Chapter 9: Ink's Mess and Consequences
A month later, Dream's POV
"WhY d1d mY br0tHeR s3e y0u wiTh sCi bUyiNg bAndAgES?"Error asks on the phone
"He needed them. Doing studies or something later."I say
"AnD y0u hAd a liMp bEcAuSe?"
"I might've fallen when trying to help set up one of his tests. I'm fine. It's just a scratch."I say to reassure him
"OkAy...I wiLl b3 wiTh sWaP t0dAy s0 pl3as3 l3t m3 kn0w iF y0u n3ed aNyThInG, Dr3aMy."He says
"Okay, Erry."
He hangs up and I glance at Science as he snips the bandages he just wrapped around my leg.
"Soooo, am I dead or...?"
"You're fine, Sci."
"Phew, I kind of panicked when I saw his brother there. Well, this should hold your leg together and may even make it a little comfier. Can't do much about the weight but...I will run more tests on the samples I took but it will be best if you avoid any increased exposure to strong auras and emotions. I may not have many answers but I can tell that the stronger auras or emotions worsen your condition. It triggers symptoms and puts your body under stress. It could be your soul struggling under the increased pressure and your body's weakened state with its long history of wounds could be making it harder to handle. I know this is tough, but you should try to stay as calm as possible so that nothing triggers it again. I've been making a space for you to recover in if it ever worsens. Sorry that I can't offer more after the weekly meetings we've had."He says
"It's alright, Sci. I am just glad that I am not overthinking this and that this is more than just temporary readjustments. I thought there was an issue and you're confirming it. The first step to fixing an issue is knowing there is one...I really appreciate your help. I'll get home before something happens."I say
He nods, letting me go while he heads off to do some tests. I get outside and start taking a few steps away to teleport home properly...and adjust to my condition so that my limping is less obvious. I check my leg, seeing that the bandages haven't moved yet part of me is relieved that the condition hasn't spread. What happened exactly? Well, Sci was getting a few samples and running scientific mixed with medical tests to try to find answers to my ongoing issue of having sickness or painful, dizzy, moments of weakness whenever I sense more auras or emotions. While he was examining me for my soul-rate, I got hit with a wave of stronger emotions from a nearby AU and suddenly felt a lot weaker with the usual symptoms. Except this time it got worse and now my knee and part of my lower leg got turned to stone with flowers trying to fill the cracks too. My leg was going to fall apart or at least felt like it was going to crumble so he got bandages to hold it together. Given the timing and history of my symptoms being temporary, he thinks my leg may return to normal when the symptoms pass or things settle again. I just have to go home, stay calm, and don't go near AUs with strongly radiating feelings.
Should seem simple but I know it never would be so easy.
"Heeey Dream.~"A familiar voice says
Oh no....I know that voice and I know that tone...please don't tell me that Ink took that vial again!
I turn around, seeing Ink with pink-hearted eyes, confirming my concerns already.
I quickly teleport to another AU at random, needing to get away from him ASAP. I know what this leads to and have to get away. I can't teleport too much or I'll waste my energy. He appears beside me already, grinning at me.
"Where are you going? I just want to keep you safe and let you feel some love. Give me a few minutes and it could be nice, Dream."He says
"No, Ink. I don't want to, Ink. I'm going to go home and you're going to stop overdosing on that vial...Please leave me alone."I say
"But what if I don't want to?"He asks
"Then you're just showing that you don't care about me."I say, slowly backing up.
There's no real way to reason with him right now and there's no way that I can run with my leg right now. Then he pulls me closer, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Of course I care about you! I want to keep you safe and show you things nobody else has! Give you an experience others haven't. It's not like you have anyone to give you the attention I want to give you right now. It could be fun. Us just together in your living room doing what people in love do."He says
I frown. I know he's wrong about me "not having anyone" to give a certain experience or attention in the way he means but it still stings a bit. I've told him that I am dating and he's always dismissing it, speaking so low as if I can't really be worth it without my aura...Focus!
"No, Ink! That's not happening! We aren't in love and I certainly don't see you that way! This is just the vial talking!"I say
"I can at least act like it while on this vial and be genuine to you. It'd be perfect for you since you can be certain that I'm not after your aura or attracted to it. And it would keep others from harming you. So how about you just teleport us to your home so it can start?"
