Chapter 7: Tradition and Home at Last
Dream's POV
"Finally, the parade is over. Now we can be anonymous."
"Oh, who are you kidding? This was the easy part. Next is the harder part, even if it's going to be more private. More interactions will be tougher."
"What exactly happens now?"I ask
"Well, the routine is quite simple. That parade is the part I call the Look Good for Them part which is now completed. Now we are in the Make Them Feel Good part so we won't be outside our bedroom for a while."
Make them feel good...? In a bedroom...?
"What does that mean?"I ask as they take me off of the float into a building.
"We just relax on beds behind curtains and give them advice or words of support. Ya know, the comforting things they may need to hear and validate them. Anything they need to feel better at this festival and about themselves and their identities. We'll walk you through it again when inside since there have been a few adjustments since the past times you did it."
We enter a large spacious room with beds lined with curtains like veils. Beside the beds are cushiony stools and bean bags on the other side of the sheer bed curtains. These curtains could shut at the pull of a string. I glance out the window, seeing crowds watching the parade end and many shifting their focus to the building I was led in.
"Get into place on that bed. It's going to start soon. We sit behind the curtains to keep the atmosphere comfortable. It keeps us from getting too personal and keeps personal space as there's never any certainty of who they're talking to, making it seem confidential. We're just behind a silhouette behind the curtain lifting their spirits every festival. We can't really go anywhere since we're safe here from the out-of-control crowds. They can only stay for an hour tops and get locked out at 11 so we can get ready to sleep and repeat tomorrow."
I glance at them, feeling a bit unsettled and amazed. This is their weird tradition for the festival? It's nice to help people but this seems like a lot of work and a weird set-up. Stuck in a room for five days to talk to strangers through a curtain? Unable to leave? And repeating this routine every year? My other self did this? I guess I can't be too surprised given that I did some weird tasks or went to great lengths to fulfill my role...sacrificing a lot of boundaries not that long ago.
I don't really have anywhere to way to get back and there is no way anyone I know will recognize me for anything other than my aura when I'm looking like this...I'm not even a skeleton anymore...
I climb onto a bed and the curtain shuts. I only got a moment to get comfy as the room went quiet before people started flooding in and picking seats randomly. They only look like silhouettes to me and when one sat in front of me, it's like something clicked. I could read them and their aura again. I can read all these strangers' auras. Some needed help or advice and were genuinely seeking comfort but some were here for my usual. Some were lying and making stories just so they can have some attention. Regardless, after years of helping people to please them, I knew what to say while keeping a distance between us and the hours tick past easily. There had to be dozens of people that came and went during that time, some getting the help they needed and seeming happier while others were disappointed they couldn't be near my aura forever. Nobody knew which bed had me hidden on it so it made things easier, preventing bias or people targeting me. Especially the ones only coming for my aura who always picked the wrong bed to sit next to if they were looking for me. Some would get hugged through the curtains or given comforting words of validation, yet nobody ever crossed the boundary the curtains set.
At one point there was a snack break and I decided to peek out the door while still wearing my veil to hide myself. I saw a loooong line of people on the other side waiting to come in with only a red rope connected to two poles blocking them as if the barrier from a VIP section. And honestly? The sight unsettles me even more as it not only tells me that I'm not getting out of here any time soon, but it reminds me of my past living conditions. Helping a ton of strangers endlessly with minimal security and breaks in between. Living for others and trapped in a role of serving strangers who only seek to take...The thin line of security keeping things from going too far and being able to sense all their desires or emotions, even the uncomfortable ones...All the bad experiences of being exposed and vulnerable as something for people to use to make themselves happy filled my mind. Yes, there are good people that I helped but this situation reminds me of when I couldn't choose or set boundaries...The entitlement from some is overwhelming just like it was in the past. My other self must be still in this situation that I used to be other self hasn't pushed back yet. I can't push back and leave this version of me to face the consequences I caused though...I sigh, shaking my head. It will change as intended when it happens. I just hope I can return to my multiverse soon. I shut the door and frown.
