Chapter Thirteen: "The Lawless Marksmen"
Sean smiled as he watched the energy change around the bonfire. They were starting to share funny stories from their pasts and with every laugh the tension between them faded away. Even when the Native Americans turned in for the night, they stayed up. The crackling fire and trickling river filling the patches of silence between their conversations. It wasn't much, but it was a start to trusting each other. Eventually, Bob and Wade turned in. Then Nathan slipped away after seeing Hawk-Claw watching them from the shadows. Leaving Sean and Mark alone by the fire. When the silence between them started to feel awkward, Sean began poking at the burning logs with a stick, before breaking the silence to ask him. "I can't help but notice that you don't seem to mind Nate... until he does something around me. Why is that?" Mark stared at the ground between his feet, shrugging out coolly. "I don't know what you mean." Smirking just a little, Sean lightly stated aloud. "You don't trust him. I understand why. But... you get kind of... defensive when he gets close to me. But not the others."
Mark fiddled with the spur on the back of his boot, flatly telling him. "The others can handle men like him. I worry about his influence on you." Sean looked up from the fire ashes to meet Mark's eyes when he asked softly. "You think I'll turn into an outlaw like him? Become this 'Lucky Jack' character?" Mark's features held no humor when he told him openly. "I've arrested men who turned into criminals for a lot less. You have a lot going for you, Sean. You're a good man. I don't want to see you throw that future away." Sean shrugged, telling him casually. "My future was tied to that farm." Mark leaned forward on his good leg, cutting in before he could say more. "Farms can be rebuilt. Snuffing out a man's soul... you don't forget that, and you can't take it back. It changes you. This road that Nathan is going to take us down... There is no guarantee that it leads to anywhere. I just don't want to see anything happen to you." Sean blinked, asking a bit perplexed. "Why do you care so much about me? I don't recall us being so close... I'm a farmer and you want to be a rancher... As a sheriff we barely talked."
Mark lowered his gaze to the dirt again, scoffing his boot in the dirt when he mumbled out. "True... but it doesn't mean that I didn't notice you. Maybe I thought us not talking would keep us both safer. These times being what they are..." Sean straightened up a little as his words sank in, then he asked quietly. "Are you saying that... you like me?" Mark didn't answer or look at him. Glancing around to see if anyone was around, Sean shifted on the log and asked more discreetly. "Are you jealous of Nathan?" Mark's jaw locked as his eyes met his. The fire reflecting in his dark guarded eyes. Sean swallowed; he'd hit a nerve. Clearing his throat, Sean quickly changed the subject by lightly chuckling out. "Is that why you always bought my potato pie during the towns festivities?" Sean wasn't sure if it was the heat from the fire or Mark's reluctant smile that made his cheeks warm up. Mark did have a nice smile. Pulling the brim of his hat down to hide his smile, Mark mumbled out with a chuckle. "Maybe I just liked the way they taste." Rolling his eyes, Sean laughed, then bit his lip. He felt a little bad for not noticing Mark's attention. Even if he'd wanted it that way.
Inhaling slowly, Sean looked up at the starry night sky and stated openly. "I don't know what I am anymore. I just wanna do whatever it takes to survive." Meeting Mark's eyes again, he told him coolly. "I'll be honest though. I was lonely on the farm... and as crazy as this is... I enjoy feeling a part of something. Connecting with people. I've never tested myself and put myself there. But this... I'm enjoying the ride. Wherever the road takes me... It's better than being alone. For me, this is a promise that I won't die alone..." Getting up to his feet, Sean limped toward the teepee, but stopped to tell Mark over his shoulder. "I don't feel like I've lost anything. I feel like... I've been set free. Strange, huh?" Adjusting his hat, Sean tipped the brim and wished Mark a goodnight. Mark wished him a goodnight in return, watching him slip into the teepee. Then turning to look at the fire, Mark exhaled heavily. His hand shook a little when he reached up to unclip the sheriff badge on his vest. Staring down at it, he thought about throwing it into the fire, but couldn't bring himself to do it.