I shake my head, pushing him away and getting out of his grip. His dismissive words sting but I try to ignore it.
"Ink we can't do this! I'm not dealing with you on this vial again, and I have a boyfriend! Your pink vial isn't getting in the middle of it!"I say
"Oh as if you have a real boyfriend!"He says, rolling his eyes.
That stings a bit more and I feel some pain in my chest but try to ignore it. I get away from him and teleport home. I appear a few feet from the front steps, feeling a lot weaker than before. I can feel the dizziness starting and I definitely don't have the energy to teleport again. I go to the front steps but Ink blocks my way as he rises from a puddle with his brush.
"Ink please leave me alone! I don't want to go through this again! It's finally something real! I finally experienced real dates, felt real with a real lover and you're not ruining it! Right now I'm feeling sick and dizzy and you aren't helping! Just go!"
"Oh come on, Dream. I know you're not that naive. We both know what they're really after and what nobody can resist. They aren't dating you, they're dating your aura and you know it too. That's all anyone is attracted to you for like a moth to a flame. Well, except me. No soul, no aura to be attracted to. Just let me give you a taste while I can still feel this way. I'm doing you a favor like the good friend I am. I can make you feel much better if you just trust me. I really care about you."
Something in me snaps when hearing those words. Even though I know he's wrong, they still hurt. Error loves me, not my aura. Error isn't affected by my aura and he isn't after it. We make each other happy. But the words still sting because part of me knows that before Error and I connected, I would've considered Ink as right or believed that I was naive. When so many only care for my aura, it would've seemed foolish to think I'd be desired for anything more. Once again connecting my worth to my aura....hurts...But then the pain worsens beyond only emotional pain. It suddenly becomes extremely hard to breathe and something tightens by my neck. I start choking and coughing, bending down and coughing as my head starts to ache, my vision shaking as I can barely stand now. I cough up flowers and can see my arms turning grey.
"Oh shit! Dream can you hear me? I didn't realize you meant this kind of sick! What's even happening to you? Don't worry, I'll help you!"Ink says, sounding concerned.
He picks me up and my senses fade away. Everything hurts too much. When my vision comes back, I see Sci leaning over me. I can't hear anything but I can see him sigh with relief seeing that I'm conscious again. I see wires hanging down from machines to me and I seem to be in a room with thick stone walls and different padding on it...It looks like a soundproofing material that some people put on walls. Ink is nowhere in sight. Sci seems to notice my confusion and shows me something on a notepad. I read it after a moment of focusing on it, seeing that it says: Kicked Ink out since his increased "emotions" from the pink vial seem to worsen your condition. You are currently wrapped in stone down to your knees with flowers in your cracks. You are in a room I made to block out any auras to help you recover. You can't be detected and you can't sense anything from out there. You'll stay here until I can find a solution. I'll also try to make a suit so that I don't worsen your state.
I nod the best I can to show that I understand. He checks a few things and writes one last note saying Sorry about your current state. I can't imagine how painful it is to turn into stone again...Or traumatic...I'll try to think of a recovery plan and find the source to the issue so that you can be eased back into your routine. I'll try to reach someone for you and make this room as comfortable as possible.
I nod, smiling slightly. Then he leaves. I sigh with relief, willing to go through any tests and stay in this room if it means that I don't have to experience that horrible pain again. I can feel a cozy pillow under my head and a few blankets on me, then relax as I observe the details of my surroundings. I don't want to close my eyes again but my sense of sight is the only thing that is fully back so I'll just keep myself busy with what I can.
Swap smiles as he sits with Error, chatting about various subjects and crafting with strings or yarn. Swap's timeline has moved to the surface by now so Error chats with him about adjusting to the new home or new life in his AU, as well as the option to put barriers on the house for security. Swap hears this offer and says he will consider it over snacks, so he goes to the kitchen to grab some. He hears knocking on some glass and glances over, seeing Ink rapidly knocking on the kitchen window and looking panicked. Swap is startled at first, then remembers that it's Ink so he's not even surprised. Error notices that Swap went quiet mid-sentence so he goes to the kitchen, pushes up his glasses, sees Ink pressed against the glass, then glances at Swap.
"Th1s iS wHy y0u sh0ulD tAkE uP mY s3cur1tY oFfEr."He says, pointing to Ink.