Suddenly it feels a lot safer being on that bed behind the curtain.
Soon enough the day was done. We took turns washing off in the bathroom and I took a nice bath. I glance out the window, recognizing that we have to be on the third floor at least to have this view. Then I sense a sickening aura from above purely of entitlement and desire as I got a bathrobe on. It reeked of a creep's obsession and I glance over to the window beside the tub, seeing someone in all black leap down from the floor above onto the ledge and start banging on the glass.
"What do we do if someone's trying to break in?"I ask as I back out of the bathroom.
"You've gotta be kidding me! We moved rooms to prevent this! SECURITY!"
Five security people push past me to check the bathroom and I sit on the bed, hearing glass shatter and they drag the hooded stranger out the door. I see the stranger's gaze fix on me and then a nasty grin appears.
"I'll get you later!"
A guy's voice. A guy nearly broke in due to their fixation on my aura. Yeah, I didn't miss the disgusting feeling that gave me or the unshakeable fear of my aura making me a target. The concerns of what that person will do if and when they come back or what happens next. Terrifying...Least to say, I didn't sleep much and was cautious about every noise at each door or window. Everyone got dressed up again the next morning after a quick breakfast, even styled my appearance up a bit despite the fact that we're going to be hidden behind curtains again. We even put veils on to hide our identities more in case someone decides to cross the line today. That's the reason they gave me at least. If we were lucky, we could go out with our veils on to lunch as well.
It wasn't long until the curtains were shut and I am sitting on the bed giving advice to strangers, albeit more cautiously observant of their movements this time. Then the door opens and a silhouette enters right as three people leave.
"Which one of you has an earring made of gold and blue gems?"A soft voice asks
"Is that a metaphor? Does it represent the emotions you want to discuss?"Someone on a bed to my right asks
Not a dumb question after some people expressed their feelings or issues through poems or stories with symbols and metaphors instead of giving personal details.
"No, I want to know which one to sit with who has the earring. Should be unique enough to notice since it's sun-shaped."The voice says
I gently cup my earring, feeling it gently. I haven't taken it off this entire time. I know it was visible during the parade but as long as I've sat behind the curtain, I've tucked my ears out of sight to hide the earring even if I'm just a silhouette to them. The only people that have seen it on me were people at the parade, the others giving advice, and the intruder last night. Did that person come back? No no no...I hold my earring with both hands, debating if I should take it off now.
This person seems to notice because they quickly pull a bean bag seat over to sit extremely close to the bed. They moved so quick that it unsettled me and I backed up nervously in case they decided to pounce and cross the one boundary set here. If it's really that intruder fixed on my aura, they'll have no problem doing it now. I hug a pillow to my chest, watching them carefully.
But they didn't pounce. If anything, they seem alarmed by my reaction and lean closer with a head tilted slightly.
"Are you alright, dear?"The soft voice asks
"D-Dear?"I stutter, not expecting this.
No guest has asked about me or anyone giving advice in this room...
"Isn't that what I said? I'm sorry, what should call you?"
"Does Dreamy ring any bells? Maybe in a more glitched voice?"
That's my nickname...Error's glitchy voice has to be what they mean...Is this a trap for a stranger to learn which bed has me or the aura's source? They seem so concerned...
"What exactly have you come for?"
"I've come for the match to my pair of shining yarn. Does your earring look like a sun with blue yarn at the center? I think your brother told me to find you."
If my other self is a girl here, then wouldn't Nightmare be a sister here? Unless that's a poor assumption...Or I'm getting brought back home and this is...
"Yeah, he may not look like himself but he's probably fighting his way off of a green float and smack anyone who tries to get in his way with a few tentacles. Your other brother is holding things together and wants you back safe."
Obscuro? Holding things together? Nightmare was put in the parade? Yep, those tentacles are probably swinging furiously. But can this be...Error? The voice is so soft...Wait...
"Umm, if you were to be disguised in Greek mythology, who would you be disguised as?"
"...Ares. Do you have the earring I described?"