Despite how corrupt everything felt, he still believed in what his badge stood for. He wanted to believe in a better world. Closing his fingers around the metal star, he inhaled slowly and pinned it back onto his vest. Cleaning up the star a bit, he watched the fire reflect in it and came to a decision. Getting to his feet, his eyes darted to Nathan as he walked out of the shadows. Nathan lifted his head to peer at his from under the brim of his hat with curious eyes. Staring back, Mark puffed his chest up and told him firmly. "I owe you an apology. You're right and I just didn't see that... From now on, I'll listen to your advice. But I'm the leader of this gang. And I know who we can rob on that train." Nathan smirked, taking a swig from the bottle of rum in his hand, before handing it to Mark and happily cooing back as he took a seat by the fire. "Whatever you want, Sheriff. What are you thinking?" Taking a light sip of the rum, Mark told him honestly. "I'm gonna take the law into my own hands. I'm thinking... we clean up the west. There is a wealthy man that lives on that train. He supplies slaves to mining towns. The Mayor of Iron Hills had plans to cut a deal with him to supply the mines when they reopen... You feel like putting him out of business?"
A wicked grin pulled at Nathan's face when he told him with intrigued excitement. "Abso-fucking-lutely. How do you plan to do it?" Mark glanced at the teepee, then told Nate coolly. "Just get them ready for it. When I know... you'll all know." Nathan nodded, getting up to leave, but asked curiously. "What about the Pinkertons? I didn't want to say it... but they'll be waiting for us to make a move. Robbing a train will certainly be on one of their watch lists." Mark nodded, telling him distantly. "I know. You let me worry about the Pinkertons. Just... make sure the kid is ready." Nathan tipped his hat to him and left to get some sleep. Mark snuffed out the bonfire fire, then joined them. He had a lot to think about and a short time to do it in. For the next few days, Mark focused on making a plan on the back of his horse, while the others trained around him. The Native Americans moved their camp from noon until night, and though they followed them, they followed at a good distance. They didn't want the Natives getting attacked if the Pinkertons discovered them.
When they all settled for the night, they ate around the bonfire and talked over what his plans were. The medicine that the Natives gave him, and Sean eventually healed them up, making Sean's training a lot more effective. Mark observed them racing their horses around the open plain. Out of all of them, Nathan was the best rider. However, over the next few days, Mark noticed Sean growing more confident on horseback. Turning in his saddle to watch him, he watched Sean swinging his lasso as his horse thundered after Nathan. Nathan glanced over his shoulder, pushing his horse to outrun him. Nathan's horse started to pull away, but Sean threw his lasso to span the distance. Gripping the saddle horn, Nathan swung out of his saddle to avoid being lassoed off his horse. Only Sean hadn't been aiming for him entirely. The rope fell over Nathan's saddle, capturing the horn. With a yelp, Nathan released the horn seconds before Sean yanked his own horse into a sudden stop. The rope synched on the horn, yanking Nathan's horse into an abrupt stop that made it rear. Hitting the ground roughly, Nathan rolled up onto his feet and took off at a run to find cover.
Sean spurred his horse to run by Nathan's horse, flicking out his rope to loosen it from the horn, then directed his horse to bolt toward Nathan as he gathered up his lasso to go again. Nathan gave up on cover as Sean's horse approached, dropping into a crouch and throwing up dirt at the horse's face. Sean's horse skidded to a sudden stop, causing Sean to flip over the horse's neck to land on his ass. Nathan rushed him to grab Sean's shirt and Sean acted quickly. Grabbing Nathan's arms, he let Nathan shove him down but used his legs to flip Nathan over him. Dust kicked up as Nathan landed on his back and rolled over as quickly as Sean. Sean withdrew a knife from his boot, bracing for Nathan to come back at him. Nathan's hand instead went for his gun, and Sean quickly tackled him. Nathan fell back to the ground but punched Sean in the ribs and shoved him off him. Sean rolled, clutching his ribs in pain before trying to rush him again. This time Nathan withdrew his gun, but Sean kicked his wrist away and dropped his knife to instead grab Nathan's deflected wrist. Yanking his wrist closer, Sean kicked Nathan in the chest and forced Nathan off balance to the ground.
