Chapter Thirty-Three: Redemption Path
Mark smeared the mud off his face, chuckling out. "I think I'm over my fear of drowning. What a struggle that was... How are Sean and Nate?" Bob and Wade shared a nervous look. While Hawk-Claw boldly told him. "Ambushed. We were going to ride to Iron Hills to find them." Mark flicked the mud off his hands, telling them seriously. "Alright. What are we waiting for?" Bob extended out a hand to Mark, telling him with a smile. "Climb on." Taking his hand, Mark swung up onto the horse. As they rode across the dusty trail toward Iron Hills, Wade told Mark with a warm smile. "I think the Marshal is going to shit himself when he sees you. Sheriff. You even look like you dug yourself out of your grave." Bob snorted, adding playfully. "I'm sure he can say that about all of us. Except maybe Hawk-Claw." Hawk-Claw smirked, then told them in a collected voice. "So, what is the plan? Are we just going to ride into town?" Wade shrugged, looking to Mark as he said simply. "Sheriff? You got a plan?" Thinking it over, Mark exhaled softly and said aloud. "I've got one... but it is risky and a little crazy..." Bob glanced over his shoulder, chuckling out. "Sounds interesting. I'm in. What do we got to do?"
Mark gestured Hawk-Claw to ride in closer, before telling them coolly. "Hawk-Claw. Take point and go in through town. Bob, ride to the sheriff's office. If you don't see Sean from the window, wait to hear gunshots and come riding in. Wade, you'll split off to the stable. Stir up some trouble for us to use as cover." Wade raised an eyebrow, asking curiously. "And you? What will you be doing?" Mark locked eyes with Wade, answering cautiously. "I'll be watching Hawk-Claw's back." Hawk-Claw quickly slipped in then. "You really think it is wise to split up?" Nodding, Mark told him openly. "They probably the three of us are dead. No better time to get the drop on them." Bob kept his horse from drifting too far from Wade's as he asked aloud. "Our rendezvous point after we get them?" Mark glanced at his watch, then flinched. It was waterlogged and covered in mud. Shrugging, he told them honestly. "You tell me. We can run to the next train... or we end this." Wade inhaled, mumbling out. "That sounds like suicide for us. All those deputies..." Mark shrugged, telling them gruffly. "There is one way to do it... but that is only if he honors it."
Both Bob and Wade glanced at each other with worried looks, but Hawk-Claw smiled as he told Mark. "A warrior's death. I like it." Mark smiled back at him, adding coolly. "Good. Cause you're going to help me get it. Listen up." Mark explained his plan much to Bob and Wade's disapproval of it. Though they couldn't deny that it would draw attention from everyone and give them time to look for the others and set up their escape. As they drew closer to town, Mark took the rifle from Bob and slipped off the back of the horse to start walking. Letting Bob and Wade split off in opposite directions without drawing any attention to themselves. Hawk-Claw accepted the rifle from Mark, who told him with pride. "Thank you for all your help. If this goes sideways... I'll buy you a drink on the other side." Hawk-Claw bowed his head to him, stating back honorably. "It has been fun sharing this journey with you. When the white horse comes for you, know I sent him. Friend." Squeezing Hawk-Claw's hand, Mark nodded and told him firmly. "Live free and ride hard, my friend." Releasing his hand, Hawk-Claw slowly trotted his horse toward the heart of town.
In town, Sean hissed and groaned as his back was lashed by the Marshal. Every swing harder than the last as he ordered him to scream. Shortly after the first three swings though, the Marshal stopped and uttered aloud. "What in the blazes of hell?" Lifting his head from the block, Sean saw Hawk-Claw riding in through town with a rifle in one hand and sporting a murderous glare at the Marshal. Deputies from both sides of the town removed their guns and aimed them at Hawk-Claw but didn't pull the trigger. They were waiting for the order. Inching around Sean, the Marshal yelled out over the parting crowd in the square. "What the hell do you think you are doing, boy?! You got a death wish?!" Hawk-Claw eased his horse into a stop and announced in clear english, causing surprise among the locals. "I'm here to issue a challenge to the Marshal. A duel. Right here. Right now. Unless you are too afraid to accept it." The Deputies all looked at the Marshal with smug expressions. One even chuckled out to the crowd. "You think the Marshal will lose to you? Your rifle isn't meant for a quick draw, you idiot. You're gonna die!" The Marshal looked nervous but shrugged out confidently. "You'll have to wait your turn. I'm busy."
