Chapter Twelve: "Friends"
Sean averted his eyes as Nathan dressed himself, asking a bit nervously. "Why? I... I can't do much at the moment." Nathan chuckled drawing Sean's fragile eyes back to him. Nathan put his black cowboy hat back on, then flashed him a grin from under his brim as he told him with a shrug. "You'd be surprised what you can push through when your survival depends on it." Sean gulped, glancing back at the teepee. His hesitation prompted Nathan to add firmly. "I'm not going to hurt, kid. Come on. We won't be long." Exhaling slowly, Sean limped after him. Nathan collected a bag that was left out by the horses, before leading him out to a large rock formation that was a little ways from the camp. Setting down the bag on the rock, Nathan asked him over his shoulder. "You ever fired a gun before?" Sean couldn't help rolling his eyes when he answered flatly. "Of course." Nathan stopped digging in his bag to retort over his shoulder seriously. "Are you any good with it?" Sean locked eyes with him, shrugging out honestly. "Good enough. I've hunted deer and birds. I've chased off predators. I've killed my own animals for food."
Turning to face him, Nathan crossed his arms and asked coolly. "If a rabbit ran by at this moment. Could you shoot it dead?" Sean shook his head, watching Nathan's face fall with disappointment. Seeing him so disappointed in him, Sean piped up proudly. "I wouldn't waste the shot. I'd snare it." Nate looked back at him with interest. So, Sean quickly told him. "I had all kinds of vermin trying to steal my crops. I'd set snares. Bait them. Saved me from starving some days." Leaning his hips back against the rock, he asked him curiously. "You ever caught a human in your snares?" Sean bowed his head and uttered out in an honest low voice. "No." Digging back threw the bag, Nathan removed a few cans to set them up on the rock. Sean grimly watched him, asking after a minute or two. "You think I'm useless. Don't you?" Nate huffed, casually stating as he finished setting up the line of cans. "No. Everyone can do something. Take me for instance. I'm a distance shooter. I can even throw a few good knives... but I'm not much good up close. I wouldn't bet on me in a brawl."
Sean tensed as Nathan approached him. Holding out a handful of rope, Nate winked at him, adding playfully. "You make snares? Does that mean you can tie a rope tight enough to keep someone in it?" Taking the rope, Sean unwound it and said casually. "I can tie a knot, but I don't know if it can do that." Nathan held out his wrists, teasing him innocently. "Let's find out." With a little sigh, Sean started tying up his wrists. The first two tries, Nathan easily tugged his hands free and only after started to tell him why. Listening carefully, Sean changed his knots to synch them tighter. He knew how to do it, but he'd never tried tying something that knew how to generally get itself free. As Nathan struggled to free himself again, Mark's voice suddenly called out to them with amusement. "Need a hand there, Outlaw?" Nathan kept his focus on his wrists but snapped out in a growl. "Not from you, Asshole." Sean smirked with slight pride that Nathan was struggling with his knot. He reached out to help him, but Nathan stepped back, stubbornly telling him. "I got it. Hold your horses."
Mark hugged his arm to his chest and limped to a rock to sit down, upon asking smugly. "Training is going well I see." Sean shrugged, admitting uneasily. "Not really. I'm just showing him that I can tie knots. Doesn't help in a fight..." Nathan groaned in frustration, then started biting the rope around his wrists. Mark chuckled to himself, warmly telling Sean. "Maybe not. But it slows them down if you can do it fast enough. A quick blow to knock them down and then hogtying them can make all the difference. You've roped your cattle before, right?" Sean blushed a little but nodded. Mark turned his attention to an approaching Bob and Wade, beckoning to Wade to hand him something. Wade removed a lasso from his bag and tossed it to Mark. Mark caught it, then adjusted his grip to toss it off to Sean. Catching the lasso, Sean held the bundle in one hand and started expanding the looped end with his other. Giving him a wicked smile, Mark jerked his head in Nate's direction. Sean's timid eyes drifted to Nate, who hadn't taken an interest in their conversation. He was still fussing with the knot.
Sean swung the lasso loop by his leg, hesitating to use it on Nate. He didn't want to upset him. Mark gestured again with his head, prodding him discreetly. "Go on." Relenting, Sean turned just enough to get the angle right. Then lifting his arm, he started to swing the loop over his head and let out a few strands from the bundle in his other hand to give it length for the release. Flinging the rope loop out wide over Nathan's head, he watched Nathan jerk and look at him seconds before Sean pulled the rope tight. Wrapping the rope around his arm, Sean waited until the loop tightened up around Nate's ankles, before tugging it hard enough that Nathan's feet were yanked out from under him. Nathan fell across the dirt, sending up a puff of red dirt with a startled yelp. Mark and Bob laughed heartily. While Wade shook his head at them all with a reluctant smirk. Sean bit his lip, loosening the grip on the rope to let Nathan's feet touch the ground. He felt guilty for doing it to him. Sitting up, Nathan fixed his hat with his bound hands and snapped out. "HA. HA. You're lucky my hands are bound, or I'd whip your ass."
Wade pulled the brim of his hat down a bit, lightly chuckling out. "Sounds like a you problem." The other snorted, until Nathan tugged his hands from the rope and scrambled to get up. Sean began limping as he backed up away from Nathan, pleading out. "Now wait a minute. I was just... It was a joke. Nate? NATE!" Nathan started to run for him, and Sean turned to bolt. Hurt leg or not, Sean wasn't confident that Nate wouldn't kick his ass. Running toward the camp, Sean stayed along the outskirts. The Native Americans jerked their heads up from their work to watch him run by. Taking a risk to look back, Sean skidded to a stop when he didn't see Nate. Wasn't he right on his ass? Backing up a step or two to pass a teepee, Sean gasped as he saw moment to his right. Standing on the other side of the teepee was Nathan. Sean had no time to react before Nate lightly kicked his hip to shove him to the ground. Falling across the dirt, Sean coughed from the dust and quickly rolled over. Only to get splashed in the face with the bucket of water that Nate was holding.
