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Chapter 8: Scars and Affection

Weeks later, Dream's POV

Obscuro, Palette, and I have settled back into the house. The multiverse has healed itself and everyone has fallen into their routines again. I've spent time readjusting and spending quality time with them. I've noticed that the weird feelings or dizziness around strong emotions and auras haven't gone away. I could be playing board games with Obscuro and Palette but then get overwhelmed by a sense of dizziness or sick to my stomach by the amount of joy they're expressing. It has also made me notice Palette's feelings for Goth. I know they've been close and really like each other, but these headaches have made me aware of his love for Goth and plans for the future. I've taken medicine to minimize the symptoms and don't mention anything about it. Yet it wasn't long until he admitted to me his feelings and I gave him advice. He isn't sure how to approach Goth, so he's dropping hints or thinking of gifts for Valentine's Day.

I've gradually been changed back to my normal self. Obscuro has had fun styling my hair while it lasted or styling me in general and Palette tried face painting with me for fun. It was certainly fun seeing Error's reactions whenever he came over. Blip seems to have had fun doing similar things with his brother as he gradually was changed back to his glitchy self. I liked hearing his glitching voice again and seeing his face burn a bright blue among his tear marks whenever he saw what look they gave me that day as well. It would only burn brighter when he noticed me admiring whatever changes Blip made to his style. I've made no effort to hide how I've been admiring him and gazing at him with nothing but love. We're both skeletons again but our tailbones are shrinking back down from the changes in the other multiverse. It's also something to adjust to when sitting but it's funny to see his wag behind him while he's hiding his face in his scarf, especially when I admire him or compliment him. He tries to deny it or pretend he doesn't like it but his tail shows the truth just like how I have seen Nightmare's tentacles reveal his true feelings. I notice that Error's tail wags quicker when he sees me which I find cute, even if he doesn't notice it. I'm sure that mine does the same when I don't notice it. His tailbone is mostly black with yellow at the tip. Mine is just white and smaller with a slight curl.

Error has frequently broken down the barrier trying to keep us apart for every visit and he has taken note of my state each time, observant and concerned as usual. I try to take my meds before each of his visits to minimize my symptoms. I don't want to worry him with dizzy spells or something. I'm even considering getting Sci to check my condition for any clues to the cause since I doubt this is anything medical doctors would know. He seems to like observing my process of gradually turning back to normal, observing my tailbone peeking out from under my shirt frequently. He calls it cute, sometimes twirling his finger around it to touch it softly or wrapping it in his strings to "keep it warm". It is winter and he thinks that there's no excuse for any part of me to be cold. We've spent time catching up on UnderNovela, and it has been a nice, simple time to enjoy our time together. Simple, casual form of dates.

Nightmare has been in a much better mood lately, extremely happy for some reason. I've noticed that even with his improved mood, his aura doesn't trigger any of my symptoms or worsen things for me. Anyway, I asked him about his improved mood and apparently Error agreed to merge his base for the gang with Nightmare's castle. Horror, Killer, and Dust agreed to it and I can see why he is so happy since he's essentially getting his gang back at last. That didn't last long with Horror since a few days after Nightmare told me this, Horror took a big step in his relationship with Farmer and moved to Farmer's AU. They've pretended to keep their relationship a secret up until this point but I think nearly everyone has caught onto it. Just seeing how Horror looks at Farmer is telling enough as well as Farmer's ease at throwing the usually tough or guarded Horror over his shoulder. Later I found out that their announcement shocked Killer and Nightmare so I guess they did manage to hide it from some people. Nightmare also frequently checks on my condition since he was easily able to shift himself back using his goop unlike me.

What does seem to upset him is the sight of my scarred body, especially once it became easier as I became a skeleton again. He insists on checking me for any wounds or to see that it's progressing properly and without further harm to me. He has made a few comments about them, starting with the newest ones from the attacks that completed the prophecy....the one that "killed" me...or was supposed to...I don't like focusing on it either as the scars basically outline where I got stabbed inches from my soul...He also focuses a lot on my older ones, telling me to be careful with them or trying to get different supplies to treat them.