Hawk-Claw lifted his chin, stating out boldly. "I see. You wanna kill them first because you are afraid. Very well. I can wait. After all, I've heard of how much of a struggle you have with killing them. Might be entertaining to see how they best you again." The Deputies let out low whistles and chuckled softly. Sean watched the Marshal tense up with anger but shot confused eyes over to Hawk-Claw. What was he doing? From among the Deputies, a man called out. "Kill him, Marshal! Make him eat those words!" Stepping up to the edge of the gallows, the Marshal growled out through a clenched jaw. "Fine. You wanna go out like a cowboy, Indian. I'll have you push up daisies like the worst of them. I accept your duel." The road began to clear up as folks moved to the safety of the sides. Leaving Sean and Nathan in the care of his Deputies, the Marshal hopped down from the gallows. Taking position in front of it. Hawk-Claw turned his horse around and walked out to the proper distance before sliding off his horse and coaxing the horse to move away. Once the horse was out of the way, Hawk-Claw grinned brightly as he chuckled out to the Marshal. "Oh, I forgot to mention. I didn't say that 'I' wanted to duel you. You assumed that. I was just the messenger. He's your opponent."
All eyes went to the alley where Hawk-Claw pointed. As the man moved out of the shadows and out across the empty road, Sean's heart leapt in his chest. His name flew off his tongue as tears brimmed his eyes. "MARK!" Gasps came from all over as Mark switched places with Hawk-Claw. Sean's grin slowly faded as he took in Mark's muddy appearance and what he was about to do. The Marshal groaned, his eyes rolling as he snapped out like a frustrated toddler. "How are you still alive?! I've shot you. I've blown you up. Can't you just stay down!" Mark shrugged, telling him openly. "Duel me and let's find out. Mayor? Call it out." Mark pushed part of his long coat back away from his waist to reveal his gun holster. His legs shifting apart to brace himself as he held his right hand out from his gun. Sean couldn't breathe as he sat back on his heels. Mark was crazy to think he could win this. The Marshal shifted uneasily, glancing to the mayor for help. Only to have the mayor carelessly announce with no empathy. "On the count of three, Boys. You draw and shoot. Ready?" The Marshal flashed the mayor a heated glare, but quickly positioned himself like Mark.
Sean could feel his own heartbeat and felt like time slowed down as the mayor called out. "One... Two." A loud 'BANG' rang through the air as the Marshal withdrew his pistol and shot Mark directly in the chest. Sean screamed as he watched Mark fall back across the dirt. Other than Sean's outcry, the town was silent. Stunned into awe at the Marshal's clear disregard for the rules. Lowering his smoking gun, the Marshal shrugged out to everyone's unhappy faces. "What? He's a criminal. He wasn't going to play fair! I saw it in his eyes!" Briefly there was muttering, until someone yelled out a gruff. "THREE!" Followed by a second gunshot. The Marshal jerked as the bullet hit him square in the chest, dropping him weakly to his knees to the shock of everyone around. Sean's tears stopped falling as he stared in disbelief at Mark. Mark was sitting up from the ground, his gun smoking as he held it out with piercing black eyes. The Marshal coughed blood, before straining out. "How...?" Stiffly getting to his feet, Mark sternly told him. "Cause heaven doesn't want me. And hell is afraid I'll take over." The Marshal fell dead to the ground and the locals gasped when Mark even looked in their direction.
Turning his eyes on the mayor, Mark growled out. "You made a mistake trying to kill me. And your little scam ends here and now." The mayor pointed to Mark, yelling out to the Deputies. "KILL HIM! The man who does will be rich!" The mayor then fled into the crowd as Deputies quickly raised their guns to aim at Mark. Mark held his ground, yelling out in return. "First man who pulled the trigger will regret it because as you can see. I can't die!" One of the men stammered out. "He's lying!" Turning his eyes on the young man, Mark snapped out icily. "You wanna be the first to test it?" Without flinching, Mark raised his gun to aim at the man. The man shakily pulled the trigger, clipping Mark in the shoulder, who in return shot the kid between the eyes. Sean's jaw dropped, until he realized what was happening. The young men saw no blood spattering Mark's coat and began to flee with the crowd of spooked locals. Soon shouting and fear stirred up in the streets as horses and cows stampeded through the town. Forcing people to take shelter in buildings. Sean flinched as a deputy behind him called out to another. "HANG HIM!"