Dropping the bucket, Nathan casually walked around to stand beside him as he said calmly. "You're dead, kid. You're first mistake was running without a plan. Your second mistake was not staying alert to where I was going. Always assume the person chasing you is going to try finding a way to cut you off. If you don't see them. Double back and stay low." Sean spit water, glaring up at Nate as he retorted shortly. "What...? I thought you were going to..." Crouching, Nathan told him nicely. "You're not on the farm anymore, kid. You're wanted now. Out of all of us... you have the most to learn about assessing any given situation." Nathan extended out a hand for him to take. Sean scowled but took his hand. Nate helped him back onto his feet, then patted his back and coaxed him to head back to the others. Mark looked him over, asking with concern. "Are you alright?" Sean nodded, squeezing the water from his shirt. Nathan gestured to the cans, telling Wade and Bob. "You guys good with anything besides guns? If we run out of bullets... you'll need something to fallback on."
Sean gathered up the lasso, watching Wade and Bob look at a few things that Nathan pulled from his bag to show them. Wade worked with a long bullwhip and practiced throwing knives at the cans. While Bob practiced with a machete. To Sean's slight dismay, that let Mark and Nate with nothing better to do than school him on their different training styles. Which only ended with them yelling at each other by the end of the day. When the hunters returned with food for dinner, they called it night. Something Sean was relieved about. His ears had been ringing from hours of listening to the two of them go at each other's throats. The Native Americans all sat together around a bonfire to eat like one great big family. However, since they were outsiders and weren't welcome to join them, Bob decided to put together their own little bonfire to sit around. For a while they sat eating in awkward silence, until Bob exhaled out gently. "Guys. We can't keep doing this to each other." Sean and Wade nodded, their eyes nervously glancing at Nathan and Mark. Nathan huffed, eating more to avoid saying anything. Mark rolled his eyes, uttering out over the crackling fire. "I'm not the problem."
Bob dropped his empty plate down with a soft clatter that drew their full attention as he snapped out quietly. "You both are the problem. If we go after that train... and you start fighting. Then what?" Sean expected them to start fighting, but neither of them said anything. Bob inhaled slowly, keeping his voice calm when he continued. "Guys, you don't have to agree... but you've got to find some common ground. Or we're screwed." Nathan set his spoon down on his plate, sighing out softly. "Look. I didn't want to drag you into this. But with or without you... this is personal for me. I can't afford to make a mistake. I can't afford for any of you to slow me down." Sean shared a fragile look with Wade. He was sure that if anyone slowed Nate down it would be him and his lack of experience. Mark looked up at Nate to firmly but calmly retort. "You're upset with me. I get it. This may be how you are used to doing things. But not me. Our lives were uprooted. But I'm not going to change who I am and what I believe in. I took an oath to protect people. That hasn't changed."
Nathan straightened up to lock eyes with Mark, prompting Mark to rush out seriously. "I want us all to make it out of this. But teaching us to shoot first... that's a problem." Nathan shifted in his seat, facing Mark better as he said a bit bitterly. "You don't get it, Mark. We have bounties on our head now. People will come to kill us. Not talk to us. You ever had bounty hunters come looking for you? They set traps. They stalk you. They will either kill you right away... or torture you for DAYS before turning you in to the law. And even if the law gets you. Posse's will come in the dead of night to drag you from that cell to make sure you die. Pinkertons will not ask you politely to go with them. They'll kill you and take your body to whomever hired their ass to kill you." Sean swallowed, the night air suddenly feeling much colder. Nathan took a moment to calm down, then added more gently. "You aren't the law anymore, Mark. We can't play by those rules, or we will all die. I need you to trust me on that. Keep your morals fine. We can hunt other outlaws for all I care, if it makes you happy. But DO NOT think for one moment that we can play this game honestly. We are the bad guys in their eyes. They've convinced everyone in Iron Hills of that. We are on our own."
Nathan looked around at everyone's grim faces, before telling everyone sorrowfully. "I'm sorry that I'm pushing you all so hard. I just... I don't want to lose anyone else. I don't like feeling responsible..." Nathan bowed his head, clearly losing his appetite as he tossed his half plate of food down beside the fire. Bob and Wade shared a curious look before looking to Mark, who confidently told them all. "I'm not asking you to be responsible for us. All I want is for us to get through this. You're right. I don't know how hard this is going to be, but I'm not going to leave anyone behind either. Not even you." Nathan's dark eyes were hidden under his brim when he looked up at Mark. Setting his food aside, Mark leaned forward and told everyone. "We all want... generally the same thing. I think before we start working together. We need to trust each other. Knowing what we are good at is one thing. But trusting someone to do it is another. I know I can trust Bob and Wade because I know them. I've trained with them. I know Sean... but I've never seen him in a fight. I only know rumors about you. So... Can we use this time to try being friends first?"
Sean noticed that no one was going to start. Everyone was waiting for someone else to break the ice. Licking his lips, he decided to be the one by saying aloud. "I love being potato farmer. I find it peaceful. I was a very lonely kid growing up. My Granny used to talk about her farm growing up. After she passed, I figured I'd do it. Make her proud... My first day as a farmer sucked though. I was plowing the field and disturbed a fucking badger's hole. Bastards chased me into the barn. I was stuck in there for two days before they left. Went out and got a gun soon after. Stashed them everywhere. I hate badgers..." For a moment there was silence, before everyone started to laugh. To Be Continued...
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