I shift to the end of the bed where the silhouette is after hearing the right answer. Could it be? Hmm, I want to be sure I'm not giving it away so easily. It is far too valuable to lose...holds a lot of meaning...
"Can you show me yours?"
A single hand reaches through the curtain and I carefully observe it. Black as obsidian yet fading into red with nails painted yellow. In the palm of the hand is the matching earring. I grin, feeling relieved for a moment and taking it as confirmation that Error is on the other side. Then I consider the obvious change in his appearance since it isn't a skeletal hand reaching through. Could he have been changed when he got here? By how much? My mind tries to fill in the details hidden by his silhouette and I can only confirm that he isn't glitching visibly. I shake off my thoughts, recognizing that it's also him since his soul isn't reacting to my aura. I hope he isn't too unsettled when he sees that I've been changed...
"Do you look like yourself?"
"Umm, not exactly..."
"Should we go now? Is it okay to go now before my brother hurts someone?" I ask loud enough for those around us to hear.
His hand with the earring retreats back through the curtain.
Maybe that will be a good excuse for them not to stop us from leaving.
"Yes, we should. Shall we go find him?"He says
I brush the curtain aside, sliding off the bed and pause for a moment seeing Error as he clips his earring back on. He's covered in scales looking the same color as his bones and a tail slowly swishes at his heels behind him. He has blue freckles mimicking the pattern of his tear marks and the earring easily gets tucked behind long strands of curly hair with blue bands braiding them. He wears a blue sweater and long black pants.
This may not seem like much to others but to me, he's beautiful. Then I notice people entering the room and pausing to stare at Error out of his line of sight. Grins appear on their faces as they seem to admire his looks, yet their auras were more telling about their desires. They were admiring him but some wanted to touch him, to get him, to have him. Some specifically want to slap him because he's looking so good even though that doesn't make sense. I was disgusted by those desires specifically but felt a weird sense of anger overcome me at the people admiring him with all these desires. I didn't think before I grabbed Error's twitching hand and pull him out of the room. It was an impulse from an emotion I didn't recognize having before. I pull him down the hall, passing the long line and only seeing it grow as well as their overwhelming auras, making me panic for a moment. I quickly duck into a smaller room, locking the door behind Error.
"Great...From one room to a smaller room...What was that sudden pull for?"He says, shaking his head.
My face burns as I realize what I just did. I don't have a good reason do I? Such an embarrassing impulse...I especially don't have an excuse since I know the issue of his phobia! He has adjusted to handle it with me but he cannot be caught off guard or touched suddenly....and I just suddenly pulled him without warning...I feel stupid. I push my veil aside so that I can actually see him.
"I'm sorry, really, I am. I don't know what came over me. I saw other people checking you out behind your back and I got upset. Which doesn't make sense since people should admire you! You're amazing and I won't deny that you look beautiful! But the way they looked at you and sensing their auras with their desires—I wasn't thinking and—I don't know. I just felt for a moment that I love you and you're my lover so what gives them the right to stare like that? I just reacted and I'm sorry, I—"I say, fumbling over my words but trying to be as honest as I can without excuses.
I pause, feeling a kiss on my cheek and then a hand cupping my other cheek. I see Error looking at me, seeming amused. I didn't understand it. How is he amused by this?
"Am I hearing my Dreamy, my precious sun and keeper of positivity among other things, getting jealous? Protective even?"He asks
Jealous? Is that what I felt? I was jealous? I've only sensed it from others for the most part! Especially creeps but...I'd never be like them!
"I-I-I-jealous? I d-don't even know what I was thinking! I didn't mean-!"I try to explain, pausing as I get another kiss on the cheek.
"How cute....and bold."He coos by my ear.
My face burns even more.
"B-b-bold? Error, I never meant to be-! I wouldn't try-! Are you okay-? Did your phobia still hurt you? I-"I begin, only to get a hand over my mouth.