Once Sean had him on the ground, he moved quickly to hogtie him. When he finished, Sean raised his hands and yelled out in excitement. "HA!" Mark chuckled to himself, coaxing his horse to turn around. Beside him, Bob and Wade clapped and whistled. Sean got to his feet, throwing a proud fist into the air as he smiled at them. Mark shook his head, watching Nathan pried his feet from his tied boots. Without untying his wrists, Nathan quickly snuck up behind Sean and dropped his bound wristed over his head to get ahold of his throat. Sean yelped as Nathan forced him to his knees, whispering something into his ear. Shifting uncomfortably in his saddle, he tried to remove the image from his head. Wade distracted him from his thoughts, upon regaling proudly. "The kid isn't too bad. He's cocky... but quick." Mark reluctantly glanced back at Sean, who was laying in the dirt and laughing as Nathan struggled to pry his wrists free. Allowing himself to smile warmly, he told Bob and Wade casually. "Ya. He's something." Bob slowly met his gaze, asking suspiciously. "Why aren't YOU teaching him what you know? They could use more hand to hand combat training. And if I recall... Isn't that your area? You taught us. Shouldn't you teach them?"
Mark narrowed his eyes on Bob, before turning his horse to start walking away from them. He knew that Bob wasn't wrong, but he didn't know how he felt about that. Nathan would be easy for him, but Sean... He didn't think he could handle being that close to him in that context. Collecting themselves, the headed in the direction that the Native Americans went in. For a little while they all were alert and quiet. Until Nathan rode up beside Sean and said sweetly. "Here. This is for you." Mark couldn't stop himself from glancing back at them. Nathan was handing what looked like the skin of the coral snake to him. Sean accepted it, then asked curiously. "Thanks. What is it?" Nathan smirked, taking it back and leaning closer to tie the leather ties around Sean's neck as he informed him. "It's a talisman of sorts. It will protect you." Sean ran his fingers along the choker, smirking out. "I'm not sure I believe that... but thank you." Nathan rolled his eyes, telling him with a smile. "Believe in it or not. The animal saved you. Maybe it will do it again." Mark snorted, stating out loud enough for them to hear. "Or he'll get attacked by a hungry bird."
Sean chuckled to himself, watching Nathan snap out to Mark. "No bird is going to attack a poisonous snake. They know better." Mark ignored Nathan, his eyes briefly looking over Sean. Sean lowered his hand from his neck, letting his horse drift to the back of the group. Since their conversation around the bonfire a few days back, he hadn't talked to Mark much. They always seemed to shy away from each other. He couldn't tell what Mark was thinking. Was he afraid that he'd tell the others? He didn't know why that would be such a big deal when they all knew about Nathan and Hawk-Claw. As night fell and they settled back in with the Native Americans, Sean stayed with the horses while the others got the bonfire going. Petting Mark's horse, he let his mind go blank. He just wanted to take in the sounds around him and relax. It was always so peaceful at night and tonight a bright full moon shined almost as bright as the sun over the valley. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the warm horse as a chilly breeze blew by. Only to open them when a deep calming voice told him from nearby. "You did good today."
Smiling at Mark, he averted his eyes to the horse's shoulder and mumbled out honestly. "I'm improving... but Nathan still manages to get the drop on me. It's frustrating." Sean tensed as Mark moved closer to hug his horse's nose, before telling him gently. "Nathan's been running away from people a lot longer than you have. You'll get there with experience. I'm sure he would have been easier to capture if he hadn't moved from the saddle." Sean smiled shyly, softly admitting. "Ya... He's learning my tricks faster than I can make up new ones." Moving away from his horse, Mark eased up behind him and said coolly. "Let me show you something." Sean straightened up and Mark draped his hand around to very lightly grip Sean's throat. Easing him back against him, Mark whispered to him. "If someone grabs you like this. Remember this." Mark tapped Sean's leg, instructing nicely. "The back of your boots have spurs. Jab them into the shin your attacker's leg. The shin is sensitive and can't take hits like that." Sean raised his leg and cautiously tested how it would work without hurting Mark.
Mark then told him. "When you hit them, they double over and loosen their grip. Grab the attacker's arm and flip him away from you. If you can, keep ahold of his arm and dislocate it or knock him out with a swift kick to his face. Don't release unless you know you won't be able to pull it off. If that's the case... stun him by kicking him between the legs and run." Sean chuckled, turning in his arms to face him, prompting Mark to let him go and seriously say. "Don't laugh. Trust me. When your life is on the line. You take every advantage you can get, because they won't hesitate to hurt you." Sean's laugh faded, but the smile remained when he whispered to him. "Thank you, Mark. I'll keep that in mind." Sean started to move away, but Mark touched his arm and without looking at him said honestly. "The choker looks good on you." Blushing, Sean ran his fingers over the choker and replied a little giddy. "Thanks." Without another word, Sean headed to the campfire to get something to eat but glanced over his shoulder to see Mark watching him go. To Be Continued...
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