"Swap! It's urgent that I talk with you now! I really screwed up and I need help before Science makes me his next lab experiment!"Ink says
"Blue and purple eyes with self-awareness? This has to be serious."Swap says
"CaN i maK3 ch0c0laTe miLk wHiLe y0u deAl wiTh h1m?"
"Sure."Swap says as he goes to open the window.
"Thank you, Swap."Ink says, climbing through the window.
"What could you have possibly done for Sci to threaten you or for you to be this scared?"Swap asks
"Sooo, I'd like to start by saying that I've already been trying to clean up a mess I made. I threatened to tattle on Error getting too close to Dream and tattled to the wrong people who are now threatening harm to him. Then for some reason, I overdosed on my vials again and...before I continue, I must ask. Does Dream really have a boyfriend? How dead am I when he finds out?"
Error visibly pauses when he is taking a sip and glances at Swap. He tenses up, feeling the earring hanging from the side of his skull. Swap shakes his head, seeing that Ink is shaking as he waits for an answer.
"I don't know, let me ask him. Error? How dead is he for whatever he caused for your boyfriend?"
"You and Dream are dating?"Ink shouts in surprise.
"You are not helping yourself."Swap says, facepalming.
Then Swap's phone rings.
"I'm guessing this phone call from Science is about you? Who should I listen to first?"
"Depends on my survivability and-"
"Science it is."
Swap answers the phone, listening carefully and nodding.
"Alright, thank you for telling me and helping him. I can assure you that Ink will stay away from your lab. I will inform his brothers for you. You should get some rest first. Okay? Okay."
Then he hangs up and is quiet for a moment.
"Ink, you have no idea how lucky you are."
"I get to live? I'm safe?"
"Hah! No! Not by a long shot after causing this mess! Just wait until his brothers find out! Oh and if you try going back to the lab, Science has a few inventions waiting for you."
"WhAt tHe heLl d1d y0u d0?"
"Well, Science says that he ruined any progress he made with Dream. Apparently, Dream has been seeing him the past few weeks to run tests and be examined to find the cause of an aura problem he has been having. Science noticed that it's whenever he senses strong emotions or auras around him that seem to make him sick. Not only did he keep quiet to not worry us if he was overthinking it, but Sci also advised him not to say anything so that there aren't strong emotions triggering his symptoms. For a while, meds have helped minimize symptoms as Dream told him that he used them last month before he called Science. That's the summary I got from Science in the first five seconds of the call."Swap says
Error frowns, but waits to hear the rest.
"His advice to Dream was to stay away from strong auras or emotions so that it doesn't escalate and the next thing he knows, Ink is breaking into his lab high on the pink vial with Dream dragged behind him. Dream's condition got a lot worse and only seemed to worsen the longer Ink was near him and refusing to release his grip. Science says that he is relieved that Dream has regained consciousness but Ink makes it hard to help Dream, even breaking things meant to help Dream while running around so he is banned from the lab. Dream is staying in a room specifically made in the lab to help him by blocking out external auras while containing Dream's aura. Sci says that his condition is too unstable to go anywhere without it getting worse. He is going to keep fixing and working with what he has to get answers and help him recover. He just wanted me to tell everyone else, especially Dream's brothers before they found him the hard way."Swap explains
Error takes a few moments to process what he hears.
"I wiLl hAnDle cAlLinG THoSe twO. n0w d0 i sEnD iNk t0 th3m t0 b3 hAnDlEd 0r d0 w3 hAv3 a n3w aCtiviTy h3r3?"
Ink gets tied in his strings and Swap grins.
"He did cause harm to Ink so..." Swap says, glancing at Ink.
"We hAnDlE h1m tHeN?"
"I'm sure his brothers would like to join us."Swap says
"I'Ll cAlL tHeM."
"Heey guuys...I'm really sorry so we can talk about this...right?"Ink says
Error ties strings tighter around him and over his mouth, stepping out to make the call. Swap shakes his head.