"I was seeing the same thing around you and could tell that they wanted you. I felt the same feelings you had flare up in me. You deserve to be admired but something in their gaze upset me in ways I can't quite explain. Despite knowing that I have the honor of being your boyfriend, something still made me...jealous...wanting to rip you out of their sight all for myself...Funny how emotions work, huh?"He says, slipping his hand down from my mouth and the other coiling around my waist carefully.
I feel a finger flick at my tail and jolt slightly. He seems to be examining my change in appearance yet doesn't seem too upset by it. I try to get my mind to focus and get some words out to respond.
"I...I see...What else am I the keeper of?"I ask
"My soul, duh."He says like I just asked what 2+2 is.
My face burns up as my soul races even more, a bit stunned by this answer and how simple he makes it obvious or natural...Yet it's sweet...He seems to pause before his face turns a bright blue.
"I'm sorry, was that too much? Too blunt, forward, or weird? I-huh?"He asks, pausing when I pull him into a hug.
I tuck my head over his shoulder, hiding my face from him. I see his tail swishing across the ground, wagging a bit and indicating that he does like this. I take a few moments for my mind and soul to settle down so that I can speak again.
"This...feels weird not being skeletons...or glitching when pressed so close...You okay?"He asks
"Y-Yeah...sorry, those words got to me and your soft voice got to me too...You better take good care of my soul, especially since you have a history of keeping them in your strings."I say
"I don't need strings to keep your soul safe. And it deserves better care than being tied and hung in the antivoid...Even I know it deserves special care to be kept...Because it's yours..."He says shyly through his hesitation as he gently plays with my hair behind my back.
I pull away to see his face and grin. His shy, sweet comments are so adorable as he tries to carefully pick each word. He's so wonderful...then a thought crosses my mind and I pretend to pout.
"Stop it. Stop being beautiful and cute!"I say to tease him.
It instantly got the reaction I expected from him as his eyes widen and he stumbles over his words to deny it.
"Me? Cute? I'm not! And if we want to talk about beautiful, we should be looking at you, not me."He says
I shake my head with a smile. He can still hardly take compliments, even if it's obvious that he likes getting them. He still won't believe these words as facts? More fun for me to prove them as true for him. I scoop him up in my arms and his face burns up as he locks his arms around my neck to steady himself. He glances at me and his face burns even more before he glances away. I made no effort to hide my love for him even in my gaze. I guess he can't handle seeing himself getting admired.
"I said it once before and I was right, you'd be beautiful if you were ever gender-swapped into a lady...Just look at you...Stop focusing on me..."He says in a quiet voice.
I chuckle, remembering what he is referring to...What he said before the prophecy unfolded...He's still trying to argue his case? He looks so shy and is trying to pout now, yet his soft comments just make him even cuter...He is so sweet, even if it's just an effort to get the attention off of him. I guess I could compromise with him, but I'm not dropping these facts. He has to accept that he's wonderful too and deserves admiration.
"Hmmm...beautiful is an unavailable word then? No exceptions?"I ask
He nods, then gives me a suspicious look.
"Mhm...Why are you accepting so quickly?"
I grin, seeing that he's quick to catch on as always.
"No problem then. There are other words for me to express to you how you look and how you deserve to be admired, even with this temporary appearance. You look stunning, lovely, and simply irresistible to me. And you can't change my mind."I tell him
His face burns even more as he struggles to look upset with me or refuse what I told him. He's a blushing mess in my arms. He flicks a few puffs of fur on my shoulders and glances up at me.
"One day I'll find a way into your mind to understand how you come up with these things..."He says, trying to sound grumpy.
