter and stroke a longer length. Sean started biting his arm to muffle his moans, but Mark quickly ordered him breathlessly. "Don't do that. I wanna hear ya. I can't mount you... So, use you voice and try to finish me... as I finish you." Sean removed his mouth from his arm, choking out a moan as Mark tugged down Sean's pants to get better access to him. Sean's moans and pants grew louder, until he was shifting up on all fours. Mark eased up with him, switching hands to pleasure Sean's cock. While his other hand pet Sean's pale ass with greedy desire. Sean's hips bucked forward and back into Mark's hands, his front dropping into a bow. Biting Sean's shoulder, Mark seized the moment to sink his fingers into Sean's ass. Seeking out his sweet spot.
Sean cursed and bucked harder. His pants and moans were almost in time with the thunder. Mark couldn't help moaning with Sean. He'd never seen or heard anything so enticing as Sean in the depths of pleasure. He wanted to take him, but just trying to keep Sean still was making his ribs hurt. Just as Mark started to think that he'd have to stop, his finger hit Sean's sweet spot at just the right time. A startled squeal of a moan left Sean. His back arching and his hips thrusting hard into his hand as he released his seed into Mark's palm. Holding him firmly, Mark took a moment to milk him of every last drop, until Sean was squealing for him to let go between strangled giggles. Releasing him, Sean dropped across the bedroll limply. His body shaking a little as he panted heavily. Kissing Sean's shoulder, Mark whispered to him. "Feel better? Less stressed?" Sean nodded, mumbling out into the blankets. "Oh, fuck ya..." Chuckling, Mark eased down on his back and rubbed his sore ribs. Closing his eyes, Mark tried to ease as much pressure off his ribs as he could.
He felt the pain fading,when a hand slithered up his side and down his belly. Opening his eyes, he inhaled sharply as Seanunbuckled his pants and tugged up his shirt past his belly button. Flashing him a smirk, Sean teased out as hepulled Mark's pants down to his knees. "Ishould return the favor. If you're up for it?" Mark blushed as his cock sprang free from his pants answering Sean'squestion. Licking his lips, Sean blusheda deep red, before lowering his head to take Mark's cock into his mouth slowly. The sensation of his soft lips and tongue onhis sensitive skin, causing a deep throaty moan to belt from him. If Mark had pain in his ribs, he'd forgottenall about it now. To Be Continued...
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