"Your trouble nearly killed Dream, Ink. What makes you think you can talk your way out of this? The messes you create always tend to threaten those around you, especially Dream who you claim is our friend. I've tried talking to you about this and stopping this harmful, one-sidedness trend in your connection to Dream because it's obvious you only benefit when you reach out for something from him. Sure, you've been trying to protect him or at least claiming to look out for him better, yet here you are causing him harm again. You never connect to him or listen to him either so I think we're past talking to resolve this. Maybe this will be enough for you to learn a lesson and keep the reminders on your scarf! You should remember that you should treat Dream with more respect as your friend."Swap says
Ink bows his head as Swap glares at him.
Elsewhere, Obscuro is chilling with Nightmare as they discuss any potential plans for the future. When asked how Dream is doing, Obscuro says that he is doing well yet seems to be fatigued and taking new medicine. Ink bothers their brother but never gets far with his nonsense and he's honestly thinking that Dream seems much happier than before. They can certainly plan for nice things ahead and he even plans on a family game night. Then his phone rings and he answers, listening to Error on the other end. His smile fades and Nightmare can sense the increasing spike in anger that threatens to reach greater heights than Mt. Ebott before crumbling again as a smile forms on his face.
"Thank you for the invitation. We'll be there in a few minutes."He says, hanging up.
Nightmare looks at him curiously as Obscuro opens a portal.
"Error is inviting us over to Swap's place to punish Ink who caused shitty messes again. He tried to cause trouble for Error and it hurts Dream instead. He calls the first hour and we get the next two, let's go."
"Yeah, it's being handled. He will give us more explanation when we get there. Shall we?"Obscuro says
Nightmare nods, following him through a portal to get answers.
The next three hours were plenty of fun...except for Ink. Swap made tacos while Error handled Ink outside. Swap filled them in on things and then the next two hours they dealt with Ink while Swap and Error ate tacos and discussed ways to help Sci or check Ink's scarf for any hints of who he tattled to that are trying to hurt Dream. Serious work for a serious situation, yet somehow fun as most of them let their frustrations out on the one responsible. Swap made sure he couldn't reach any of his vials or let them get spilled on anyone, feeling irritated at how these vials were part of what caused this mess. If Ink was more responsible with them, maybe this wouldn't be happening. Maybe, but unlikely. That stupid pink vial just can't keep its cap on, can it? It's unfortunate but maybe now he can write permanent reminders for Ink on his scarf on why this shouldn't happen again and what not to do.
Then Nightmare walks in the door with a huff, his tentacles twitching with frustration, and asks the question that was waiting to be asked.
"When can I see my brother?"
Swap sighs, shaking his head.
"I'm not sure if you can...I was told by Sci that his condition worsens around strong auras or emotions. He's in a room to avoid those things for his recovery and you're...basically the embodiment of what he is meant to avoid right now. Your aura may set things off all over again...I'm not sure if Sci would let you near Dream until he is certain about a recovery plan...He is getting some rest now that Dream is stable and he finished fixing what Ink broke in his lab so I'll ask him tomorrow about visitation possibilities and how safe it is."Swap says
Nightmare frowns.
"Do we even know what his condition is?"
"Sci gave me a brief summary of symptoms when trying to speed through an explanation over the phone but it certainly was alarming. The pain was worsening so much that his body was shutting down or falling apart and making him lose consciousness so it's good that he's stable. Sci ended the call saying that Dream currently can't move, but is stable and awake again. He will be monitored of course but he didn't exactly go into specifics, he was more focused on getting the basic information of the situation to me so nobody worries and so that Ink is kept out of the lab for obvious reasons."
"I see....Welp, time to return to the pinata outside."He says, marching back out to where Obscuro is dealing with Ink.
Swap glances at Error and Error sighs, sipping from his mug.
"I aM trAcInG iNk's sTePs bAcK AcRoSs thE muLtiVeRsE t0 fInD tHe cUlPriTs bUt iT maY tAkE a biT...ThIs cAn'T sImPlY bE a ReAdjUstMenT pEriOd f0r hiS sOuL aNd aUrA...s0meThInG eLse iS iMpaCtInG hIm aNd i aM g0iNg t0 leArn wHaT iT iS."
Swap nods, holding Ink's scarf.
"I haven't found any notes hinting at anyone but hopefully there's something...I will try to see Dream ASAP and get you or his brothers a chance to see him, even if it's not the same room..."
Error nods, scrolling through the code screens he has opened. He will find something. He knows he will.
Dream will be okay.
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