"I love you, isn't that enough to help you understand? This is you we're talking about Erry. You can inspire a lot of....creativity and it isn't hard for a lot of good ideas to come to mind with you."I say
That did it. That made him just shut down. It was adorable as it seemed like his mind stopped working as he couldn't find any words to argue with or to deny my points anymore. His grip remained firm on me and his gaze seemed to zip around, scanning my face for clues but only resulting in his face burning up more as he only saw the loving gaze aimed at him. He can't deny it. I love him. He's loved and deserves to be loved. Three facts that always make him unravel and mentally crash, ending any of his attempts to deny it. He hides his face in my chest, still trying to deny it and failing miserably as he quietly grumbles. But he can't really do that as now he can only resort to adorable compliments aimed at me as if that proves my words as false. Calling me beautiful, telling me to look in a mirror, irresistible, charming, basically any adjective that came to his mind he gave to me as if I owned those words in his mind. As if nobody else could be called that or multiple people can't be considered that at the same time. I shake my head, smiling at him as he continues listing out his "complaints" as his hands play with the tips of my hair or gently twirl some of my fur in his fingers behind my neck. He seems to do it absentmindedly yet with so much care in each gentle movement. I guess I'll have to save the reminder about his attractiveness for later. Then I remember what I read about the earrings he gave us shortly after Mom's weird statements and smile. According to the books I read, two monsters wearing matching earrings indicates sweet sentiments and affectionate intentions. Specifically having each monster wear one earring from a pair, especially if they're a couple, indicates plans or a promise of a commitment in the future. So really I'll have plenty of time to keep reminding him.
"You're cute when you get flustered like this."I say
"I can say the same about you...Wait, why are we in here again? And why'd you look shaken up seeing the line of people?"He asks, glancing up at me.
"I overwhelmed I guess...sensing their desires in their auras and how they looked at me...there being so many of them to support all day for their benefit without many breaks...Reminded me of how things were before you pushed me to start a new chapter...Before I got healthy boundaries and was just something to use...Even got a case of entitlement before you came in...Just unsettling..."I say, glancing away.
"Someone felt entitled to you?"He asks, his grip tightening onto me.
"Sorta yeah...He was kicked out before he got too close but he wasn't looking for comforting words...It's why I kind of backed away when you sat down and so when I saw that endless line...I just wanted to get away from it so I pulled us in here. Sorry..."I say
"Stop talking and put me down."He says sternly.
Oh no...I ruined his mood...He doesn't like me thinking of past experiences so maybe I shouldn't have brought it up...
I set him down and he brushes himself off, readjusting his clothes. He seems to glare at the door intensely enough to burn a hole through it. I quickly catch onto the fact that I didn't ruin his mood. He's upset at people outside the door...Then his gaze focuses on me and he grins. I yelp as he scoops me up in his arms this time, holding me just like if I was a....bride. My face burns as the veil falls back over my face and he readjusts his grip on me, fixing the bottom of my dress. I hold onto him tightly, my face burning too much and my soul pounding as I can hear his soul pounding in his chest as well.
If Mom was here, we wouldn't hear the end of this. I certainly wouldn't if she saw us like this especially after what she said the other day about tapestries and stuff. The earrings, in a dress with a veil and being held like a bride...What is he going to do?
"Don't worry, Dreamy. Nobody is touching you."He says, rubbing my back gently.
Those words made my soul skip a beat and I bury my face into Error's chest as Error walks out of the room and building with me held tightly in his arms. I feel his grip tighten and can hear his soul beating in his chest, then glance up at him. He seems determined with a grin. That grin quickly disappears and his gaze turns into a glare past me. I turn my head, seeing various hands reaching out but shrinking away at his gaze.
"Can I have her next?"
"No. Nobody is touching my sun."He says
I get blinded by the bright sunlight as he steps outside. I glance up at him and he grins, winking at me. He presses a kiss to my forehead through the veil.
"My sweet Dreamy, you'll be safe soon."He says softly
"E-"I begin
Then suddenly I'm back on a bed. I sit up, finding myself back behind the curtains and seeing that they're on break. I frown, backing up on the bed.
"Did you see your brother?"They ask
I shake my head.
"Well, then he will have to wait until the next break at eleven. Security pulled ya back."
Some hours passed and more advice given before the doors were locked and the guests were sent away. They get washed off and I check out the windows after I got into the tub, ready to wash off. Then I see Error stomping down the street, looking angry and quickly followed by a tall figure in a long purple dress with bishop sleeves, a keyhole neckline, and a long skirt. There are various tentacles coming out of the back and long curly hair reaching the tentacles. A puffy jacket in bright green is being zippered up by a tentacle. I grin, recognizing Nightmare easily. I see his tentacles holding a group of people away from him as he follows Error right to the building. I hear the door to the bathroom lock tight and banging outside within minutes.