The other Deputy moved to grab the trapdoor leveler, causing Sean to tense up. Until a soft 'bang' shot the deputy before he could pull it. The Deputy beside Sean, jumped back as Wade rode in closer on his horse, yelling out to the Deputy. "That's your que to run, Boy!" Sean smirked as the Deputy dashed down the steps of the gallows. Allowing Wade to climb off his horse and stumble over to them. Wade hissed with sympathy at the sight of Sean's back, but Sean told him quickly. "I'm fine. Save Nate!" Looking at Nathan, Wade quickly made his way over to remove the noose from around his neck and began to untie his hands. Sean watched Wade work, but his eyes drifted to try and find Mark. By now the cows and horses were all over. Blocking his view of Mark was had gone. He'd almost thought that he had imagined him, when Mark's beautiful voice purred into his ear. "Did you miss me?" Grinning brightly, Sean waited until Mark untied his hands, before whirling around to hug him. He didn't care if he got covered in mud. He was just so happy to see that Mark wasn't dead.
Cupping his face to press his lips to Mark's in a blissful kiss, Sean clung to Mark like he was keeping him alive. Breaking the kiss, Mark whispered to him. "Are you alright?" Sean watched Mark look at his bloodstained hand from touching his back, but Sean shrugged it off as he strained out through light tears. "I'm fine." Nodding, Mark hefted Sean over his shoulder and called out to Wade and Nathan. "I'm taking him to Hawk-Claw. Find the mayor!" Sean groaned, trying to talk Mark out of taking him away but it was no use. As the hours passed, the town eventually cleared up. The animals were returned to the barn and stable. The Deputies had fled, leaving Bob and Wade to handle matters as they searched for the mayor. Taking over the doctor's building, Mark sat with Sean, holding his hand while Hawk-Claw tended to his back. Wherever the town doctor was didn't matter. Just before the sun was going down, Nathan stomped into the building and told Mark bitterly. "I have some news. We got a tip that the mayor took a carriage. He's running, but if we go now. We can catch him before dawn."
Sean rested his head on his arms, softly telling Mark. "We could let him run." Mark squeezed his hand, telling him reluctantly. "If we do, he'll just get more men and come back. He'll find a way to keep us on the run. On the other hand... If we chase him down and kill him... We'll be branded as criminals permanently." Scoffing, Nathan shrugged out. "Some us already are. You want me to track him down and do it?" Hawk-Claw stopped working to look at Nathan with concern. Leaning back, Mark sighed out heavily. "It won't matter. They'll think I gave you orders to do it. You are in my... gang." Crossing his arms, Nathan asked coolly. "Gangs disband all the time. It could be the thing that disbands us. That way you all can get on with your lives. While I... do what I do best." Sitting up, Sean piped in seriously. "We can't disband. Not now! We were just..." They all looked at him, prompting him to tell them. "I just found you guys. I don't want to lose this. I feel like we're... family." Mark locked eyes with him, telling him gently. "But Sean... if we stay together. We can't stay here. We'll be wanted men. We'll have to keep robbing to live."
Sliding off the table, Sean straightened up to his full height and blurted out. "Depends on who we are robbing. What if we just need to make our own reputation. After all... who was really hurt by our gang? How many people did we save from the train? How many more could we keep saving?" Hawk-Claw smirked, adding in a little excitedly. "He's got a point. Knowing what you are. No town will keep you for long... It's better to keep moving. It would help you find others like you that need help." Nathan grinned, telling them with growing excitement. "We'd technically be doing good. So... It could be fun to dish out some justice." Mark rolled his eyes, before chuckling out. "I'll go saddle up." Sean cheered, hugging Mark before dashing off with Nathan to saddle their horses. Lingering back, Mark asked Hawk-Claw curiously. "Are you going to tag along with us?" Moving closer to Mark, Hawk-Claw admitted grimly. "If you'll allow me. I... I can't go home anymore. I've chosen my path and it goes where Nate's does. Patting his arm, Mark grinned out. "Good. We're gonna need you. I can't coral these guys by myself."
Hawk-Claw chuckled, draping an arm over Mark's shoulders as he told him with a smile. "I believe you. They are a wild bunch... but with a leader like you to keep them on the path for redemption. They'll be just fine. Although... I have one question..." Mark headed to his horse, replying openly. "Sure. Fire away." Looking him over, Hawk-Claw asked discreetly. "What magic did you use to become immune to bullets?" Grinning brightly, Mark opened his jacket to reveal the chainmail that lined the inside as he told him with a wink. "It's just an old trick. When we get to the next town. I'll see if I can make more for us." Laughing, they mounted up to finish the job and begin life anew. Dishing out justice as wild as the west. The End.
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