Those thoughts are currently repeating in my mind after I finished the chores for upkeep around the house. I took my medicine already after feeling my symptoms worsened and scheduled a meeting with Science to figure out what is wrong with me whenever I sense positivity or emotions at all. Obscuro is helping Nightmare reorganize his castle and Palette is visiting Goth. I took a shower and dried off but found the thoughts still repeating. 

My mind is going down a rabbit hole as I examine my scars in the mirror, gently touching the ones on my ribs and spine. Some look deeper or more evident than before...not as faint as they used to be...So many cracks...I look broken and beaten honestly as there's no part of my ribs or spine that doesn't have some mark from a past wound. I frown, seeing the mark where Swad sliced my spine in half appear deeper and bolder in the mirror...I was lucky Shattered helped me. Swap always assured me that they look fine and are signs of strength...I accepted that belief and accepted them as part of me...but now looking at them and the memories of the newest ones...I can't help but feel disgusted by them. Maybe Nightmare's right to call them blemishes...I can't stop my mind from focusing on them though...What does Error really think about them? Does he hate the sight of them too? He gives me all these compliments...calling me beautiful and such but that's when they're out of sight...Am I ugly? Is he disgusted by these? Maybe I should keep them hidden...They're obviously ugly, shameful even, and what boyfriend would I be to show something so unpleasant? He deserves better than that. Yet my mind keeps spinning with thoughts and painful reminders of what each scar is from and why I should hide them...I shouldn't be proud of these and what they represent...

I finally snap out of it when hearing a knock at the bathroom door.

"DrEaMy? ArE yOu oKaY iN tHeRe? YoU hAvEn'T aNsWeReD mE!"

Shit I forgot that I was getting ready for his visit! Why am I such an idiot? My mind wasted time on worthless subjects!

"I'm cOmiNg iN!"

Before I could even move to react, the door had open and shut. I see Error standing against the door behind him, a few feet away from me in the bathroom mirror...just staring at me as I stand with only some slippers and long pants on.

"DrEaMy? ArE yOu oKaY? YoU'rE sHaKiNg..."He says, stepping cautiously closer.

I cross my arms over myself so that there's less scars for him to see, turning to face him.

"I'm sorry for worrying you...My mind wandered..."I say

"To a bAd pLaCe I aM gUeSsiNg?"He asks

I nod.

"I'm realizing that I haven't really given myself enough time to process...certain events even though I'm past them...My mind hasn't seemed to have dealt with it or...the marks they've left...Even though I've accepted them as part of me, I'm realizing that I was wrong to act so casual or proud of them..."I say, glancing down.

He is silent, seeming to catch on.

"WhY sHoUlDn'T yOu bE prOuD oF tHeM?"He asks, taking a step closer.

"They're ugly and disgusting...They only represent bad events and bad memories...Shows that I'm broken...Weak...These are not things to be seen and I know it disgusts others..."

He carefully wraps his arms around me.

"NiGhTmArE mAdE aNoThEr cOmMenT, diDn'T hE?"

"Not today exactly...He got me some ointments to help heal and fade...Why?"

"BeCaUsE I tHiNk hE mAkEs tHoSe cOmMeNtS bEcAuSe hE iS aNgRy wItH hiMsElF. I tHinK hE iS aShAmEd oF yOuR sCaRs bEcAuSe hE reCoGniZeS tHe oNeS hE caUsEd. I tHiNk hE rEgrEtS tHe hArM hE cAuSed yOu jUsT liKe hE rEgrEtS tHoSe oWL bEaStS. ThE sCaRs jUsT rEmiNd h1m oF pAsT miStAkEs. He iSn'T dIsGuSteD bY yOu wHeN hE sAyS tHaT. He iS dIsGuStEd bY hiMsElF for lEtTiNg tHeSe sCaRs fOrM. HeAliNg tHeM iS his wAY oF pRoViNg tO hiMsElF tHaT hE iS bEtTer nOw aNd a bEtTer bRoThEr tO yOu."

"They're still ugly...I shouldn't even be exposing them to you right now...Aren't you disgusted by them?"

"DrEaM yOu aRe liTerAlLy aSkInG tHe glItCh iF a fEw sCaRs aRe gRoSs. HaVe yOu seEn mE? No paRt oF mE iS a sInGlE cOlOr! By aNy sTaNdArDs, I'm a frEaK!"