"What the-?"
"You didn't let me bring Dreamy to her sibling so now I'm bringing said sibling and now you can deal with it!"Error snaps
Wow that was fast!
"I'm going to search this room if I must! Either get out of the way or help!"
"You can't go in there!"I hear a voice snap as the knob jiggles.
I climb out of the tub, drying off. I see strings slip in under the door and slither around. They find my ankles and tug at them as soon as they reached me, making me lose my balance for a moment. I steady myself and the strings coil upwards around my body, luckily not going under the bathrobe.
"And why not?"
"That's the bathroom!"
The strings quickly leave me alone and I hear a gentle knock on the other side.
"Dreamy? Are you in there?"Error asks softly
"Do you have clothes in there?"
"I have a robe on..."
It goes quiet and then I hear a laugh on the other side.
"Your lover is making you new clothes now. Spoiling you as usual."
A few minutes pass before they realize that the bathroom locks from the outside(weird choice, I know.), and the knob twists before opening. I see Nightmare walk in, take one glance at me, and march over with a brush.
"You really need to comb your new fur and hair or it could knot."He says with a soft voice.
He gently brushes my hair or the fur, anything he can reach. He gently feels the ears on my head, commenting on how round and small they are. He chuckles, pointing my tail out and brushing it softly. Then a hand reaches through the door, holding an outfit made entirely of blue material. Nightmare passes it to me and shuts the curtains by the windows. He goes to the door to leave and chuckles.
"You know he is going to snatch you as soon as you step out, right?"He says
"He did it once, he will do it again."I chuckle
He shakes his head and leaves, shutting the door behind him. I look at the outfit and smile, carefully putting it on. It makes me feel warm and soft...It didn't expose much of me...Which made me feel better...Even let me have a hood and the outfit has long flowing layers going past the edges like ruffles. I pull it up, enjoying the warmth it gives. I feel safe in it. I open the door and Error quickly pulls me close to him, hugging me and examining me for any wounds or discomfort. Then he scoops me up and glares at everyone else in the room.
"We are leaving and it's going to remain the three of us. Try anything and I'll bust the door down."He says, carrying me out the doorway as the door is hanging on its hinges.
Nightmare chuckles, shaking his head.
"This AU seemed to be full of fools. I had to hold people away from me as they said all these weird words they called compliments."Nightmare says
"You do look elegant, Brother."I say
He glances away, though the movements of his tentacles indicate that he appreciates it coming from me.
Then he pressed the button on a device once we were far enough away from any buildings. I heard a scream and saw a hand tossing another version of me through a portal, then quickly pulled us through it. The portal shuts behind us and I see my house sitting on an island with Blip and Obscuro sitting on top of the roof. Almost immediately there's a loud rumbling as the ground pieces itself back together and we could hear what seemed like entire AUs healing themselves. The current AU I live in gets sealed off from seeing other AUs, as it should, and then it falls quiet. It's all fixed...isn't it? I glance at Nightmare, seeing his goop reshaping and returning to his usual appearance, and the clothes he had on get switched out for his normal clothes while shielded behind his tentacles. I glance at Error, seeing that his appearance didn't change back to a glitchy skeleton and I didn't feel any changes to indicate that I did either.
"I'll go help Obscuro and see how long we've been gone. He will need lots of rest after all his work."Nightmare says, quickly launching himself toward the house using his tentacles.
Mom appears beside us, smiling for a moment.
"It's so good to see you all back safe. Now since you two were changed a greater amount than Nightmare, I am told that it may take longer for you to turn back. It will be a gradual process of adjusting your codes back to your skeletal selves. Please just relax until then."
We both nod and she fades away. I glance at him as he holds me closer and I grin.
"Glad I didn't get carried out wearing a veil or we'd never hear the end of it."I say jokingly.
His face burns up and he shakes his head.