"Shhhh, you're beautiful and you know it. I love how you look and it's just part of what makes you special. The color transitions on your bones are wonderful."

His face burns when I say that, and then he shakes it off.

"ThEn I sE3 n0 r3aSoN wHy yOu cAn'T bE pRoUd oF yOuR sCaRS. I aM. YoU kNoW wHy? THeY'rE rEmiNdErS oF hOw sTrOnG yOu aRe, hOW mUcH yOu'vE sUrViVeD aNd hOw lUcKy I aM tO bE wItH yOu sTiLl. YoU'rE bEaUtiFuL, DreAm. ALl oF yOu."He says, gently cupping my cheek.

I lean into it and he smiles warmly at me.

"WoUlD tAlKiNg aBoUt iT hElP yOuR mInD?"

"I dunno if I want to discuss it...I just realized how accepting I've been of poor situations and just moving on to the next thing without full consideration for myself...Never really processed the impact it had on me or how it hurt or scared me...Just tried to stay positive but there were so many times that it could've gotten worse and all I did was hope or trust that it didn't...It could've gotten worse or been worse and my hopes rested on the If's and probably's from an improvised plan by beings unaffected in another realm...I could've actually died and I've been so busy moving that I haven't fully handled how that knowledge feels, let alone the remaining sting from the wound that could've ended it all. Losing you or anyone...never seeing anyone terrifying and my mind is just stuck on that...I don't know how to move it from when I'm weak and wounded to the fact that I'm alive and still have everyone...Almost like I'm still in panic mode or something..."I tell him

He gently runs his fingers along my spine, soothing me.

"WeLl mAyBe dOn'T try tO pUsH It fOrWaRd riGhT nOw. How aBoUT tHiS? LeT's gEt cOzY wHeReVeR yOu wAnT aNd i'Ll cUdDlE yOu. WhiLe I dO tHaT, yOu lEt yOurSelF gO. FeEl wHaT y0u n3eD. LeT yoUr mind gRiEvE aNy pOtEntiAl lOsS fOr aS lOnG aS yOu nEeD. BuT tHe mOmEnT yOu sTaRt iNsUlTiNg yOuRsElF, I enD iT. I lOvE yOu aNd YoU aRe bEaUtiFuL, loVaBlE, aNd wOnDeRfUl tO mE. GoT iT?"He says

I nod, feeling him run his fingers down my back gently. He presses a kiss to my forehead and grins. He steps back and I put my shirt on. We walk out of the bathroom, going to the bedroom and cuddle close together. He wraps his arms around me, tucking my head in his chest. I glance up at him curiously.

"JuSt fEeL."He says

I nod, relaxing again as my mind starts to drift to my thoughts before. I let all of my emotions out as my mind runs through each moment and every horrible event we've gone through...all the attacks or pain and the prophecy...just letting it all finally get processed. He rubs soothing circles on my back as I come to terms with every thought or concern and feeling. Then it all started to settle as if now that I gave these thoughts a chance to be heard, my mind settled. I glance at him and he gives me a small smile.

"FeEL bEtTeR nOw?"He asks


He gently cups my cheek, smiling at me. I smile back at him, feeling better and...happier. I lean closer, giving him a quick kiss.

"Thank you, Error...I love you..."I say

He looks at me, his face burning up. It's almost like I can see the boxes checking off in his head as he processes what happened. I'm happy...He's happy...We're happy...First happy kiss...He quickly leans back in, kissing me. He cups my cheek and I hold his gently. He flips us over, pressing me against the pillows and leaning into the kiss. Then he pulls away, looking at me for a moment. All I could sense was love and joy radiating from him, except it doesn't overwhelm me. It makes me feel warm and safe, slightly dizzy but not to the degree I felt before. For whatever reason I must've been overwhelmed by his aura and emotions shortly after returning to our multiverse and somehow my medicine is minimizing the effects for now so that doesn't repeat. Now I can enjoy these moments, this affection, without being so dizzy or weak that it worries him.

Then he started sprinkling light kisses all over my face and skull, seeming motivated to continue the more I smiled at him. Then he pauses.

"WaS tHaT oKaY?"He asks hesitantly

I feel my face burn, nodding.

"WaNtEd iT t0 b3 g0od 3nougH f0r y0u."He says

"You'll always be good enough for me, Erry."

He dives in for another kiss after hearing those words. I wrap my arms around him and lean in the kiss. We break away and smile at each other. He rests his head on my chest now.

It is quiet for a few moments and we enjoy it. Then he looks at me as a pounding sound is heard at the front door.

"Exp3ct1nG s0m3oNE?"

"Just you...But that's probably Ink...He has gone from being uninvolved in my life to extremely involved or trying hard to. Don't know what has gotten into him...He found his missing vials apparently...He claims at least...Just stay here. There's barriers so he can't get in unless I let him in."I say, gently stroking his head.

"HmMmm..wAsTe t1m3 se3iNg wHaT 1nKfAcE wAnTs 0r sTaY hErE wItH y0u...NoT hArD ch0ic3 aT aLl."He says, smiling wider.

I smile at him and we just relax, ignoring the banging at the door. Then my phone rings and I see that it's Ink calling. I know he won't stop calling if I try to ignore it so I answer reluctantly.

"Hey, Dream! Are you home? Can I come inside?"

"No and no, Ink. It's none of your business anyway and you can't just drop in out of nowhere when I know you just come over to cause trouble. Just last week you made a mess of my kitchen when you slipped past me coming home. There are barriers made to keep you out and that should tell you something about your behavior at my home."

"Well then where are you?"He asks, completely dismissing the rest of what I said.

"Enjoying a date if you must know. We're relaxing so can you just tell me what you want and get it over with?"

"Ooo! You actually managed to get a date! Wait...You're on a date? That can't be! I hope it isn't with someone I know!"

I shake my head.

"What if it was?"

"You should end it right now and let me pick you up before it's too late! It's for your safety!"

"What are you talking about? What did you do?"

"I miiight've tattled too much and spoken to the wrong people...I want to prevent them from causing you harm so I can get you away from that date now! If they see you with me, maybe they'll back off or I can stop it before it's too late!"

"Might've? Ink, who the heck did you speak to?"

"I don't feel comfortable saying that."

"Oh, you don't feel comfortable revealing who you spoke to? You're uncomfortable even though you're the one that caused that mess and I'm the one you admitted could be in trouble? Shouldn't I be the uncomfortable one in this situation? You're just upset that you're facing the consequences or have something else to clean up, knowing that I won't be happy with you or cleaning it up. Tell me who you spoke to, Ink."

"Some people that don't like your choices in a family...I can't recall names..."

"You do realize that doesn't narrow it down, right? I'm sure plenty of people don't approve of me reconnecting with Nightmare or the truce I made with him."

"Just let me come get you and maybe the pair won't be able to worsen things...I know it's a pair..."

I roll my eyes, coming up with a vague excuse.

"It's dark out here...You like exploring AUs so enjoy the search and the sights."I say, hanging up.

"WhAt wAs tHaT aBoUt?"Error asks

"Ink is apparently looking for me since he talked too much to the wrong people. He tattled and now claims to be trying to clean up the mess he made. Somehow that involves my dating life since he said that he has to keep me from dating others to protect me. He doesn't want to say or he doesn't recall who he spoke to that he claims to want to protect me from, but it's at least a pair that don't like my family relationships. He is just stupid so I'm letting him waste his time."I say

He groans, shaking his head.

"DiD h3 g1v3 aNy iNdicAt1oNs 0f wHaT hArM iT mAy cAuSe y0u?"

"He certainly thought that it was already starting since he specifically doesn't want things to worsen."I say

He frowns, hugging me closer even when his glitching increases.

"InKsHiT iS th3 w0rsT...h3 cAn'T t0ucH y0u..."

"And that's why I sent him on a wild goose chase. He will be checking every AU for a while. What would you like to do?"

"CuDdlE...mAyBe crAfT...juSt r3laX w1tH y0u..."

I smile, gently brushing his head and he leans into my touch.

"Then that's what we'll do."I say

He smiles at me and we continue relaxing together. Part of me feels glad that I am meeting with Sci tomorrow. Maybe he can see if there is anything that may worsen...something that someone may be causing to hurt me...


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