"I'd probably regain my ability to crash just from that."He says
I feel some slight pains in my chest and grip him tighter, then notice my body slightly shifting. I notice his grip tighten and see his body shifting a bit as our chests were changed and our hair got cut shorter. A slight pain was felt for a moment in my throat and I waited a few extra moments before speaking.
"I guess it's easier to swap us back to our proper genders first...You okay?"I ask, noticing my voice is back to normal.
"Y-Yeah...I think so..."
His voice wasn't glitching but it definitely wasn't as soft or higher-pitched as before.
I smile at him and he smiles back. I pull my hood down to see him better.
"So...everything is returning to normal, huh?"I say
"Better than the normal before, Dreamy. No prophecy, no Fate in control, no creeps, no Owl Beasts chasing you, Swad would be lucky if he survived this mess somehow...overall a lot of problems were removed. Less worries, Dreamy. We'll readjust and then we will finally get to relax together undisturbed."
"Don't jinx it now."
"Hey, I know it isn't perfect but let's enjoy what we can."
"Whatever you say, Error."I say
"Error?"A voice says
I see Ink peeking out of a puddle beside us and already getting glares from Error.
"I told you not to jinx it."I say teasingly
"Wait...Dream? Is that you?"Ink asks as he rises from the puddle.
"Yes..."I sigh
He glances between us and his expression dulls.
"Error, you've got to stop this nonsense. You're getting too attached to Dream and these things you put on him send the completely wrong message."
"Shut up, Ink!"Error snaps
But Ink doesn't shut up and the two start arguing over Ink's nonsense. Then Ink makes a comment that it's not like Error has any feelings to justify getting so close to me since he isn't the "feeling type". I can't get a word in with either of them and I'm just stuck in Error's arms. Error releases me, letting me stand with his arm around me while narrowing his eyes at Ink. Then he pulls me closer, right into a kiss while giving Ink the middle finger with his free hand. It felt like I just got shocked with something electric as my soul was overwhelmed by waves of positivity bursting from Error, and then feels a soothing warmth as his love seemed to wash over me next. It is a dizzying feeling yet so good as my soul struggles to keep up. He pulled away to glare at Ink again, shouting something but my mind was spinning too much to understand.
"Error...."I say softly
He looks at me, his eyes widening. Then he leaves me alone to chase after Ink, shouting something. I feel so dizzy that I have to sit down, yet I can't stop smiling. I can't recall feeling so's so genuine...I cannot recall being so overwhelmed by auras and emotions before...Is it just that good or is it something I should be concerned about?
After a few minutes, I managed to steady myself and I glance up, seeing Error nervously walking back over.
"Hey Dream...I'm sorry about that...I didn't mean to use you during that fight with Ink...I know those are meant for happy moments...not when I'm angry..."He says
My face burns again as the closer he gets, the stronger his aura is and I feel overwhelmed by the love he has. He steps closer and leans closer.
"Are you okay, Dream?"
"Just...getting used to sensing auras again...I think..."
"Well, I'm going to tattle on Error about this!"Ink says
"Oh really? Who could you possibly tattle to?"Error asks
"Anyone who believes you're getting too close to Dream! Can't be too hard to find!"Ink says before sinking away
"He does have a point..."I say
"You've got to be kidding me. You believe him? Who would he be able to tattle to?"He asks
He tries to reach out to me but a barrier blocks it.
"Maybe the one who put this barrier up since he thinks we're too close? Wouldn't be the first time he messed with lives by connecting with Gasters."I say
He frowns as I stand up. At first, he seems to be trying to glare his way through the barrier but then he punches a hole through the barrier. He forces his way through it and shuts behind him. He kneels down to me and frowns.
"Are you okay? You're shaking."
"I've...I've never sensed anything so strong...It has never been so overwhelming...I still feel dizzy..."
He scoops me up in his arms and starts carrying me to the house.
"I got you, Dreamy. I will take good care of you and make you feel better."He says
I smile at him, holding onto him.
Little did I know that my aura issue wasn't temporary.
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